2.1 Supplier selection 2.1.1 Choosing Sources for the Supply Chain Pepsi outsources, which means that a third company handles the supply chain function.. The fundamental things to think
Member's name: Nguyễn Thụy Chơn Tâm - MSSV: 97512102201.
Cao Ngọc Vân Anh - MSSV: 97512102175
Đặng Trần Minh Uyên - MSSV: 97512102216
Lê Thị Tường Vi - MSSV: 97512102217
Major: Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Lecturer: Nguyễn Văn Thịnh
Trang 21 Introduction
In the current era of economic integration, the birth of multinational companies has created many opportunities for developing countries, including Pepsi Pepsi has long gradually asserted its position and become a familiar drink to everyone However, no company has problems in purchasing management, and Pepsi is no exception
We had time to research the media to synthesize and plan the company's solutions for future development
The layout of the article includes 3 parts:
+Part I: Overview of PepsiCo Corporation and PEPSI products
+Part II: PepsiCo's purchasing management process
+Part III: Conclusion
1.1 Operating System
PepsiCo Ltd Joint Stock Company is a beverage company with a great reputation worldwide in the FMCG market PepsiCo ranks 6th in the FMCG business PepsiCo is a multinational company in 190 countries with over 400 brands Possessing 185,000 employees worldwide, the Company has an annual revenue of $39 billion, and this number is proliferating Pepsico provides various products to meet consumers' diverse needs, including Frito-lay snacks, Pepsi-Cola drinks, Gatorade sports drinks, and Tropicana juice In addition, PepsiCo also Invests in 17 brands with $1 billion more planned for retail business activities every year In particular, in India, there are 37 bottling plants The history is as follows:
● Founder: Mr Caleb Bradham
● Year of foundation: 1890
● Name formation: Founded to relieve indigestion, it was later named Pepsi beverage
● The first factory was established in 1905, in America
● By 1936, the company earned a profit of 2 billion USD
● To date, PepsiCo's business activities have spread to more than 190 countries and more than 500 companies
● In Gujarat, Pepsi has 1 plant, a Jhagadia
mega G.I.D.C Bharuch, built in 1997
with GRB (glass refilling bottle)
● In India, the first PepsiCo company was
established in Jaipur
Trang 3● In 2001 PET (polyethylene tetracycline) was started.
● In 2003 AQUAFINA plant was started in Jhagadia
● In 2010 SLICE plant was started in Jhagadia
Although Pepsi products were born nearly 13 years after Coca-Cola, they still have a great advantage and become the main product line bringing huge profits to the company of about 20 USD annually (accounting for about 1/5 of the total revenue of the parent company) To meet the needs of consumers PepsiCo has diversified its packaging and ingredients to suit customers such
as cans, plastic bottles, glass
bottles of different volumes,
and zero-calorie, low-calorie
varieties sugar, or original
2 PepsiCo's purchasing management process.
2.1 Supplier selection
2.1.1 Choosing Sources for the Supply Chain
Pepsi outsources, which means that a third company handles the supply chain function It is among the most significant issues the company is dealing with Via contracts, raw materials for manufacture and packaging are outsourced Transportation of goods both inbound and outbound from the manufacturing facility
to the distribution center and ultimately to the end user is also contracted out to a third party The fundamental things to think about are:
● Pointing out sources of supply and negotiating with suppliers
● Sourcing of raw materials from local and foreign suppliers
● Deciding terms and conditions with the supplier
● Coordinating activities and documentation with suppliers
● Cost comparisons and quality assurance
Pepsi decides where to outsource by bidding in local newspapers The tender serves as
a general offer to all interested parties whether they are involved in the supply of raw materials or the means of distribution The company's sourcing process includes supplier selection, supplier contract design, product design collaboration, procurement
Trang 4of materials and services, and performance evaluation supplier in case of raw material procurement
2.1.2 Supplier Scoring and Assessment
Pepsi considers other factors that can affect a supplier's overall cost beyond a given price when comparing suppliers In addition to the advertised price, the following variables are also taken into account: additional time, supply flexibility, supply quality, price terms, exchange rate, taxes and house viability provide Pepsi evaluates and ranks suppliers based on the fact that their performance sets them apart from their competitors in terms of replenishment times and on-time performance Suppliers are required to submit product samples immediately after advertising the notice inviting bids
to purchase raw materials
For example: the company's specialty is the production of Pepsi, which requires high-quality sugar and concentrates These samples undergo top laboratory testing The sales department selects that particular supplier if the sample matches the set standards Due to its ISO 9001 certification and inability to market poor quality goods, Pepsi has strict guidelines when it comes to the raw materials it purchases from suppliers
2.2 How do pepsico manage supplier
As a multinational snack and beverage company, PepsiCo uses a number of tactics
