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The Clone Murders A Novel by Monte R. Anderson Published by Monte R. Anderson at Smashwords. Copyright 2012 Monte R. Anderson Discover other works by Monte R. Anderson at http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/monteranderson . http://www.monteranderson-author.com This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not puchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. *##* Table of Contents Chapter 1—Thursday, October 9, 2031 Chapter 2—Undercover Chapter 3—Friday, October 10, 2031 Chapter 4—National Research Council Chapter 5—Bring in the Clones Chapter 6—Saturday, October 11, 2031 Chapter 7—Undercover in the NRC Chapter 8—Sunday, October 12, 2031 Chapter 9—Revist the Crime Scene Chapter 10—Tuesday, October 14, 2031 Chapter 11—Wednesday, October 15, 2031 Chapter 12—Taylors’s Apartment Chapter 13—Thursday, October 16, 2031 Chapter 14—Tactical Operations Center Chapter 15—Friday, October 17, 2031 Chapter 16—First 7 A.M. Briefing Chapter 17—First Big Break Chapter 18—First Interogration Chapter 19—Second Interogation Chapter 20—The Lie Chapter 21—The Raid Chapter 22—Mercy Hospital Chapter 23—Saturday, Ocotber 18, 2031 Chapter 24 –Monday, October 30, 2031 (A Week Later) About the Author Connect with me Acknowledgments *##* Chapter 1—Thursday, October 9, 2031 Senator Steve Morgan took his TV off mute just in time to hear the talking head announce, “The Fifth Clone is dead!” He was talking to Casmir (Cas) Novak, his campaign manager and best friend, and Cas’ partner, Roberta (Robbi) Kelly, while waiting for the CNN announcement from the National Science Academy. “We interrupt this program for this breaking news bulletin. Margaret Two, also known as The Fifth Clone, was found dead in her lab yesterday, the apparent victim of an accidental exposure to anthrax. We take you to Caesar Murgo, our science reporter on the scene in Springfield, Virginia. Caesar, what is the latest on this story?” The scene on the television changed to a young reporter standing in front of a large building. “Good morning, Chad. I am standing outside the National Research Council where Margaret Two worked. For security reasons we are not allowed inside. This is what we know so far; sometime early yesterday morning Margaret Two was found lying on the floor of her lab. Her assistant, Dr. Becker found her at approximately 7:30 A.M. Because she was working with anthrax, the FBI and CDC were called in to investigate. The FBI has not confirmed the cause of death, but was quick to assure the public that no danger from an accidental release of anthrax exists. A public announcement was delayed until the CDC team could verify that to prevent a panic. We have been told that the CDC is performing the autopsy to determine the cause of death. Since a medical examiner is not doing the autopsy, they must suspect that she died from exposure to anthrax. Margaret Two worked in the R and D division of the National Research Council since being cloned from Dr. Margaret Erikson four years ago. “She was continuing the work of Doctor Erikson, a Nobel Laureate, who died a couple of years ago in a vehicle accident, and who spent two decades trying to find a way to eradicate anthrax. Insiders from the NRC say that Margaret Two was on the verge of another major breakthrough in her research, and a possible Nobel Prize for the NRC. Four previous clones also work at the NRC. All the clones were declared national treasures three year ago by a unanimous vote of Congress; the first such living treasures. Margaret Two was only four years old biologically, but had the mental age of forty two, the age of Doctor Erikson when her knowledge was transferred to Margaret Two. FBI investigators are still on the scene. They hope to wrap up their investigation tonight. Back to you, Chad.” “Caesar, what is going on with the crowd behind you?” asked the anchor. “I was about to get to that, Chad. Within an hour of learning of the death of the Fifth clone, people began to gather here. Word traveled fast through the social networks. Three groups have gathered. One group is at the main entrance where a make shift memorial of flowers and candles is growing. Another group is protesting the use of stem cells for research. That group is opposed by a third group that supports the NRC, and is protesting the investigation by the FBI and CDC.” “Thank you, Caesar,” said the anchorman. “More news as it happens on this national tragedy. Now let’s hear from our weatherman.” Although Steve was informed previously, hearing it on CNN somehow seemed to make it official. It came as a surprise to Cas and Robbi. Steve Morgan was involved in politics since starting high school. Years of campaigning and serving in various offices has taken its toll on him. Half his hair was gone, and the rest all gray, but he kept it neatly trimmed and symmetrical. He wore what was left in a short pony tail with rainbow