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Cambridge primary path 4 activity book

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Cambridge Primary Path is an English language and literacy course that will help young learners become articulate writers and speakers of English,Cambridge Primary Path is an English language and literacy course that will help young learners become articulate writers and speakers of English,Cambridge Primary Path is an English language and literacy course that will help young learners become articulate writers and speakers of English,Cambridge Primary Path is an English language and literacy course that will help young learners become articulate writers and speakers of English,

Trang 2

| Ready to Read: N

How do we QO CAD worn

nae?) 1 sweat © sod

express feelings? 2 seam 5 pout © de, ongry eying tenn young cd to produc liquid tough your skin

A 4 hug feeling pleosed about something you did

© GEERED 0 wees "stomp your feet_smile shoke drive someone eazy lough mouth ne vide, compat the grophiorgenker goes dy © proud 5 unhappy @ topushyourtips orwrd often to show you or annoyed {_ t0.squeeze someone in your orms

7 tantrum 9 tomoke o ong, loud, high sound

@ 2B teosend compe

sweat scream pouts hugged unhoppy proud tantrum

Annoyed Hoppy © 2

© tom do they feet? Match, ‘© My ttle brother got annoyed and had o big > When you run around stomped his feet « lot or get nervous, you sometimes He cried ond “Are you OK? You took a little

) \ 1 The gies felt very ‘when they won the soccer tournament

s Finn bis friend when his friend was upset

£ Ifyou fet really angry, ‘ot the sky rather thon another person! My sister sometimes if she doesn’t get what she wants


s4 amoyed 6

(8) EEEED comptet

Í ấhoke stomps her feet opologize smile drives me crazy

on when my brother tokes my toys

'b When I get nervous, my hands sometimes 6

When my little sister gets ongry, she }

Ws better to ‘when you feel calm, not when you feel angry

[My dad's jokes always moke me

Trang 3

QO 100% whet do you thinkthe ones bout?

2) tot Giác nethemeorteordae 6 friends

» loughter heath

Reading Strategy: Identifying Theme

‘The theme of o text isthe most important message or topic Identifying the theme can help you understand the tex


Laughing wit ens con make vs et hppy wheter we reine y on Lee bua cơn ake fl beter when wear wap {ughing con*beeak hee” Berween pope who do know cot he se hep hem ofl more conor ican even comer people who don speak he some ongeage tinny ocr con make anyone aight

people together end el them ive in groups Beng dl to augh made

ort ona ferent rom rims Wheater onmol were big ) Smal group our ancestors reed to make bags grovpe Perhaps ths helped them ose

There ilo evidence that oughtr is god or cr bates Some ‘ert tint on make lod low erund the body more qa tnd eos This good for he Hert and the rợn Laser co chơi bee norrl"pse’ When “These can lp us tells pa, to el more rele ven 0 fight we ough or bodes mate chemcls

Inletons Some doctors hk hat ito ew mies of laughing ech ay con het kep us esky!

se ane seers TC Chứng

)” Have your say!

( phi iy hepa mee calm dom || wet lager cb oc bat

ake, 10 cay mrt — Ea, 10

Explore the Text

© (8) Mork v/ the themes the article covers

the efecto aughter on ur bodies the purpose of oughter

how to moke yourself ugh mm" better

hhow to tell good joke

£ e0rly humans and loughter DDDDDDO

@ @ recs ond ete re oF as) You canlaugh onl wth people you know

© tugher an connect people who speck erent languages © Only eoty humans not onimal, could ough

6 We el poin more when we augh

© Laughter cubs tren the 90s {At loughter cbs people get together tol oes,

@ @ wird you ike Reod and nsw «How do you fel when you laugh with ends?

> What do you think of laughter elubs? Would you go to one?

Trang 4

Tnterrupted Post

storted to sweat while Twos woiting to give my Presentation

‘While you were sleeping, ‘your phone rang!

The girl hod @ tantrum white her dad wos shopping While other animals were Living in small groups our toncestors stored to live in bigger groups

Complete the sentences from the song on Student's Book page 2 Use the post simple or past progressive

look read ploy breok

© While I wos staying ot the beach, I my smertphone b WRiel fon the beoch, I lost my new shoes

€ Tote some ce cream while 1 out to seo, at ry book while was ying in the sun

@® compere vse he pos simple or ost proaresne a >

pork, ít (start to rain (ploy)inthe While sy vocation, I (think) ebout (fall asleep,

Lugs dad -

while they (wotch) Tv, (sneeze) hile Oscar his bag, he suddenly (feel) nervous about the competition, (pock)

© @ 1224.00 ou knw thename of themn inthe photo? @ ® tees na crc hen complete ith the cree form tthe post simple or post progressive,

Mehotmo Gandhi was a very fomous Indian leader He

' (believe) thot ol people should be ỉ

‘equal But when he was e student speaking in public 2 {not be) eosyforhim One, whitehe a’

3 (give) a presentation to a group of people he “Z

+ (feet very nervous He (rot

can) speak, Someone else 5 (finish) the presentation for him ‘Another time, while he 7 ~ (work) he (eave) ‘a meeting because he was so nervous that he couldn't think of any questions to ask!

@ © woe sentences withthe post smple nd os progressive 6 While they ion the beach the storm stort

While // hove lunch / my cousins / arrive

© Corla feel / exited / while / she / go tothe party 16 You /call/ while /1/ study

‘© While / Dan /talkon the phone / the emeil ortive

} Mụ Life

Finish the sentences with information about you Use the post progressive © White Twos thinking about ett really excited

» While wos

Trang 5

ee ee


1@D soy ond write the words Undertine a ay ei or ea

¬ a» ° ø break ‘great » steok eoct © protein diegh explain soy © heotth play wait beoch

Read Underline three useful ground rules for a discussion, Circle three useful @D caicte the word withthe itferent vowel sound

sweat breok eight paint stay

‘ground rules for discussion and collaboration Listen to each other's

ideos + Lookup, + Shout

Ask each other Wht do you think? ond why?

Speak loudly Speok quickly


‘When we tolk about emotions, we often use -ed adjectives ‘These adjectives tell people how swe feel about something

I felt bored frightened / excited,

‘When we describe things such {5 books, movies or events, we foften use ing adjectives These

> a f

‘odiectives tell people about the the things thot moke us feel an The movie wos boring / frightening exciting

@ O reos ona cree Did you go to bed lote? You look really tired / tring,

‘They didn’t ke the movie—it wos too frightened / frightening, ‘The teacher wos annoyed / annoying when the children didn’t iste, have some excited / exciting news—I won the art competition! ‘What do you think is more interested /interesting—math or English? My mom is bored / boring with her job She's looking for @ new one

@ @® recs ond compete with edo ing forms ofthe wordsin the box

Talk ot the some time 605 other people > Ty toagree inthe : ond ‘Speak clearly os f

“ire excite bore frighten relax interest

Lily was so ‘bout her vacation thot she couldn't step Sometimes, when I'm ongry listen to music

Toms really in photogrophy—he loves it

Trang 6

‘Answer the questions

How many lines do the writers use in each poem? Why? poem I



" Aus

loving Patt ‘Peeial occasions `

QAI Prepore poem Choose on emotion, to wite on ocrostic Eompiete the grophic orgie «How many nes do you need to vse? © choose wars and proses you brarstormed inthe Students

Book Cle one leterin euch the that pert of youremation vod Stet the bet ones for


Did you

CF) eheck the spelling of your emotion word? include on «ing adjective? poem 2:

fasting trastrated Cee Drops at Hidden Emotion Word:

‘Words ond Phrases:

(QM Use the grophic organizer to write your poem in yournotebooks

include on ed eajective?

LH Twesso—— when my presentation wos ished could nly elon s sua 6 releved cay

2 Jorealy —she'sthe tls inher cos, sale — e dong: sư 5 Thatwos «lucky 1 We go the oto kes forthe concert b sit lost 4 No đoyoutietordoxdftrø ——— day? «relieved ssf + gmberosed

5 The soccer ouchis ery tea > lost We olwoys do whot se el us â stress ô6 Donny o reeved fet realy when he dropped his tunch s uáy EiaibeiGĩki on the lor

(Ơ @maueveree

embarrassed Sim uy | Telwelalelelals|s[elo[s Sond vt ®|x[p|m[r|c[r[y[z[p]r[r

Xúc dự ï

ce tịr|a|b|R|N|M|tjTi£|w|m

Trang 7

as ©

Look atthe pictures ond answer QE compete story mop « Where do you think the story ist?

