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Movers 4 authentic 2022

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Tiêu đề Movers 4 Authentic 2022
Trường học Cambridge University Press
Chuyên ngành English Language Assessment
Thể loại student's book
Năm xuất bản 2022
Thành phố Vietnam
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  • Contents

    • Test 1

      • Listening

    • Part 1

    • Pnrt 2

    • Part 6

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  • O

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    • Test 3

    • Listening

      • Pa knew mend

Nội dung

f;J CAMBRIDGE ( AUTHENTIC PRACTICE TESTS ) STUDENT’S BOOK WITHOUT ANSWERS WITH AUDIO Cambridge University Press www cambridge orgeIt Cambridge Assessment English www cambridgeengIish org Information on this title www cambridge org9781009282048 O Cambridge University Press Assessment 2022 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part mQy take placa without the written psnnission of.

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Cambridge Assessment English www.cambridgeengIish.org

Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9781009282048

This publication is protected by copyright laws, and no part of it may be reproduced without the written permission of Cambridge University Press, except as permitted by statutory exceptions and relevant collective licensing agreements.

Printed in Vietnam by Fahasa

A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British LiLirary

This Fahasa reprint edition of ISBN 9781009282048 is for sale in Vietnam only ISBN 978-1-009-28204-8 Student’s Book without Answers with Audio

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URM does not guarantee the accuracy or appropriateness of content on external or third-party websites mentioned in this publication While information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factual details is accurate at the time of first printing, the publishers do not ensure its continued accuracy over time.

The authors and publishers express gratitude for the permissions granted by various copyright holders for the use of their materials Despite diligent efforts, some sources may not have been identified or traced If any omissions are noted, the authors are open to including the necessary acknowledgments in future updates of the digital edition Illustrations are credited to Cambridge Assessment.

Audio production by dsound recording studios Typeset by QBS Learning

Cover illustration: Leo Trinidad/Astound

— 5 questions — Listen artd draw dices There is orte example

Listen and wrtte There is

3irrt zzrt4 his /ather hove got to take tots o/

At erertt things to di erertt places today.

Where do they hove to take each thirtg?

Listen and write a tetter in e‹xch box There is one crumple. scan comic toothbrushes cup ticRet plant

Listen and tich (N) the box There is one exnmpte.

What did Vfckg see at the beach?

1 Wrtfch are Mrs Field’s favourite animals?

2 What [s the weather (ice outside nowt

3 What is Clare dotng now?

4 What is the matter with Dan?

5 What do the mon rind the women both wnnt Jor lunch?

— 5 ztuestions —Listen and cotsur a:n6 write There is one exnmpte.

Test 1 ReadingandWritin o towel a balcony o dot hon o basement

Loolz and read Choose tke correct words and write tkem or the ftnes There ts one exorrtpte. a shower

This antm.at is brown and ft cart hop very well.

1 You stnnd In thts when you wnnt to wosh our body.

2 This ORifROi lives fn the see and ifhes swimming neor boots.

3 ThiS room is under the house People o/ten put otd th ings there. k Tels onimoi sleeps in the dog end flies

5 When lt s sunny, people o}teFt Slt OFt chalrs on this.

— 6 questions — Read the text artd choose the best answer.

Dtd YOU have a nlce weekend at your grartdparertts’ noose?

How oJten do gon go to your grandparents' house?

Wnere do your grnndporents tive?

Want do gon do ct your grondporents' house?

A We talk end ping gomes.

Hove gon got out Jriends neor your grondporents' house?

Do you enjoy going to your grandparents’ house?

Dld your sum drive to your grandparents’ house?

Read the story Choose a word /rom the box Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5 There is one example.

Jane and Sally are best /riertds It was Sally’s birthday artd Jane wanted to

!Jy her a reQllg nice present but sne didn’t rtave arty ideas ‘I Rrtow,' sald her mum ’How about a scan? Sally needs one when she goes ice skating because it's always (1)

‘Brflltartt! Let’s get her an orange one That’s her favourite colour,’ said Jane.

At the party, Jane, Sally and their friends played games and ate crteese sandwiches and drank (2) , „„.„„.„„ o] lemonade.

Sally received wonderful gifts for her birthday, including a new orange helmet and ice skates from her parents, along with orange socks and a matching item from her aunt Excitedly, she exclaimed, "Thank you, everyone! I love orange, and now I have everything I need for ice skating!"

Exctmple b y sweater 9’ QSSCS cord Jield fougned opened

(6) Now choose the best rtarrte /or the story.