ends-red, white, and blue. Steve wore the obligatory earrings in the shape of California; a fad started by some female democrat congresswomen that was picked up by their male counter parts. Now no senator or congressmen would dare go out in public without them. He developed a pot belly since moving to DC seven years ago. Steve always wore a tie. The senator’s office was decorated exactly like his old governor’s office in California; four over stuff chairs sat in front of his desk, the US flag and the California State flag were behind Steve, and framed him for those photo ops, and one entire wall was covered with photographs and memorabilia. Robbi noticed several pictures with Cas in them. Senator Morgan turned the TV off, and turned to face Cas. He sat silent for a minute as he watched Cas’ face, waiting for the CNN announcement to register. He had asked Cas to fly in from LA for this meeting. Cas was still trim at forty five, and still running five miles four or five days a week. Steve envied Cas’ full head of hair that was salt and pepper with more salt than pepper around the temples. Steve broke the silence, “Such a great loss. I will come right to the point. I want you to investigate this incident. I have reason to believe that this was no accident. But first, we did not have time for proper introductions.” He stood up, and came around his desk with his hand outstretched toward Robbi. “And who is this lovely creature? Don’t tell me that you are finally dating, you sly dog.” Robbi stood to shake the proffered hand. “I am Roberta Kelly, pleased to meet you Senator, and no, I am not Cas’ date. I am his partner.” Steve raised his eyebrows, and gave Cas an inquiring glance. Robbi shook her head, and added, “His partner on this case.” Robbi was a thin woman who just turned thirty, but looked to be twenty something. Cas considered her to be too thin. Robbi considered herself to be lean and mean. She stayed in shape by running, weight lifting, and judo. She earned her black belt last year. Robbi wore her hair in a short Pixie ever since her judo instructor grabbed her by the shoulder length hair she used to wear, and threw her around the mat a few times. “Roberta is my niece,” interjected Cas. “Actually, we are related by marriage. She is the step-daughter of my brother. You remember my older brother, Tim? You could say she is my step-niece. I took the liberty of asking her to join me if you have no objections. She made a successful career in industrial counter-espionage. She was responsible for catching those Israelis agents who were trying to steal the plans for a civilian space shuttle a few years ago. She has also provided consultation for me on a couple projects.” “I recall that Israeli case,” said Steve. “Yes, by all means. We could use your expertise. Welcome aboard. Sit! Sit! And let me explain.” As everyone sat down again, Steve pushed a button on his desk. A minute later his secretary opened the door. “Mary, please have someone bring in some coffee. Hold my calls for the next two hours.” He looked at Robbi, raised his eye brows, and held out his upturned palm seeking affirmation. “Tea for me, please,” she answered his unspoken question. “Green tea or Earl Gray?” asked Mary. “Earl Gray.” “Cas, you still drink your coffee black?” asked Mary. Cas nodded. It was Robbi’s turn to give Cas an inquiring glance with raised eyebrows. Cas ignored her. “Senator, you have a committee meeting in an hour and a half,” reminded Mary. “Right! Right! I know. Cancel everything between now and The Committee meeting.” Steve always referred to the Senate Committee for Commerce, Science and Transportation as simply ‘The Committee’. He has chaired the committee for three years now, the youngest senator to do so. Turning back to his guests, “We have about an hour.” After Mary closed the door Cas remarked, “Mary has not changed one bit. She has been your secretary for how long now?” “Well, ever since I was elected governor, but she has changed. She is ten times more efficient and twice as sassy. Did you have a good flight to DC? “We took the LANY. I don’t like to fly.” He was referring to the LA-NY high speed rail that everyone called the ‘LANY’.” Cas, I want you, and Roberta of course, to investigate this incident.” “You can call me Robbi, Senator.” “Okay! Call me Steve then. As I was saying, I have reason to believe that this was not an accident. I had a tip last night from someone inside the NRC that The Fifth Clone was murdered. The tipster said that her death was made to look like an accident. She also said that this whole clone business is not what it appears to be.” Robbi started taking notes. “That seems rather vague.” “I think that, whoever she is, she does not want to implicate herself.” Cas took out a pair of glasses, and also started taking notes. “Why can’t the FBI investigate?” “The FBI got there about one hour after the body was found. They will wrap up their investigation by tonight. They think it