1b How do you think the boy feels? Moin character:

other ehorocter

QD reo ond rack your answers to Activ Where deste ection hoppen? Wathoppens? Toộng 20gtogr lenuing Pot Sting ond Charo

TEhelps us understand o test if we know where the action happens Besionng: {treseting krone the people oe fine cree) endear

Sommerzc wiht evens hoppen the po) ¬ SP

{A Special Certificate 4 =

‘Tim couldnt believe this was hoppening again He fait hot, and he was toring to sve He looked ‘round the school auditor and tried 0 find

ere ute itso cate @ @ seo agein and cite ¥ (ue) or ase)

bright blue sky It made him think of vacations in It was sunny outside ied

eee 6 Ts sped en ne pint i Nsom re

‘sports or music oF for doing good work in class Most children loved going ‘¢ Tim thought about running away before he got his certificate T F

be ee epee a na | ỆO==eseee

“ithe calls my name, Fun away, Then {won't have to go up.” he thought to hms he next certificate Ihave is for Tim Orlando, in ith grade

eee Spain en wares roe Fae auc mle

and tok a dep bret, “Everyone smiled ct him, "You can do this” he sid, gx nerve sm i ‘You should whet advice would you give to friend?

“Tim stood up and walked up othe stage Ashe took the certificate from Me: Anderson, his You shouldn't hands wore sil shaking,

“This certificate,” said Mr, Anderson, smiling, i or working having the courage to come up onto the stage and receive it” hord to stay cal

nembered his teacher advice

Trang 8


it Conditonol

© © complete ro mote st conten sentences

the col my nome, run owoy an (ee) o turtle 1 (toke) @ photo 1f you don't Uke your present, I retum it tothe store |We won't goto the park if tains tomorrow exits, b He (be) hungry tater it he ial the gore’ Galea {not eat) now

They won't play well as o teom if they don’t practice together oiiiey TPPE L0 mem Sock You (not pass) your exom if you (not practice) f Ishe (not clean) her room, it (drive) Mom crosy

© © wie ts condonl sets

«6 it/she /win she get a gold medot b if/1/ nothove time 1 not go shopping ôâ you/ feel better it you opologize Tí you ploy the piono.T " rive your sister crazy if

Ploy the viotin you toke her clothes 1 they /not be hoppy if we /not go tothe porty © if/1/ weor that hot 1/feel embarrassed

£ you/ not get lost if you! follow the signs

@©@ compete to moke st conational sentenees tht ore true for ou

mete eater increas

Trang 9


(QA woris ving ogo trend? Reod ond cet =

Ssaverygood friend — |= notavery good friend 1 My group followed the ground rules for discussion All the time / Sometimes / a

Being honest bebe

‘Apolagizing when you do something wrong |b bb bb 77 ớ

Competing with your friends allthe time | bb & & & EP 7 ⁄⁄ ™~ ⁄

Doing the things you say you wil do babe = weston

Using kind longuage ko hbhb @ | colorthe stor to give yourself score ee )⁄

bbbbe eo

Talking al the time

T thought of ideas for our class contreet |ýYYY YY YY vY| cenng

{worked wth my roup ta shore ond Ye yey

© wreisveing a sod ten? tookendimerk V-

Thelped to write the ideas on our poster Weve Thee design ond Munroe or poner ne rere ees vr vr vy — á

T proc pean ur pone th

ngưệp Pees ye Ty

I presented our poster with my group [ye ve vv vr vy)

“(G~ Awesome! 4 = Prety good 3= OK.2= Could be beter, |= Needs more work)

2 Whose poster did you tke best? v

‘5 What diel you like most about it?

@P wny is oeing « good trend important? TT THẾ L8 ‘Because of the things Thave learned inthis unit, mm"

Trang 10

Grives me crazy nervous apologized stomp your feet smile ` © After shouted, 1 to my frend

Luiso, please don't ‘when you get angry © When you feet remember to breathe! 6 The sound of buzzing insects

(© When Nick sav his friend he felt better,

@2 Cirde

1 When I was angry wanted to lo screom b sweat ¢ hug

2 Counting to ten can give you time to la ront b pout ¢ calm down

5 There's o port of your broin thot toonger ‘a reocts b rants ¢ pulls

4 Ben fet very when he passed his piano exom, ‘a onnoyed b proud ¢ unhappy

5 Youshould your friend —she looks so ‘a sweat b hug ¢ pout

QS conte

|We always listen in closs—our teacher is very

You need, to.do things thot moke you nervous lost relieved strict follow courage

0h, no—we're don’t know where we of ‘me—T'l show you where the classroom i Imso thot the testi finshed! I can relax now

@Q mae sentences with the post simple and post progressive ae gan veh ait oy yaaa

> While / we / watch the movie / Dad fall osteep! ‘© My phone ring / while /1/ cook dinner

{6 While / Sora /tisten to the music /she / wont to ery

6c nee er cac co Wthey (inSh)eogthy == (go) to the pork

> iit (be) sunny, we (order) on icecream e Ithe ‘rode (oot study) he {not get) « good G1 thug) my friend ifshe be) sad

ello {not go) swimming if she {not find) her swimsuit

f They (not practice) every week (not moke) the soccer team if they

© © complete wit teed ing fom ofthe wontn pretbese 2 Wow! That's an (omoze) view!

b Iwas really (surprise) when I heard your news

© My friend has 0 really (annoy) hobit—he bites his nail <6 They weren't very (interest) in wotehing TV

© Are you (frighten) of the dork? You should leave light on f Wow! Thot was really tire) day

Trang 11

eet ` =) What can you remember about Unit 1?


@ wot i thy say? Complete the conversation

feeling dont course con wrong sorry shouldn't whotif | : Ẻ bi Chorlote why ore you cng? Wht’ | , pcos ương place, We're

yHeelsod Stomping her foot

Charlotte why ore you? san @ whothoppened

I Were moving t0< diferent neighborhood © wihot might someone do when to the boy from Ghorlote 1m 3 about that a yer Shesong inthe Iw _Thoveto stort anew school fel nervous and ansious thinking about CO shoke sweat Connplewe Choriotte 4 you toe to your parents? oy While he wy — Tolready have They sid ts because my mom goto tobe closer toher work new job, We need © whet ore they doing? Underine the beach, he

S609 can raarnanal n © compete the adic use o fst

wy Goodideo, Dod soi it's cote to the beoch hugging screaming, «conditional sentence

Chorltte well that's good news! Icon come and vist We congo swimming, Hyou (rat

by Tdreoly iter Buns Tdem tác the hoa? : coos Your enol el

ChorloteYou7 ‘wor, You should think of os an odventure My brother's so annoyng—e

Ivy Heel scored What dont moke ay fiends? abs Read ond undertne

Chorlotte Of 8 you will © How does he feel? Circle © -why ore you so tired / tiring?”

(@ Men + Whots © should felleved because the ERS any (Ư) “eouldntaleepbeceusewos s0.extedFexcing about the 2 Why are you b talkto ? testis over ee

3 Conyou © don't you ? + Why © wong? 5 You © fling (09)?

Trang 12


/ What can space exploration teach us? i (HE moic, 2 lounch — " © @vehil tht trovetin space © person whe trovelsin space -

me : 5 satelite 4 exronout to send someting into space or wate the outside or top port of something

© GERD © worch the video complet the graphic organizer 5 plonet © an object sent into space to collect information

Wy Woy” seni experiments constellations space probes 6 spocecot F the son ond eight plants that ove oround

ae ES Does 7 surface 9 Eorth, for example

2D Grete ‘9 The sunis atthe center of our planet / solar system,

Neptune isthe furthest planet /spacecraftin our solar system, ‘© When I'm older wont to bee satelite / on astronaut

The satellite /surface sent o lot of information back to Earth f


Travel really for (eg, to Jupter

‘ond Soturn) No people How con, K6 People live on boord—

Russia was the first country to launch / land « dog into space Do you think you could live on an astronaut /a spacecraft? T wonder what the surface / solar system of Mars feels ke

‘weather, signols, mops D complete,

observe constellations Space Station GPS grouiy

«2 People work, eat, nd sleep on the International There sno in spoce

° ore patterns of stars

4 Weuse sølelites when we need map ° is onother word for look closely

Trang 13


QD 1004 whe oyouthinkte rie bow? © © wie four min teas rom Ac 2n the cart

Ơ tot Me ve four mein ideo in the ote Mgnidee [Bete [Deteite

where astronauts come from [`] plonning meols forspace = () Paragraph |

types of food in space a getting clean in spoce el Poragraph 2

Porograph 3 The moin idea is what o text is about The details =

support the moin idea ond add extra information

eating in space | seefoednowendinthepass [) |

Porogroph 4 |

IUhat Do Astronauts Eat?

