Problem statement
English has emerged as a vital international language, serving as the official medium in various industries, including aviation, commerce, and technology In Vietnam, the significance of English is growing, leading to its incorporation as a compulsory subject in schools Learning vocabulary is essential for mastering English, akin to laying a solid foundation for a building While numerous methods exist for vocabulary acquisition, developing an effective strategy to enrich one's vocabulary remains a challenge, and many approaches currently lack efficacy.
Rationale for the present study
Despite years of studying English, many learners struggle with effective communication, often resorting to simple vocabulary rather than utilizing their acquired knowledge The choice of vocabulary is crucial in assessing writing quality, and students frequently face challenges in selecting words that are both precise and contextually appropriate.
To enable learners to effectively use English, it is essential to enhance their vocabulary knowledge Proper and appropriate use of vocabulary is crucial for accurate comprehension Consequently, a limited understanding of English vocabulary significantly impacts one's ability to communicate in the language.
The author investigates the vocabulary learning methods employed by English students at UEF to identify effective strategies tailored for English-specialized learners This research aims to explore innovative learning techniques that can enhance and optimize vocabulary acquisition for future specialized students The study centers on addressing key questions related to these learning methods.
(1) What is the role of vocabulary in learning English?
(2) Which vocabulary learning methods do UEF English-majors students always apply?
(3) How can vocabulary be learnt effectively?
Aims of the study
Researching this topic, the author wants to solve the following problems:
Firstly, the topic helps students determine the importance of learning vocabulary and its relationship with listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Secondly, the topic digs further into the study of vocabulary learning methods of the UEF English-specialized students
Thirdly, the topic gives some suggestions on how to learn vocabulary effectively to help English learners build their own vocabulary.
Significance of the study
This article explores vocabulary and vocabulary learning techniques in the context of foreign language acquisition, specifically focusing on effective methods for English learners By examining various strategies, it aims to enhance the vocabulary acquisition process, providing valuable insights for those striving to improve their English language skills.
Definitions of vocabulary
There are many different definitions of vocabulary In correspondence with its very important role in foreign language learning, vocabulary has become a major concern for researchers, instructors and learners.
According to Ur (1996), vocabulary encompasses the words taught in a foreign language, which can include not only single words but also combinations of two or more words, such as phrases or multi-word idioms.
Pyles and Alges (1970) emphasized that words are the fundamental element of language, serving as the bridge between sound and meaning for effective communication They are organized to form sentences, conversations, and speeches in various formats, highlighting the crucial role of vocabulary in language acquisition.
According to the dictionary definition on the website, vocabulary is words that are known by an individual or entity, which is part of a specific language.
An individual's vocabulary encompasses the words they comprehend and the collection of words they employ to construct new sentences.
Roles of vocabulary
Vocabulary is essential in language learning, serving as the foundation for effective communication in English Developing an effective vocabulary enrichment strategy can be challenging, as it encompasses various aspects such as word usage, curriculum design, assessment, and learning strategies A limited vocabulary hinders conversation, making it crucial for learners to engage with the target language both in and out of the classroom As Troike (1976) emphasized, a robust vocabulary is vital for understanding and recognizing concepts, facts, and actions.
Scott thornbury (2002, p.13) emphasized that “Without grammar, words can be expressed very little but without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed”.
David Willkin (2007) emphasized the importance of vocabulary over grammar in language learning, stating that focusing primarily on grammar limits progress He argued that acquiring a rich vocabulary enables learners to express themselves more effectively, enhancing their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills Consequently, building a strong vocabulary is crucial for mastering foreign languages.
Definitions of vocabulary learning method
While there is no official definition for vocabulary learning methods, they are often viewed as a subset of broader language learning strategies Consequently, understanding language learning methods can effectively provide insight into the nature of vocabulary acquisition techniques.
Oxford (1990), a prominent expert in language learning methods, emphasizes the significance of learning methods in language acquisition She argues that effective methods serve as essential tools, enabling learners to engage actively and directly in the learning process, ultimately enhancing their communication skills.
Rubin (1987) and Schmitt (1997) define learning methods as processes through which information is conveyed, accumulated, absorbed, and utilized Essentially, learning methods encompass the unique thoughts and behaviors that individuals employ to comprehend, perceive, or retain new information effectively.