— 5 questions - Read the text Choose the right words ocd write tkerrt on the Krtes.

Example There are ds oJ penguin Cost penguins are black and white, and sometimes they are grey They llVP in plaCes

Some are very big and some are very small They swim very

3 eat meat They like eating /isn end they cot o lot oJ them every dog. catcntng them in tne sea.

When penguins swim and catch /lSh, they drlnR a lot o} water.

You com see penguins fn zoos nil Qround the world People rove therrt e Jump to wotch.

3 lFSt CO well never better flOt bthe tO at

Loob at the pictures aztd react the story Write some words to comp\ete tke sentences about the story You cart use 1, 2 or 3 worzfs. see e

Jack is passionate about animals and owns numerous books on the subject Unlike his friends, who all have pets, Jack does not have one of his own Peter has a large black dog named Ben, who sleeps outside on an old chair Jack and Peter often take Ben to the park, where Jack enjoys playing games with him.

Inch toves onfmo(s, but he doesn't hove o

1 luck rind Peter oJten go with 8en to play gomes.

Last Saturday, Sum and Jack went to the pet shop in their town Jack loved the puppies, but Mem said, ‘We can’t get a poppy because we haven’t got a garden.’

‘What about a kitten?’ asked Jack

’Sorry,’ said toe can in tne shop ‘A little Qtr[ bought the last one §esterdaq.’

2 On Saturday, Mum took back to the IO thetr towrt.

3 Mum didn’t wartt to get a dog because there lsFt t a

4 they couldn’t buy o org in the shop because there weren't l1

Jack was astonished when a red and yellow parrot named Vicky greeted him with, "Hello! I’m Vicky What’s your name?" He found the bird incredibly clever and expressed his desire to have her as a pet, asking his mum, "Can this be my new pet, please?"

'OF, ' sold Sum ‘Parrots ore Jun end you don’t nove to tote them Jor o wnlk!'

They bought some good artd a new cage for VlCk/, QFtd they tooR her home In it.

’Thartk you, Murrt! VlCk/ 5 Q (antast c pet!’

5 Tne pa'rot was called when the porrot tutted

7 Vicky went home with Mem ord Jack in n ,

— 6 questions — Loob and react and write.

2 The boy in the red T-shirt is holding „ ,

3 How monk children ore in bed?

4 Whnt is on the tnbte?

Now write two sentences about the picture.

Listen artd draw flees There is one exorrtple.

- 5 q,uesttorts - Ltstert and wrtte There is orte example.

Peter’s trip to the zoo

Area is telling her teacher about the /ood her /rtertds like kztt /oo zt does eaclz persozt like?

Listezt and write a tetter in each box There is one example.

Listen ortd ttck (W) the box There is oce example.

What work does Jim do?

1 Where is Mary’s baseball cap?

2 Which piece did Don Scorn obout todnq in school?

3 What is Lily dOlFt Ft0W/

4 Where did Paul see hls grartdma?

5 What ts Kim's /avoarfte sport?

Listen anlt colour artzt write There is one example.

*›a # a balcony roller skates a ca/é CoQtS a scan

- 5 ctuestions - Loolt and read Choose the correct words artd write them on the lirtes There is one example.

You go to this place to look at books * ! L.*.?Y questions

1 When you eicR a football into this, you score a goal!

2 You weor this around your neck on cord dogs.

3 People sit here to hove something to cot or drink.

4 You con stond under this rind west your hair.

5 When you put these or your Jeet, you com move reCtliq qufckfq!

— 6 questions - ReaA the text and choose the best answer.

What’s your favourite sport, Lily?

Do yOu ll#9 Olng to the sports centre? A Yes, I love ft there.

I enjoy going to the pool at the sports centre.

Whicn days do qOu 0 SWllTtlTtfFt

4 Peter: Are you good at swimming?

B I’m really well, thanks C It’s the best one.

5 Peter: When dld you learn to swim?

How about gofng for a swim now?

ReoA the story Choose a worA /rom the box Write the correct worst rtext to ztumbers 1-5 There is one example.

Jack, who was 11, woLe has „ l¿t ., , up at 7 o’clock.

’Today lS Mem’s birthday,’ he said ’Let’s make her some breakfast.’ Salty, who was only 5, (J) , , her hands

‘Great idea!’ she said, and jumped out o/ bed.

‘Shall we make her some soup?’ she asked ’Mum loves soup.