'Would you like 4o eot your werk diferenfyin spoce — 2 ¬

= so Aston one BS cone fom nny fet cote

Se ees Mel loner helpestonas to coc oy tts ood

oer Moka ae os s plastic bogs and lock each es „

‘Astronauts choose their food before they go into space ‘write three foods astronauts con eatin space


Trang 14

Reflexive Pronouns: myselé,yoursef, himself herself

Pear a ee ee (

\We use reflexive pronouns when the subject and object lof the verb ore the some

sometimes talk to myset

‘Wow! Did you paint that yourself?

The baby laughed when she sow herself in the mirror ‘My brother walks to school by himsel

The satellite destroyed itself in space We can cook this ourselves

Be careful—don't hurt yourselves!

Astronauts need to keep themselves healthy on board

QO conpiee

“myself ourselves yourself themselves himself herself

© Helikes to look at inthe mitor Did you do your homework

© Thoked this coke

6 Astronauts weor speci helmets to protect

© Thecstronaut tought to.speok Russion {Let's moke o fire to keep worm!

in spoce

(QP complete wth asset pronoun you eshte they) © Why don't - doit yourself?

Look! ‘made this model rocket mysett € The computer is broken turned itself off 6 cuts her hoi herself

e did the whole project ourselves

f ‘vies to keep himself fit on the space station 9 2ipped themselves into thet spacesuts


© compete wit eratteniv pronoun ‘© The ostronouts saw on tv

My ded tought 0 sim,

ls Did you enjoy ‘ot the party?


<6 We did scientific experiments on while we were in space {’m wearing sunscreen to protect

{The space probe destroyed

@ @ tert te sentences wih by nd efi pronoun

tel Tom proctces bosktbol alone Tom

eh — ,

dl 1d homer on my om ' P

when lteroshed,

> Did you make that without help?

a ‘Sora ond Corla learned to ploy the guitar without o teacher Sora and Carlo

y My Life

Read ond answer, Write sentences with reflexive pronouns

Trang 15

ee ee _)

A sey ond wite the words Undetine ce co

a ‘We use indefinite articles (ofan) when we ore mentioning something for the first time or talking about something that’s not specific We use o before words storting with a consonant and an before words starting with a vowel (,€,.U) Wie use the definite article (the) when we ond our listenerireader olreody know which specific thing we're tolking about—either becouse we've already mentioned itor becouse there i only one of it (eg with superiative adjectives), We olso use it with the names of mountain ranges vers, se6s, oceans, and groups of islands or to,

| space probe is different from « spacecraft Valentina Teryshkova was on astronaut

° ° Volentina Teryshkova was the first womor

@O rectend rc : mm sets SZ

» NASA is @/the Notionel Aeronoutis ond Space Administration {© Oh, no! We have a/the problem with the phone!

@B cacte the word withthe diferent vowel sound © pea heod tet | ee po

bee sweat sweet feet ôâ Icon see athe Milky Way through the telescope steak meO biơ =e scream breck between £ Look! There's a/ an sterol

© please cheese—sheath =f tea beach great @©@ recs and complete with oon, rte

Solly Ride wos estronaut ‘ond astrophysicist She wos

Han co Circe two phroses that recognize and respect the views of ether group members ‘rovelin space, in 983, 093 Eaten is

Jack 00 you think t would get boring in spoce? space shuttle Challenger When she Kate es, of courte it woud, Imagine beng in a spaceshig all doy ond right You wouldnt beable to go ploy soccer outside, You could go bike riding with director of ¢ retired from space travel, she became California Space

fiends I would go crazy Whot do you tink, Lom? Do you gree? Institute ot 5 California, She olso started & University of ‘compony to encourage girls to study science and math Liom Not eal thinkit would be really awesome the plonets ond look down on Earth, Floating around in space would to be on ostronaut You could explore be amazing!

Kate Ys, but how long would that be fun for? Maybe a week ot the most!

Jack Thot's.© good point And I would relly mis skoteboording

Trang 16

‘Answer the question

What two things does the writer think ore amazing?

‘ond come back insie fr lunch Lunch wos dried meat ond noodles fodore | think prefer meols on Eorth! ‘Alter thot, | did some exercise inthe @omp

ee is confused becouse tho sun rites ond sels 16

times @ doy on the taternetionl Space Station! ‘Also, sleeping without bed Is relly weird repare to write a journal entry about another day on the 15S Complete the grophic organizer Use ot least two adjectives in each Section

Inthe Morning lunch Loterin the Day

QAM vse he graphic orgonizerto wit yourjourelenty in your notebooks

did you

include the date?

Ouse asjectives?


CO mite in the first person?

CG use orice correct?

@ O GAD compete tne cossword Down

is cccle-shoped

2 Afeeling, when something doesn't go well H > 5 Change words into 0 different language

4 Everything thot exists 5 This keeps you safe in


‘The Milky Way is one of


2 Don't drink tis wil hơm you |S This is @ rock thot flies ‘round the sun,

4 Bolloons ond boots can do this 5 There sno gravity here

OO comiee

‘worslate seotbelt golmy floot rings disoppointed |

2 Tom wos rally

Can you help me to with his grade on the test He got 4 out of 10, this into English?

© Our solar system, s6 lorge group of stors and plonets that includes the 16 Astronauts in space becouse there is no gravity

9 Fosten your = its time to go! (The ‘round Soturn are made of ice

Trang 17

OB i as @

Look atthe pictures and enswer © @ toot ogsin and cite ¥ tr ort

«Hew do you think the estonouts fel? Ths Fi’ fourth tip int spac tự 5 Whodo yeu tinktheyere dang? ma © Mercury an Venus oe etter than orth TẾ Tự 2 reo ance your onsen to Act 4 The“elphon”suddenydoppered becuse Hưng Evih+euxsrphee te

ending Strateat: Feit Wom Re wres We con ue pictures to help us predic what tex wil bbe about This makes it easier to read o new text .e The astronauts can't see anything outside the spacecraft a TF a


‘© Why does Finn get more nervous then usual on this fight?

Just the Right Balance

Finn took a deep breath, He checked hi seatbelt again, And

again He ha a lor offing experience—in planes and \

spacecaf.But even aftr thrce space fights he sll got nervous jus before they launched And Aight wos dierent He was gong freer than ever befor, oe longer thn ever bere Fi fax 0s prt oF a isin to ind out if humens could hve and work on Mars

> Why con't the spacecraft lond on the outer plonets?

© Why ld the spacecraft stop shoking ofter two minutes?

Do you think wel actully beable to land? he asked Luca, one

ofthe other autronouts “We know ifs posible” dhe said, “We just have to stay calm and @® word you inks ‘a Why does the Earth look blue end green trust ourselves Ie not like the outer plancts—heu re jst ball of from space?