was an accident–no clues to the contrary.” Robbi looked up from her notebook. “Why not? Assuming, of course, that your CI is correct.” “In my opinion? Because these clones are too smart to leave any clues. We have investigated the NRC before, and always come up empty handed. If someone in the NRC killed the Fifth Clone, she will easily out smart the FBI, and cover it up. That is why I need you.” Robbi noted the identification of gender. “She?” “You will understand when you visit the NRC.” “But why me?” asked Cas. “Now don’t go acting dumb on me.” Turning to Robbi, “Did you know that your step uncle here is a member of Mensa, the high IQ Society and ISI? ISI is a think tank of individuals who rank in the 99.9 percentile by IQ. He is a very smart man. In fact, if I had not been able to copy his homework in college I shudder to think what I might have become.” “You might have become a president instead of a senator. Don’t let him fool you. He says things like that to disarm people. He is very smart in his own rights. He will charm you out of your vote or worst, out of your panties.” “Now Cas, that’s not true anymore. That was the old me before I had three failed marriages. Luckily, I joined a support group…” “The US Senate,” both Steve and Cas said at the same time. “I guess you heard that one.” “Yes, and it stopped being funny the fifth time you repeated it.” “Anyway, I am not comfortable with this whole cloning business. It just seems so…so…” “Unnatural?” Robbi finished his sentence. “Exactly! Exactly! I believe in creating babies the old fashion way through hot, sweaty, lustful sex. It is just not right to clone people. Besides, the cost is exorbitant.” “And, yet you have no children.” Cas mocked his old friend. “My one regret.” Robbi stopped taking notes. “Nonetheless, I am impressed. I did not know that. So, did you cheated off Cas in college?” Steve smiled, “No comment!” Robbi looked at Cas who nodded yes. “That is why I asked you here. I need someone with enough intelligence to match wits with these clones. I also need someone I can trust. The NRC seems to have spies everywhere. They know things before I do. I need you to look at the bigger picture.” “But I am a campaign manager and a political consultant. I don’t know anything about investigating crimes.” “Cas, you did some great things as my chief of staff in California, things that are still in place, and doing well. You have the rare ability to see options that others miss. Your clients have never lost an election, I might add. Besides, I will put at your disposal, a great team from the FBI to assist you.” He turned to Robbi, “Any ten people can identify a problem. Five people out of those ten, and come up with a plan to solve that problem, and of those five, only one can actually execute that plan. Your uncle is such a person.” “He’s my partner, not my uncle.” “Whatever. You know what I mean.” Cas shifted in his chair. “If the FBI declares this an accident, what do you expect me to do? Sounds like a fait accompli.” A knock on the door interrupted Cas as Mary walked in with a serving tray. Steve raised a wait-a-minute finger, putting the conversation on hold. Mary served the coffee and tea, dropped the agenda for the committee meeting on Steve’s desk, and left. Steve picked up the conversation, “I am not sure you can do anything, but I need someone I can trust to investigate. Ever since the NRC made the first clone some eight years ago, they have been granted more and more funds. The first clone cost over a billion dollars. Now they far exceed what NASA use to get for funding during their hay day. The US government has high hopes and expectations for this cloning business, and they have not been disappointed. Three of the NRC clones are Nobel Laureates, and the NRC itself has won four Nobel prizes. There would be more if they ever reveal how the brain transfer machine works. The loss of just one clone is a major setback. We need to know what really happened. I am counting on you two to get to the bottoms of this.” Cas shifted in his chair again. He was not prepared for this. “But we are not any type of legal authority. We can’t just go in, and start investigating.” “I know, and I think I have a good plan. You will fill out applications, and be signed on today as GAO employees. I have already started the process.” “The Government Auditing Office?” asked a surprised Robbi. “Sometimes they act like it, but they are the Government Accountability Office. I have the authority to ask them to investigate. I will do it at the committee meeting today, and make an announcement at a press conference this afternoon. That will be your cover.” “If I might make a suggestion, Senator,” interrupted Robbi. “Please, call me Steve.” “Well…Steve, put a positive spin on it. Call it an accident, and announce that the GAO is investigating the safety and security measures to ensure that the NRC has adequate procedures to preclude future accidents. That