to manage its suppliers well and keep a strong supply chain The following are some crucial facets of PepsiCo's supplier relationship management strategy:
1. Cooperation, Integration, and Innovation:
Trang 5 PepsiCo’s overall philosophy revolves around cooperation, integration, and innovation These guidelines aid in maintaining the stability, resilience, and flexibility of its intricate supply chain
Being a global business, PepsiCo works with a wide variety of products, each having unique needs Certain products require cold chain logistics, whereas others depend on ingredients that are acquired from different parts of the world
The business arranges for a large number of manufacturers, shippers, merchants, warehouse managers, and suppliers It also takes into consideration possible disruptions such variations in demand, seasonal requirements for sourcing, and weather changes1
2. Data-Driven Methodology:
PepsiCo makes investments in cutting-edge technologies and digital tools to build a more effective supply chain
In order to obtain insights into consumer behavior and purchase trends, the organization focuses on data integration PepsiCo can enhance its supply chain by gaining insight about the individuals and households that purchase its goods
3. Purchasing and Sourcing:
The two main pillars of PepsiCo's supply chain strategy are procurement and sourcing
The business builds trusting connections with suppliers and chooses ingredients with care Taste consistency and adherence to strict quality standards are guaranteed by this dedication to quality
4. Diversity of Suppliers:
PepsiCo aggressively encourages diversity of suppliers
They plan to double their spending efforts with Black-owned suppliers
by 2025, focusing on growth across services, agriculture, sustainable packaging, and operations
2.3 How to develop the supplier management of pepsico ?
PepsiCo uses a number of techniques to improve and advance supplier management Let's examine a few crucial facets of their strategy:
1. Supplier Diversity:
PepsiCo is aware of the importance of supplier diversity as a competitive advantage
They actively search for quick-thinking, creative providers who push their boundaries
Trang 6 Supplier diversity guarantees that the diversity of their suppliers
is reflected in the workforce, clients, consumers, and local communities in which they do business
PepsiCo wants to expand their scope of activity and establish mutually beneficial agreements with a variety of providers
2. Sustainable Sourcing:
Throughout its value chain, PepsiCo is dedicated to upholding human rights and promoting worker equality, safety, and well-being
They demand that vendors uphold the same moral principles as PepsiCo does
Their sustainable sourcing program includes formal risk assessments, third-party audits, corrective actions, and capability building
3. Technology and Innovation:
PepsiCo collaborates with emerging technology start-ups through programs like PepsiCo Labs
They scout for breakthrough tech solutions related to
procurement needs, such as spend analytics, market intelligence, supplier relationship management, and more
4. Regenerative Farming:
PepsiCo aims to spread regenerative practices across 7 million acres by 2030
They sustainably source crops and work closely with farmers to embed integrity, fairness, and stewardship throughout their agricultural supply chain
2.4 Receiver process.
The process of receiving raw materials at a Pepsi factory involves several key steps:
1 Ordering: In accordance with production schedules and inventory levels, the plant sets orders with suppliers for the necessary raw materials
2 Delivery scheduling: To guarantee that the supplies arrive when needed, the manufacturer works with the suppliers to arrange the delivery dates and times 3.Receiving: The factory's receiving department receives the raw materials and verifies that the right goods and quantities have been delivered by comparing them to the purchase order
4 Sampling: To make sure there is consistency and adherence to standards, raw material samples may be obtained for additional quality testing and analysis
Trang 75 Identification and Labeling: For traceability purposes, each batch of raw materials
is tagged and identified with pertinent information including batch numbers, expiration dates, and supplier data
6.Quarantine and Approval: Before being permitted for use in manufacturing, raw materials may be put in a specified quarantine area for additional examination or testing Using only high-quality materials during the production process is ensured by this stage
7.Storage: Following inspection, the raw materials are kept in specially designated sections of the factory, including storage silos or warehouses
8.Inventory management: Raw materials received are documented in the inventory management system to ensure accurate inventory levels for production planning and scheduling
9 Quality control: To make sure the raw materials fulfill the necessary requirements, continuous quality control procedures are put in place
10 Documentation: For the sake of traceability and record-keeping, all pertinent documentation is kept, including delivery receipts, inspection reports, and inventory records
2.5 Analyze purchasing ABC
ABC (Activity Cost Analysis) is an effective cost management method that helps businesses identify and allocate costs to specific activities, products and services For PepsiCo, ABC analysis can be applied as follows:
1 Raw materials:
