a [ae], [ e i ]
@ 3 jam bag rat case cake black hand game name
Stick the pictures a [ổ] man hat map a [ei]
Match the words and the pictures cake jam page m
a [ a : ]
I m D Read a [a:] class grass dance ask mask fast last plant path bath father
o [ d ], [ a u ]
Read bone nose rose rope clock box stone hot dog frog hole coke smoke
Match the words and the correct sounds dog rope doll
[эи] } ã ã ã ' nose rose smoke frog cock coke
o [a]
i [i], [a i]
e [e], [i:]
It’s Pete It’s Steve It’s Eve.
ee, ea [i:]; ea [e]
, o ° ô ° tree sheep street cheese eat meat sea
Circle the word with a different sound tea pen cheese
Match the pictures hen % sheep sleep egg
u [a], [ u ]
Read f — \ V U u J duck sun run jump
_ _ bull bush put pull push
u [ju:]
U ED bus sun duck nut u [ju:] tune
c [s], [k]; ck [k]
Match the words and the correct transcriptions city face cent rice
Match the words and the correct transcriptions clock
sh [/]; ch, tc h [ t f ]
Read chick bench shell ship finish dish
[ch, tch [tfl ) chess cheese lunch watch sheep bush cheap switch
Match the words and the correct transcriptions fish cheese Œ D (M
x [ks]
Match the words and the correct transcriptions text
ph [f]
3) fram e phone photo photo fin ish
ar [ a : ]
Match the words and the correct transcriptions mark car star
[ka:] [ma:tn [ma:k] [sta :]
o r [a:]
short shorts fork horse port sport
a ll [ d : I]
Tick off the correct transcription ball
oo [u :], [u]
00 M ) school brook look wood wool book
Match the pictures boot cook brook food wood
y, ey [ i ] ; ay [a i]
Read y ’ ey ĩD honey dry type cyborg study
Read happy windy sunny money
Circle the word with a different sound puppy cry
I gym windy sky fly type money
Match the words and the correct transcriptions granny honey
ir , er, u r,
V ir, er, ur, w + or [3:] skirt work worm correct transcriptions purple dirty nurse words and the shirt person
Circle the skirt word with a different sound nurse
Match the pictures brick bird purple worm
Read doctor worker sister scooter dollar Russia lemon carrot
Match the words and the correct transcriptions
th [ 6 ], [ 0 ]
Read father r * 1 mother brother three north that th [0] thick h
O'1' * w * wSse*“ ' '\ sr ằ > v month thin bath tooth path
Match the words and the correct transcriptions three mother father w tooth
ng [ 13 ], [qg]
England English finger angry hungry sing
Read strong evening spring morning
Match the words and the correct transcriptions
n k, nc [r]k]
É 2 ii Read rink jn k , nc nk, nc [r)k] tank ink drink pink monkey uncle
Match the words and the correct transcriptions monkey donkey uncle pink t ' A n k l ] [ ' m A q k i ] [ p i n k ] [ ' d o r ] k i ]
ai, ay [e i]
Read. ai, ay Jei] rain train tail wait play words and the ray spray correct transcriptions play paint train May
oi, oy [ai]
( o i, o y [Jij noise boy toy joy
Match the words and the correct transcriptions noise coin toy
j [с !з ]
Jack jam juice jug jacket June
Match the words and the correct transcriptions jump jeans juice jacket
g [ 0 ) 3 ] before e, i, y;
Gina engine p J lg jE P ^ea dg
g [g]
Match the words and the correct transcriptions frog grass granny
Circle the word with a different sound
Tick off the correct transcription
['m aed3 ik ] t'm aegi] magic mug
oa [эи]
road goat road coach coat boat coach words and the correct transcriptions
ou [au], [л], [u :]
touch group house mouse mouth shout cloud country couple double o u [u:] count
OU [ a ] soup route wound round
Circle the word with a different sound cloud mouse coat count round road house loud
Match the words and the correct transcriptions mountain fountain trousers thousand
au [ a : ]
Read daughter sauce Paul laundry pause m
Match the words and the correct transcriptions daughter sauce
Match the words with the correct sound
August cloud mouse author daughter
a ir, are [ea]
[a ir , are air, are hare share hair chair stairs airport scare
Match the words and the correct transcriptions rare airport chair
ear, eer [ia ];
Read Match the words and the correct transcriptions ear, eer [ia])
Read Match the words and the correct transcriptions e a r [esl 'i pear bear tear wear
w [w]
Read Match the words and the correct transcriptions watch want wash
qu [ k w ]
Read Match the words and the correct transcriptions qu [kw p queen quick quack quiet
Read Match the words and the correct transcriptions square question squirrel aquarium
ow [au], [au]
Read Match cow ow the words and the correct transcriptions o w [au] snow yellow window
['windau] [snau] ['jelau] the words and the correct transcriptions town clown brown
Read Match the words and the correct transcriptions.