will sound less of a threat to the NRC, and will not seem unusual following on the heels of the FBI. That will also justify calling in a security expert like me.” Steve smiled. “I like you Robbi. That’s a great idea! I will do it. We will get your badges, and everything so you can get over there tomorrow before they have everything back in order. The body is being examined by the local office of the CDC here in DC. I have contacted them, and told them to keep the body on ice until you can view it. The CDC has also sealed the lab where the clone died so it has not been touched except to remove the body, and possibly decontamination.” Cas was having trouble keeping up with his notes. “What about the family?” Steve chuckled. “She was a clone, Cas. She has no next of kin. She is really government property.” Robbi flipped back a page in her notes to review one item. “Can you tell us more about the tip you received?” “Not really. I did have the call traced. It came from inside the NRC. It was one of those disposal phones so no luck there. Oh, I almost forgot. She said that whomever I send should park by the large oak in the parking lot; just to the northeast of it. That’s strange, isn’t it?” Robbi noted the gender again. “Another she?” “Oh, yeah, it was a female voice.” Robbi wrote that down. “Anything else?” “No, that was it-short and sweet except that she called me on my private cell phone. Not too many people have that number.” “What about a search warrant?” asked Cas. “The GAO doesn’t need a warrant to inspect other government agencies, but I can get you any search warrant within an hour. I have a judge on standby. I can also get you wire taps, hack into computers, you just name it.” Robbi wrote her notes faster than Cas. “Do we carry weapons?” “No.” Robbi did not like that answer. “Can we make arrests?” “Any American citizen can make an arrest. You will have badges.” Robbi started to shift in her chair. “I will feel naked without my FNP-9.” She was referring to her light weight nine millimeter pistol. Of course, with the 16 round magazines she uses, the weight advantage was lost. “Really? I can visualize that. Why don’t you and I go out to dinner this evening, and I will try to make you feel more comfortable?” Cas began to chuckle as his old roommate winked at him. “No offense, Senator, but you are not my type.” “And what is your type?” Robbi smiled. “You know; younger, better looking, and thinner.” Steve simulated a spear striking his chest. “Oh, that hurt!” Steve and Cas both laughed. Cas pointed a finger at Steve. “You asked for it.” “Yeah, I had that coming.” Suddenly, the senator’s door opened, and in stomped a woman without bothering to knock. Ignoring Cas and Robbi she said to Steve, “You are holding a press conference today!” It was an accusation not a question. “Who do think you are; calling for a press conference without consulting the minority leader of the committee?” she demanded. “I thought I was the chairman. I intended to inform you during our session today. In view of what happened, I think it is appropriate. Don’t you agree?” “Kiss my ass!” the woman shouted as she marched out, leaving a trail of strong perfume. Cas and Robbi just stared at Steve. He chuckled, “I wouldn’t try to kiss that ass; my lips would freeze to it. That was Senator Betty Black from Arizona; a real pleasure to work with. Right now she will start working on a separate statement for the press, and will demand equal time. She will try to make this investigation look like her own idea. Now that the interruption is over, what next?” “As soon as we finish here, we will check into the , and start our research. I want to be prepared when we go to the NRC. Tomorrow morning we’ll get to the CDC to view the body and then the NRC.” “Great! Mary has you set up in a hotel in Alexandria. You have adjoining suites with computers, fax machines, and a coffee machine. You will have one of the GAO sedans. If you need anything else, just ask. Mary already checked you in, and has your keys. On the way out you can pick them up. She also has some background information and the personnel files of key people at the NRC. I want to give you a couple of names. I put their contact information in the file. The first is Special Agent James Ono. He is head of the FBI Task Force on Counterterrorism for the Central East Coast, part of the Counterterrorism Directorate. He will be useful, and he is leading the investigation into the incident, at least through tonight. The second is Dr. Keith Andrew. He works for the CDC, but is on loan to Ono’s task force. He specializes in biological weapons of mass destruction. He has the body. The third person is Dr. Edward Martinez who …” Cas cut Steve off, “You mean the Doctor Martinez who cloned himself several years ago?” “Sixteen year ago, to be exact; the same. He does not work for the government, but it would be worth the trip to interview him. He has an interesting perspective on cloning, but