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Tiêu đề 2012 Prospectus Faculty of Management Sciences
Trường học Tshwane University of Technology
Chuyên ngành Management Sciences
Thể loại prospectus
Năm xuất bản 2012
Thành phố Tshwane
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Nội dung

1 2012 PROSPECTUS PART 6 FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES ISSN 0258-7343 TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 2 3 PARTS OF THE PROSPECTUS Students' Rules and Regulations Part 1 Faculty of Economics and Finance Part 2 Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Part 3 Faculty of Humanities Part 4 Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Part 5 Faculty of Management Sciences Part 6 Faculty of Science Part 7 Faculty of The Arts Part 8 Distance Education Part 9 Postgraduate Studies Part 10 PLEASE NOTE 1. Although the information in this Prospectus has been compiled as accurately as possible, the Council accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this publication. This Prospectus is valid for 2012 only. 2. Life Orientation and an achievement level of 1 in a subject is not considered in the calculation of the Admission Point Score (APS). 3. Prospectivestudentswillnotbeadmittedtoanyqualicationwithoutpriorevaluation. 4. The indicatednon-refundableadministrationfeeandcertiedcopiesofyouridentitydocument,Senior Certicate/NationalSeniorCerticateandallotherrelevantdocumentsmustaccompanythecompleted application form or online application. 5. The closingdateforapplicationsforadmissiontorst-semesterandyearcoursesis15Augustofthe preceding year, except for certain courses and International applicants of which the closing date is 15 June. The closing date for selected second-semester courses is 15 May of the year concerned. Important: TUT admission requirements for entry-level programmes adhere to national legislation and therefore the following are required: • BEd degrees:atleastfoursubjectsataperformancelevel4. • National Diplomas:atleastfoursubjectsatperformancelevel3. Please verifyspecicandadditionalrequirementsperprogrammeasindicatedintheprospectus. ACCEPTANCE IS SUBJECT TO AVAILABLE CAPACITY ACCORDING TO THE STUDENT ENROLMENT PLAN (SEP) Alternative andinternationalqualications(e.g.HIGSCE,IGCSE,NSSCA&OLevel,IBHigherandStandard Level,etc)aredealtwithinaspecicmanner: • Whilethereisalegalimperativetosubmitthecerticateofequivalence(issuedbySAQAortheCHE) itisrecommendedthattheapplicationprocessbeinitiatedwhiletheapplicationforcerticateisin process. • TheTshwaneUniversityofTechnologycannotobtainthiscerticateonyourbehalf. 4 CONVERSION OF ALTERNATIVE/EQUIVALENT RECOGNISED CERTIFICATES Thefollowingprovides aguidelineon howtheUniversity willevaluatethe variouscerticatesthat maybe offeredasequivalenttotheNationalSeniorCerticate(SA).Wherepossible,theUniversitywillevaluatethe listedqualicationsasindicated,howevertheUniversityretainstherighttoreferanyapplicationtotheformal application processes through Senate. APS NSC NC-V HIGCSE IGCSE/GCSE/ NSSC O-LEVEL A-LEVEL IB-HL IB-SL SAT 10 A 7 9 8 B 6 7 7 (80 -100) Outstanding Competent (80-100%) 1 A C 5 7 80-100 6 6 (70 -79) 4-Highly Competent (70-79%) 2 B D 4 6 70-79 5 5 (60-69) 3-Competent (60-69%) 3 C A E 3 5 60-69 4 4 (50-59) 3-Competent (50-59%) D B 2 4 50-59 3 3 (40-49) Not yet Competent (40-49%) 4 E C 1 3 40-49 2 2 (30-39) Not achieved (0-39%) F D/E 2 30-39 1 1 (0-29) G F/G 1 0-29 NSC National SeniorCerticate NC-V NationalCerticate(Vocational) IGCSE International GeneralCerticateofSecondaryEducation HIGCSE Higher InternationalGeneralCerticateofSecondaryEducation SAT Senior AcademicTest/SeniorAcademicProciencyTest NSSC NamibiaSeniorSecondaryCerticate O-LEVEL Ordinary level A-LEVEL Advanced level IB International Baccalaureate Schools (higher and standard levels RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING, STATUS AND EQUIVALENCE Candidates may also apply for recognition of prior learning or for admission via the Senate’s discretionary route at theOfceoftheRegistrar.Thespecicrelevantdocumentationwillberequestedfromtheseapplicants, and these cases will be handled on an individual basis (refer to details on these options in the section on RPL in Part 1 of the Prospectus). 5 ENQUIRIES Contact Centre Tel: 086 1102 421 Fax: 012 382 5701 Admission Enquiries Tel: 012 382 5750 The Registrar Private Bag X680 PRETORIA 0001 Tel: 012 382 5911 Fax: 012 382 5114 ARCADIA CAMPUS Private Bag X680 175 Nelson Mandela Drive PRETORIA 0001 PRETORIA Tel: 012 382 5911 Fax: 012 382 5114 ARTS CAMPUS Private Bag X680 Cnr. Du Toit and Edmund streets PRETORIA 0001 PRETORIA Tel: 012 382 5911 Fax: 012 382 5114 EMALAHLENI CAMPUS The Campus Director PO Box 3211 19 Swartbos Avenue EMALAHLENI 1035 EMALAHLENI Tel: 013 653 3100 Fax: 013 653 3101 GA-RANKUWA CAMPUS Private Bag X680 2827, Zone 2, Botsi Street PRETORIA 0001 GA-RANKUWA Tel: 012 382 0500 Fax: 012 382 0814 MBOMBELA CAMPUS (NELSPRUIT CAMPUS) The Campus Director Private Bag X11312 Madiba Drive MBOMBELA 1200 MBOMBELA Tel: 