ig h [ a i ]
Find your way through the maze with the sound [a i] like sit lake film bike night my ram
P i g day ice sunny cake train light white windy play May fly
( м а т е р и а л ) w o o l [ w u l ] ш е р с т ь w o r k [ w 3 : k ] р а б о т а ; р а б о т а т ь w o r k e r [ ' \ л / з : к э ] р а б о ч и й w o r m [ \ л / з : т ] ч е р в я к w o u n d [ w u : n d ] р а н а © y e l l o w [ ' j e l a u ] ж ё л т ы й М етодические реком ендации Типы заданий
Read (Прочитайте.) — Объясните правило чтения и прочитай те вместе с учеником примеры (Сначала слово читает учитель, затем ученик.) Затем еще раз попросите ученика самостоятельно прочитать все слова.
Read these exceptions (Прочтите исключения.) — Прочитайте вме сте с учеником примеры (Сначала слово читает учитель, затем ученик.) Затем еще раз попросите ученика самостоятельно прочи тать все слова.
Stick the pictures (Приклейт е картинки.) — В приложении к учебнику даны картинки-наклейки Ученик должен наклеить со ответствующие картинки и прочитать все примеры.
Match the words and the pictures (Подберите правильные пары из слов и картинок.) — Ученик должен прочитать слово, найти кар тинку, соответствующ ую этому слову, и соединить их линией.
Match the words and the correct sounds (Подберите слова и соот ветствующие им звуки.) — Ученик должен прочитать слово, оп ределить, какой знак транскрипции соответствует этому слову, и соединить их линией.
Match the words and the correct transcriptions (Подберите слова и соответствующие им транскрипции.) — Ученик должен прочи тать слово, определить, какая транскрипция соответствует этому слову, и соединить их линией.
Match the pictures by connecting each image on the left with its corresponding one on the right The student should draw a line between the pairs to create meaningful word combinations and then read the resulting pairs aloud.
Circle the word with a different sound {Обведите слово с другим зву ком.) - Ученик должен прочитать слова и найти среди них одно слово с другим звуком.
Number the transcription (Пронумеруйте транскрипцию.) - У че ник должен прочитать слово, определить, какая из двух транс крипций ему соответствует, и поставить перед ней цифру, соот ветствующ ую слову.
Tick off the correct transcription ( Поставьте галочку перед пра вильной транскрипцией.) - Ученик должен прочитать слово, определить, какая из двух транскрипций является правильной, и поставить перед ней галочку.