is a cranky old hoot, and might not cooperate. Good luck with that.” back to top *##* Chapter 2—Undercover For the next forty five minutes the Senator made the necessary phone calls to sign up Cas and Robbi as employees of the GAO. Cas and Robbi spent the next three hours in processing as GOA employees. They returned to Steve’s office just in time to watch his press conference with his staff. Unlike the TV in the senator’s office, the one in the outer office was state of the art. As the press conference started a set of projectors created an holographic image on a small table in front of the TV. The holograph was the same image as on the TV, but was three dimensional, and outside the TV set. Senator Morgan began by expressing his deep sorrow at losing one of the clones. He went on to say that he was concerned that such an accident could happen, and cause the loss of a clone worth nearly a billion dollars as well as the potential loss of her research. In closing, he directed the GOA to immediately review the safety and security of America’s greatest assets-the clones. Following Steve’s remarks Senator Black made a few remarks. She said that it was well known that Senator Morgan was no friend of the clone project, and has been looking for excuses to close down the NRC for the last two years. She ended by saying that this investigation is just another attempt to discredit an agency that has already saved millions of lives with the research done by the clones with a return on investment paid many times over. Mary turned the TV off as the rest of the staff went back to work. Mary Mahoney, forty five, seemed ageless. Cas could not recall her looking any different than she does now. She was not a beauty, but had that no nonsense appearance of a professional secretary. She did, however, start dying her hair when she started working for Steve Morgan. She looked at Cas. “So, Casmir Novak, you have come to rescue your old friend once again.” Cas was a stunned. “Rescue?” “Of course,” answered Mary. “He calls you only when he is in trouble.” Mary began to straighten Cas’ tie. Steve hated ties, partly because he could never quiet get the hang of tying them. Robbi was curious. “What kind of trouble?” Mary laughed. “I don’t know, but if he called you he is in some kind of trouble. He gets into only two kinds of trouble; women and politics.” Cas chuckled. “So which is it this time, Mary?” “Well it must be politics. Steve hasn’t had a date since he got here, and believe me, I would know. Did you see that ridiculous ponytail? He feels that it helps younger constitutes identify with him. I feel it makes him look like a middle aged man going bald, and trying to do something with the hair he has left while he can.” Cas smiled while Robbi nodded her head in agreement. Cas thought that Steve may be right; Mary is twice as sassy. “Well; you two have a lot to do so I will have security take you to your car. Your bags are in the truck. The address to the hotel is already programed in the car’s GPS system. Keep in touch. If you need anything call me. It’s so good to have you back.” Mary hugged Cas, and kissed him on the lips. She gave Robbi a rather formal hand shake. Cas saw the surprise on Robbi’s face. “Mary and I go way back.” “I guessed as much. I think she still has a thing for you.” “I doubt it. That’s just the way she is. The kissing is a California thing; hard to get used to.” An officer from Congressional Security took them to a black sedan in the underground parking garage, and left. Congress has an independent security organization. “I am driving!” Robbi said as a matter-of-fact. “No, I know my way around DC so I’ll drive.” “Are you kidding? This is one of those high tech electric cars that the government is using. I want to drive it. Don’t make me hurt you.” Cas moved toward the driver side door. “I’m driving!” Robbi quickly reached inside Cas’ jacket, and pinched a nipple. Then she twisted. “I warned you,” Robbi said. “Let me drive or will hurt you again.” Cas screamed, “Okay! Okay! That hurt. You can drive.” Robbi smiled over her victory, but when she looked at the driver’s door she stopped smiling. “Cas, the door handle is missing.” “No. You have to stick your new ID badge against the GOA logo. Robbi did as she was told, and a computerized female voice said, “WELCOME, AGENT KELLY.” The door popped open, and Robbi slid into the driver’s seat. Cas used his badge to open the passenger side, and got in. Robbi looked over the dashboard. “How do you start this thing?” Cas chuckled. “Stick your ID in that slot next to the radio.” Robbi stuck her ID into the slot, and the computerized voice asked, “Agent Kelly, how would you prefer to be addressed? Just say; as Agent Kelly, Ms. Kelly, or other. Robbi laughed. “Other.’ “Very well, just say how you would like to be addressed.” “Superwoman!” I headd Superwoman. Is that correct?” “Yes.” “Agent Novak, will you be driving?” “Maybe,” replied Cas after looking at Robbi, and rubbing his sore nipple. “Very well. Agnet Novak, how would yopu prefer to be adrressed?” “Doctor Novak.” “VERy well. Doctor Novak. Superwoamn, would you prefer a male of a female vocie?” “Male!” “Very well, Superwoman. Where are we going today?” Robbi chuckled to hear herself called Superwoman. “To the hotel.” “Very well. superwoman. I have been provided that address. sit back and relax. This trip will take 45 minutes at this time of day with current traffic conditions.” The doors locked, and the engine immediately started. “Cas, I didn’t touch anything!” Cas laughed. “It drives by itself-hands off. The entire DC area freeways have the built-in guidance system. It uses a GPS system that is accurate to six inches. It has been in use for a couple of years now. The results are no speeding, fewer accidents, and very few traffic jams. It saves on gas too.” “Really? That must be some super computer.” “Not really. The cars communicate with each other. The system runs itself without a central main frame. It is based on bee and ant colonies studies. Each car has forward-looking radar to track the car ahead, and cameras to detect the lane boundaries. It’s called V2V-vehicle-to-vehicle technology. It works well if every car on the road is using V2V. Service vehicles like tow trucks have to stay in a special lane. All government agencies and corporations with fleets use it. The V2V devices do cost extra, but pay for themselves over time.” “Wow! I am going to enjoy this.” As they rode along, periodically a heads up display (HUD) would appear on the windshield showing the route, time and miles remaining to destinations and key updates on traffic and weather. After a few minutes Robbi said to Cas, “Give me your cell phone.” “Why?” “Just do it, and I will explain later.” Cas handed over his phone. Robbi worked on it for a few minutes and handed it back. “I programed in a voice activated emergency number so we can call each other in an emergency. Just say ‘nine one two’, and the phone will automatically dial me. The built in GPS will tell me where you are, and I will come running. The same for me; if you see nine one two on your caller ID, come running. Use it for emergencies only.” When Cas and Robbi arrived at their hotel they set up their computers, ordered pizza for supper, and began their background study by splitting up the research. They had adjoining suites with plenty of work area. Cas took the NRC itself, the FBI report, the victim, and all the other documents provided by the senator. Robbi took the other clones and the head of the NRC. They agreed that at ten PM they would brief each other. At ten Robbi went to Cas’ room, and found him listening to his computer. “What are you doing?” “I am listening to the speech that Dr. Ann Smith gave to a joint session of the senate and house. She was pleading her case to have the NRC become an agency, and to conduct research in cloning and diseases. Her speech is considered one of the best. She is a great motivational speaker. They gave her a standing ovation, and then passed the bill to make it so.” Cas asked Robbi to begin with what she was able to discover about the head of the NRC and the clones. She had a stack of print outs. Cas had none. “Well, this is interesting stuff.” She began as she sorted all her findings in to separate piles. “Dr. Susan Schmidt, the Chairperson, never married. She has been the director for three years. She was hired ten years ago, shortly after winning the Noble Prize in Chemistry. Her research was on the aging process as it related to cloning organs for transplant. The ability to clone organs or skin was developed in the 1970’s, but longevity had always been a problem. Remember the first cloned mammal, a sheep named Dolly? She died in 2003, six years after her creation. Most sheep live to be twice that age. The same thing happened to all the organs cloned with a few exceptions. They did not last as long as natural organs should. That was not a problem at first because most organ transplants were used on older adults, but it was a major problem for children or young adults. As the average life expectancy was extended it became a big issue for older adults. Schmidt discovered a way to prolong the life of cloned organs. For that she earned the Noble Prize in 2015.” “But that was before she went to work for the NRC,” said Cas. “Correct! After she got the Prize she started her own medical company to sell the longer lasting organs. That company is still the only one in the world that can produce the chemicals since she still owns the patent on the formula. It has made her a multiple millionaire.” “If she is a multiple millionaire, why did she come to work for the government?” “Good question. Ten years ago, the head of the NRC was a woman named Ann Smith. She visited Schmidt, and shortly afterwards asked her to come to work for the NRC to research human cloning. After three years, Smith retired early, and named as her successor, Susan Schmidt. Dr. Schmidt has been in charge ever since. However, Smith is still actively involved. She does all the recruiting for researchers. She also started a Political Action Committee to help women get elected.” “Interesting! Go on!” [...]