Classification of vocabulary learning method
While numerous studies have examined vocabulary learning methods, including those by Lawson and Hogben (1996), Avina and Sadoski (1996), and Hell and Mahn (1997), only two have focused on the comprehensive aspects of vocabulary acquisition.
In a recent study by Stoffer (1995), she developed a survey of 53 items designed to learn about vocabulary learning methods These 53 items are summarized in 9 criteria as follows:
(1) The method consisting of the use of authentic language
(2) Method used for personal motivation.
(3) The method used to organize words
(4) The method used to create the internal connection.
(8) The method used to create confidence
(9) Method of dictionary look-up
In a study conducted by Schmitt (1997), a new classification for lexical methods was proposed, differentiating between initial approaches to word meanings and reinforcement strategies for subsequent encounters The initial methods include word guessing and various communication techniques, which aid learners in understanding new vocabulary.
The reinforcement of word meanings involves communication, memorization, cognition, and metacognition Notably, the communication method is utilized by both groups, serving dual purposes This approach aligns with the Oxford classification system established in 1990.
2.4.1 Groups of method of approaching to the word meaning include the following: Method of guessing the meaning of words includes:
(2) Analysis of prefix, suffix and root word
(3) Review of awareness of the first language
(4) Analysis of available image or gestures
(5) Guess of word meaning from the context of the text
(1)Asking teachers to translate into the first language
(2)Asking teachers to explain new words or find synonyms.
(3)Asking teachers the meaning of a complete sentence that contains the new word
(4)Asking classmates about the meaning of the word
(5)Discovering the meaning of new words through collective activities
2.4.2 Groups of method of reinforcing the meaning of words
(1) Studying the meaning of words and practice
(2) Checking the accuracy of students’ word list or word table
(1) Studying the meaning of words through illustrations
(13) Studying the spelling of words
(2) Describing the meaning of words (14) Studying the pronunciation of words
(15) Reading out loud words during learning by heart
(4) Attaching to words of the same type
(5) Attaching to synonyms and antonyms
(17) Underlining the first letter of a word
(6) Using semantic maps (18) Arranging words into groups
(7) Using the scale for adjectives of degree
(19) Using the key word method
(8) Using the normalized method (20) Remembering root words and affixes
(9) Using the topic-based vocabulary method
(10) Grouping words together to study
(11) Grouping words in different blank spaces on a paper
(23) Using words having the same root
(12) Studying the spelling of words (24) Learning words in an idiom
Studying the pronunciation of words (25) Using physical activities
(5) Refer to the vocabulary lists in the book Method of mega-cognation includes
(1) Using the communication methods in English
(2) Testing and evaluating the personal level by test related to vocabulary
(5) Continue studying words from the outside along with learning in class
Data gathering instruments
Quantitative research, as highlighted by White (2002, p 24), is characterized by its scientific and objective nature The primary goal of this study is to objectively document students' personal opinions regarding the vocabulary learning methods they utilize.
The quantitative methodology is ideally suited for this research objective, as it allows for the assignment of numerical values to results, which are then analyzed using mathematical techniques and presented in a comprehensive report of quantitative data analysis.
The questionnaire serves as an essential tool for authors to collect information, featuring a bilingual design in both English and Vietnamese It comprises two main sections: the first part focuses on gathering personal information from participants, while the second part includes questions aimed at understanding the vocabulary learning methods commonly used by UEF English-specialized students.
Part 1 of the questionnaire includes 3 questions designed to collect information about participants
The purpose of question 1 is designed to know which year do the English- specialized students belong to?
Question 2 helps the author gather information about how many hours the participants spend on learning English
Question 3 is designed by the author to understand the personality group of the participants
The second section of the questionnaire includes seven questions, numbered 4 to 10, aimed at gathering insights into the vocabulary learning strategies employed by English-specialized students at UEF.
Question 4 is to help the author know the favourite English learning time frame of the participants
Question 5 is designed to collect information about how many hours the participants spend on studying English vocabulary
Question 6 is to collect methods that the participants often use to learn English vocabulary
Question 7 is developed by the author to know what methods do the participants often use to memorize vocabulary?
Question 8 is designed to help the author know how the participants evaluate their vocabulary.
