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Microsoft Word YDTT English for pharmacy book doc 1 CHAPTER 1 THE BASICS Unit 1 DRUGS Drugs are chemicals that affect the human body They may have good effects of bad effects Doctors and health worker[.]

CHAPTER 1: THE BASICS Unit 1: DRUGS Drugs are chemicals that affect the human body They may have good effects of bad effects Doctors and health workers have used them to cure diseases and to kill pain for many hundreds years In the 20th century, doctors have found many natural drug One of these is penicillin, which is an antibiotic Natural drugs come from plants and animals Scientists have studied natural drugs and mad synthetic drugs in the laboratory similar to the natural drugs Therefore, today, most drugs are synthetic Drugs are both beneficial and harmful Doctor use them to treat and prevent diseases There are drugs that affect every part of the body There are drugs that make people relaxed or make a person sleep There are drugs that kill pain For example, anesthetics put patients to sleep during operations so that they not feel pain Local anesthetics kill pain in only one part of the body Dentists use these drugs when they fix a tooth There are even drugs to help stop tissue rejection during and after transplants Doctors use drugs in many ways to cure and prevent illness Most drugs are poisonous in one way or another Almost all drugs are dangerous when people take too much of them For example Aspirin which kills pain, is usually beneficial On the other hand, people sometimes die from overdose of aspirin Too many sleeping pills cause death too When people are risk, the begin to take many drugs They may take many different kinds of drug, or they may take too much of one kind of drug Overuse of these drugs is dangerous Drug abuse is a serious problem It may destroy the abuser's health and life The same drug may be beneficial or harmful When a drug, such as morphine, helps a seriously ill patient to relieve pain On the contrary, overuse of this drug can cause psychological dependence and physical dependence as well as tolerance Drugs sole problems, but drug abuse causes problems VOCABULARY Abuse (v) /ə´bju:z/ Lạm dụng Affect (v) /ə'fekt/ Tác động, ảnh hưởng Anesthetic (v) /,ænis'θetik/ Thuốc gây mê Antibiotic (n) /'æntibai'ɔtik/ Thuốc kháng sinh Beneficial (adj) /¸beni´fiʃəl/ Có lợi Chemical (adj) /ˈkɛmɪkəl/ (thuộc về) hóa chất Cure (v) /kjuə/ Chữa, điều trị Overdose (n,v) /´ouvə¸dous/ Dùng liều Poisonous (adj) /'pɔɪzənəs/ Có tính độc Synthetic (adj) /sin´θetik/ Tổng hợp Transplant (n) /træns'plɑ:nt/ Cấy ghép Tissue rejection (n) /'tɪ∫u: ri'dʒek∫n/ Đào thải mô Tolerance (n) /'tɔlərəns/ Sự quen thuốc, nhờn thuốc Unit 2: WORDS TO THE STOREKEEPER (OR PHARMACIST) Dear friend, If you sell medicines in your store, people probably ask you about which medicines to buy and when or how to use them You are in the position to have an important effect on knowledge and health of people As you know, people too often spend the little money they have for medicines that not help them However, you can help them understand their health needs more clearly and spend theft money more wisely For example: If people come and ask for cough syrup ,for diarrhea, for vitamin B12 or liver extract to treat simple anemia, for penicillin to treat sprain or ache, for tetracycline when they have a cold, explain to them that these medicines are not needed and may more harm than good Discuss with them what to instead If someone wants to buy a vitamin tonic, encourage him to buy eggs, fruit or vegetables instead Help him understand these have more vitamins If people ask for an injection when medicines by mouth would work as well and be safe, which is usually the case - tell them so If someone wants to buy “cold tablets” or some other forms of “expensive aspirin” for a cold, encourage him to save money by buying plain aspirin tablets and taking them with lots of liquid Above all, sell only useful medicines Stock hl your store with the medicines that are important for common illnesses in your area Try to stock low cost generic