Rationale 10
Literature continues to play a vital role in people's lives, serving as a cherished source of entertainment, learning, and life experience despite the rise of digital media Each literary work showcases the author's talent, particularly in their unique use of language to convey ideas and captivate readers One effective technique employed by writers is inversion, which involves reversing the usual order of words to create a striking impact While inversion can be challenging for English learners to grasp, it is frequently used in both English and Vietnamese literature to present familiar concepts in fresh and engaging ways Authors must skillfully organize their writing to utilize inversion effectively; otherwise, the resulting sentences may confuse readers The allure of inversion lies in its ability to draw attention to key ideas, prompting readers to recognize the significance of the unusual word arrangement Additionally, while there are grammatical guidelines for inversion, many writers innovate their own styles, enhancing the unexpected effect This exploration of inversion in literature reveals its powerful appeal and effectiveness in engaging readers.
This thesis analyzes the use of inversion in "Jane Eyre," aiming to provide valuable linguistic insights for English teachers and learners, particularly for students majoring in English and those interested in the subject.
This study aims to enhance the understanding of inversion in literary works from the 19th century to contemporary times, benefiting both language researchers and learners The findings will also support accurate study and translation of inversion structures.
Practically, the result of the study could be used in the teaching and learning English inversion at schools and universities
This study serves as a valuable resource for teachers on the use of inversion, while also enhancing students' understanding of inversion techniques in the analyzed works, allowing them to grasp the implications of these literary elements effectively.
As for translators, they will be more aware of similarities and differences in translating the inverted structures.
Aims and objectives of the study 11
This research focuses on examining the use of inversion and its discourse function in the novel "Jane Eyre." The goal is to assist Vietnamese learners of English in gaining a deeper understanding of inversion at the discourse level.
With the above-mentioned purposes, the objectives of this study are:
- Investigating cases of inversion used in “Jane Eyre”;
- Exploring the discourse functions of inversion used in the novel;
- Putting forward some recommendations for studying inversion in English.
Research questions 11 1.4 Methods of the study 12 1.5 Scope of the study 13
1 Which forms of inversion are used in “Jane Eyre”?
2 What are the discourse functions of English inversion in the novel?
3 What are some suggestions for studying inversion in English?
The research is conducted with references from the diverse reliable sources such as books, MA thesis in which related to inversion in English
In my exploration of the novel "Jane Eyre," I discovered the use of inversion structures in English, specifically focusing on two main types: Subject-Verb inversion and Subject-Operator inversion This analysis not only enhanced my understanding of English grammar but also highlighted the unique ways these structures are employed within the narrative of the novel.
This study aims to analyze the frequency of inversion structures in the novel "Jane Eyre" and provide insights for correctly studying English inversion To accomplish these objectives, both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed, with a primary focus on qualitative analysis.
• Research approaches: quantitative and qualitative approaches
Descriptive analysis is carried out throughout the study All the considerations and conclusion are largely based on the analysis of the collected data and references
In the initial phase, the descriptive method is employed to analyze inversion structures in English, utilizing examples gathered from a variety of sources, including books, MA theses, online resources, and dictionaries.
This thesis analyzes data sources from the novel "Jane Eyre," utilizing secondary sources such as M.A theses, books, and journal articles available online that focus on inversion structures The primary source, "Jane Eyre," was also sourced from the internet The study identifies and examines two main types of inversion, encompassing over 20 variations found in English, all of which are illustrated in the thesis.
• Data-related issues: need to focus on data types like reference books, textbook, M.A thesis; source of data, and data analysis techniques
- Data collection techniques: selecting materials by the corpus software.
This article explores data analysis techniques by collecting and selecting inversion structures from the novel "Jane Eyre." It examines the syntactic features of these inversions and delves into their pragmatic aspects, providing valuable insights into the use of inversion structures within the text.
Describing and analyzing the forms of inversion in English
Describing and analyzing the inversion in English and Jane Eyre, exploring the way to emphasize a speech, and finding out the common way made by English people when
14 writing or speaking to English native speakers In order to gain the achievements, some methods are used as followed:
This study primarily utilizes a descriptive method that incorporates both quantitative and qualitative approaches The quantitative aspect involves collecting substantial raw data from various reliable sources, focusing on the frequency of inversion structures present in the speech.