Tìm đường qua mê cung với âm [ai] Học sinh cần tìm và đọc tất cả các từ có âm [ai] Trước buổi học đầu tiên, hãy ôn lại bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh và các ký hiệu phiên âm với học sinh Giải thích rằng nhiều từ tiếng Anh được phát âm không giống như cách viết của chúng, tương tự như trong tiếng Nga Ví dụ, viết từ "что" [што] trên bảng Tuy nhiên, tiếng Anh có nhiều từ như vậy hơn Tiếp theo, viết từ "daughter" và cách phát âm của nó bằng ký tự Nga: [дотэ] Giải thích rằng việc sử dụng ký tự Nga để truyền đạt âm thanh của từ tiếng Anh là không thuận tiện vì tiếng Nga không có nhiều âm thanh của tiếng Anh Vì lý do đó, các ký hiệu phiên âm đã được phát minh Viết bên cạnh ['сЬДэ] và giải thích rằng các ký hiệu này được gọi là phiên âm, được viết trong dấu ngoặc vuông, với trọng âm đặt trước âm tiết nhấn Xem phần bên phải của bảng với các ký hiệu phiên âm, mỗi ký hiệu đại diện cho một âm tiếng Anh cụ thể Nhiều chữ cái tiếng Anh có thể phát âm khác nhau tùy theo vị trí trong từ, và do đó sẽ được thể hiện bằng các ký hiệu phiên âm khác nhau Dưới bảng có bốn ví dụ từ với phiên âm Chỉ ra rằng bên dưới hình là cách viết của từ, còn bên cạnh, trong dấu ngoặc vuông, là phiên âm của từ Để biết chính xác cách đọc của từ, trong từ điển, phiên âm được viết sau mỗi từ Mở từ điển ở cuối sách giáo khoa và chỉ ra rằng trước tiên là từ tiếng Anh, sau đó là phiên âm, và cuối cùng là nghĩa dịch.
In Lesson 1, students learn that the letter "a" can be pronounced as the short sound [ae] in a closed syllable Before reading examples from the first exercise, it's important to explain the concepts of closed and open syllables The division of syllables in English differs significantly from that in Russian, posing challenges for learners Prior to the second exercise, encourage students to examine new words and identify their differences from those in the first exercise Once they recognize that all words in the second exercise end with the letter "e," clarify that this letter is silent at the end of words, allowing the first vowel to be pronounced as it is named in the alphabet, meaning "a" will be pronounced as [ei] This type of syllable is referred to as an open syllable, which ends with a vowel or a consonant followed by a silent "e." Conversely, all words in the first exercise end with a consonant, categorizing them as closed syllables, where "a" is pronounced as [ae].
Lesson 3 focuses on the pronunciation of the letter "a" as [a:] when it precedes certain consonant combinations, such as ss, sk, st, sp, nt, th, nee, ff, and ft For beginners learning English, it can be challenging to memorize all these consonant blends Therefore, it is essential to explain that in many words where "a" is followed by two consonants, it is pronounced as a long vowel sound [a:].
(В американском варианте английского язы ка такие слова произ носятся со звуком [эе] (за исключением слова father) В британ ском варианте английского язы ка такое произношение такж е яв ляется достаточно распространенным.)
Lesson 4 focuses on the pronunciation of the letter "o" in stressed closed syllables, where it is pronounced as a short sound [o] It's important to remind students that a closed syllable ends with a consonant In addition, the lesson addresses the pronunciation of "o" in stressed open syllables, which differs from the previous lesson Before reading examples from the second exercise, students should identify new words and note their differences in spelling from those in the first exercise They will discover that all words in the second exercise end with the letter "e," which is silent at the end of a word Consequently, the first vowel will be pronounced as it is named in the alphabet, meaning that "o" will be pronounced as [ei] in these words, classifying this type of syllable as open.
( Lesson 6 о [д] — в с л о в а х — и с к л ю ч е н и я х В некоторых словах-исключениях буква о читается как краткий звук [д] Такие слова-исключения нужно запоминать. и [и] В некоторых словах-исключениях буква и читается как краткий звук [и] Такие слова-исключения нужно запоминать.
Lesson 14 Во втором упражнении даны примеры, где буква и стоит в удар ном открытом слоге и читается так, как она называется в алфа вите, т.е Uи:].