products, and never sell people medicines that are expired, damaged or useless Your store can become a place where people learn about caring for theft health If you can help people use medicines intelligently, you will provide an outstanding service to your community Good luck! VOCABULARY Ache (n) /eɪk/ Đau nhức Anemia (n) /ə'ni:miə/ Bệnh thiếu máu Care (n) /kɛər/ Sự cẩn thận, thận trọng Cough (v) /kɔf/ Ho, chứng ho Common (adj) /'kɑ:mən/ Phổ biến, thường gặp Community (n) /kə'mju:niti/ Cộng đồng Damage (v) /'dæmidʤ/ Gây hại Discuss (v) /dɪs'kʌs/ Trao đổi, thảo luận Diarrhea (n) /¸daiə´riə/ Bệnh tiêu chảy Explain (v) /iks'plein/ Giải thích Effect (n) /i'fekt/ Sự ảnh hưởng, tác động Encourage (v) /ɪn'kɜ:rɪdʒ/ /ɪn'kʌrɪdʒ/ Khuyến khích Expired (adj) /ɪk'spaɪər/ Hết hạn, hạn Harm (n) /hɑ:m/ Hại, có hại Health (n) /ˈhɛɫθ/ Sức khỏe Inject (v) /ɪnˈdʒɛkt// Tiêm Injection (n) /in'dʤekʃn/ Thuốc tiêm Illness (n) /´ilnis/ Bệnh, bệnh Knowledge (n) /'nɒliʤ/ Hiểu biết Liver extract (n) /´livə ˈɛkstrækt/ Dầu gan cá Liquid (n) /'likwid/ Dịch, chất lỏng Medicine (n) /'medisn/ Thuốc Outstanding (adj) /¸aut´stỉndiη/ Xuất sắc Pharmacist (n) /'fɑ:məsist/ Dược sĩ Position (n) /pəˈzɪʃən/ Vị trí Product (n) /´prɔdʌkt/ Sản phẩm Provide (v) /prə'vaid/ Cung cấp Syrup (n) /´sirəp/ Siro Stock (v) /stɔk/ Nhập kho, chứa vào kho Sprain (n) /sprein/ Bệnh bong gân Tablet (n) /'tæblit/ Viên nén Treat (v) /tri:t/ Điều trị Useful (adj) /´ju:sful/ Có ích, hữu ích Useless (adj) /'ju:slis/ Vơ dụng, vơ ích Wisely (adv) /´waidli/ Một cách khôn ngoan EXTRA READING THE PHARMACIST Pharmacists are healthcare professionals that deal primarily with dispensing medications and managing patient medication regimens The pharmacist has many responsibilities The pharmacist fills prescriptions from doctors The pharmacist also counsels the patient about medication, side effects, and how to use the medication correctly Another responsibility of the pharmacist is to manage and monitor patient medication profiles Pharmacists must check for drug interactions, proper prescribing and drug safety The pharmacist works closely with patients, physicians, and other healthcare professionals to provide medication to the patient Roles of the pharmacist: • • • • • Reviewing and monitoring patient medication regimens General health advice Counseling patients about disease states and medication Dispensing medication by prescription Counseling patients about the best use of medication Pharmacists work in a variety of places with many different specialties Pharmacists are often the first person patients ask for medical advice With their position in the community and because they are very accessible, pharmacists play a major role in patient care * Pharmacist work on? - Community pharmacies - Hospitals - Clinics - Pharmaceutical companies - Government offices * Pharmacist specialties include: - Community pharmacists - Hospital pharmacists - Clinical research pharmacists - Consultant pharmacist Unit 3: RIGHT AND WRONG USES OF MODERN MEDICINES Some medicines which are sold in pharmacies or village stores can be very useful Others are of no value Also, people sometimes use the best medicines in the wrong way so they more harm than good To be helpful, medicine must be used correctly Many people, including most doctors and health workers, prescribe far more medicines than are needed and by doing so, they causes many needless sicknesses and deaths There is some danger in the use of any medicines Some medicines are much more dangerous than others are Unfortunately, people sometimes use very dangerous medicines for mild sicknesses I have seen a baby died because his mother gave him a dangerous medicine chloramphenicol, for a cold Never use a dangerous medicine for a mild sickness REMEMBER: MEDICINES CAN KILL US Guidelines for the use of medicines; Use medicines only when necessary Know the correct use and precaution for any medicines you use Be sure to use the right dose If the medicine does not help, or causes problems, stop using it When in doubt, seek the advice of a health worker Note: Some health workers and many doctors give