Question 9 is developed to learn about the awareness of the participants on the role of English in finding a good job in the future
Question 10 is the last question designed by the author to know which vocabulary learning method, according to the participants, is best for them
Settings for the present study
To address the research questions outlined in Chapter 1, a survey was conducted at the University of Economics and Finance (UEF) in Ho Chi Minh City Established on September 24, 2007, UEF aims to become a leading institution in Vietnam while achieving national educational standards, guided by the principles of Quality, Efficiency, and Integration At UEF, particularly within the Department of Foreign Languages, English serves as the primary language of instruction, making it a valuable context for exploring the vocabulary learning methods employed by students.
Participants’ information
A survey conducted among English major students at UEF included responses from 137 participants, aged between 18 and 23 years The demographic breakdown reveals that 32.6% are freshmen, 36.3% are sophomores, 9.6% are juniors, and 21.5% are seniors.
Figure 3 1 Which grade level are you?
Over 80% of the participants, totaling 110 students, have been studying English for more than 7 years Additionally, 16% of the students, which amounts to 22 individuals, have been learning English for 5 to 7 years, while 2.9%, or 4 students, have engaged in English studies for a shorter duration.
The survey revealed that participants aged 3 to 5 years have a foundational understanding of English, with only one respondent indicating they had been learning the language for 1 to 3 years This suggests that the students possess basic English proficiency, which is advantageous for the study.
1-3 years 3 - 5 years 5 - 7 years More than 7 years
Figure 3.2 Years of Studying English
In a study involving 137 participants, 58.4% identified as having both active and passive traits, while 23.4% considered themselves purely passive Only 18.2% of the participants reported possessing a dynamic personality.
Active Passive Active and Passive
Figure 3 3 Personality group of the participants
Data collection procedures
In early June 2020, the author conducted a data collection process by designing an online survey distributed to over 150 English-specialized students at UEF, resulting in 137 valid responses The questionnaire ensured anonymity, as participants were not required to provide their names, and all responses were kept confidential, intended solely for research purposes.
Data analysis
The author systematically analyzes the survey results by first organizing the responses into an Excel table, calculating the percentage for each answer This data is then used to create a chart that visually presents the participants' responses to each question.
This chapter highlights the methodology employed by the author to gather and analyze data, aiming to uncover the vocabulary learning strategies utilized by English-specialized students at UEF.
The detailed results will be presented in detail in chapter 4 of this study.
4.1.1 When do you like learning English?
Figure 4.1 When do you like to learn English?
According to the survey results, the most popular time for students to study English is between 1 and 4 pm, with 48.9% of respondents favoring this period Additionally, 35.8% of students believe that the evening hours from 6 to 9 pm are ideal for learning English A smaller segment, 21.9%, prefers studying in the morning from 7 to 9 am, while 19% of participants enjoy learning English between 10 am and 12 pm Lastly, only 18.2% of students indicated a preference for studying English after 10 pm.
4.1.2 How long do you spend learning English vocabulary?
Fig ure 4 2 How long do you spend learning English vocabulary?
The survey results reveal that 18.2% of respondents dedicate just 10 minutes daily to studying English vocabulary, while 13.9% allocate 20 minutes for this purpose Notably, 37.2% of the students surveyed invest 30 minutes each day in vocabulary learning.
Only 6/137 people (equivalent to 4.4%) spend 40 minutes a day studying vocabulary.
Only 2.2% of respondents reported spending 50 minutes daily on vocabulary learning, while 6.6% dedicated an hour each day Notably, 17.5% of participants invested over an hour daily in vocabulary acquisition These findings indicate that the surveyed English students are not prioritizing vocabulary study, as their overall learning time is insufficient Consequently, this limited focus on vocabulary development may hinder their vocabulary growth and negatively impact other language skills.
4.1.3 Which of the following methods do you use to learn English vocabulary?
Us ing Fl as h c ard
Le arn ing fo llo w "
Le arn ing by th e a lph ab et
Le arn ing th rou gh lis ten ing to m us ic / w atc hin g m ovi es / rea din g b oo ks, ne ws pa pe rs
Wr itin g a ga in an d a ga in
Re ad ing ag ain an d a ga in
Me mo riz ing w ith pi ctu res or ob jec ts
Us ing th e E ng lis h d icti on ary ap p
Us ing G oo gle Tr an sla te
Le arn ing th rou gh bo dy la ng ua ge
Figure 4 3 Which kind of following methods do you use to learn English vocabulary?
