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Ship or sheep third edition part 26 ppsx

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t65 frl /n/ nose No, definitely not No. I didn't phone you No, I did not send you an email No. Not in the least Can't you take no for an answer? No, I don't want to make a donation to anything. I havent any money. And please don't phone me again. I Target sound /n/ Dst To make the target sound /n/, don't close your lips. Put your tongue on the / roof of your mouth. Touch your side teeth with the sides of your tongue. Use your voice. /n/ comes through your nose. Listen and repeat: /n/. v= ))) <2 J ,l / / ll Minimal ffi\ .M, m kr:a' Y."r\ @ W\ru pairs Sound I Sound 2 lml lnl mile Nile The mile is very old. The Nile is very old. votce mrne ntne This is mine. This is nine. mummy money He loves mummy. He loves money. comb cone I want a comb. I want a cone. name mane He's Droud of this name. He's proud of this mane Minimal pair words Dsza a Listen and repeat the words. nszu b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word, write l for lml (sound l) or 2 for /n/ (sound 2). EXAMPLE Pair 1: I,1,I,2,2 t& Q 166 uNtr 46 inl nose Minimal pair sentences t.r:;;6 ;ir,"n to the minimal pair sentences. Di1t, d Listen to flve of the sentences and write I for lml (sound l) or 2 for in (sound 2) D53a e Sentence Stress Listen to the minimal pair sentences again and match each pair with r:' stress patterns (a-e) below. The big circles are the strongly stressed n'o:- in the sentence and the small circles are the weakly stressed words. EXAMPLE a) oooO Pair 4: I want a comb. / I want a cone. c) oOoooO Notice that the weakly stressed words are said more quickly, and thar : pronunciation of some words changes if they are weakly stressed, e.g /ov/ becomes /av/, ls lvl becomes lzl or lezl , a is pronounced lcl . r,,;r f Tick the words a) or b) that you hear in the sentences. I a)combs I b) cones 2 a) mine tr b) nine - 3 a) name I b) mane 4 a) some I b) sun - 5 a) warm f b)warn I 6 a) money I b) mummy ! 5 Dialogue fl a First practise the target sound inl in words from the dialogue. Read ri:. \-' words aloud or visit the website to practise. no not near name noise Notting Hill morning manager avenue furnished unfurnished don't want rent month friends pounds evening Northend apartment central inexpensive one can than down fifteen London Martin Syllabic tnr In the following words /n/ is usually a syllable. often station oven kitchen accommodation prison elevet forbidden television certainly thousand Nelson garden aS i,-; b First listen to the dialogue, paying attention to the target sound. The read the dialogue and fill the gaps (l-8) by choosing eighr words fro:' the list above (syllabic lnl). At an accommodation agency MARTIN: Cood morning My name is Martin Nelson Areyou the man.:=' MANAGER: Yes, I am. How can I help you, Mr t_ ? MARTIN: I want an aDartment in central London a) oooO d) oOooO b) ooO e) ooOo UNIT 45 /n/ rrose 157 MANACER: z_, Mr Nelson How much rent do you want to pay? MARTIt{: No more than f 1,000 a month MANACER: f 1,000 a month?We don't often have apartments as inexpensive as that. Not in central London. We have one apartmenllor f2,179 a month in Notting Hill. lt's down near the I in Northend Avenue. MARTTN: ls it furnished? MANACER: No. lt's unfurnished. The kitchen has no + lt's forbidden to use the 5 No friends rn the apartment after e_ in the evening No noise and no 7_ after I,l.15 pm No , . MARTTN: No thank you! lwant an apartment, not a g_ I rr'" c Listen to the dialogue again and check your answers. d Practise reading the dialogue aloud. Record your voice to compare your production of the target sound with the recording. 4 Mini bingo game l)'{, a Practise saying these numbers. Listen and repeat, paying attention to the sound /n/. I71I91013t7151819 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 70 7t 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 b PIay in a group of five people. (A student studying alone can record the numbers, and then choose two of the boxes below.) One person calls out the numbers above in any order. Thke turns to call the numbers. The others each choose one of the boxes A, B, C or D below. Cross out each number in your box as it is called (or put a small piece of paper on top of each number as it is called). The first person to cross out all their numbers wins. 9209917911777999r799 157971 13 I 7 181997 t7 l9l8 97 l9 10 99 27 l0 11 9r 29 99 21 7A 5 Spelling Look back over this unit at words with the target sound, and write what you noticed about how to spell the sound /n/. D B A r68 lll rr3r ring -What are you doing in the holidays? C - I'm thinking about going somewhere near Naples. - Naples! How interesting! What are you planning to do there? - Nothing much swimming lyrng in the sun having a good time eating drinking just relaxing. -Ah! Howcharming! Target sound /n/ D57 To make the target sound /1/, touch the ./ - backoftheroofofyourmouthwiththe' u " - back ofyour tongue. Use your voice. lql ^ - comes through your nose. Listen and repeat: /0/. pairs A Sound I Sound 2 lnl lnl win wing What a wln! What a wingl thin thing Why this thin? Why this thing? ban bang Ban the book. Bang the book. I rl votce lan They ran for an hour. for an hour. rang They rang rung Ak 7 ffi P ;p ["* js + .