medicines when none of them aer needed, It is often because they think patients expect medicine and will not be satisfied unless they get some Tell your doctor or health worker that you only want medicine if it is definitely needed This will save your money and be safer for your health Only use medicine when you are sure it is needed and when you are sure how to use it VOCABULARY Advice (n) /əd´vais/ Lời khuyên Also (adj) /´ɔ:lsou/ Cũng, Cause (v) /kɔ:z/ Gây Correct (adj) /kə´rekt/ Đúng, xác Danger (n) /'deinʤə(r)/ Nguy hiểm Death (n) /deθ/ Cái chết Definitely (adv) /'definitli/ Một cách rõ ràng, chắn Doubt (v) /daut/ Nghi ngờ Dose (n) /dous/ Liều thuốc Expect (v) /ɪk'spekt/ Hy vọng, mong muốn Guideline (n) /ˈgaɪdˌlaɪn/ Hướng dẫn, lời khuyên Harm (n) /hɑ:m/ Gây hại Helpful (adj) /´helpful/ Có ích Health worker (n) /'wə:kə/ Cán y tế Illness (n) /´ilnis/ Bệnh tật Include (v) /in'klu:d/ Bao gồm, có Mild (adj) /maɪld/ Nhẹ, thể nhẹ, ơn hịa Needless (adj) ´ni:dlis/ Không cần thiết, thừa Necessary (adj) /'nesəseri/ Cần thiết Patient (n) /'peiʃənt/ Bệnh nhân Prescribe (v) /prɪˈskraɪb/ Kê đơn Precaution (n) /pri´kɔ:ʃən/ Thận trọng, phòng ngừa Store (n) /stɔ:/ Cửa hàng Satisfied (adj) /'sætisfaid/ Thỏa mãn, hài lòng Serious (adj) /'siəriəs/ Nghiêm trọng Regrettable (adj) /ri´gretəbl/ Đáng tiếc, đáng ân hận Unfortunately (adv) /ʌn´fɔ:tʃənətli/ Không may mắn Useful (adj) /´ju:sful/ Hữu ích Unless (conj) /ʌn´les/ Trừ phi Value (n) /'vælju:/ Giá trị Unit 4: THE MOST DANGEROUS MISUSE OF MEDICINE Here is the list of the most common and dangerous errors people make in using modem medicines The improper use of the following medicines causes many deaths each year Be careful! Chloramphenicol (Chloromycetin) The popular use of this medicine for simple diarrhea and other mild sicknesses are unnecessary, because it is so risky Use chloramphenicol only for very severe illnesses like typhoid Never give it to newborn infants Oxytocin (pitocin), Pituitrin and Ergo ovine (Ergotrate) Unfortunately, some midwives use these medicines to speed up childbirth or give strength to the mother in labor This practice is very dangerous It can kill the mother or the child Use the medicines only to control bleeding after the child is bom Injections of any medicine The common belief that injections are usually better than medicines taken by mouth which is not hue Many times medicines taken by mouth work as well as or better than injections In addition, most medicines are more dangerous injected than taken by mouth Use of injections should be very limited Penicillin Penicillin works only against certain types of infections Frequent use of penicillin for sprains, bruises or any pain or fever is a great mistake As a rule, injuries that not break the skin, even if they make large bruises, have no danger of infection, they not need to be treated with penicillin or any other antibiotics Penicillin is dangerous for some people Before using it, know its risks and the precautions you must take Injections/ Overuse of penicillin with streptomycin (There are many brand names) These medicines are used too much, and often for the wrong thing They should not be used for colds, for three reasons: a They not work against colds and flu b They can cause serious problems, some times deafness or death c Their overuse makes it more difficult to cure tuberculosis or other serious illnesses Vitamin B12 and liver extract These medicines not help anemia or weakness except in cases In addition, they have certain risks when they are injected They are only used when a health worker has prescribed them after the blood In nearly every case of anemia, iron pills will more good/ effective Other vitamins As a rule, DO NOT INJECT VITAMINS Injections are more dangerous, more expensive and usually no more effective than pills Unfortunately, many people waste their money on syrup, tonics, and elixirs that buying foods contain vitamins Many lack the most important vitamins But even when they contain them, it is wiser to buy more and better food Body building and protective foods like eggs, meat, fruit, vegetables and whole