0137453500/3603 Fax:0137453512 POLOKWANE CAMPUS The Campus Director Private Bag X9496 Cnr. Market and Excelsior streets POLOKWANE 0700 POLOKWANE Tel: 015 287 0700 Fax: 015 297 7609 PRETORIA CAMPUS Private Bag X680 Staatsartillerie Road PRETORIA 0001 PRETORIA WEST Tel: 012 382 5911 Fax: 012 382 5114 SOSHANGUVE CAMPUS Private Bag X680 2 Aubrey Matlala Road, Block K PRETORIA 0001 SOSHANGUVE Tel: 012 382 9000 Fax: 012 382 0966 ENQUIRIES RELATING TO FEES: The Chief Financial Ofcer Private Bag X680 PRETORIA 0001 Tel: 086 1102 422 Fax: 012 382 5701 6 FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES Acting Executive Dean: Dr AE Nesamvuni - PhD (NUT) (University of North-West) Executive Secretary: Ms A Hartzenberg Telephone numbers: 0123825581/5632 Ofce: Building 30,Room288,PretoriaCampus Research and Innovation Prof RO Rugimbaba - BSc (Ed), MBA (University of Professor: Newcastle, Australia), PhD (Marketing) (Macquarie University, Australia) Assistant Registrar: Ms R van Wyk Ofce: Building21,RoomG119-PretoriaCampus VISION To be a world-class faculty of Management Sciences that provides professional leaders to improve socio-economic success in Southern Africa. MISSION In our quest to be a dynamic, innovative, leading business faculty, striving through lifelong learning and best practices to stay at the cutting edge of knowledge and technology, we commit ourselves to: • The  creation, application and transfer of world-class knowledge and technology through cooperative, professional, career-focused educational programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. • Empowering  and serving society by addressing the relevant socio-economic needs of a developing Southern Africa. • Extending theboundariesoftechnologicalinnovationbymakingknowledgeusefulthroughappliedresearch and development. • Maintaining avibrant,mutuallybenecialpartnershipnetworkwithstrategiclocalandinternationalpartners. • Nurturing anddevelopingcommitted,motivatedandempoweredstaff. Our graduates are sought after in industry, as they are equipped with the right mix of theory and practice, entrepreneurial skills and a sound work ethos. We care about the future of our students because they are the leaders of tomorrow. 7 CONTENTS SECTION A: DEPARTMENTS AND QUALIFICATIONS 11 1. BUSINESS SCHOOL 11 1.1 PERSONNEL INFORMATION 11 1.2 MASTER’S DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) 11 1.3 DOCTOR TECHNOLOGIAE: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 13 1.4 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: ORGANISATIONAL LEADERSHIP (Structured) 14 1.5 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: ORGANISATIONAL LEADERSHIP 15 1.6 DOCTOR TECHNOLOGIAE: ORGANISATIONAL LEADERSHIP 15 2. DEPARTMENT OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT 17 2.1 PERSONNEL INFORMATION 17 2.2 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: FOOD AND BEVERAGE MANAGEMENT 17 2.3 DOCTOR TECHNOLOGIAE: FOOD AND BEVERAGE MANAGEMENT 18 2.4 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: FOOD AND NUTRITION 19 2.5 DOCTOR TECHNOLOGIAE: FOOD AND NUTRITION 19 2.6 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT 20 2.7 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT (Extended curriculum programme with foundation provision) 23 2.8 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT 26 2.9 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT 27 3. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP 29 3.1 PERSONNEL INFORMATION 29 3.2 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT: FINANCIAL 30 3.3 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT: GENERAL 32 3.4 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 34 3.5 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: CREDIT MANAGEMENT 35 3.6 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: CREDIT MANAGEMENT 37 3.7 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: ENTREPRENEURSHIP 38 3.8 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: ENTREPRENEURSHIP (Extended curriculum programme with foundation provision) 40 3.9 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: ENTREPRENEURSHIP (Structured) 41 3.10 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: MANAGEMENT 42 3.11 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: MANAGEMENT (Extended curriculum programme with foundation provision) 44 3.12 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: MANAGEMENT 47 4. DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING, LOGISTICS AND SPORT MANAGEMENT 48 4.1 PERSONNEL INFORMATION 48 4.2 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: LOGISTICS 49 4.3 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: LOGISTICS (Extended curriculum programme with foundation provision) 51 4.4 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: LOGISTICS 52 4.5 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: LOGISTICS 53 4.6 DOCTOR TECHNOLOGIAE: LOGISTICS 53 4.7 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: MARKETING 54 4.8 