+ She has never She has never run before. rung before. Ron wrong ls it Ron? ls it wrong? UNIT 47 /4/ ring 169 Minimal pair words D58a a Listen and repeat the words. tr.irru b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word, write 1 for /n/ (sound l) or 2 for l4l (sound 2). EXAMPLE Pair l: 2, I,I,2, I Minimal pair sentences Dsea c Listen to the minimal pair sentences. ossb d Listen to six of the sentences and write I for lnl (sound l) or 2 for l\l (sound 2) D5ea e Sentence stress Listen to the minimal pair sentences again and underline the sentence stress (on page 168). EXAMPLE \Mhat awin! Minimal pairs B Sound I Sound 2 lAkl lrJi wink wing l'll give you a wink. l'll give you a wing. sink sing He's sinking. He's singing. rink ring The rink was a perfect circle. Minimal pair words r)60d a Listen and repeat the words. r)('0r, b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word, write l for /nk/ (sound l) or 2 for /t/ (sound 2). EXAMPLE Pair 1: 2,2,1,I,2 Minimal pair sentences t)i' rd c Listen to the minimal pair sentences. ncrn d Listen to five of the sentences and write 1 for /4k/ (sound I) or 2 for lnl (sound 2) F What a terrible stink! What a terrible sting! stink bank Bank it quickly. The ring was a perfect circle. sting bang Bang it quickly. l7O UNIT47 /n_ ring Sentence stress D6ra e Listen to the minimal pair sentences again and underline the sentence stress (on page 169). EXAMPLE I'll give you a wing. oez f Tick the words a), b) or c) that you hear in the sentences. I a)Ron I b)wrong I 2a)ran I b) rang I 3 a) sinks I b) sings tr 4 a) win tr b) wink tr c) wing I 5 a) ban I b) bank I c) bang tr 6 a) sinners ! b) sinkers I c) singers I 5 Dialogue fl a First practise the target sound /q/ in words from the dialogue. Read the >' - words aloud or visit the website to practise. ring strong string King Lang morning evening something interesting lqkl: pink drink thinking Duncan l\gl: fingers Angus verb + ing: hanging ringing singing banging bringing putting talking whispering shouting standing sayrng going doing holding helping walking getting sleeping running happening. oor b Correction There are nine items to change in the dialogue. First listen to the dialogue, paying attention to the target sound. Then read the dialogue and listen at the same time. Make the words the same as the recording. Noisy neighbours (Duncon King is lying in bed trying to sleep. Shoron King is stonding neor the window wotching the neighbours, Angus ond Suson Long.) DUNcAN KING: (ongrily). Bangl Bang! Bangl Sharon!What are the Langs doing at nine o'clock on Sunday morning? SHARON KINC: Well, Angus Lang is talking, Duncan. DUNCAN KINC: Yes, but what's the banging noise, Sharon? SHARON KINC: (/ookrng out of the window) Angus is standing on a ladder and banging some nails into the wall with a hammer. Now he's hanging some strong string on the nails. DUNCAN KING: And what's Susan Lang doing? SHARON KINC: Susan's bringing something interesting for Angus to drink. Now she's putting it under the ladder, and . . Ohh! UNIT 47 /rr/ ring I7l DUNCAN KtNG: What's happening? SHARON KING: The ladde/s going DUNCAN KtNG: What's Angus doing? SHARoN KING: He's holding the string in his fingers and he's shouting to Susan. DUNCAN KtNC: And is Susan helping him? SHARON KtNC: No. She's running to our house. Now she,s ringing our bell. BELL: RINCI RINCI RINC! DUNcAN KtNG: l'm not going to answer it. l'm sleeping. c Practise reading the corrected dialogue aloud. Record your voice to compare your production of the target sound with the recording. 4 Intonation oo+ a Practise these l4lf1 questions and statements with the intonation going d0€rn. Talk about the pictures. Listen and respond, like the example. & 5S pelling b Practise in pairs, as in the example above. Look back over this unit at words with the target sound, and write what you noticed about how to spell the sound /r;/. Sharon King Angus Lang Susan Lang Angus Mrs Lang . mane Minimal pair words Dsza a Listen and repeat the words. nszu b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word, write l for lml (sound l) or 2 for /n/ (sound 2). EXAMPLE. 169 Minimal pair words D58a a Listen and repeat the words. tr.irru b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word, write 1 for /n/ (sound l) or 2 for l4l (sound. circle. Minimal pair words r)60d a Listen and repeat the words. r)('0r, b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word, write l for /nk/ (sound l) or 2 for /t/ (sound

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 18:20