We can put carrots, apples and kiwis in ft, and what about

Jack humorously remarked that while carrot soup is enjoyable, adding "rult" to it is absurd He suggested that making pancakes would be simpler and proposed preparing a coffee as well.

‘OK,’ Sally said, ‘with sorrte mllk?’

They (4) ., everything very carefully to their mother’s bedroom She was very surprised!

‘What are you bringtrtg me?’ she asked.

‘Your breakfast, Mum It’s our birthday (5) , to you!’ Sally said.

‘Yes! Here you are! Hoppq blrthdoq, Mum!' J‹ick sold

'Wow!’ Sum answered ‘Poncaées end codec! Thnnk gon!’

Example sister carried present CO°9 chopped cooled cheese

(6) Now ckoose the best itame /or the story

JocR ents o Not oJ Jood!

Sally’s mother has a good Idea!

When you gaze at a clear sky on a summer night, the moon becomes visible, shining brightly However, the extreme temperatures make it inhospitable for humans; it's too cold at night and excessively hot during the day Despite the moon's arid conditions, we often contemplate the possibility of water existing there.

There are lots o/ mourttQlFtS OFt themoon Some o/ them aFe really

! On the internet gon con see n video o} the worked on the moon.

- 5 q,uestions - Rea4 the text Choose the rtght words anA write them or the ftrtes.

Loom at the pictures aitd reaA the story Write sorrte worcts to complete the serttecces about the story You cost use 1, 2 or 3 words.

Mrs Soil worked on the top floor o/ a btg bulldfng in the city She often went to work by train because she lived In the countryside.

But last Thursday, at the station, the man who worsted there sold, ’Sorry! There are no trains today! The driver Is ill, artd there’s tots o/ snow.’

'Well, I don’t wont to, but I must try end drive to work todnq,’ she thought. Examples

The big building where Mrs Sail , , was In the cftq. Mrs Soil often caagrtt a train to work because her home was In

1 Mrs Sail couldn’t travel by tratn last Thursday, because the

2 Mrs Soil hnd to , to work thot fTtOf ftlFt

But drfvfrtg to the cltq was very slow because there was lots o} snow on the road.

There was a car park opposite the bulldlFt Where Mrs Sail worRed But that morning, there were hundreds o/ cars In tt.

'Oh no!’ she thought ’Where cart I put m§ car today?'

She fastened her watch and began to drive around the bustling city As she admired the beautiful snow covering the rooftops and the grass, an idea sparked in her mind She decided to head home once again!

3 Mrs Sail mad to drive slowly because the road to the city had

4 The had too many cars in it teat was opposite Mrs Sail’s building

5 Ar Sail didn’t go to work that rnorntrtg Srte went

When they saw the car, Mary and Fred ran outside ‘W g aren’t for at work today, Max?’ they asked.

’Because I want to have some }uFt Wlth you! Go and get your coats! Core on! Let’s all go to Lake Para!’

’Hooray!’ tile children sald ‘We cart go ice sRatfng trtere!’

6 come nome. were surgrfsed to see Mrs Soil wnen sue

7 ri'* Saul’s {amflg went f‹e stating ôt , thot dog.

Look ond react ztrtd write.

The man ls wearing an orange

What is the weather (ike?'

3 Whnt is the pnrrot doing?

Now wrtte two serttertces about the picture.

Listen and draw lines There is one example.

— 5 questions — Listen and wrtte There is orfe exarrtp(e.

What worlz do tke people irt Mr Browrt’s

Listen artzt write a letter in each box There is orte example. his uncle hts brother

/lS StSt PM his cousin nos daughter

Listen ort4 ticlt (C the box There ts orte example.

Which 1s Julia's Jnvourfte day oJ the week?

1 Where ore Daisy’s black shoes?

2 What was the weather llke in the mountains?

3 Wrist’s the matter with Sailq?

5 Which present does Ben wartt to but for his worn?

Listen ortd colour artd write There is ante example.

Test 3 Readin andWrit!n shoulders beards Q St QtloFt a supermarket a lfbrar

- 5 ztuesttons -Looh rind rend Choose the correct words rind write them on the tines There is one example.

AFttmaS lke pandQS, yeD UKG QQd kons sometimes kve here. questions

1 You need these to eot and gon hove to clean them every dog.

2 You can buy lots o/ di erent kinds o/ good here.

3 People go to this place to catch a train.

4 You save two o/ these and they are at the to p o/ your arms.

5 Some rrtert grow these on their paces.

Read the text art4 choose the best answer.