In Lesson 15, the letter "с" is pronounced as [s] when followed by the letters "е," "i," or "у." In all other cases, including when followed by other vowels or consonants, "с" is pronounced as [k] The combination "ск" is pronounced as a single sound [k] and is never found at the beginning of a word, only in the middle or at the end.
Lesson 16 На этом уроке ученики знакомятся с полной транскрипцией слов Обратите их внимание, что многие знаки транскрипции, изобра жающ ие звуки, похожи на соответствующие им буквы.
In Lesson 17, the letter combination "sh" is pronounced as a single sound [ʃ], while the combinations "ch" and "tch" are pronounced as [tʃ] It's important to explain to students that the sound [tʃ] is represented in transcription with a double symbol, yet it is articulated as a single sound.
Lesson 19 х [кБ] Б уква х читается как два звука [кБ].
Lesson 20 } Р ь т Сочетание букв рЬ читается как один звук [^. При выполнении второго упражнения обратите внимание учени ков, что звук на письме передается и буквой f
Lesson 21J а г [а:] Сочетание букв аг читается как долгий звук [а:].
Lesson 2 2 J О Г [ у ] Сочетание букв ог читается как долгий звук [э:].
Lesson^iP) а11 [э:1] Сочетание букв а 11 читается как [э: 1 ].
Lesson 24 \ оо [и:] Сочетание букв оо читается как долгий звук [и:]. о о [ и ] В некоторых словах-исключениях сочетание букв оо читается как краткий звук [и] Такие слова-исключения нужно запоминать.
Lesson 26 focuses on the pronunciation of the letter "у" and the combination "еу" in unstressed syllables, where they are pronounced as a short sound [1] Additionally, "у" is pronounced as a short sound [1] in stressed closed syllables It's important to remind students about the definition of a closed syllable In stressed open syllables, the letter "у" is pronounced as [а1], which differs from the pronunciation of other vowels and is not pronounced as it is named in the alphabet Remember to explain the concept of an open syllable to the students.
Lesson 29 ) ir, er, ur, w + o r [з:] Сочетания букв ir, er, ur, w +or читаются как долгий звук [з:].
[э] — безударные гласные В безударном слоге большинство гласных букв, а такж е сочета ния гласных и буквы г, читаются как [э].
In Lesson 32, the combination of the letters "Ш" is pronounced as a single sound [б] when situated between vowels, as well as in pronouns and most function words Conversely, in other instances, such as at the beginning and end of significant words, and in the middle of certain words, the combination of the letters "М" is articulated as a single sound [0].
— n g w В конце слов сочетание букв ng читается как один звук [г]]. В середине слов сочетание букв п£ читается как [дд] Следите, чтобы ученики не подменяли звук [г]] на звук [п].
Lesson 36 n k , n c [rjk] Сочетания букв n k , nc читаются как [q к] Следите, чтобы ученики не подменяли звук [13] на звук [п].
V a i, a y [ei] Сочетания букв a i и ay читаются как [ei].
./ oi, о у [ di ] Сочетания букв oi и о у читаются как [ di ]
In Lesson 39, focus on the letter 'j', which is pronounced as [63] Explain to students that this sound is represented by a double symbol in transcription but is articulated as a single sound It's crucial to clarify the common confusion between the letter 'j' and the sound [j] Highlight that while the transcription symbol [j] resembles the letter 'j', they are fundamentally different Provide examples such as 'jam' [bзэет], 'jeep' [d3i:p], and 'yes' [jes], alongside 'pupil' ['pju:pl] to illustrate the distinction between the letter and the sound.
In Lesson 40, the letter 'g' is pronounced as [63] when placed before the letters 'e', 'i', or 'u' It's important to remind students that the sound [s!z] is represented in transcription with a double symbol but is pronounced as a single sound Additionally, in certain exceptional words, 'g' before 'e' or 'i' is pronounced as [d] The letter combination 'dg' is also pronounced as a single sound [63] At the end of the lesson, emphasize to students that the sound [s] can be represented in writing by the letter 'j' as in "June" and "jacket," the letter 'g' as in "gel" and "giraffe," and the letter combination 'dg' as in "bridge" and "badge."