The survey results on vocabulary learning methods among English majors at UEF reveal a diverse range of techniques employed by students, each with varying frequencies of use Most participants recognize the importance of diversifying their vocabulary learning approaches to identify the most effective strategies for their individual needs This awareness is crucial, as it enables students to enhance their vocabulary acquisition more rapidly, ultimately benefiting their overall language skill development.
4.1.4 Which method do you apply for remembering a new word that you have studied?
Th ink ing ag ain w he n y ou ha ve fre e ti me
Re ad ing it of en ou t lo ud
Us ing it in wr itin g
Us ing it in on lin e / of ine co mm un ica tio n
Co mm un ica tin g w ith fo rei gn ers
Ad din g E ng lis h w ord s i n e ve ryd ay co mm un ica tio n
Te ac hin g t he le arn ed w ord to an oth er pe rso n
Figure 4 4 Which method do you apply for remembering a new word that you have studied?
Memorizing vocabulary is crucial for effective language learning, as highlighted by the survey results from UEF freshmen majoring in English The data reveals a variety of vocabulary memorization methods employed by students, indicating their recognition of its significance Notably, only a small percentage of participants reported never using memorization techniques, while most engage in these methods either occasionally or frequently To enhance vocabulary acquisition, there is a need for a more concentrated approach to memorizing learned vocabulary.
4.1.5 Where do you think your level of English is?
Developing Just enough to use
Known mamy key information Fluency
Figure 4 5 Where do you think your level of English is?
The survey results reveal that most participants feel their vocabulary is only sufficient for basic use, with 25.8% noting growth in their vocabulary Additionally, 21.2% believe their vocabulary allows them to grasp key information, while a mere 1.5% (2 out of 137 respondents) feel confident in their ability to use English fluently These findings indicate that the vocabulary skills of English major students at UEF are generally low, highlighting a crucial area for improvement to enhance their overall language proficiency.
4.1.6 What is the percentage will English effect to your work?
Figure 4 6 How important is English to your work?
The survey aimed to assess participants' perceptions of English's impact on securing a good job in the future According to the results, over half of the respondents (50.4%) believed that proficient English skills significantly enhance job prospects Additionally, 14.1% felt that English influences job opportunities by approximately 40%, while another 15.6% estimated its impact at 30% A smaller group, comprising 6 out of 137 participants, indicated that English affects only 20% of their employment chances, and just 2 individuals perceived its influence as minimal, at 10%.
4.1.7 Which vocabulary learning method is best for you? Why?
Participants in the survey highlighted various effective learning methods, with many asserting that any approach could be beneficial A diverse range of study techniques helps alleviate boredom, making learning more engaging Popular among these methods is learning through entertainment, such as watching movies and listening to music, which provides a relaxed atmosphere for vocabulary acquisition Additionally, frequent reading and rewriting are favored for enhancing vocabulary retention and writing skills Lastly, learning vocabulary through daily communication is valued for its effectiveness in improving both memorization and speaking abilities.
To answer the research questions in chapter 1, the results of the study will be discussed in the context of theoretical concepts, based on the findings presented in chapter 4.
Chapter 4 of the study reveals that most English major students at UEF recognize the significance of vocabulary acquisition, understanding that inadequate vocabulary can hinder their language proficiency and future job prospects Despite this awareness, the amount of time they dedicate to vocabulary study remains limited, highlighting a crucial area for improvement to enhance their vocabulary learning in the future.
The survey reveals that students employ diverse strategies for vocabulary acquisition, with popular methods including the use of vocabulary cards, studying word families, and learning through music Additionally, students enhance their vocabulary by watching movies and engaging in other forms of entertainment, as well as through repetitive writing and reading Memorization techniques involving images or objects also play a significant role in their learning process.
Chapter 4 reveals that participants have identified the most effective vocabulary learning methods for their needs, significantly enhancing their vocabulary acquisition The majority recognize the benefits of diverse strategies, which not only maintain their interest in learning but also accelerate their vocabulary improvement.
According to Lightbow and Spada (1999, P.51-P.68), the factors that affect individual vocabulary learning include intelligence, talent, personality, motivation,learners' views, interests, beliefs, age and learning methods
Rubin and Thompson (1994, p 3-p 8) also agree with this view, believing that age, talent, character, learning methods and experiences are the factors that affect learners' vocabulary learning.