Oo you like your new house, Cfnre?

Where do you f(ve now?

Can you walk to school /rorrt your new mouse?

A No, turn’s car is old

B No, lt S DOt ITU bike

When did gon move to your new house?

What’s your new bedroom llkC?

C It's blgger than my old one.

Have you got a computer in your room?

A No, you’ve got both o/ them

B Yes, It’s on mg desk.

World gon the to come end see mq new house?

B That’s not rrttne C It’s the best one.

Read the story Choose a word /rorrt the box Write tke correct word ztext to numbers 1—5 Tlzere is one example.

Daisy rind her Dnd went into the town centre oJter

They both wonted to bug o birthdo$ (I) Jor

Dod got her o scum end Daisy Jound o book that Mum wnnted

‘OK,' snid Dad, 'Now Set's get Mum n cube Where con we bug one?'

‘The best ones nre in Mr Brown’s code,' said Doisq 'Right,' sued Dnd, ’but we must be quick I need to go home to (2) „„,.„,

They went to the crime rind they chose o (31 , ,., cube. When they got home DntSq sued, ‘Dod! I think our shopping bugs nre in the coJé We didn't bring thetn home.'

'Oh no!’ snid Dod ‘It’s 6 o'ciocit The cnJé is closed!'

'ThtS is terrible!' Dois$ sold 'We’ve got nothing to give Mum!’

Then Mum come home ’I went to the crime to get o

Mr Brown gnve me these shopping bugs Are they yours?’

Doisq end Dad (5) „ , 'No, they're {or gon! Hnppq Birthdn$!’ they sold.

Exnmp(e school COOL asleep chocoiote present comb

(6) Now choose the best norrte jar the story.

M r Brown buys Q CO be due’s birthday present

— 5 questions — ReaA the text Choose the right words and write tkem art the tines.

Example There nre di erent kinds

There are red ones and brown ones The red kangaroo is the biggest

1 one end it is oJten totter

Kangaroos have big ears, lortg paces and very strong tatls They have

3 two long legs end two very short legs. hop Lie robbits rind they con jump very well They nre good

5 not eat and meet They only eat grass and leaves.

Loolt at the pictures and reaA the story Write some words to complete the sentences about the story You con use J, 2 or 3 words.

The stew f°• ' *u art the farm

JLtlla and Peter always go to their grandparents’ house at the weekend

Grandma and Grandpa have a farm where the children love to play Julio enjoys assisting Grandma with the animals, while Peter likes to ride the tractor with Grandpa.

Last Saturday, when Grendon and Grondpo entered the house to remodel the ranch, the children began to play a game Julio hid in a corner of the garden while Peter had to stand nearby.

The children go to see their grandparents every hee\epd

Juffo end Peter help their grondporents on the mrs , , n lot.

1 When their grandparents wertt lnsfde to children played outside.

2 , , , , had to look for hls Sister Art the garden.

Julia sought refuge under the old tractor, noticing some boxes nearby When she saw movement in one of them, she called out to her brother, Peter, urging him to check what was inside the box.

The chtldrert looked Into the box and they saw a mother cat with fts three small kttterts Peter picked one up ’They’re really little!’ he said.

3 Juifn hid Jrom Peter under boxes .„ : : , neor some

4 When the chlldren looked inside one o/ the boxes, they were surprlsed to see a

5 Peter held one o/ the with her three babies. in his honds.

Grondpo come to Jind the children 'What ore you doing?’ he oshed

‘Look, Grandpa!’ said Peter ’Tne cat has some kittens.’

’They’re beautiful and they are all df erent,’ said Julia ‘There's a black one, a white one and this one Is grey.’

'I think they’re hungry,’ said Grandpa ‘Let’s go and look for some good for teem.'

‘And for as ! ’ said Peter.

6 Tne cntfdrert showed the animals ia tne box to

7 Tne nnimols were hungry so Grondpn went to get some

- 6 p*est‹o*s- look ctnd read artd write.

The grown-ups in the shop are both wearing sweaters

Where are all these people?

1 On the shortest girl’s T-shlrt there is a „ „

2 The girl who is in the blue coat lS lOO#lFt iFt thC

3 What is the boy who is sittlFton the floor doing?

4 What is the man with the motorbike helmet wearing?

Now write two sentences about the picture.

Ftnd the D@t erences Te st 3

Charlie writes his homework Picture Story ndpo

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2022, 13:18