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: MARKETING (Extended curriculum programme with foundation provision) 56 4.9 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: MARKETING 57 4.10 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: MARKETING 58 4.11 DOCTOR TECHNOLOGIAE: MARKETING 58 4.12 MASTER'S DIPLOMA IN TECHNOLOGY: PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT 59 4.13 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: RECREATION MANAGEMENT 60 4.14 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: RECREATION MANAGEMENT (Extended curriculum programme with foundation provision) 62 4.15 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: RECREATION MANAGEMENT 63 4.16 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: RETAIL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 64 4.17 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: RETAIL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (Extended curriculum programme with foundation provision) 66 8 4.18 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: SPORT MANAGEMENT 67 4.19 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: SPORT MANAGEMENT (Extended curriculum programme with foundation provision) 69 4.20 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: SPORT MANAGEMENT 70 5. DEPARTMENT OF OFFICE MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY 72 5.1 PERSONNEL INFORMATION 72 5.2 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: OFFICE MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY 72 5.3 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: OFFICE MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY 75 5.4 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: OFFICE MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY 76 6. DEPARTMENT OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 77 6.1 PERSONNEL INFORMATION 77 6.2 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: MANAGEMENT SERVICES 77 6.3 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: MANAGEMENT SERVICES 79 6.4 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 80 6.5 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 81 6.6 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 82 6.7 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: PROJECT MANAGEMENT 83 7. DEPARTMENT OF PEOPLE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 84 7.1 PERSONNEL INFORMATION 84 7.2 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: CONTACT CENTRE MANAGEMENT 85 7.3 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: CONTACT CENTRE MANAGEMENT 86 7.4 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: CONTACT CENTRE MANAGEMENT 87 7.5 DOCTOR TECHNOLOGIAE: CONTACT CENTRE MANAGEMENT 88 7.6 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 88 7.7 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (Extended curriculum programme with foundation provision) 90 7.8 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 92 7.9 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 93 7.10 DOCTOR TECHNOLOGIAE: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 93 7.11 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 94 7.12 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (Structured) 95 7.13 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 96 7.14 DOCTOR TECHNOLOGIAE: HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 96 7.15 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: LABOUR RELATIONS MANAGEMENT 97 7.16 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: LABOUR RELATIONS MANAGEMENT (Structured) 98 7.17 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: LABOUR RELATIONS MANAGEMENT 98 7.18 DOCTOR TECHNOLOGIAE: LABOUR RELATIONS MANAGEMENT 99 7.19 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: ORGANISATIONAL LEADERSHIP 100 7.20 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: ORGANISATIONAL LEADERSHIP 101 8. DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM MANAGEMENT 103 8.1 PERSONNEL INFORMATION 103 8.2 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: ADVENTURE TOURISM MANAGEMENT 104 8.3 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: ADVENTURE TOURISM MANAGEMENT 106 8.4 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: ADVENTURE TOURISM MANAGEMENT 106 8.5 DOCTOR TECHNOLOGIAE: ADVENTURE TOURISM MANAGEMENT 107 8.6 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: ECOTOURISM MANAGEMENT 107 8.7 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: ECOTOURISM MANAGEMENT 110 8.8 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: ECOTOURISM MANAGEMENT 111 8.9 FIELD TRIPS 112 8.10 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: EVENT MANAGEMENT 113 8.11 MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT 115 8.12 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: TOURISM MANAGEMENT 115 8.13 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: TOURISM MANAGEMENT 118 SECTION B: PHASING OUT QUALIFICATIONS 119 1. DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING, LOGISTICS AND SPORT MANAGEMENT 119 1.1 BACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE: FACILITY MANAGEMENT 119 9 2. DEPARTMENT OF OFFICE MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY 120 2.1 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: COMMERCIAL PRACTICE 120 3. DEPARTMENT OF PEOPLE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 122 3.1 NATIONAL DIPLOMA: LABOUR RELATIONS 122 SECTION C: SUBJECT INFORMATION (OVERVIEW OF SYLLABUS) 124 10 [...]