... Noble prize for that?” “No The NRC would not release the plans.” “And for Schmidt’s discovery of a way to increase the aging process?” “No Again the NRC would not release the formula They claimed they could not for national security reasons, and Homeland Security agreed That brings us to Ingrid Keller Schmidt recruited her right after she won the Noble Prize in medicine for finding a cure for sickle-cell...“Two years after Schmidt started working for the NRC, she discovered a way to speed up the aging process for cloning The media called it Miracle Grow for Kids That was the first step Prior to that, the cloning process would take eighteen years to get a mature adult No one thought that it was even worth the effort Using Schmidt’s new process, it was possible to age the clones in a fraction... started without notes, “Well, Margaret Erikson, the donor, won the Noble Prize before she was hired by the NRC She was doing research at the University of California before she came to the NRC She was the first to isolate the gene that makes some animals immune to anthrax Her clone was actually created before she came to work for the NRC; the only one to be cloned that way Two years after she started work... think before too long we will see designer babies; babies whose genes have been altered for positive traits not just the elimination of negative ones I took a lot of criticism for that article It was not good for the reputation of the NRC I doubt that I will ever publish another one I think we are boring Ms Kelly What else?” This time Robbi answered, “No, not at all I see you use facial recognition for. .. a long history among the Aryan Supremacy hate groups Decades ago members of the Priesthood were declared terrorists for planning to blow up FBI buildings, abortion clinics, and for robbing banks For about ten years the priesthood disappeared, and now has reappeared as a symbol for the leadership of an Aryan Supremacy group of women who call themselves the Aryan Sisterhood Their headquarters is in Pennsylvania... vaccines are not needed “But so many diseases?” “It would be applied locally, not globally, for example, Africa for malaria.” “Are we talking about designer babies?” asked Robbi “Exactly.” “Anything else?” “Yes Steve included a copy of the floor plans of the NRC building It is not a new building It was the former Bio-Accelerator Complex once owned by Fairfax County, and designed to promote bio-engineering... flash drive work for you?” Robbi nodded “R2, please copy the usual files for the GAO, and give them to Ms Kelly on a flash drive.” Cas noticed the pendent It was identical to the necklace that Dr Andrew gave him He focused on it so the camera in his glasses could photograph it “Doctor Schmidt, I will not be able to record while I get those files for Ms Kelly.” “I think that I can cover for you, R2,” replied... by doing research on government grants, and begging for handouts.” “But you gave that up to work for the NRC?” “Yeah, well, Ann Smith, the former head of the NRC recruited me She can be very persuasive It was not about the money anymore; Lord knows I have plenty of that.” “So what is it about?” “It’s about helping people.” “You mean finding a cure for diseases?” Schmidt chuckled “That is really a by-product... congresswomen, governors, and many others in the government.” “Do they really need help?” “Have you ever heard of EMILY’s list?” “No.” “It was a PAC formed in 1984 EMILY stands for Early Money is Like Yeast It was a financial network for pro-choice Democratic women running for national political offices It was very successful at increasing the number of women politicians, and impacting the pro-choice movement... “Okay I think she was trying to recruit me or trying to find out how much we knew; like a game of cat and mouse She asked about you too I think she might have a thing for you She had some choice words for Senator Morgan.” Cas briefed Robbi on his meeting with Dr Martinez.“I think we will have to infiltrate the NRC, and check for these things that Martinez mentioned.” “We? I think you mean me You can’t . Cas. He sat silent for a minute as he watched Cas’ face, waiting for the CNN announcement to register. He had asked Cas to fly in from LA for this meeting. Cas was still trim at forty five, and. old governor’s office in California; four over stuff chairs sat in front of his desk, the US flag and the California State flag were behind Steve, and framed him for those photo ops, and one. partner, Roberta (Robbi) Kelly, while waiting for the CNN announcement from the National Science Academy. “We interrupt this program for this breaking news bulletin. Margaret Two, also known as

Ngày đăng: 27/06/2014, 23:20