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Obtaining --- in CPR requires 120 hours of class time, in addition to a live demonstration in front of a teacher.. It became very --- that the project wouldn't be finished on time afte

Trang 1

2008년 9월 토익 기출 변형 문제

101 Ms Bradshaw informed Mr Tanner that

she would be working for - office as

an intern over the summer

(A) he

(B) his

(C) him

(D) himself

102 The marketing director showed the annual

profits distributed - between the

corporate executives and the

shareholders to the CEO

(A) equal

(B) equally

(C) equality

(D) equalize

103 Queens Hotel - substantial discounts

to corporations that often lodge their

employees there

(A) offers

(B) buys

(C) tells

(D) travels

104 Our store is closed this week - the security

system is enhanced

(A) during

(B) after

(C) along

(D) while

105 Market analysts are surprised that Xcell Electric's quarterly - have been steadily increasing by about 4 percent

(A) profit (B) profitable (C) profits (D) profited

106 Mattson Tax Agency has been handling our company's annual taxes - over

30 years

(A) among (B) since (C) with (D) for

107 Patrick accepted an associate position at Harrison & Associates as it offers flexible working hours and - health benefits

(A) excels (B) excellent (C) excellently (D) excelled

108 Inspectors visit the area's major corporations once a year to ensure that employment procedures are followed -

(A) absolutely (B) decidedly (C) normally (D) properly

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2008년 9월 토익 기출 변형 문제

109 A press conference about the sudden

resignation of the financial minister will be

- today at 4 P.M

(A) hold

(B) held

(C) holding

(D) is holding

110 As the number of participants is confirmed

- the schedule is set, the marketing division

will design a poster for the conference

(A) but

(B) and

(C) yet

(D) if

111 Visitors to the laboratory facilities must show

- a valid driver's license or a personal ID

card to security before entering

(A) both

(B) neither

(C) whether

(D) either

112 Going into the city by the expressway takes

- longer than the local roads because of

heavy traffic

(A) even

(B) so

(C) too

(D) more

113 As a sales representative, - have to develop your interpersonal communication skills

(A) you (B) your (C) yours (D) yourself

114 Your eligibility for the fellowship depends

on the kind of research you do and the awards you -

(A) possess (B) possessing (C) had possessed (D) will possess

115 The film "Love Lost" is a stunning - of the best-selling novel by Richard Keen.

(A) adapt (B) adapter (C) adapted (D) adaptation

116 Every employee is required to attend - one of the training workshops each month

(A) so that (B) at least (C) only if (D) as much

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2008년 9월 토익 기출 변형 문제

117 Mackley's online Business Ethics journal

- publishes articles by well-known


(A) frequent

(B) frequency

(C) frequently

(D) frequented

118 Pure Bliss Inc is trying innovative marketing

- on its new line of cosmetics

(A) approached

(B) approaches

(C) approach

(D) approaching

119 Construction of the skyway has - been

approved by city officials and will begin next


(A) highly

(B) exactly

(C) soon

(D) recently

120 Modern Art Studio canceled its outdoor -

of contemporary photography due to bad


(A) exhibiting

(B) exhibition

(C) exhibitor

(D) exhibited

121 When experiencing technical difficulties, it

is - to consult with a trained expert

(A) capable (B) interested (C) helpful (D) usable

122 The Greydog Bus group has decided to erect advertising billboards along the highways as a way of - travelers

(A) attracts (B) attraction (C) attractive (D) attracting

123 The - for taking a holiday includes filling out a vacation request form

(A) establishment (B) measurement (C) transaction (D) procedure

124 When hiring new employees, we only offer positions to applicants - qualifications match the company's high standards

(A) that (B) than (C) whose (D) which

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2008년 9월 토익 기출 변형 문제

125 We were informed - President Forrester

that three new accountants would join the team

next week

(A) at

(B) by

(C) until

(D) of

126 Axion Shot is the - manufacturer of digital

camcorders and cameras in the world

(A) leading

(B) leader

(C) leads

(D) leadership

127 In order to receive a refund for faulty products,

you have to turn in an original receipt and a

- complaint form

(A) performed

(B) completed

(C) concluded

(D) succeeded

128 Obtaining - in CPR requires 120 hours of

class time, in addition to a live demonstration

in front of a teacher

(A) certification

(B) certificate

(C) certifies

(D) certify

129 - the competition, Graystone Juice's leaders stand by the company's

commitment to environmental responsibility by producing eco-friendly packaging

(A) Before (B) Instead (C) Unlike (D) Contrary

130 Director Tim Crane is in town attending multiple gatherings to - his most recent movie

(A) emerge (B) disturb (C) promote (D) pose

131 To ensure the assembly workers remain -, the supervisor asks them not to chat during the work hours

(A) productive (B) advantageous (C) durable (D) abundant

132 Due to an - in need for organic foods, distributors are racing to make contracts with local organic farmers

(A) increase (B) error (C) effort (D) intention

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2008년 9월 토익 기출 변형 문제

133 Although Ellen has had a remarkable sales

record since being hired, she is - to accept

a management position because of the

increased responsibility

(A) hesitance

(B) hesitant

(C) hesitated

(D) hesitantly

134 Mary White is expected by experts - Dan

Fraiser as CEO of Washburn Enterprises when

he retires next year

(A) succession

(B) successive

(C) successor

(D) to succeed

135 It is common for trainees to find themselves

- on their instructors for information, but

we encourage self-reliance

(A) depend

(B) dependence

(C) dependent

(D) dependently

136 - Michael is on a leave of absence this

month, he might be willing to do some work

from home

(A) Whenever

(B) In order that

(C) Once

(D) Even though

137 It became very - that the project wouldn't be finished on time after the planning stage was extended by one month.

(A) negligible (B) contingent (C) apparent (D) prerequisite

138 Montgomery Inc insists that its stock prices - stable despite an unpredictable market caused by several companies filing for bankruptcy