‘9A Mercuri f00 hot ems i hotter than Mercury, nd eres poo in the aumosphere onVens But Curioutyalteady landed on Mars so we can, too”

Do you think people wil lve on Mors in mbling noise arte and the whole spacscra

the future? Why or why not? bbogan to shake Ten seconds lac, i fl ike an enormous Kick

“This wos the mox powerfl launch vehicle ever Fortwo mints, the noise andthe shaking were increible, unl dere wos an enormous bang and the rocket motor fll off Then i

became much smoother, ough Fin sll ike dere wos {© Would you lke to go on @ mission to ‘an elephant siting on him, Four minutes later, ver suddenly it Mars? Why or why not?

felelike the elephane disappeared They were beyond the Earth’ mosphere and in outer space, Finn sorted to Hoot around,

Trang 18

Comparatives with -er, more, les, and than

Venus is hotter thon Mercury ‘Mors drier thon Earth,

I think space is more beautiful than Earth

Life on the ISS i less comfortable thon life on Earth!

QO ene © Jupiters bigger / more big than Soturn

> The temperature on Earth is comfortabler ‘temperature on Venus / more comfortable thon the © The countryside is less busy / more busy than the city

1 What do you think is more popular / popular—soccer or bosketboll? ‘© Yumi This pizzo is more tasty / tastier thon my mom's

Look and complete with a comparative adjective + than Choose from the words in parentheses, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michoet Collins were the three astronauts on board the Apollo I! mission—the fist mision to lond o spacecraft on the surface of the moon, in ly 1969,

Nai Bom | Michoal armstrong | Aldrin | Collins

‘August |Jonuary 20, | October 3 Birthday | “1330 1930 1930 Height | l8m | 178m lạm

© Buzz Aldrin was (old young) Michoet Colins wos (old / young)

© Neil Armstrong wos Michael Collins (old / young)

© Neil Armstrong and Michoel Collins were (all short) © Buzz Aldrin wos

Neit Armstrong and Michoel Colins Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin Buzz Aldrin but wos

Buzz Aldrin

‘Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins, tll/ short)


© OD comptes win ocomporave adjective ‘© Good news! This week’s homework @ lot (eos thon

lost week's

bb Alexis olwoys smiling, She's The ainforestis

elt very colm before my test—much

(hoppy) thon her sister (wet) thon the desert

(nervous) thon lost time,

‘© I prefer living in the countryside It's the city (peaceful thon (You love this book-—it's much other one (interesting) thon the

|® newite the sentences wth the some meorng Use les eadectve, « Mymom wes mote onnojed than my dod Mydod

» Pablo ener than Doni Danie Antoret isicerthon Ai Ane

Tink scenes more intresting thon ng, Think Erash The iden were mre exited thon th ots Treats

{ Tnnxy cai sanh ngmiethơn ne Tnmyeanty.viner

[TT CỔ 7 11.111 3 is mote frightening than

» isless interesting than

e exciting

a (cos),

Trang 19


1D weris being o cizen of the wore? Read and wite Yes or Ho cee

‘Doss @ chizen ofthe world do this? 1 Tportcipoted in the discussion Al the time / Sometimes Never

2 Iistened to and respected my classmates ideas Al the time / Sometimes / Never Learning abour history | 5 17 someone hod o different opinion, were the group members respectul? Yes /No

‘Watching the news and reading newspapers or news websites Never visting new places =

Seog oto © Do Ido this?

1 Color the stars to give yourself a score.”

Learning another language

Tresearced some fomous paceaas | Yo 0 oy

T thought of ome es and shored

thant ath ay grt Thelped design thẻ pncszoil Bào vi my WWwWvW wwwww

helped to moke and lobel our poster _ Ý7ƒ7Ý7ýYYY Tpractced presenting our poster with | 1 Jo vo my group

I presented our poster with my group | Yr vr wayyy pretty good

LUstening to muse in other languages

(QQ wre stein cin of he word Look and mark ¥-

© Tm trying to leorn more ‘about other cultures Is your ©

cultureimportant to you? | >)

° food comes em 1 don't core where my |} ° 1 wont to travel to another untryondwork here |) © Seading bout other counties sboing |) ng © Lieto find books vai my toronto about won tro


“6=Awesomel 2 = Could be better,

reds more work!) 2 Whose poster did you like best?

‘5 What did you ike most aboutit?

© ws ving dcenof the word importer?

ig Question ond ‘Because of the things Thave learned inthis unit,

Trang 20


QD crue © complete with retenve pronoun,

7 Bes ‘© People stay on the space station / space probe for oround six months eee ate ae eee arn etescops fo orbit / observe the ss Bee ont Astronauts tetot time ding scenic experiments on the ISS have to spend a The British ——

© Aspace probe / Milky Way traveled to Jupiter ae ‘ostronout Tim Peoke spent six months 4

4 Sint study the efecs of 0 GPS atlotions sent / gravity in space xpeine oe Gn the 5 m0 He ed experiment on ; ‘ofind xt bout

/Astronouts {The Miky Moy/ 6S contdnsbilonsf stor 49 lot of constellations /scletifi expect raga 5 WAR the effects pholetel? od, bones, ona breting, He sent of space travel on his skin, "wating “

1D compere que máng mini fb lunched_plonets : EM : i Moron hes m2 he tent photos fd brushing his teth! When US vena Catherine (od Coleman ore ploying the ate oaths port ofthe a Would you tke todo scent experiments

© Mars and pte ore ’ on’ ;

c NeLAmdrong wobedon the ofthe moon, © @ compte wit a comporsve

s ae ÂN «The Atocoma Desert is the Sohara Desert 1U the driest place © The Curiosity Rover on Mars in 2012 inthe word! (dry)

£ Sotetites the Earth (or other planets) » Astronauts often lose weightin space When they come back they before (thin) are often QS compet + The _iseverything theres c4 Troveing in spøKe is Mystere inet clays gets god grades on ets ay) ‘roveling on Earth tn fact its

1 goloxy b osteroid ¢ universe uncomfortable (comfortable)

2 Don'teot thot—it's 1 ôâ Tthink being in the dorks beeing in small space The dork ‘a poison brings € space {Think English is really scares me (rightening) ‘math I's my favorite subject (interesting)

5 Thopethe doesnthitEorh

‘a universe b seatbelt ¢ asteroid QO ream complete with oon o the 1 Atvonout' _ help ts hep them uf na © Uranusis coldplonet

eee Ee b Neptune is coldest plonet

5 A contains billions of stars ond planets ee “ao

satelite? (bs golexy/clastarc) 16 Yuri Gagarin wos _ fist astronaut to travel into space ‘© Apollo was Ameiconspoceprogrom,

f TsPluto _planet or not?

Trang 21

title sale on toke by Sylvia Do you have any books 1 space

2 George Cousins? Bookstore assistant Let me see Yes, we hove one down here

Follow me

Bookstore assistant Here you go Sylvia Is ton 3 ? Bookstore assistant Let's lok on the front 4 Yes itis!

Look its 6% ofits 5 price Sylvia How much iit withthe 6 7 Bookstore assistant I's §22 with the discount, Sylvia Greot.1toke itt


The ttle is something ike

1 don't remember the nome of the t's book about /on

Bit Isthere Yes there iso TUteke


() Whetdd tre say Complete the conversations

cover author discount original

on sole Sylvia Do you hove any books by oh.1 ‘don't remember the nome ofthe

7 1's@ book on the solar system

Bookstore assistant Con you rememtber the 8 2 Sylvia The tte is something tke Wonders of Our Solar System Bookstore assistant Iknow the one Its on ‘our discount tobe just behind you Sylvia Oh, thot's it! The Wonders of Our Solar ‘System! Bookstore assistant And you are in luck t's 4 Sylvia 1 says here it's $30

Bookstore assistant But onsale it's only 5! Sylvia Amazing 10 a

e discount? it

30% discount spoce

Wonders of Our Solar System on sole?


58 poges 48-49


2) Wha€ can uou temember dbout „ Unit 2?

€ wettio

© wrotis the name fr agreipstt © wrotis it doing?

Circle, lending launching orbiting

O cect A space probe /solor system /

satelite is a spacecraft that travels around o planet


8 eeneey ftoating (orbiting [}

transating C)

© wiht are theser_5


oer Astronauts need to keep

healthy on boord the IS,



orth is Mercury (big)

feat ond cele,

© Venus sath hottest planet

© 1 som oon asteroid yesterey

Trang 22

G 3) Is technology good or bad?

Oe (2 Witch the video Complete the grophic organizer

© allows us to connect to people oll oround the world immediately »b Technology con be addictive

© Weare forgetting how to talk to each other

© It con help us understond what is wrong with people and fix medical problems ‘© The Intemet lets us fin information quickly ond easily

{Too much time on screens and mobile devices could be bad for our heath {9 Kemight moke our transportation foster ond safer

bh Robots might stort doing people's jobs


Benefits/ Advontoges Risks / Disodvontoges

\ 2IỀ

Q CLD complete

Internet screens inventions ollow connect search engine © Some have realy changed the world,

» You con find information about lots of different things on the € Ifyou have a question you can just type it into 0

ở Wecon to people all over the world by email © Dowe spend too much time looking ot ?

f is another word for lt

@O GD worn 1 opp {2 a.cell phone thot

connects tothe Internet a small fying robot © a machine that ‘measures changes in


4 program 4 all the instructions Controle computer that 5 sensor ‘© moving pictures mode from drawings or


6 smartphone instructions thot towrte oset of ‘make o computer do something

7 software 9 @smoll computer program that you ‘download onto 0 ‘mobile device 2 enimotion

5 drone


OO cn 1 Thove a great new

© drone b software b opp

2 Ourcar con porkitself—ithos special ‘sensors b animations b selfes 5 Look! Imode this

‘on my phone ‘on my phone, ‘© manufacturer b drone b onimoion

4 The in rivertess cars communicates with oher cors, © drone b software b selfies

5 Do you think you could

© program b connect b allow

6 Inthe future, ‘might deliver our groceries 6 sensors -b đfones b animations

Trang 23


Reed Circle the best summary of the article, © Adults are better inventors than children,

Inventors con be any age and from anywhere © Good inventors always get things right

Reading Strategy: Identifying Main Idea and Details

‘The main ideo of a paragraph is normally supported by detoil (Often, the main ideo can be found in the fst sentence

Ef Bigin, fom Tay so

yene mo Suverlo — ĐỀ” “hen she invented o process

telirtenore ti Blase sho worked on

Fre than wo yor, She won Google's Science (a in Acton oword beaut hr ivoton could reduce TheesEdso? Hạ nan PMO

fomous inventions hove

mm en est Seay cos compe ane Spd ae, Bec age epatelo tom ha

‘STinovio comer, oma Applvenr-sfwore that makes Sing mochie® ht efor people rogram ho 2

‘ecuded ond ployed as He pocned om ops bs rb dees,

Tư ta HE Tet aoe

Tinka Street De lay ometee si ronkdc - Sutin tte opp, Ta ops can inpove on hcatanythe Ba vo nag cir n poe

Jee children's inventions? An inven, communities, for example, by belping people to

Fete siete tneten ST he Sled wat Seo up eih evdmamende aap neyo GHI

eee teers Eee ower saat

feos’ Ives They ently & problem, Sng prblons-conecing diferent eos ond

Tereclinmig ice Sher’ esgusreg ik fre nossa aes fore cmion cet te, Wolomel ob che cckood ia eae eee tease, tm poopohe mh moore Bat fs

Inove te wotd a beer place efslook pera 0 hep ying when your deos dont

So ere TEE Boye these le sor Toye wang bor

Explore the Text

@ 2 were we ein ideas inte conc order

‘An example of an older inventor Inventors ore of ony oge

‘An exomple of a younger inventor Porogroph |

Porogroph2 Porogroph 3 Porogroph 4 Porogroph 5

Ơ @ metchve deta below poresrophs .2 Her invention turns banana skins into plostic above Hee

If something doesn't work, you should try again {© An invention con be an object oro process «6 You can use his invention on @ smartphone ôâ Edison invented some things we use every doy

La merger Poragroph2 Porogroph 3 Porogroph4 Porogroph 5 DDDDD @

Trang 24

1 compete with the present perfect

oe you ever (be) on Tv? > you ever {cook) spoghetti? e you ever (ee) 0 shork? a he ever (climb) 0 tree? ° we ever (cat) octopus?

t they ever (build) 0 house?

©E wine ond ener questions with te presen perfect nd ever

“ie "

(y/enplene)? (wv Fin the ocean)?

# a x

Hove you heard of Thomes Edison? Yes thove./ No, have

Hove we been hee before? Yes, we hove No, we hove a es

‘Have they ever built a robot? Yes, they have / No, they haven't 7 7 ”

Complete the sentences from the song on page 6 ofthe students Book (G0 into the unger infotoumamenD?

aioe ere to pier? fo) v x

bb Hove you ever son X-roy? (have)

© Hove you ever ‘anew invention? (make) 6 Have you ever car? (drive)

Od we © Have / Has you ever spoken to 0 robot? ithe pein 19 see/a drone

»b Have / Has he ever developed on opp?

© Have / Has they ever visited us? hove /@ smortphone 6 Have you ever broken your screen? No, Thaven't/ didn't

© Have you ever been to South America? Yes ! went/ have © take /a sefie {Hove you ever invented onything? Yes, I hove / did

Trang 25

ee ee _)

M6 so ont te te wore Underineom 009

© °

@P crete tne wor with he erent vowel sound

© snow how — throw << coot town toe allow blow slow © read oboe flower © grow goat cow f show shoe throw Answer the questions

‘© What was the name of your group's invention and one ofits special features? 'b What wos the name of another group's invention and one of its special features?

© What questions did you ask to check understanding? 1 What questions did you osk to get further informotion?

Prepositions Following Adjectives

Some odjectives are followed by « preposition, such os about, with or at There isn'ta special pottern to these—you just need to learn them! be excited about

be morried to

@âkôeesee Evie wos proud of / with herself for winning the science competition,

Charles Babbage is famous about / for inventing the frst computer ‘© Mom was angry with / about me when I broke her phone!


be terrible ot

be responsible for be interested in be different from be pleased with

be proud of

‘The teacher wos surprised with /at oll our ideos

My fiends and 1 ore interested in / on computer onimotion

2 conpiee with of ot to ebout |

.3 My Uncle Tom is mortied sy Aunt Sarah, Lucy wos feeling onxious the test ¢ Are you scared the dork

6 Twos really hoppy the photos I took on my phone ‘© The children were not good math!

@ @ recs ond complet with he coc reposts Groce Hoppe wos a mothemottion and computer 4 Sdentist Shes frmous | inventing

‘oty computer languages tke COBOL she wos born ianew Yorkin 906 Aso chi she wos ery uous 2 tmodhnes She wes very good 3 Taking docs opart after studying

math in college, she become interested &

‘computers She joined o research team at Horvord University ‘ond then worked at a technology company She was responsible

Trang 26

How did Shomsa feel about some of the inventions?

From shamsatsTShéword.cam Ter bebul00GhiésNrd.com subject Aesome dayetthe tent Heabu

How ws your weckeng? Todo wen helgy fn my chy oss col There wos ks naw ico wos sued ‘nah otters Th Gate! hing wos soong rb a ek ond de oh acs oe, apy aa {Sd ly goes chess Toto hove orobst ny hase The coke! hg sow was pare ech

‘Pedi chonge cl ben you press buon on yoursraxphne! Weleomed al about econ ond een eakalok inside a comput,

Yeu shoud coma other wah me nent yan You ee culus about al he new inentens coming ot loch phot took meaty hoppy wa Toto cre, —

ZIAD Prepare to write on emai about technology Complete + Ai tot scence museum An omozing pice of technology Ihave seen the graphic orgonize


Sentences with an adjective + preposition to describe whot you did / got / A.question to ask


QAI Use the graphic rgenizerto write your emai in your notebooks

Did you CO include subject?

CG include « question? include a greting ond on ending? Ci use prepositions with adjectives correct?

) Reody to Reod: Fiction

'ƠQCĨ CĐ vien word contbe sed? Croeitout 1 Therobots 12 memory b eyebrows fociol expressions Looked very rea 2 The robot sounded ke 0

‘© humon being b femole ¢ owner

3 Someone's Can tll you whot they ore thinking «facil expressions b human being € body longuoge 4 The robot's voice sounded “

© puzzled b ngươi fadeL 5 Anna wasn't sure how to @ allow b react c answer

QO compute

“emote owner natural puzzled memory react Ì ‘when the robot spoke

to the news

said “Sit” —it’s very powerful

cor are they always “it"? ‘2 Tom didnt know how to

The dog alwoys sat when its ‘© Myrnew computer hos lots of, {6 Do you think rabots can be mole or

Trang 27

(QD took an ener b0 you think the gi thes the rbot?