Analytical methods assist to the major method in this study Analytical method will be used to analyze statistics that are available after carrying out the descriptive research
To effectively meet the study's aims and objectives, the primary technique employed will be the selection of relevant materials Additionally, examples from M.A theses will be analyzed to uncover how the textual meaning of sentences conveys information that supports cohesion and coherence within the message.
The diverse use of inversion in the novel "Jane Eyre" presents a challenge in thoroughly analyzing its various forms Alongside the examination of inversion, the researcher delves into the meanings and implications of the text, which further extends the analysis time Given the constraints of a master's thesis and the researcher's knowledge limitations, the study is focused on a specific scope.
• Only the discourse functions of English inversion in creating textual cohesion and thematic are studied
• Only novel “Jane Eyre” is studied
• Only some typical kinds of inversion mentioned in Jane Eyre are chosen to be analyzed
This thesis is a pioneering study in Vietnam that explores the discourse functions of English inversion in the novel "Jane Eyre." It highlights two significant contributions: first, it demonstrates how inversion constructions foster textual cohesion by enhancing discourse connections through cohesive devices Secondly, the research examines the role of inversion in emphasizing speakers' ideas within the narrative Additionally, this thesis serves as a valuable resource for businesses, employees, teachers, and students interested in workplace writing.
15 communication and overcoming these problems In addition, the thesis can also be a reference for the researches on studying inversion structures as well
We hope that the research results of the topic will contribute to raising awareness about the use of inversion in English in general and in making speech in particular
The thesis consists of 4 chapters as follow:
Chapter 1 is the Introduction of the study which shows the reasons why the topic is chosen, what the research aims at as well as the scope, the significance and the structural organization of the study
Chapter 2 is the Literature review and Theoretical background of the study This chapter will give the brief review of related literature and theoretical background of every matter mentioned in the study
Chapter 3 is the Findings and Discussions It presents and analyzes the collec ted data from questionnaires as well as gives the use of inversion structure in English and in novel Jane Eyre Besides that, the study offers some ways for Vietnamese lear ners of English or translators to learn about inversion structures in English
Chapter 4 is the Conclusion of the study which presents the recapitulation of the study, the limitations of the study and some suggestions for further study
Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Review of previous studies
Inversion is a significant syntactical stylistic device that holds considerable expressive value It has garnered global interest among researchers and linguists Notably, prominent figures in both English and Vietnamese linguistics, such as Galperin, have extensively explored the concept of inversion.
R English stylistics/ L.R Todd M Librocom 2018), Peter Cullicover and Levine
(Peter Cullicover and Levine (1991) Topicalization, inversion, and complementizers) in English, etc These authors have made great contributions to the background theory of this research
Inversion has garnered interest among Vietnamese researchers, notably Nguyen Thi Quynh Hoa, who conducted a study in 2004 focusing on the functions of English inversion structures However, her thesis did not explore the stylistic features of these structures or their application in English and Vietnamese literature Vu Thi Mai Que also contributes to this field of research.
(2007) did a study on inversion in English discourse and its pedagogical implication and a case study at the faculty of English, HaNoi Open University Tran Thi Hong Hanh
In 2010, a study was conducted on English inversion and the challenges faced by English majors at Hai Phong Private University Additionally, in 2017, Ho Ngoc Trung explored the significance of inversion in English discourse.
Significance of the study 14
Indulge in the visually stunning chocolate "delice," a hatbox-shaped dessert crafted from rich dark chocolate and filled with a delightful mix of berries and white chocolate mousse, all elegantly surrounded by a mosaic of four vibrant fruit sauces.
Grammatical phenomena possess unique characteristics and functions essential for constructing sentences Linguists often focus on the concept of these phenomena to differentiate them, particularly in the study of inversion Analyzing various studies reveals that understanding the concept of inversion is key to grasping its role in language Additionally, different linguists offer distinct interpretations of inversion, each highlighting its varied functions.
Inversion, as a syntactical phenomenon, is recognized as a universal feature of language, as noted by Phan Thieu (1988: 21) This linguistic structure is present in various languages, including Russian (invesiya), French (inversion), and German (umkehrung) Numerous English grammar books explore the concept of inversion, providing extensive lists of instances where it occurs.
Here are some definitions of invention found in English grammar books:
Inversion refers to the grammatical structure where the verb precedes the subject, commonly occurring in questions and various other contexts There are two primary types of inversion, with the more frequent type involving an auxiliary verb positioned before the subject, followed by the main verb If no auxiliary verb is present, the auxiliary "do," "does," or "did" is utilized to form the correct structure.