... studies rests with the Faculty of Management Sciences and the Director of the Business School 6 If the doctoral candidates have completed a full dissertation for their Magister Technologiae, items 3 and 4 do not apply c Duration: A minimum of two years and a maximum of five years d Structure: This qualification consists of a research project that has to be recorded in the form of a thesis Before the... Hospitality Financial Management III Hospitality Industry Law II Hospitality Management Information Systems I Hospitality Management III Hospitality Management: Theory III Hospitality Management: Retail III (0,150) (0,150) (0,050) Hospitality Financial Management II Hospitality Industry Law I (0,150) (0,050) Hospitality Management II Hospitality Management II (0,100) Accommodation Management II (0,010)... following staff members: Head of Department: Telephone number: Departmental Administrators: Prof K Rajah - BSc (Chemistry) (University of Salford, UK), MSc (Chem/Chemical Engineering) (University of Salford, UK), PhD (Technology Transfer) (University of Reading, UK) 012 382 3037 Ms T Komane (MBA Office), Mrs M Frouws (Research Office), and Mrs R Knighton (Director’s Office) NAME POST DESIGNATION... Hospitality Management I plus one of the following subjects: ACM201T FBE201T Accommodation Management II Food and Beverage Operations II TOTAL CREDITS FOR THE THIRD YEAR: (0,133) (0,133) Foundation Accommodation Management I 1,000 Department of Hospitality Management 25 FOURTH YEAR HFM301B HIL201B HMI101T HOM301B HOM30XT HOM30ZT Hospitality Financial Management III Hospitality Industry Law II Hospitality Management. .. Administrative Management III Organisational Effectiveness I (0,200) (0,200) Administrative Management II Experiential Learning* (offered in the (0,200) first or second semester) Experiential Learning* (re-registration) (0,000) (offered in the first or second semester) Financial Management IIIA (0,100) Taxation IA (0,100) Administrative Management II Financial Management IIA Financial Management IIB... Financial Management IIA Financial Management IIB Financial Accounting IA Financial Accounting IB Department of Management and Entrepreneurship 31 SECOND SEMESTER FMN30BT TAX10BT Financial Management IIIB Taxation IB (0,100) (0,100) 1,000 TOTAL CREDITS FOR THE THIRD YEAR: 3.3 Financial Management IIA Financial Management IIB Financial Accounting IA Financial Accounting IB NATIONAL DIPLOMA: ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT: ... (0,200) Business Management II Personnel Management II Organisational Effectiveness I plus one of the following subjects: BMN330T PRM310T Business Management III Personnel Management III Department of Management and Entrepreneurship 33 FIRST OR SECOND SEMESTER EXP3AAT EXP3AAR Experiential Learning* Experiential Learning* (re-registration) (0,000) Organisational Effectiveness I Administrative Management. .. (0,125) Human Resource Management II (0,085)* Management Accounting Aspects IV (0,125) Marketing Management III (0,083) Production and Purchasing Management II (0,083) TOTAL CREDITS FOR THE FIRST YEAR: 0,501 SECOND YEAR FMN440T LRL200T MPT400T 34 Financial Management IV Labour Relations and Law II Management Practice IV (0,125) (0,083) (0,125) Financial Accounting Aspects IV Department of Management and Entrepreneurship... Managerial Finance Marketing Management Managerial Economics Organisational Behaviour Operations Management (0,100) (0,100) (0,100) (0,100) (0,100) (0,100) TOTAL CREDITS FOR THE FIRST YEAR: 0,600 SECOND YEAR BUT501T CGE501T FMN511T HRM511T INM501T RMD101C Business Strategy Change Management Financial Management Human Resources Management International Management Research Methodology (offered in the second... Industry Law II Hospitality Management Information Systems I Hospitality Management III Hospitality Management: Theory III Hospitality Management: Retail III (0,150) (0,150) (0,050) Hospitality Financial Management II Hospitality Industry Law I (0,150) (0,050) Hospitality Management II Hospitality Management II (0,100) Accommodation Management II (0,010) Culinary Studies and Nutrition II (0,050) Culinary . 1 2012 PROSPECTUS PART 6 FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES ISSN 0258-7343 TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 2 3 PARTS OF THE PROSPECTUS Students'. Part 1 Faculty of Economics and Finance Part 2 Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Part 3 Faculty of Humanities Part 4 Faculty of Information

Ngày đăng: 18/02/2014, 08:20