QQ to0s underine te mcin eos in paragraphs Land

‘alsa wos puzzled She looked atts shiny metal suspiciously ts face looked almost Jhuman—it even had eyebrows But what, ‘anything, wast thinking? Luisa wasn't sare that she could tus i, because its facil ‘expression wasn't completely natural And ‘then there was the mystery of her missing lathes

Lnlses parents were very pleased withthe LHELPA™—or Humanoid Everyday Living Personal Assistant They bought it to help ‘them keep the house cleaner and neater It ‘whizzed quietly around the house, washing, ‘wiping, cleaning, and picking up Within

seconds of the familys finishing a meal, the HELPA took away the plates and knives, ‘and frks and washed brother spilled any ood, the HELPA leaned them, If Luisa or her

‘up right away And no one tripped on ‘things onthe stairs anymore But stil, Lnsa wasn't sue about it

“Mom, [think there’ a problem with the HELPAZ


Reading Strategy: Identifying the Moin ideo and Details

Remember the main ideo of a paragraph is normally supported by details Often, the main idea con be found in the fst sentence What Was It Thinking?

=" “Really?” her mom replied “But dont you remember how the house used tobe so messy? It wasn't as dean and reat a this befor!

“But Leant find three of my

‘shirts or my favorite socks Maybe theres 4 problem with its memory, of we made a ‘mistake when we programmed it Or else its just hiding my sat”

Just then, the HELPA stopped suddenly a it whizzed past them

“Your Fshirts and socks are in the trash can,’ it said, n a neary-butnotquite- Jhuman voice “I wash dity clothes from the laundry basket and put awey clean clothes fn drawers {do not have a program for dirty clothes on the floor”

Lso’s mom laughed “Well, what a clever machine! think well keep you programmed that vay!

$8 pages 0-46

Explore th

5 ©

© 6 tesissicicnttcar errr Einccgeosi tues aur veyhae) mahal ewe

eee add pee oes oy wah OS

aceon asin neveay epi uan wie Pace) aids pres oe ervey apy sah Neb

‘© Poragraph! Luisa wos not very hoppy with the robot Porogroph 2 Luisa’s parents were very hoppy with the robot

4 Ơn key ‘The HELPA has some human features on its face do the dats epearn? Rad ond wit or?

b The HELPA does the dishes after meals «© Some of uise's clothes have disappeared .4 The HELPA works quickly

‘© The HELPA cleans ond picks up {The HELPA is made of metal

©O toed onder ev ort a a una! doar era hc Ro

Hara fi’ ona sce

‘There is @ problem with the HELPA’s memory

5 T

> 7

‘© The HELPA’s voce sounds very human, T

a T

‘© Luiso’s mom thinks what the HELPA did wos funny, T

@@ winer do you thinks the main message ofthe story? Mark V2 ‘The HELPA wanted to hide Luito’s clothes C)

© Lula should put her dirty clothes inthe ounry boket.("} «Luis should wash her own clothes -)

Trang 28


‘used to wateh different TV programs Sam didn't use to play computer games ‘The house used to be so messy when he was younger

‘My porents didn’t use to have the My cousins used to tive ino diferent

city Tl’ use to havea = smartphone Internet at home ‘Yes, Idid / No, Ididn't Did you use to ride your bike to school?

QO wae 1 They used to eot a lot of junk food

used to go to bed very late,

© but now you're much more confident, 'b butnow they're good friends


3 He didn’t use to speak English, € but now I go eatir

4 You used tobe shy but now they eat heotthier food, 5 We didn’t use tolivein this town, © but now he hos learned alot 6 They didn't use to like each other, but we moved when I was three,

QD voor ne irs rom the post ond empl with used too tue to

e Ằ

lg a we to the beach goonvecation She

Wweinthed 1

have short hat

love ice creom!

© © wine sentence with te to 1a «we ein on opr

b Evo / like / spicy food X

cellphones /be / much bigger

d I/toke / selfies X

ôâ My porens/go/to on Intemet cot send emois V”

{ Grandpe / have / smartphone X

QO tote quesion vith set ‘When you were six,

{2 you! enjoy school?

© youshove /o pet? b yeu /ploy /any sports? you! walk to school?

© © wit srr annette qstonsn Atty

QO rece ond answer Weitefl sentences ww Which 7 programs did you use to wotch most when you were younger?

> Which toys did you use to play with when you were five? ‘© Write one thing thot you didn’t use to ike but you tke now

Trang 29

Ret safe he Inter

HC vee you tna ot ing te tre shy? Cpa PT T1 Tưng th nda

ive your possword too fiend

think carefully Before you post comments or photos on the Internet

only write things you would soy to someone face-to-face reply to messoges that ore mean

pretend to be someone else on the Internet

tell your parents or teacher if something you see on the Internet makes you feel uncomfortable

give out personal informotion, such os your address, on the Internet

se different posswords for different websites

2 whois wsng the ntemet softy? Look and mark Y


(QE wry ising tne nteret soely importont?

pero aw Cree HT, 1000)

1 Color the stars to give yourself a score

1 Tosked questions to check understonding, Yes /No 2 Losked questions to get more information Yes/ No

wwwwww Wwwww wwwww wey presentations wwwwww

\ Tosked questions about the other (5 = Awesome! 4= Petty good,

2 Which idea did you tke best?

Tough of sees nse ten mh se

| Theda anda cr pote T proce rere pos wt eee

| presented or pst im geup

x '5 Which change do you think will happen frst?

ree + T9ấU 2 Tall SB pages?

Because of the things Thave learned inthis unit,

Trang 30

© Which seorch engine / screen did you use to find the information you needed? bb Internet / Technology might moke transportation foster and sofer

© Oh, no! The screen / invention of my phone is broken 6 Atobletis o kind of search engine / mobile device

{© Do your porents connect / allow you to have your own phone? £ Oh, no! I can't allow connect to the Internet!

2 conic

progcom software selfie onimotion manufactures opps `

© Tlove thot ‘of you ond your sister Where did you toke it? bb Youcon get thousands of useful for your phone

My brother tought himself to 2 computer Some cor fore moking driveress cors

ôâ Do you have the newest version of this computer ? { There's alot of in the movie

Od cnn otural expressions female = Ay

hhumon being puzzled body longuoge When 1 look at my old toy robot inthe corner of my room, I feel don't ploy with it much now, but I don't want to throw it ‘oway Im not sure why It doesnt really Look tke

2 It doesn't have humon fociol 3 ‘or use human, 4 Itisn't mole or

5 ‘ond it doesn't look very 6 But con't help thinking its ø le bít humon



Noe 3 you ever (use) 0 search engine?

> you ever (Gee) a drone?

e your parents ever, (ollow) you to stay up post midnight? a he ever (moke) on onimotion? No, he

eo sheever (grogrom)œcomputer2Yes,she f we ever (write) an opp? No, we

(@® write sentences about Eric with used to /didh't use to

“This sic He's my robot He

hhe coulda’t wotk or move his

finger He con’ do those things ‘onymore He's broken

x x

st wel stand tolk rove bis fingers


— (œfounding Apple {getting ø new smartphone?

‘opps that con create animotions from images

QO rex ond complete «Steve Jobs is famous _

Trang 31

Orecy Performonce Tosk I: Collo

D1) Read and answer «@ How mony function did your group thnk ofin total? > Which four functions di you choose?

© Which function did you think wos best?

D2) What ore the speakers doing? Write a,b,c, ord spe 9 12 Asking @ question to get clarity

Recognizing and respecting o clossmate's opinion,

Setting ground rules for discussion, © Asking 2 question to get further information

ed the ‘A science fiction wer rat

‘word robot in a playin 20

Con you repeat tht? ‘That's « good point but how would weteom anything?

‘What did you say? Write an example

2 ‘2 recognizing and respecting you soy? your classmates’ opinions b osking a question to find out more information ‘© asking a question to check you understood


O cree Can you help me allow /join/

connect to the Internet?

© wihotis this port mobile device called? of a i © wihotis hiss Mark v2

a seach engine) «drone ()

‘on onimation ()

O complete Wecan p

computes to make them do many arent tse

© tow does ELSA’s owner

look? Gree, embarrassed puzzled


© wor

© complete ond answer Hove you ever for you

(lve) without technology for 0 week?

© complete, use used re to dt Ss

found org en very humont ornate

Read and complete with ø preposit

Shomsa wos really surprised

some of the inventions ct the tech foi

he wos real ha - photos she took Me”

Trang 32

pe How do we

entertain ourselves?


Ge woth te video Complete the graphic organizer

‘ort running music soccer dancing swimming bosketball craft activities cycling drama

Sports on Our Own Creative Activites

[| |

(2 CAND compete

‘drama collect play imogineton origami rehearsing leisure croft | (lly ond kimi both tke ceotive activities You hove

to Use your! for these activities, Ym crozy about 2 Helways wont tobeintheschools spend © lot of my fee time learning the words and 4

Hove making tings with my Hons 1rely tke octivities.16 Losec

One of my favorite &

making paper onimols, cctvities is

|@o cm „áo, 1 blog to move information rom one device to anther | sưng 2 bemdgome —— b teoddewofonoteraebdte website where you wite about your interests

5 uplood ‘to select text ond press 0 computer key or mouse 6 link © piece of writing on 6 blog

7 chức something you can play with friends—not on ø computer »

4 post 6 a website with video where you tolk about your interests f


| '@2 cree na beameengtlogandaeg I ressing icctonsioand modes ott wt olay lag ten dblog nog halen

| ôâ Hove youreod my latest biog post T 1a syns ugsordte frespnaegtosgysgg cen ese cree pct to nado sae Tee / nk?

Fareed pesto wee cnet tga? 4 Canyou ep thing hoppens when Luploed/ ck onthe button

QO conrce

links cide post upload biog

How to Plan ond Design « Blog + First choose @ nome for your

+ Then, choose photos, text styles, ond colors to match your personality! © Stort writing your frst 2

+ Reod ond re-read what you've written 3 4 + When you are ready 5

photos and

Trang 33

Reading: Nonfiction

Look What kind of games is the blog about? Circle

© outdoor games > board games € video games

Reading Strategy: Annotating: what, how, where, why who

‘Undertning important information in texts con help us understond them Finding ‘onswers to simple questions with what how, where, why, ond who helps identity

essential information

‘Welcome to the Games Club Blog! a The Ganes Cub meets nạn Thường on 30016430, i

inte tthe dosscon.te on dmis haven ie = Next Week

ong baad games We play games at ined when Fas cil ow games a! members or ext in, and goes tom oe wo

i you now nt some bone games re ove 5.000 yeas? Newt week wl nt eck ot or of he clést—Go Hoe you ee slowed nef my tore

efoto lots ond it rsp plo You sat wth an py oo ose sring to pla yo only wit bo0d gi de lresbyrine Tins Then you needsones One pron has ok soe ond he oer as whi oes You fot uns puting esonean he oad The imo he

ge stop snes sound enpy spores to make exis (ens) ` ike becouse eases but he oe con be very compl cơn hang ey qc on suing gs con hopoen,

yo wonta cht out same mae fot abut ck 0 ink (Conyou tract whe Gos om? yeu now pst «comme below oy

Explore the Text

© @ rea vedio henndetne he ores to the questions

‘0 Where does Gomes Club meet? Whos writing the blog?

‘© What isthe writes favorite boord game? ‘6 How do you play the game?

‘© Why does the writer ke the gome? 160

2 You stort with an empty boord 3 Mrs, Maxwell

4 In the fifth grade classroom 5 ‘The rules are simple but the gome con be very complex

@G ret ond eT tue or Games Club meets once a week

You can only play old gomes at Gomes Club, ‘They played Go lost week at Gomes Club, ‘The rules of Go are easy to understond, Mrs Moxwell iso teacher

Mrs, Monwell doesn't like outdoor activites

&ư< ‘a Hove you heard of Go?

b Hove you ever played Go?

© What's your favorite board game? Why do you tke it?

Trang 34

Hove you ever played Go? ve never done origami

Hos itever snowed on your birthday? Dad hos never posted @ comment ona blog Hove they ever actel in ploy? We've never been camping

QC compte te sentences om he song on poge Bo the Sadet Book

insects (eat)

Tvenever with shorks (svi) © Tvenever bonana juice (drink)

© Tvenever skoteboarding inthe pork (be) fe Tvenever ‘online (chat)

f Tve never the Internet (use) Complete with ever or never

© Hove you ‘met o fomous person?

> My grandpe hos bbeen to 0 foreign country © Our cousins have stayed with us before d Hophe— bokedocoke?

ete been to Australia

f Hove they slept under the stars?

GE were te wordin the ght order to mate questions «online ve / writen you something / Hove 7 and sentence,

hove /an / opp /1/ mode / never

{© rained /in Has the /ever/ desert /it/? {6 never / bike / hos /0/ She / ridden

© G toca wit questions wt ‘This is Tim Berners-Lee He is a British computer scientist the prevent pertectond ever

He invented the World Wide Web, The frst web page ‘appeared online in 199

«study /in college?

Yes, he has He studied physics at Oxford University » work in a foreign country?

Yes, he has He was working ato physics laboratory in Switzerland when he invented the World Wide Web,

© hove /ony interests opart from computers?

Yes, he has When he was a child, he loved playing with model trains >) My Life

‘Write thre things you have never done @ Thove never


Trang 35

ee ee _)

© 7 x

Circle the word with the different vowel sound © blue book blew

» good glue grew


OD) © Mark @ phrase that expresses on opinion

» Gircle @ phrase thot shows someone grees

â Undertine ô phrase that shows someone disagrees kiem So Whots your fovorite thing to do ofter school?

Kate Good question Lim The school day is 50 long! I always need to rest my broin before Ido my homework {love watching videos online I think’ very eeloxing Jack Wetching videos ofter school? Reolly? I disagree, becouse it's boring tobe inside on ‘a computer after siting in schoo ll day love going outside and skoteboording 1

think geting some exercise is better for your brn ond your body

Liam Togree, becouse surfing when it's sunny dey really get tired of being on o computer ell the time I love being outside, too Cling is awesome, ond I'm crazy about © knew moon wood

© stotue flood Sue

QQ rood nace,

‘We use also ond too to add extra information after a positive verb Too is more common than als in informal contexts Too and also go indifferent positions in a sentence

Too usually goes ot the end of sentence

love drama, and I love dancing, eo Algo usually goes just before the verb love drama, and I olso love dancing Also goes after the verb to be and ‘modal verbs ‘They ore friendly and they are olso funny

‘They can ciso speak Turkish

In verbs with two ports also goes ‘between the fst ond second ports have olso been to the jungle We are clso going to Mexico We use either after a negative verb He doesn't lke camping, and he doesn't like hiking =="

{Ton speak English can t00 / also speok Spanish

Iida’ ike the movie also / ether

{© Corla loves cycling, and Ano loves it too / either 6 We ore tired, and we are too / also hungry

‘© My friends don't want to go swimming I don't want to go swimming either / also {Are they coming to the beach with us ether /o0?

Tố rete isons roneiicg i likes gymnostics

Trang 36

‘Answer the question

What dd Ym’ ovonte player ge he B QO GARD comics, lonely distracted behavior whisper surroundings

ln ees ‘move poy attention comloring |

Welcome to my world of soccer! the goateeper for .2 Shhht f you need to talkin the librory, please

Sees the Ree Then ess what 1 P » Did you feet fn your fist day ot your new school?

“Today was incredible! Dad took me to watch the Than nợ vơ cấy dt wach | Jue ahmivese gn od c4 The teacher asked the class to ‘© Tove the smell of toast—t find it really and tisten carefully

TH uta pelea {© could focus on my work ast night—1 wos soccer

Come on, Reds we here seca ball end Tam Tu 9 TC TH VSTLĐ001901- TIỀN

renee eat ree ea ed yo mm ating the net ‘9 Tkcon toke time to feel comfortable in new £ Padgdsfomiy wiL if her mom gets new job

Cuan pled el we bet iy et sere sone Sometimes, cur teacher gives us extra ply te for good

ine th ean di Tm prety appointed but fr the ga, something swell have beter an \ ind the words!