Lesson 41 g [g] Напомните ученикам, в каки х случаях буква g читается как [63] (смотрите предыдущий урок) В остальных случаях, т.е перед ос тальными гласными, а такж е согласными, и в конце слова буква g читается как [д].
Lesson 43 о а [эи] Сочетание букв оа читается как [эи].
Lesson 44 ои [аи] Сочетание букв о и читается как [аи].
0U [л] В некоторых словах-исключениях сочетание букв о и читается как краткий звук [л], а в некоторых как долгий звук [и:] Такие сло ва-исключения нужно запоминать.
Lesson 46 ч J а и [у] Сочетание букв а и обычно читается как долгий звук [э:].
Lesson 48 a i r , a r e [еэ] Сочетания букв a ir и a r e читаются как [еэ].
Lesson 49 ) e a r , e e r [10] Сочетания букв e a r и e e r читаются как [10]. e a r [еэ] В некоторых словах-исключениях сочетание букв e a r читается как [еэ] Такие слова-исключения нужно запоминать.
Lesson 50 ) w [w] Б уква w читается как [w]. При выполнении второго упражнения обратите внимание учени ков, что буква а , стоящ ая после \у в закрытом слоге, как правило читается как краткий звук [о].
4 ' q u [kw] Сочетание букв q u читается как [kw] В словах буква q всегда сто ит в сочетании с буквой и
V ) ow [эи] / [аи] Сочетание букв о \ у может читаться как [эи] или [аи] К ак читается то или иное слово с этим сочетанием букв, нужно запоминать.
Lesson 53 focuses on the letter combination "igh," which is pronounced as [ai] After completing the initial exercise, it's important to explain to students that "gh" is typically silent before consonants and at the end of words, with some exceptions like "daughter" and "eight." In early reading instruction, it is advisable to concentrate on fundamental reading rules, as this textbook covers the majority of them, while additional rules will be learned over time When introducing new vocabulary, always highlight the reading rules to students If a student mispronounces a word, remind them of the relevant reading rule and provide other familiar examples Additionally, draw attention to any exceptions Understanding these reading rules will not only aid students in reading accurately but also in writing correctly, while knowledge of transcription will enable them to work independently with dictionaries To reinforce the material learned, utilize supplementary example lists known as Reading Drills (Phonics).
You can create your own lists of drills or find ready-made materials online Students should read these examples without translation, allowing for the use of any words This exercise helps students overcome their fear of reading unfamiliar words Reading practice can be effectively utilized in this way.
D rills после каждого урока или в виде закрепляющего курса. Учебное издание Для младшего школьного возраста
MAGIC BOX Скуланова Александра Юрьевна
"Magic English Letters and Sounds" is an educational resource designed to help children aged 8 learn to read in English The publication is directed by L Bershadskiy, with N Uvarova as the responsible editor, S Lebedeva as the artistic editor, and M Pechkowskaya handling technical editing The computer layout was managed by S Ptitsyna, and the cover illustration was created by T Barinova Published by Exmo Publishing House, this material aims to enhance English language skills for young learners.
Eksmo LLC, located at 18/5 Klara Tsetkin Street, Moscow, 127299, specializes in wholesale book trading For inquiries, you can contact them at 411-68-86 or 956-39-21, or visit their website at www.eksmo.ru Their additional office is situated at 1 Belokamennoe Street, Vidnoye, Moscow Region, 142702, reachable via multi-channel phone at 411-50-74 For further information, you can also email info@eksmo.ru.
E -m ail: re ce p tio n @ ek sm o -sa le.ru П о в о п р о са м приобрет ения книг ôЭксмоằ за р у б е ж н ы м и оптовыми покупат елями обращаться в отдел за р уб е ж н ы х п р о д а ж ТД ôЭксмоằ
E -m ail: in te rn a tio n a l@ e k s m o -s a le ru