“Inversion is a rhetorical method used in English and Vietnamese
“Inversion, of which we are distinguish two types, consisting respectively the reversal of Subject and Verb, and the reversal of Subject and Operator”
The term "operator" refers to the first auxiliary verb in a finite verb phrase, which indicates tense, mood, voice, and aspect Examples include phrases like "have done" and "did."
“would have done”, “had done”, “would do”, „does”, “did”, “would be doing”, “is doing”, etc
In the formation of Yes-No questions, the Operator plays a crucial role by being positioned directly before the Subject This inversion separates the Operator from the rest of the verb phrase, ensuring clarity and coherence in question formation.
(8) ―Is the girl now a student?‖ [QRGS, 1973:192]
(9) ―Has the boat left‖ [ QR.GS, 1973: 192]
(10) ―Did you see the snake?‖ [TAJMAV, 1960:76]
In the information of Wh-Question in which the Q-element comes first in the sentence, then come the Operator and the Subject except when the Q- element is Subject
(11) ―Whom do they make the chairman every year?‖
(12) ―What do they make him every year?‖
(13) ―When do they make him the chairman?‖ Inversion and Theme – Rheme structure
According to McCarthy (1991), the elements positioned at the beginning of a clause in English serve as indicators of the intended framework for understanding the message being conveyed These elements, referred to as Themes or Topics, play a crucial role in shaping the meaning of the rest of the clause, known as the Rheme or comment This highlights the significance of the initial position within a clause, a characteristic that, while varying across languages, remains a universal feature in the construction of Themes.
According to Downing and Locke (1993), the Theme is a key component of a clause's thematic structure, distinct from the syntactic Subject and the topic of the message While these elements often align in phrasing, the Theme serves as the starting point for the message and is typically represented by the first constituent of the clause in English It is considered unmarked when it matches the expected element, such as the Subject in a declarative clause, but can vary when other elements are introduced.
26 the initial position, it is a marked Theme Objects, Complements, and Adjuncts may be fronted Thus, whole clauses can be fronted in complex sentences
According to Halliday (1985), every clause in any language functions as a message, characterized by a structured organization that qualifies it as a communicative event In English and many other languages, this organization is achieved through the concepts of Theme and Rheme The Theme acts as the starting point of the message, while the Rheme elaborates on and develops the Theme, creating a coherent and meaningful communication.
Quirk (1972) and Leech and Svartvik (1975) emphasize the significance of the first position in communication, as it serves as the starting point for conveying a message In both spoken and written English, this initial position effectively indicates the Theme of the discourse.
Quirk [1972:948], moreover, show that, adverbials in English are generally mobile, they can appear characteristically in initial position are disregarded in considering what the Theme of a clause is
Adverbials, particularly those indicating place, frequently appear in final position within sentences When these adverbials are fronted, they can be considered as a Marked theme This structure is linked to Subject-Verb inversion, especially when the subject is a noun phrase instead of a pronoun.
(14)―Into the thick of the smoke we plunged.‖
A S V Inversion and thematic fronting / Marked Theme
In English, certain elements typically do not serve as the Theme in a clause However, when these elements are positioned at the beginning of a clause for emphasis, they transform into marked Themes, allowing for variations in style and effect.
In informal speech, elements can be fronted with nuclear stress, allowing them to be marked for special emphasis both thematically and informationally This technique highlights key points in conversation, enhancing the clarity and impact of the message.
(15) ―An utter fool I felt too‖ [QEA, 1972:945]
(16) ―Relaxation you call it‖ [QEA, 1972:946]
A second type of marked Theme is evident in rhetorical language, which illustrates a parallelism between two elements within a clause and their contrasting counterparts in a nearby clause This technique enhances the depth of meaning and emphasizes the relationship between the elements.
(17) ―His face, I’m not font of (but his character I despise)
(18) ―leave him I couldn’t (but at least I could make his life a misery)‖
In such above clauses which often have double information focus, one nucleus is from the Theme and the other from a later element of the clause
According to Quirk (1972) and Leech and Svartvik (1975), the fronting of an element is typically associated with inversion In cases of inversion, such as the positioning of the Operator and Subject, when an Operator is front
(19) ―Should we not succeed; the consequences would be disastrous‖
2.2.4 The role of inversion in discourse structure