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Secure PHP Development- P180 ppt

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TAF_FRM_BANNED_IP table, Tell-a- Friend database, 434 TAF_FRM_OWNER_IP table, Tell-a-Friend database, 434 TAF_MESSAGE table, Tell-a-Friend database, 434 TAF_MSG_OWNER_IP table, Tell-a-Friend database, 434 TAF_SUBMISSION table, Tell-a-Friend database, 434 TAF_SUBSCRIPTION table, Tell-a-Friend database, 434–435 tail command, 830 takeFormLabels() method, 489 takeMap() method, 531 target lists, e-mail survey system, 474 target URL, e-campaign system, 550–552 tell-a-friend system AccessControl class, 444–446 activity reports, 470 application configuration files, 446–449 classes, 435–446 database, 431, 433–435 error messages, 449 Form class, 436–441 form elements, 465–468 form management application, 432 form manager application, 452–454 form processor application, 432, 457–458 HTML interface templates, 450 installation, 461–462 introduction message, 464–471 main menu application, 451 Message class, 442–444 message editor, 432 message manager application, 454–456 messages, 449, 464–471 messages adding, 464–465 reporter application, 459–461 reports, 432 score reports, 470 score-card reports, 432 security issues, 471 subscriber application, 458–459 subscription application, 432 taf.conf file, 446–449 taf.errors file, 449 taf.messages file, 449 testing, 462–471 Template object, 58–59 $TEMPLATE_DIR constant, 614 templates alert messages, 592–594 Apache virtual host e-mail, 618–619 block defining, 9–11 block nesting, 10–11 CPU load monitor e-mail, 604 e-campaign system, 526–527 e-mail survey system, 497–498 external HTML, 4, 5–11 Internet Resource Manager system, 373–374 intranet calendar manager, 348 intranet contact manager, 312–313 intranet document publisher, 267–268 intranet system, 222–223 Login, 136–137 makezone utility, 643–647 online help system, 417–418 presentation layer, 68 tell-a-friend system, 450 user interface, 168 usermngr_forgotten_pwd_email.html, 168 usermngr_forgotten_pwd.html, 168 usermngr_menu.html, 168 usermngr_pwd_change.html, 168 usermngr_pwd_reset.html, 168 usermngr_status.html, 168 usermngr_user_form.html, 168 vote application, 703 Web forms manager, 679 terminate() function, 76 test_dbi.php script, 74–76 Index 871 549669 Index.qxd 4/4/03 2:42 PM Page 871 test_debugger2.php script, 89–90 test_debugger3.php script, 90 testNewSite() function, 636 test_query.php script, 77–80 $thisApp object, 116–117 threads, Apache 2.0 limits, 794 ThreadsPerChild directive, 794 Timeout directive, 793 timeouts, Apache 2.0 directives, 793 todo.txt script, 573–574 toggleDescField() method, 493, 549 touch command, 830 track_errors directive, 820 trackResourceVisit() method, 367 trial software versions, 755 TypesConfig directive, 801 U UI (user interfaces) HTML code avoidance, 54–55 HTML combo lists, 55–58 Template object, 58–59 unhtmlentities() method, 229 uniq command, 830–831 Unsubscription Track class, 522 unsubscription tracking application, e-campaign system, 545–547 unsubUser() method, 547 UPDATE SQL statement, 52–53 updateCampaign() method, 541 updateCategory() method, 274 updateCategoryOrders() method, 253 updateDoc() method, 273 updateDownloadTrack() method, 674 UpdateEcampaignMessage() method, 520 UpdateEcampaignMessageHdr() method, 520 updateMessage() method, 537 updateMsgTrack() method, 223 updateOrders() method, 272 updateRecentSearchList() method, 410–411 updateUser() method, 190, 198 uploadFile() method, 672 upload_max_filesize directive, 820–821 upload_tmp_dir directive, 821 URL class, 518–519 URL class method, 518–519 URL manager application, e-campaign system, 532–534 URL Track class, 521–522 URL tracking/redirection application, e-campaign system, 544–545 UseCanonicalName directive, 796 user access logs, intranet home application, 242–244 user accounts adding, 188–189 Apache virtual host, 610 deleting, 170 modifying, 169–170, 189 user add/modify form, central user management system, 168 user administration application account modification, 169–170 configuration, 181–183 error messages, 186–187 menu display, 188 messages, 186 methods, 168–170 password encryption, 169 running, 168–169 tasks, 168 testing, 187–189 user account modification, 189 users, adding, 169, 188–189 users, deleting, 170 User() constructor method, 158 User directive, 795 user home application, intranet system, 203 user interface application, e-campaign system, 528 user interface templates, central user management system, 168 872 Index 549669 Index.qxd 4/4/03 2:42 PM Page 872 user interfaces (UI) HTML code avoidance, 54–55 HTML combo lists, 55–58 Template object, 58–59 user management, intranet system, 203 user password application, methods, 190–191 user preference application, intranet system, 237–238 user preferences, intranet home application, 242 user table fields, central authentication database, 147 user tip application, intranet system, 237 UserDir directive, 798–799 userExists() function, 636 user-input risks automatic input variables, 30–35 external programs running, 26–29 validation code, 35–37 user-level access controls, intranet document publisher, 248 user_mngr.conf script, 184–185 user_mngr.errors script, 186–187 usermngr_forgotten_pwd.php script, 199–201 user_mngr.messages script, 186 user_mngr.passwd.php script, 191–193 user_mngr.php script, 171–181 usernames