Polski (1989) introduced two additional factors to the learning process: learning style and learning method Noonan (1999) highlights the significance of understanding various learning methods, as it enables learners to have a clearer awareness of their actions, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of their learning Furthermore, Ellis (1997) notes that successful learners tend to employ a wider range of learning methods compared to their less successful counterparts, adapting their approaches to different stages of the learning journey He emphasizes that by recognizing these crucial learning methods, educators can better teach their students.
Therefore, learning methods are the decisive factors for each individual to successfully learn vocabulary
Vocabulary learning methods can be categorized into two main groups: the first group focuses on semantic approaches, which include techniques for guessing word meanings and methods of communication The second group is dedicated to consolidating word meanings and encompasses communicative, memory, cognitive, and metacognitive methods.
Summary of key findings
This study aims to survey the vocabulary learning methods employed by English major students at UEF through a questionnaire Analysis of 137 responses reveals that the majority of students recognize the importance of vocabulary acquisition and have explored various learning techniques tailored to their abilities However, the amount of time dedicated to vocabulary study presents an area for improvement moving forward.
To enhance the effectiveness of vocabulary learning for English major students, teachers are encouraged to implement more frequent and varied new word assessments in each lesson This approach aims to motivate students to dedicate additional time to their vocabulary studies, ultimately improving their language proficiency.
On the other hand, to increase vocabulary for students, teachers can provide new words for students in each themed lesson, instructing students how to memorize vocabulary best.
To rapidly enhance vocabulary, it is essential for students to dedicate more time to vocabulary acquisition By consistently increasing the number of words learned each day, students can see significant improvements over time.
Memorizing vocabulary is crucial for effective language learning, and students should consistently employ various methods to enhance retention Recommended strategies include using vocabulary words in appropriate contexts, repeatedly writing them, and engaging in extensive reading.
This study investigates the vocabulary learning methods employed by English major students at UEF, highlighting effective strategies for vocabulary acquisition However, the limited number of participants and the short duration of the survey restrict the representativeness of the findings, indicating that the results only partially address the research problem The findings provide insight into the vocabulary learning approaches of UEF students, but a more extensive study with a larger participant pool and extended timeframe could yield a more comprehensive understanding of the issues involved.
Ellis, R (1997), Second Language Acquisition, Oxford: OUP.
Nation, I.S.P (1990), Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, New York: Newbury House Publisher.
Nunan, D (1990), Second Language Teaching and Learning , Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publisher.
Oxford, R (1990), Language Learning Stratergies, Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publisher.
Pyles,T & Algeo, J (1979), English – An Introduction to Language, New York:
Rivers, W.M (1983), Comunicating Naturally in a second language, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Rubin, J and Thompson, I (1994), How to be a more successful Language
Learner, Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publisher
Schmitt, N (1997), Vocabulary Learning Stratergies, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Spolsky, B (1989), Conditions for Second Language Learning, Oxford: OUP.
Stoffer, I (1995), University Foreign language student’ choice of vocabulary learning stratergies as related to individual different variables, Unublished doctoral dissertation, University of Alabama, Alabama.
Ur, Penny (1996), A course in Language Teaching, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wilskins, D (1972), Linguistics in Language Teaching, London: Edward Arudd.
This survey is part of the research titled "A Study on Vocabulary Learning Methods Used by English Majors at UEF." Your participation in this questionnaire is greatly valued Please note that all information collected will be used exclusively for research purposes and will not be utilized for any other reasons.
1 How long have you learnt English?
2 Which year are you in?
3 Which personality group do you belong to?
A Active B Passive C Active and Passive
4 When do you like to learn English?
5 How long do you spend learning English vocabulary?
6 Which of the following methods do you use to learn English vocabulary?
C Learning it by following the alphabet
D Learning through listening to music / watching movies / reading books, newspapers
E Writing it again and again
F Reading it again and again
G Memorizing it with pictures or objects
H Using the English dictionary apps
J Learning it through body language
7 Which method do you apply for remembering a new word that you have studied?
A Thinking again when you have free time
B Reading it often out loud
D Using it in online / offline communication
F Adding English words in everyday communication
G Teaching the learned word to another person
8 Where do you think your level of English vocabulary is?
9 How much do you think English will affect your work?
10 Which vocabulary learning method is best for you? Why?
Thank you very much for your cooperation!