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THE EXPERT’S VOICE® IN .NET N es * ' " i - Beginning C# 2008 From Novice to Professional Christian Gross Apress® [...]... actually happened, and all because Visual C# generates som e boilerplate C# code th at works straight o ut of the box You have created an application, seen its source code, and ru n it You did all of this in the context of a comfortable, do-it-all-for-you developm ent environm ent called Visual C# Express Visual C# Express is both a good thing and a bad thing Visual C# Express is good because it hides th... s Heb ■ Whdorss ^ ■ -i a im* ” •! ij ►a«**** , * g v, CcfnmurRy Ui.iji- S y s t e m ; Steplrto :t*3 j Step Into Debugging a J A M cFy: ifii-i-,'T lyA ^ 3 Sofcjtton ’Thr®eEx=rptes' (l preset) FU u s i n g S y s t e m C o l l e c t i o n s Q b stopOver Q3l Step Over using System.Windows.Form i | Tojde Breafcpoltt I ToadeBrei L CtaHD, E d F10 ® ih tc c tK a m jIe s ¿8 Pfopoti« 3- 3 Rfe ne e recs F9... Exarnplel project Visual C# Express will display a com plete project and solution, as show n in Figure 1-2 CHAPTER 1 READY, STEADY, GO! Viewing the Source Code W hen you create a new application, Visual C# Express autom atically generates som e source code for it D ouble-click Program cs in the Solution Explorer to see the generated code The source code show n in Figure 1-3 will appear in the area... hat needs to be done w hen writing robust, stable, a n d m aintainable C# applications In this chapter, you’ll get started by acquiring the tools you need to develop C# applications and taking those tools for a test spin Along the way, you’ll create a couple C# applications Downloading and Installing the Tools Getting started w ith C# 3.0, you’re probably really excited ab o u t writing som e code th... have not been so great Thus, this book covers the C# 3.0 programming language that is used to v/rite applications for the NET Framework With C# 3.0, the NET 3.0 and 3.5 Frameworks are used .NET 3.0 gives you all of the essentials, and NET 3.5 gives you the extras 1 CHAPTER 1 READY, STEADY, GO! For the exam ples in this book, you’ll be using Visual C# 2008 Express Edition, because it’ s freely available... sd n 2.inicrosoft.com /en-us/vstudio/ d e fa u lt aspx) for m ore inform ation If you already have Visual Studio 2008 Professional, you can use that for the examples in this book That edition can do everything that Visual C# Express can do, and in fact, has m any m ore options Note I personally use Visual Studio Standard or Professional in combination with other tools such as X-develop and JustCode!... ro so ft.c o m /v stu d io /e x p ress/ 2 Select the Visual Studio 2008 Express Editions link 3 Select W indows D evelopm ent (because for the scope of this book, that is w hat you’ll be doing) 4 Click the Visual Studio Express Download link 5 You’ll see a list ofVisual Studio Express editions, as show n in Figure 1-1 Click Visual C# 2008 Express Edition C HA P TER 1 READY, STEADY, GO! I n i I 1 im... * 1 fi •» X jj W o i » | Q • m• • j T*• " o Figure 1-1 Selecting Visual C# 2008 Express Edition 6 A dialog box appears, asking where you w ant to store the dow nloaded file The file that you are dow nloading is a sm all b o o tstrap file, w hich y o u ’ll use to begin th e actual installation of th e Visual C# Express IDE Choose to save the file on the desktop These steps can be... Visual C# Express application, because th at’ not s what happened The installation procedure will dow nload the vast m ajority of the IDE Installing Visual C# Express After you’ve dow nloaded the setup file, you can start the Visual C# Express installation D uring this process, all the pieces of the IDE—about 300MB—are dow nloaded an d installed Follow these steps: 1 On your desktop, double-click the... Algorithm 87 Writing the Depth-First Search Code 89 Defining and Implementing the Data Structure 89 Defining the Algorithm T est 99 Implementing the Depth-First Search Algorithm ÏÔ3 Running the Depth-First Search Algorithm .TTT The Important Stuff to Remember 112 Some Things for You to Do 113 CHAPTER 5 Lea rn in g A b o u t C# Ex ce p tio n H a n d lin g . " i - Beginning C# 2008 From Novice to Professional Christian Gross Apress®

Ngày đăng: 16/04/2014, 18:08