grains are rich in vitamins and other nutrients Giving a thin, weak person good food more often will usually help him far more than giving him vitamin and mineral supplements A person who eats well does not need extra vitamins Calcium Injecting calcium into a vein can be extremely dangerous It can quickly kill someone if it is not injected very slowly Injecting calcium into the buttocks sometimes causes very serious abscesses or infections Never inject calcium without first seeking medical advice Note: In Mexico and other countries where people eat many com tortillas or other foods prepared with lime, it is foolish to use calcium injections or tonics (as it is often done to give strength or help children grow) The body gets all the calcium it needs from the lime Feeding through the veins (intravenous injection or I.V solutions) In some areas, people who are anemic or very weak spend their last penny to have, a liter of I.V Solution put into their veins They believe that this will make them stronger or their blood richer However, they are wrong! Intravenous solution is not as good as pure water with some salt or sugar in it It gives less energy than a large candy bar and makes the blood thinner, not richer It does not help anemia or make the weak stronger In addition, when a person who is not well trained puts the I.V.solution into a vein, there is danger of an infection entering the blood This can kill the sick person Intravenous solution should be used only when a person can take nothing by mouth or when he is badly dehydrated If the sick person can swallow, give him a liter of water with a little sugar and salt It will as much for him as injecting a liter of I.V solution For people who are able to eat, nutritious foods more to strengthen them than any types of I V fluid If a sick person is able to swallow and keep down liquids 10 Laxative and purges It is always dangerous to give a laxative or purge to a baby or to anyone who is very weak, dehydrated or has severe pain in his belly Unfortunately, people often believe that purges bring back health or clean the bad things out of the body It is explained that purges or strong laxatives nearly always more harm than good VOCABULARY Abscess (n) /'æbses/ Áp xe Anemia (n) /ə'ni:miə/ Thiếu máu Antibiotic (n) /'æntibai'ɔtik/ Thuốc kháng sinh Bar (n) /ba:/ Thanh, vạch Bleed (v) /bli:d/ Chảy máu Blood (n) /blʌd/ Máu Bruise (n) /bru:z/ Vết tím bầm Common (adj) /'kɒmən/ - /'kɑ:mən/ Thông thường Corn tortilla (n) /kɔ:n tɔrˈtiə/ Bánh bột ngô Deafness (n) /´defnis/ Điếc Dehydrate (v) /di:´haidreit/ Mất nước Diarrhea (n)/ hoea /daiə´riə/ ỉa chảy Energy (n) /ˈɛnɜːdʒi/ Năng lượng Effective (adj) /'ifektiv/ Tác dụng Fever (n) /'fi:və/ Cơn sốt, sốt Foolish (adj) /´fu:liʃ/ Khờ dại, ngu đần Fluid (n) /ˈfluɪd/ Chất lỏng Elixir (n) /i´liksə/ Thuốc ngâm rượu, đan Grain (n) /grein Ngũ cốc Give strength (v) /giv 'streɳθ/ Trợ lực Inject (v) /ɪnˈdʒɛkt/ Tiêm, chích Infection (n) /in'fekʃn/ Nhiễm trùng/ khuẩn Injury (n) /'indʤəri/ Chỗ bị tổn thương Infant (n) /'infənt/ Trẻ sơ sinh Intravenous (adj) /intrə´vi:nəs/ Trong tĩnh mạch Iron pill (n) /aɪən ´pil/ Viên sắt Laxative (n) /´læksətiv/ Thuốc nhuận tràng Liquid (n) /'likwid/ Chất lỏng Lime (n) /laim/ Can xi, vôi Liver extract (n) /´livə ˈɛkstrækt/ Dầu gan cá Midwife (n) /´mid¸waif/ Nữ hộ sinh, bà đỡ Improper (adj) /im´prɔpə/ Sai, khơng thích hợp Overuse (v) /´ouvər¸ju:z/ Lạm dụng, q liều Mother in labor (n) /m^ðər in 'leibə/ Sản phụ 10 ... for medicines that not help them However, you can help them understand their health needs more clearly and spend theft money more wisely For example: If people come and ask for cough syrup ,for. .. people come and ask for cough syrup ,for diarrhea, for vitamin B12 or liver extract to treat simple anemia, for penicillin to treat sprain or ache, for tetracycline when they have a cold, explain... others are Unfortunately, people sometimes use very dangerous medicines for mild sicknesses I have seen a baby died because his mother gave him a dangerous medicine chloramphenicol, for a cold

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