Ta dd thi me (rd sddenly es footer get © © rnstewn moet [iicininieisiviaticieis

excitement distracted

move payattention |Y|O|UjO|LjM|o|T|o|rjulo QDI Prepare that hoppened Complete to wrte a biog post about one of your interests the graphic organizer, and something “surroundings whigper lonely ‘shoke honds | [M[N [a] tlolv|m/a/m[a| rt


How did you feel? Use the graphic etter

What did you think? | —_ ƠQ Qenyerbegpostia @organier to write ond alvicicitlolaiwirlololn

cee tee 1j£ju|R|Rjv|tjn|Hje|u|E

p|ils|r|nja|c|r|z|p|N|r GEE vit yu ]indude the doy ond dote? w|in|ils|rirjR|lo|Ajsjp|r TỈN|e|m|e|T|t|c|x|e|rA CO wwite in the ist person? sjyjs[w|r|ls|w|w|r[R|w|y TC] indude your opisions? [6|v|s|N|£|s[wlw[r[RÌN |v |

Gi use oto, too, ond either correctly? S|bÐ|N|A|H|E|K|A|H s|SjA T[c|e|w|n|z|e|a|rls|sị?

Trang 37

Look tintin deesthe picture sve ousbeutthe character onde) ) when chorcterdo youtinkis most elt 07 ech pra?

setting? ‘Write it in the correct place

Chorocter: ung went for @ un © Lets rehearse our words for

the play!

+ Tim moking a birthday cord ‘out of flowers Hove you read this book?

Đo you want to come (GF reas con you aad anything Do you need to change anything? to your ideas in Activity 1? z = i Saimiing th me?

Reading Strategy: Identifying Plot, Character, ond Setting ‘The plot means the events of the story The choracters are the

people in the story The setting means the place where it happens

A Dramatic New Start!

“My dad got now jl” said Sara such excitement

sts nctet che @ weno her etc st i a hh oe shot te chats

Em waa canes tarts INE

"Yes colori drawingsand the class photos rom Sophie looked! oround ot the comforting surroundings of Sarah's room Well kind of It means we have to move.”


Thats good, n't” asked Sophie,

“Wel kind of moans we have to move”

‘very ysar of school And the poser from

School plays with their names on thêm, > “And maybe you'l get your own room.” ©

“Soph please tp tlking for a minut, and 4_And the posters from school plays with their names on them, f

J hhave a idea!" Sophie announced

pay 0 —— fre moving to Conti tno Soroh wos quieter

“Oh” Sophie toppal srddenl, Thope I won't feel too lonely Sara and Sophie met on dee fst day t

preschool: They were great ends fom thạc

mm Contin ising dena cb thre le

wot (@G@ reer ogcn an cco the best sunmary—, bor

Tee Sata icy cars cry daira opine’ "Reals ôâ Sart hos to move to another cy Shes ooking forward to making new friends

Joved sports and was always running around, — “Yes! I could give you my aunt's phone ‘and starting new hobbies in her new city

flofeneray she wou cing gto, mmnber Then, your mom seu cll his mom © Sarah has to move to another city Se s worried that she wl be lonely Her sheen sunning rman ge 222/0 23910 ce cold soa ry eng get a moe You a go {© Sarohhos to move to nother city, Shes worried that she wil be one) Her ‘rend tell her about someone with the same hobby inher new cy

‘rend soys she shoud tr © new hobby m her new cy

they hard wos drama “That would be aiaring Thanks, Sophie— ú a a i

“Han you found anew howe ye?aked! yout areal end Peo

Trang 38

Present Perfect with already just, and yet ‘We've just moved to this neighborhood

“Hove you found @ new house yet?” “No, not yet

@9ôô â This book was s0 easy to read—T've finished it just / already

He hosn’tstorted his homework yet/ already

Tehosn't snowed yet this winter He's already eaten, so he isn't hungry They've olreody visited two schools


© They've just / yet finished their test so they're very hoppy © Have you sent thot email yet /just?

© We don’t know anyone-—we'vejust/ already moved here

{My project is going really well—tve already /just done most of it

NS a

He (oll off his bike They (see) « movie she (upload) some photos

They "

(mode) some origami (ron) enimobs

© @ compete win jst yt or eed 2 Weve been to that campsite We went last year

bb They haven't finished their ort project

© Oh,nol Ive dropped the point! 6 He doesn't want to see that movie again He's


seen it twice, Have you learned your words forthe play?

Look! 've witten my fist blog post

OO reed onset ‘© What has Techstor Tess

clready done todoy? Write two things

> What has she just done? `" {© Whot hos she not done yet? Write three things Eason wedredoy,

@G reod ona write use the present pertect «rte two things you've aeody done this yor Tvediedy 1 © Wie two things youve jut done


Trang 39

'Volues: Reducing

In My Howse Tay Room [Yer 7/No| How many? Yer No How mon?


= Ol



(G:eo «2e sen Go« se vo hae och wee? Cr tessthon? Tk M2) 2-28 more thon28

(@® wit took and Gee do you tink can be some of the disdvantoges of oat of seen time? «You ould become more red healthy nd essed healthy

» You could feel more nervous / confident ond anxious / happy ifyou spend ess ‘ime with people © You might have more / fewer friends becouse you don’t hove time to see them, © You might be more less distracted at school if you go to bed too late

(@O wros trying to reduce tha sreen tne? Look nd mark¥

1] wr rtucng ren tne nour re tine portent?

#] 1 Tistened tothe opinions of the other people in my group Yes / No “| 2 gove reasons for agreeing or disogreeing Yes / No

5 Tused the phrases on the cue cords, Yes/No

1 Color the stars to give yourself a score.”

ought of es aideos or my wwww#

1 drew ond lobeled my chorocter wwwww

Tprocieed presening my cherectert9 | vey my group presented my chorocter lo mỹ gfeup | ÝY ÝÿYY ÝY Ấy Tstened tothe other chorecterideos in my group, wey “(5 = Awesome! 4 Pretty good, 3= OK 2 = Could be Better

Needsmorewors) |)

2 Which cartoon character idea did you like best? Why?


Because of the things Thave learned inthis unit mm"

2 Twat

Trang 40

OO crue

1 Sports, droma, and comping ore all coctivities @ croft b origami ¢ leisure

2 Creative activites involve using our @ drama bi leisure ¢ imaginations

5 Come on! It's time to the ploy @ rehearse b collect € disploy

4 Tike making things, so Ido lot of octvities @ drama b craft imagination

5 © Origomi b roma ¢ Leisure Is his passion He olwoys wonts to bein the school ploy!


ứng Hi.1'm Em 1'm crazy about building post ‘things, so I decided to start 0 ' ‘bout it At the moment,


Ấm Biwtecnew’ very week 1 dese at Bi cto incude’ photos of my + to websites : dhgệu I ah more dos for buing: con gt im friend to video me, I'll make itinto 0

6 Then can show you exactly how Tui things Do you want to read my blog? Just 7 here © Hot food can be very Lonely / comforting on a cold doy

Pay attention! Try not to get so comforting / distracted when you're studying! © The house was in beoutiful surroundings / behavior

What's ol the excitement /surroundings obout? ‘Mom whispered / paid attention quietly n my eor rm not happy about your excitement / behavior

0 .a ố a acỔ 2 you

bd (limb) ô mountain, â Mydad (oct) ino ploy

a they (swim) inthe seo?

e We (G0) comping in winter

f he (nen) boord gome?

© © complete with jus yet, or ready

‘2 Moms tired She's cortived home from work bb mhungry! I haven't hod breakfast

e Theyve finished theic homework That wos quick! {6 Have you played your new board game a

eve seen 0 realy funny cartoon!

f Weve ‘rehearsed the play five times I's going to be greot!


(collect) enything as ø hobby?

Oe er

dế x

croft ectvites

Ngày đăng: 13/11/2023, 07:39