- Group A: Main ingredients such as sugar, water, flavoring, etc These are big costs and greatly affect the product price
- Group B: Secondary materials such as packaging, labels, etc These are costs that have less impact on price
- Group C: Other materials such as cleaning chemicals, protective equipment, etc These are small costs and have little impact on price
2 Finished product:
- Group A: Key products such as Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Gatorade, etc These are the products that bring main revenue and profits to PepsiCo
- Group B: By-products such as Lay's snacks, Doritos, Cheetos, etc These are products with good revenue and profits but are not the mainstay
- Group C: Less important products such as local beverage lines, experimental products, etc These are products with low revenue and profits
Trang 8By analyzing ABC, PepsiCo can focus resources on key activities and products (group A), while well managing less important activities and products (group B and C) This helps PepsiCo improve operating efficiency and optimize profits
2.5.1 Analysis of the EOQ inventory model of Pepsico
EOQ is a mathematical model used to determine the optimal order quantity to minimize the total costs associated with ordering and holding inventory Key factors affecting EOQ include:
1 Annual demand: This is the amount of raw materials or finished products needed to meet customer demand for one year
2 Ordering costs: Includes costs related to placing an order such as shipping costs, order processing, etc
3 Storage costs: Includes storage costs, financial costs, damage costs, etc
For PepsiCo, the EOQ model can be applied as follows:
- Annual demand: Based on forecasts of production output of products
- Order costs: Includes shipping costs, order processing, etc
- Storage costs: Includes storage costs, financial costs, and raw material damage costs Finished product:
- Annual demand: Based on market demand forecast
- Order costs: Includes shipping costs, order processing, etc
- Storage costs: Includes storage costs, financial costs, and product damage costs Applying the EOQ model to calculate Pepsico Company's optimal order quantity: Therefore, the group decided to investigate soft drink inventory
Trang 9EOQ formula:
We call:
D = Annual demand it units of a product
S = Ordering cost per order
H = Holding cost per unit of the product
● The assumptions of the EOQ model are as follows:
● Demand for inventory is stable (no change)
● The waiting time for goods from placing an order to receiving the goods is determined and does not change
● The company receives all orders from suppliers at the same time There are only 2 types of costs: ordering costs and storage costs
● No shortage occurs if the order is fulfilled on time, i.e if the order is placed after the optimal inventory is determined and the order is fulfilled on time, there will be no status at all Inventory shortages lead to production and consumption disruptions
Assume that Pepsi's annual demand for products is 300,000 units The holding cost
is $80 per year involves keeping a product in stock and the ordering cost per order is
So we have: D = 300,000 units; S = $50,000; H = $80
Trang 10Thus, EOQ = 19,365 units
This depicts that at the order quantity of 19,365 units per order, the company would have minimum costs while keeping the required stock in hand
2.6 E-Procurement
E-Procurement Procedure for Pepsi Soft Drink Items
1 Demand projections and requirements analysis:
-Forecast demand for Pepsi Soft drink products using market trends, consumer insights, and historical sales data
-Perform routine reviews to find out about impending promotions, depletion rates, and inventory levels
2 Find and pre-qualify vendors:
- Use supplier databases, industry recommendations, and market research to find possible suppliers for Pepsi Soft drink items
-Pre-qualification of suppliers is done on the basis of factors like competitive pricing, delivery capabilities, sustainable practices, and adherence to legal requirements
3 Negotiation and involvement of suppliers:
-Start negotiating advantageous conditions, such as price, terms of payment, delivery schedules, and service level agreements (SLAs), with eligible suppliers
-Insist on the significance of product quality, uniformity, and adherence to PepsiCo guidelines and specifications
4 Establish an electronic bidding system: -Update or implement the e-procurement system to make the Pepsi soft drink products purchase process easier
-Set up the system to handle vendor management, orders, approvals, reporting, and purchasing requirements
5 Submit buy request: - Using the electronic procurement system, the authorized person sends a purchase request including the amount, packing, delivery address, and any specific needs for Pepsi soft drink items
6 Oversee the procedure of approval:
-In the e-procurement system, create a hierarchy for the approval process to assign purchase requisitions to review and approval
-Assign approvers in accordance with procurement policy, financial authority, and organizational responsibility
7 Create and submit purchase orders: -In the e-tendering system, approved purchase requisitions are automatically converted into purchase orders
-Orders, along with pertinent information including product specifications, quantities, prices, delivery instructions, and contract terms, are sent electronically to a list of approved suppliers select
8 Order fulfillment and delivery: