Viết Tiếng Anh 4 EN33 ĐH Mở HN Tổng hợp toàn bộ câu hỏi trắc nghiệm trong các bài luyện tập trắc nghiệm và kiểm tra trắc nghiệm môn Viết Tiếng Anh 4 EN33 ĐH Mở HN
Trang 1Viết – Tiếng Anh 4 – EN33 – ĐH Mở HN
1 It is better for business owners…
The correct answer is: To buy a series of ads on a TV channel
2 Many northerners look forward _ a garden in the spring The correct answer is: To planting
3 The idea in a paragraph of the body can ussually be organized The correct answer is: Both a and b
4 He left his gun out side in order…
The correct answer is: Not to frighten us
5 “ stacey seems like a bright student ”
“ she’s always the first _ her work.”
The correct answer is: To finish
6 The house plants need _ before noon
The correct answer is: Watering
7 You work very hard I’m sure you’ll have no _ the exam The correct answer is: Difficulty passing
8 The teacher encouraged _ good compositions
The correct answer is: Us to write
9 “i heard fred is going to work for the ambassader ”
“ yes, he was lucky _ such a good job.”
The correct answer is: To be given
10 I can’t afford _ you any more money
Trang 2The correct answer is: To lend
11 An essay has three main parts, which are
The correct answer is: An inroductory paragraph
A concluding paragraph
12 _ director must have surprised all the staff
The correct answer is: Your being nominated
13 Who is responsible _ the garbage – the husband of the wife?
The correct answer is: For taking out
14 The body consists of one or more paragraphs
The correct answer is: Both c and d
15 Remember the campfire before you leave
The correct answer is: To put out
16 “it’s difficult to make money as an artist ”
“ have you considered _ a course in business for artists ?”
The correct answer is: Taking
17 “ we were opponents of the political regime in our country.”
“ and that led to to the united states thirty – five years ago ” The correct answer is: Our coming
18 I can remember _ you about this three times already The correct answer is: Telling
Trang 319 It is more cost-effective …
The correct answer is: To use a public relations agency
20 I think at the train station will surprise aunt kate The correct answer is: Your being
21 The linking expressions between paragraphs of the body is used to
The correct answer is: Connect ideas between them
22 “ which baseball team do you support ?”
“ we’d like ”
The correct answer is: The tigers to win
23 He always did well at school, despite _his early education disrupted by illness
The correct answer is: Having
24 I'm not opposed to with us, as long as it's only for a few days
The correct answer is: Their staying
25 The conclusion
The correct answer is: Both a and b
26 “may i have a word with you ,mrs Adam ? ” – “ is this in regard late yesterday ?”
The correct answer is: To you coming
27 Please ask the restaurant clientele in the no smoking area
The correct answer is: Not to smoke
Trang 428 I cannot stay up late at night I prefer _ early
The correct answer is: Turning in
29 Advertising dates back to early history and initially consisted … The correct answer is: Simply of two people communicating messages orally about where certain items could be found
30 A recent report by Deutsche Bank examined the…
The correct answer is: Effectiveness of TV advertising on 23 new and mature brands of goods and concluded that in some cases it was a waste of time
31 Would you mind not _ ?
The correct answer is: Smoking
32 “ mary hasn’t been feeling well lately ”
“ yes, we want _ by a doctor ”
The correct answer is: Him to be examined
33 “why have you given up your job ? ”
“ on my present salary is impossible ”
The correct answer is: For me to live
34 “ why have you decided to go back to school ”
“ i’m tired _ as a secretary ”
The correct answer is: Of working
35 When i … The students………in class
The correct answer is: Arrived/ had already been
36 Learning something new can be a scary experience One of the hardest things i… To do … Learn how to swim
Trang 5The correct answer is:
Have ever had/was
37 Tom and his family now ……in a
Beautiful new house in the country The house …… five months ago
The correct answer is: Are now living/was Completed
38 I .a day at westminster and then…… to the houses of parliament, of course
The correct answer is: Spent/went
39 My most embarrassing experience ……when i just… University The correct answer is: Happened/ had left
40 The football match took place last sunday
He drove an old car made in 1932
The president made a speech on the first day of school
Why are these sentences not narrative?
The correct answer is: They are lack of description, feeling factors
41 The last time i went to london i time to visit all the places
i To see
The correct answer is: Didn't have/ wanted
42 Although they were both older than me, they didn't seem to be embarrassed about not knowing how to swim
The correct answer is: Were/ didn't
43 I quickly ……
The correct answer is: Washed, shaved, dressed, jumped into
My car and drove to school
44 This time i did it better I Able to find my way, of course, and
i soon To know
Where the main streets and the most famous building were
The correct answer is: Was/got
Trang 645 If she she A surprise.
The correct answer is: Comes/ will get
46 The action that occurs first is described first and the actions that follow are mentioned later and continue to the end This is…
The correct answer is: The most common way to organize time frame in
a narrative essay
47 What i ….realize … That learning to swim would also make me a more confident person
The correct answer is: Didn't/ was
48 A good narrative essay
The correct answer is: Both a and b
49 The use of five senses: hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling and feeling in body paragraphs
The correct answer is: Makes the writing more vivid and lively
50 The party also Under age children;
Thus, we Pops and juices, and also video games for their entertainment
The correct answer is: Contained/ provided
51 Suddenly i down and understood i On one
Black shoe and one brown shoe
The correct answer is: Looked/ had put
52 It is a rare occupation now, especially compared to the nineteenth century where…
The correct answer is: The explorers were as famous as movies stars are today
Trang 753 In a narrative essay, the introductory paragraph
The correct answer is: Describes why this is an important or unforgettable experience for the writer and perhaps the lesson the writer learns from this experience
54 After a couple of minutes the teacher … She … And … Herself, and two more students joined us
The correct answer is: Came over/ smiled/ introduced
55 I also … It … Be good exercise and help me to become physically stronger
The correct answer is: Thought/would
56 Through her letter, tom ……that she …… To england next year The correct answer is: Knows/ is coming
57 I…… At haft past
Eight and school at 9
The correct answer is: Woke up/ began
58 After i … Into my bathing suit in the locker room, i …… timidly by the side of the pool waiting for the teacher and other students to show
The correct answer is: Changed/ stood
59 One morning my alarm
Clock because i To wind it up
The correct answer is: Didn’t ring/had forgotten
60 Walking through thick mud while carrying heavy backpacks is nearly impossible…
Trang 8The correct answer is: However, last year the team tried their best to get through swamps
61 One day, during a rainstorm, I went out into the hills to ride my bike …
The correct answer is: The trails are very muddy and dangerous when it rains but I didn’t let that stop me
62 When i … The students………in class
The correct answer is: Arrived/ had already been
63 He … To show her everything he …….recently
The correct answer is: Wants/has bought
64 My christmas eve … The greatest time of the
Year; i … It with my family and friends
The correct answer is: Was/ celebrated
65 The concluding statement of a narrative essay
The correct answer is: Restates the main idea and summarizes why the story is important for the writer
66 He …….her since she… to australia
The correct answer is: Has not seen/ moved
67 Yesterday afternoon, tom … a letter from his sister, who …… In Canberra
The correct answer is: Had/ lives
68 I was always afraid of the water, but i … That swimming …… an important skill that i should learn
The correct answer is: Decided/was
Trang 969 A good problem/solution essay -that introduces the topic and states what the problem is
The correct answer is: Includes a thesis statement
70 We had a man take this photograph when we were on holiday last summer
We -when we were on holiday last summer
The correct answer is: Had this photograph taken
71 Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city
The accident - in this city (by some drunk drivers)
The correct answer is: Was caused
72 The concluding paragraph of the problem/solution
essay -The correct answer is: Summarizes the problem and the solutions described in the essay
73 Currently, the Earth is coping with unsustainable development and …
The correct answer is: This is a serious problem that needs to be solved immediately
74 Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen
The dinner in the kitchen
The correct answer is: Is being prepaired\
75 A problem/solution essay is said to
-The correct answer is: Describes a problem and gives some suggestions
to solve the problem
Trang 1076 I must have the dentist check my teeth.
I must
-The correct answer is: Have my teeth checked
77 The concluding
paragraph -The correct answer is: Restates the problem and summarizes the solutions
78 The employees brought up this issue during the meeting
This issue by the employees during the meeting The correct answer is: was brought up
79 She would reject the offer
The offer by her
The correct answer is: would be rejected
80 They were interviewing her for the job
She for the job
The correct answer is: Was being interviewed
81 They say that women are smarter than men
Women to be smarter than men
The correct answer is: are said
82 Tom will visit his parents next month
Tom's parents -next month
The correct answer is: Will be visited (by him)
83 Did mary buy this beautiful dress?
-this beautiful dress - by mary?
The correct answer is: Was/ bought
Trang 1184 We believed that alice would pass the driving test.
-that alice would pass the driving test
The correct answer is: It was believed
85 They have decided that the company will go to the beach together
at the weekend
-that the company will go to the beach together at the weekend The correct answer is: It has been decided
86 The best policy, as far as most multi-national companies …
The correct answer is: Are concerned, is to adapt their product to a particular market
87 A problem/solution essay should include three parts…
The correct answer is: Introduction of the problem, the body paragraph and the conclusion
88 They have her tell the story again
They -again
The correct answer is: Have the story told
89 The professor told him not to talk in class
He by the professor not to talk in class
The correct answer is: was told
90 The fire has destroyed the house
The house by the fire
The correct answer is: Has been destroyed
91 The body of the problem/solution essay
The correct answer is: Describes possible solutions to the problem stated in the thesis statement
Trang 1292 He recommends that we should stay at the city center.
-that we should stay at the city center
The correct answer is: It is recommended
93 Each body paragraph of the problem/solution essay -The correct answer is: Gives the main ideas of the whole essay
94 She will have peter wash her car tomorrow
She -tomorrow
The correct answer is: Will have her car washed
95 Anne has had a friend type her composition
-The correct answer is: Has had her composition typed
96 She often gets the technician to maintain the heater
She often
The correct answer is: Gets the heater maintained
97 They told me that you were the best architect in this city
I - that you -the architect in this city
The correct answer is: Was told/were
98 They have persuaded me that they will go with me to the stadium -that they will go with me to the stadium
The correct answer is: I have been persuaded
99 The envelop which lies on the table has no stamp on it
The envelop
-The correct answer is: Lies on the table has no stamp on it
Trang 13100 The first boy has just moved He knows the truth.
The first
boy -The correct answer is: Who knows the truth has just moved
101 Logical cohesion is said to be…
The correct answer is: Very significant in an opinion essay
102 In an opinion essay with counter-argument
The correct answer is: The argument should be moved from one argument to the next
103 The tree has lovely flowers The tree stands near the gate of my house
The tree
-The correct answer is: Which stands near the gate of my house has lovely flowers
104 When writing a cause and effect essay you
should -The correct answer is: Shift away from the causes or effects; give a prediction about the causes or the effects
105 The food was delicious _, the service was excellent The correct answer is: Likewise
106 I enjoy the course, the professor is a good teacher The correct answer is: Because
107 I must leave now, i have a great deal of work to do The correct answer is: As
108 What shall we do it rains?
The correct answer is: Supposing
Trang 14109 They have known her _ she was a child.
The correct answer is: Since
110 The thesis statement in a cause and effect essay
-The correct answer is: Clearly indicates whether your essay will discuss causes or effects
111 The book was a lovely story I was reading it yesterday
The book
-The correct answer is: Which i was reading yesterday was a lovely story
112 Your thesis statement or claim in an opinion essay with counter-argument
-The correct answer is: Is a clear statement of position
113 Someone is phoning you He looked for you three hours ago The person
-The correct answer is: Who looked for you three hours ago is phoning you
114 She decided to do the work herself …
The correct answer is: After getting estimates from five contractors
115 A counter-argument is
-The correct answer is: -The opposite opinion
116 In an opinion essay with counter-argument
The correct answer is: The argument should be moved from one argument to the next
117 I saw many houses that were destroyed by the storm
I saw many houses
Trang 15-The correct answer is: Destroyed by the storm.
118 An opinion essay with counter-argument should
The correct answer is: Be devoted to proving your position
119 i told the truth, you would not believe me
The correct answer is: Even if
120 We opened the window fresh air would blow into the room
The correct answer is: So that
121 They have known her _ she was a child
The correct answer is: Since
122 I must leave now, i have a great deal of work to do The correct answer is: As
123 The body of a cause and effect essay
-The correct answer is: Analyzes the causes or effects, gives a paragraph
to each major cause or effect
124 I opened the door _ looked out
The correct answer is: And
125 Your thesis statement or claim in an opinion essay with counter-argument
-The correct answer is: Is a clear statement of position
126 The street which leads to the school is very wide
The street