(A) is remaining (B) have remained (C) were remained (D) to remain

139 The manager of the IT Department has - payment for the order to LCD monitors for its employees' computers

(A) reminder (B) authorized (C) equipped (D) stated

140 In politics, it is necessary to offer a clear - for new legislation and policies in order to convince the public

(A) cooperation (B) management (C) rationale (D) revision

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2008년 9월 토익 기출 변형 문제

Questions 141 to 143 refer to the following e-mail

From: Daniel Doyle

To: Lois Henares

Subject: Our appointment

Date: Wed, 20 Sept 2008


I’m sending my apologies for having to - our 10:00 appointment for this morning I was on

141 (A) record (B) plan (C) finance (D) cancel

my way to your office but was suddenly called away to deal with an - problem at the factory

142 (A) average (B) urgent (C) instant

(D) complete

I have asked Ms Blanchard to reschedule our meeting on Friday at 11:00 A.M Our agenda, as agreed upon, will be the implementation of a new inventory system I would appreciate it if you could send other members scheduled to attend the meeting a summary of the points that - in your

143 (A) were covered (B) will be covered (C) are covering

(D) to cover

presentation on the new system

This should facilitate decision-making during our meeting

I hope you were not inconvenienced by the cancelation of our meeting this morning

All the best,


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2008년 9월 토익 기출 변형 문제

Questions 144 to146 refer to the following advertisement

For all subscribers to News Time Magazine!

We are offering you a chance to renew your current subscription to News Time Magazine at the special

rate of $63 for one year If you renew before August 21, you - a beautiful hard-bound copy of

144 (A) are receiving (B) received (C) will receive (D) have received

Nature: Top Scenic Spots Around the World and a pair of binoculars absolutely free

Also, if you purchase an - one-year subscription to the magazine, you will pay just $48 for

145 (A) adding (B) addition (C) additional (D) add

24 issues The special low price makes News Time Magazine an ideal gift to give during the holiday

season Please be reminded that we will charge your credit card upon receipt of your order -, the

146 (A) However (B) After (C) Unless (D) When

renewal term will not start until your present subscription is finished

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2008년 9월 토익 기출 변형 문제

Questions 147 to 149 refer to the following memo

To: Engineering Department

From: Peter Manning

Re: Pedestrian Hike and Bike Trail System

Date: Aug 27, 2008

We are pleased to announce that Callahan Construction Company has won the bid for the pedestrian hike and bike trail system to be constructed in Towson, Maryland However, due to a problem with the timetable, the local government cannot agree to our proposed deadline As such, we were unable to receive the - we asked for

147 (A) extension

(B) location

(C) funding

(D) invoice

We now have to finish the hike and trail system one month earlier than the project completion date we planned for In light of this development, we are asking all engineers to give attention only to top-priority projects - this one

148 (A) instead of

(B) more than (C) such as (D) as for

We will be holding our initial meeting on Thursday at 10:00 A.M It is important for us to finalize our strategies to meet the new deadline Let us use this time for - a new plan for the project

149 (A) to discuss (B) discuss (C) having discussed

(D) discussing

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2008년 9월 토익 기출 변형 문제

Questions 150 to 152 refer to the following letter

July 19, 2008


5725 Delphi Drive

Troy, Michigan 48098-2815 USA

Dear Mr Pemberton,

We would like to thank you for booking exhibit space at the annual Electronics World Convention in Saginaw, Michigan We anticipate more than 10,000 electronics enthusiasts to attend this year, so you can be - that the convention will be an ideal place to display your products

150 (A) assuredly

(B) assure

(C) assuring

(D) assured

To make sure that your exhibit will be ready on the first day, we are enclosing instructions for setting

up your booth Along with your requested space, a table and one chair are included with the price of your booth Other equipment and services such as an Internet connection are available for an -

151 (A) original (B) extra (C) eligible (D) authentic

fee For more information, please visit our Web site at www.electronicsworld.com/convention

To simplify preparation, an events coordinator - available to provide support during the

152 (A) was (B) has been (C) will be (D) will have been

booth set-up period If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at the contact numbers or e-mail address listed on our Web site

Sincerely yours,



Electronics World Associates

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2008년 9월 토익 기출 변형 문제

101 B 102 B 103 A 104 D 105 C

106 D 107 B 108 D 109 B 110 B

111 D 112 A 113 A 114 A 115 D

116 B 117 C 118 B 119 D 120 B

121 C 122 D 123 D 124 C 125 B

126 A 127 B 128 A 129 C 130 C

131 A 132 A 133 B 134 D 135 C

136 D 137 C 138 B 139 B 140 C

141 D 142 B 143 B 144 C 145 C

146 A 147 A 148 C 149 D 150 D

151 B 152 C

※ 해설은 http://www.Hackers.co.kr 에서 확인하세요

Ngày đăng: 24/05/2014, 07:41
