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hanyu pinyin romanized chinese phonetics

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HANYu PINYIN )11t41f-i PENG 'S CHINESE TREASURY concept a nd cartoons by Tan Huay Peng Times Books International S;II!1Qport _ /Ii"./" lItmp~r (1 1984 TImes Editions Pte Lid Published by Times Books International an imprint 01 Times Ed Jlio ns Pte Ltd Times Centre, 1 New Industrial Road Singapore 1953 2nd Floor, Wlsma Hong Leong Yamaha 50 Jalan Penchala 46050 P etaNng Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia First published June 1984 Reprinted 1986, 1988, 1990 All rights reserved. No pan of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form Of by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, rec or ding or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. P ri nted by Mentor Printers Private Limited IS BN 981 2 04 141 9 Hanyu Pinyin 6 Th e Fo ur Tones 8 Simple Vowels 13 Compound .vowe ls 24 Consonants 41 The Neutral Tone 67 Tone Sandhi 71 Tone Marks 72 The Umlaut Mark 74 Two-syllable Words 76 Vocabulary 82 6 HAN YU PINYIN Hanyu Pinyin. the Romanized Chinese phonetic Sy stem. is considered the most effective aid to learning Mandarin today. It is precise and accurate and compared to ot her Romanization s, such as . Wade-Giles and Yale . it is less complicated and thus mo re easily learnt. The s ys tem reads and writ es easily. using fewer letters per sound than any other system. As an additional guide to proper pronunciation. simple tone marks are placed ov er the vowel s. Pin yi n Made S imple This book demonstrates the simplest way to master Pinyin. It anal yzes the system. breaki ng down the sounds into simple vowels. compound vowels, and consonants. First things first. The 4 ton es are introduced. after which comes the pronunciation of each vowel and consonant component of on e-s yllable word s. Basic Word s and Ch aracte rs Approximately 500. basic words. with their Chinese characters in the modern simplified form. are progressively introduced in groups according to sound. As far as possible. the examples given for each vowel or consonant group ca n be identified from the cartoon. 100 Pin yin words with tw o sy llables are also listed and explained. Cartoon s L ea rning Pin yin is really no drudgery. and cartoons ha ve been used throughout for the dual function: to amuse and to teach. Almost effortlesslY, it is possible to learn the Pinyin spelling. pronunciation and pitch of each word. as we ll as its meaning and Chinese character - at the same time. So flip these pages. be inspired, learn and have fun! 7 8 THE FOUR TONES Chinese is a tonal language. Every Chinese character is a sy ll able with a fixed tone. If the tone is wrong, the meaning is changed right away. and in so me cases co rr esponds wit h no existing Chinese character! Mandarin. the official Chinese language. ha s four basic tones: each one is indicated by a tone ma rk. The tone marks are placed over the vowels. If the letter '"j" h as a tone mark over it. the d ot is omitted. - Th e first to ne is a high continuous tone. like the r eci ting of " A BCD. etc." The second to ne is a rising questioning to ne, like a s urpr ised " Huh?" Th e third tone is a drawling tone. first V fa lling then riSing . like an indeci si ve " Well " The f ourt h tone is a sha rp falling to ne . like a purposeful " Yes! " Exa mples: a A A A ~ ~ ~ ~ 060 0 Q u u u T 1 1st tone ;;; 2nd tone 3rd tone "' 4th ton e 9 10 VOWELS In Mandarin there are 6 simple vowels and 15 com po und vowels. The compound vowels are combinations of 2 or J vowels. CONSONANTS II There are also 24 consonants. divided into 7 groups according to the way they are articulated. II SIMPLE COMPOUND SIMPLE VOWELS VOWELS VOWELS ""'" ~ a a; ao e e; ~ ;a ;e ;u l ao , 0 ou u ua u; un uo ua i U ua ue CONSONANTS b p m f d n g k ng h q . , , zh ch sh , z c s y w Lefs begin with the s im ple vowels: a e 0 u U 12 13 a as in mama. papa as in cash. rash when placed between 1 and n a p~ Ii, fear y' jf tooth tiNn 7i: sky qi3n T- 1 000 m. ~1 mother ~a . :it hair jian JlI. see xi!n $I'; first n A. it ca rry w. ~ frog dian r.s sh op piAn !lQ cheat . yii III duck ba i§ father dian ,~. spot qian fl money h. Pft ha ! da IT beat ji att ~ reduce miiin ilii noodles 15 I' e as in ~a rn , learn ~ M\ Swan de m he i UJ river ge 1- ge ~ song re !!.\ ke il: lesson s he ~ he "'- jOin he n!O c [6 e obtain ye individual ji ~ h o[ jie tongue bi~ drink die as in get, w£t when preceded by I or u lexcept for the letter yl 1I night xi~ ill elder sister lie I~ receive que ~lJ don't ye I'Ji fall yue *4 slanting ~ c ra ck Ml r ea lly Pt leaf 11 moon 17 • I as in s ir. wit • is pronounced like a vocalized r I if preceded by zh. eh, sh or r \ 1/ ~ zhi I1l point .:'0:- , - chi 0<; eat , ' I" chi II!; spoon chi i8 late s hi • matter 8 day • is pronounced lik e a buuing z I if preceded by z, c or s zl i\ purple cr III bestow z; q: word d; !f :i yo unger ti brother H; body c j i ii1 phrase I i. f:/. gr ai n q; -l:: seven b, ;g pe n ji ic remember sl Ii s ilk 1m fo ur ., ~ ch ic ke n y' 1>. ) . garme nt ml !It rice xl i1!i west 18 19 [...]... waist y" ¥,; medicine wOn fI! 1Jil! rOJ ~ socks gaze l* wAng :E hello! wAn lj( play ask wlii i!1 crooked king 65 VOWELS AND CONSONANTS THE NEUTRAL TONE We've now completed all the POSSible sounds of Hanyu Pinyin Simple Vowels • , e u 0 U Compound Vowels \ "- '0 el / I ~ Ie ou u ul U lu iao un uo uai ue Consonants b p d m k ng The tone mark for the neutral tone may either be a small d rcle ,0 l over the . 72 The Umlaut Mark 74 Two-syllable Words 76 Vocabulary 82 6 HAN YU PINYIN Hanyu Pinyin. the Romanized Chinese phonetic Sy stem. is considered the most effective aid to learning Mandarin. HANYu PINYIN )11t41f-i PENG 'S CHINESE TREASURY concept a nd cartoons by Tan Huay Peng Times Books International. of the copyright owner. P ri nted by Mentor Printers Private Limited IS BN 981 2 04 141 9 Hanyu Pinyin 6 Th e Fo ur Tones 8 Simple Vowels 13 Compound .vowe ls 24 Consonants 41 The

Ngày đăng: 03/04/2014, 13:23