authentication access control method, 24 login application authentication, 132–133 lowercase, 169 setting, 169 USER_REMINDER_DIR constant, 570 users adding to user administration application, 169 administrative, 157 central user management system, 157 intranet home page display, 223–224 intranet requirements, 65–67 root, 157 V validate_any_string() method, 669 validateData() method, 671 validate_email() method, 669 validate_file_size() method, 669 validate_name() method, 668 validate_number() method, 668 validate_number_range() method, 668 validate_org_name() method, 668 validate_size() method, 667 validate_string_size() method, 668 validate_url() method, 669 validation age, 36 classes, 36 e-mail address, 35 regular expression functions, 36 user input risk reduction method, 35–37 versus cleanup, 35 Web forms manager data, 691 ZIP codes, 35 Validator class, 36 $valueList array, 50 values, adding to database, MySQL, 768 $values array, 49–50 varchar variable, 49 variables automatic global-request-related, 32–33 banner_printed, 87–88 buffer_str, 87 calendar.conf file, 344–347 central authentication database, 146 char, 49 contact.conf file, 308–311 $DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, 84 ecampaign.conf file, 523–526 global form, 197 help.conf file, 415–416 input, 30–35 irm.conf file, 369–372 ld.conf file, 261–265 continued Index 873 873 549669 Index.qxd 4/4/03 2:42 PM Page 873 variables continued Login template, 137 login.conf script, 134–135 naming conventions, 41–43 $params, 49 SESSION_USERNAME, 133 taf.conf file, 447–448 User() method, 158 varchar, 49 vote.conf file, 701–702 webforms.conf file, 674–676 x.conf file, 677–678 version number, returning, 81 vote application configuration files, 701–703 error messages, 703 HTML templates, 703 installation, 705–706 language poll form, 709 language poll results display, 710 methods, 703–705 multiple votes, 697 poll form, 706–707 poll results display, 708 polling options, 697 results page, 697 single table database, 697 survey/polls, 697 testing, 706–710 Vote class, 699–701 VOTE database, 698 vote.conf file, 701–702 vote.errors file, 703 Vote class, 699–701 Vote() constructor method, 699 VOTE database, vote application, 698 VOTE.mysql script, 698 VOTES table, 698 W warning page, login application, 137–138 warning.html script, 138 Web forms, intranet document publisher, 247 Web forms manager ACL class, 665–666 action line editing, 685 application classes, 664–674 configuration files, 674–678 CSV data exporter application, 682–683 data downloading, 692–693 data entry error dialog box, 691 data validation, 691 DataCleanup class, 666–667 DataValidator class, 667–669 e-mail receiving, 687 error messages, 678, 688 files uploading, 687 form data reporting, 661 FormData class, 672–674 FormSubmission class, 669–672 hidden fields, 685 HTML templates, 679 inbound/outbound e-mail handling, 662 installation, 683–685 referred page return automatically, 662 report display, 692 reporter application, 681–682 request forms, 690 request submission, 686 security concerns, 693–694 single application processing, 661 submission manager application, 679–681 submitter e-mail, 687 template-driven interface, 662 testing, 685–693 thank you responses, 687 user redirection, 688 WEBFORMS database, 662–664 webforms.conf file, 674–676 x.conf file, 677–678 Web security authentication information shielding, 60 error identification, 61 874 Index 549669 Index.qxd 4/4/03 2:42 PM Page 874 Web server farms, persistent logins, 149–155 Web server-based authentication, PHP applications, 739–744 Web sites Apache, 609 Apache 2 configurations, 616 Apache versions, 781–782 APC (Alternative PHP Opcode Cache), 735 commented code, 60 CVS (Concurrent Version System) information, 62 error reporting levels, 61 error-log function, 61 function information, 36 Google, 83 Internet Geographic Database, 584 jpcache, 727 MySQL, 808, 809 netgeo.php class, 583 PEAR DB information, 71 PHPA (PHP Accelerator), 735 phpSysInfo project, 587 validation classes, 36 Zend tools, 736 WEBFORMS database, tables, 662–664, 685–686 WEBFORMS_DL_TBL table, WEBFORMS database, 663 WEBFORMS.mysql script, 663–664 weekends, intranet calendar manager, 355 write() function, 89 writeControlFile() function, 604 writeKeywordCacheFile() method, 414 writeLog() function, 582 writeSearchHistory() method, 414 writeZoneFile() function, 654 X XL_TBL table, WEBFORMS database, 663–664 Z Zend tools, opcode cache, 736 ZIP codes, validation functions, 35 zone template, makezone utility, 645–646 ZONE_DIR constant, 642 ZONE_TEMPLATE_DIR constant, 642 zoneExists() function, 655 zoneInNamedConf() function, 654 Index 875 549669 Index.qxd 4/4/03 2:42 PM Page 875 . 76 test_dbi .php script, 74–76 Index 871 549669 Index.qxd 4/4/03 2:42 PM Page 871 test_debugger2 .php script, 89–90 test_debugger3 .php script, 90 testNewSite() function, 636 test_query .php script,. 83 Internet Geographic Database, 584 jpcache, 727 MySQL, 808, 809 netgeo .php class, 583 PEAR DB information, 71 PHPA (PHP Accelerator), 735 phpSysInfo project, 587 validation classes, 36 Zend tools, 736 WEBFORMS. 184–185 user_mngr.errors script, 186–187 usermngr_forgotten_pwd .php script, 199–201 user_mngr.messages script, 186 user_mngr.passwd .php script, 191–193 user_mngr .php script, 171–181 usernames authentication access

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 07:20