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new Headway Pronounciatoin Pre inter

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Tiêu đề Pronunciation Pre-Intermediate Student's Practice Book
Tác giả Bill Bowler, Sue Parmeter
Trường học Oxford University
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newHeadwayPronounciatoinPre inter

I @ New r.'x F{ft$trc$wü Pronunciation - Pre-lntermediate Student's Practice Book Bill Bowler Sue Parmínter OXJ.ORD I'NIVERSITY PRBSS l: as ln I as in e as in ¿e as ln q: as ln D as rn c: as rn o as in u: as in A as in i as in p as in b as in t as rn d as in k as in g as in tJ as in d5 as in f as in v as in 0 as in ó as in see /si:/ sit /st/ ten /ten / h^t lhDtl arm /o:nv got lgotl saw /sc:/ put /puv too /tu:/ cup /k^pi happy /'hapi/ pen /peu bad /b¿ed/ tea /fii did /drd/ cat kat/ got lgotl chin /tJm/ fune /d3u:n/ fall lf¡:ll voice /vcrs/ thin /0¡n/ then /óer/ 3: as rn o as in eI as in ou as in al as in au as in cl as in rá as in ee as in üe as in fur /fa:(r/ ago /a'geu/ page lpetd3/ home /haum/ fwe lfawl now lnaal join /d3crn/ near /nre(r)/ hair Aea(r)i pure /pjus(r/ s as in z as in J as in 3 as in h as in m as in n as in ¡ as in l. asin f as ln j as in w as ln so /seu/ zno /zv:/ she {i:/ vision /'vr3rV how /hau/ man /m&lv no /nou/ sing /sr4/ leg lleg/ red. lred/ yes /jes/ wet lwetl .{ :i I I ¡ ! j i { I { € "a i .i Phonemic symbols q .¡ j Contents xp Introduction ::1::: r¡iif¡e¡*:¡i€?*!r?¡¡1!W!!!!r!S&X Unit I Sound symbols Consonant symbols 1: the easily recognizable phonemic symbols lpl, lbl, lIl, ldl, lkl,lgl,|fl, lv I, lsl, lzl, fttl, lll, lrl, lrnl, lnl, and /w/ - voiced and voiceless consonants Connected speech Word linking lntonation and sentence stress Intonation in Wh- and YeslNo questions Unit 2 Sounds The sounds /s/, /z l, and lnl wi¡hPresent Simple third person singular verbs Word focus Two-syllable nouns Connected speech Strong and weak forms of auxiliary verbs ldt'zl, lwozl , lhezl , and ldazl , lwezl, ftiaz/, etc. Unit 3 Sounds Pronunciation of -¿d past tenses /t/, ldl , or ltdJ? Word focus Saying years in a History Quiz Connected speech Strong and weak form ofprepositions of time and place in a James Bond dialogue Unit 4 Sound symbols Single vowel symb ols li|,ltJ,lsJ,lel, fu:/,lul,loJ, lñ, ltl, lol, lel, and /e/ - long and short vowels 17 Word focus Containers with /evl (a bottle of wine, a packet of crisps, etc.) lntonat¡on and sentence stress List intonation in the game 'My sister Sally went to the summer sales ' using clothes vocabulary Unit 5 Sounds The sound /w/ Sentence stress Rh).thm and /á/ with the going ro future in the poem'Future Intentions' lntonat¡on Hearing the difference between polite and impolite offers 2i Unit 6 - ::: r.::: : r:ri 'll.al;r-:: : .: r ': ': l, .1. ,,¡iltt-lerÁ*;;!¡l¡,lr'rrr¡rr;tii Sounds The sounds /n/ and l4l (and l4gl and lndSl) 24 Word focus Three-syllable words €onnected speech Hearing different forms of l¡ft¿ Unit 7 Sound symbols Consonant symbols 2: the less easily recognizable phonemic symbols l |, l 5l, l t! l, l $1, l g l, l ól, l jl, and /¡/ - voiced and voiceless consonants 27 Sound¡ The sounds /0/ and /ó/ Connect€d speech Hearing the difference between Present Perfect and Past Simple and the different pronunciations of 's 18 19 20 21 10 11 13 t) 16 *ii&*i¡r: Unit 8 Sounds The sounds {/, isl, and /tJ/ and the different spellings ofthe sound {/ The sounds /u/ and /u:/ Intonation and sentence strcss Questions with or with fiiendly and unfriendly intonation, in fbrmal and informal dialosues Unit 9 Sounds The sounds /i:/ and /r/ Connected speech Word counting and sentence stress patterns in First Conditional sentences Intonation end sentence sttess Showing interest and surprise with short reply questions in a dialogue Unit l0 Sound symbols 'Double vowel' or diphthong symbols letl,latJ, lttl, /n/, leal, leal, laal, and lual Connected speech Strong form prepositions at the end ofquestions Connected speech Contractions: when they are used and when they are not used Unit 1l Sounds The sounds /e/, lel , and /¡l Connected speech Word linking Weak form auxiliaries and passive verbs in a newspaper article Sounds The sounds /e/ and /erl Word focus Words with silent letters Connected speech Linking in phrasal verbs Unit ll Sounds The sound /h/ Word focus Counting sylables Four-syllable words Intonation and sentence stress Corrective stress in addresses and Dhone numbers Unit 14 Sounds The sounds /n/, /c:/, and /sol in single words and in the game 'Space Battle' Word focus Words often confused because oftheir pronunciation Connected speech Hearing 'd (had or would) Sound symbol JI 32 45 il 47 49 49 i4 .JJ 36 52 41 44 Key lntroduction Welcome tothe New Headway Pre- I ntermed i ate P ron unci ati on Coursel The questions and answers on these pages are to help you to understand this book, so that you can get the best out of it when you use it. Who is this book for? The New Headway Pre-Inteflne¡liate Pronunciation Course is for pre-intermediate students who wish to improve their oronunciation. How does this book work? You can use this book (and recording) on its own. The exercises in it will help you to organize your study of pronunciation. It is also part of th e New Headway English Course a¡d the topics and language ofeach unit in this book link with those in the New H¿adway Pre-lntermediate Studenfs Book. Sounds exercises Unit 1 Consonant symbols l: the easily recognizable phonemic symbols lpl, lbl,ltl, ldl,lW,lgl, lfl, lv l, l sl, lzl, lhl, lU, lrl, lrnl, lnl, and lw l - voiced and voiceless consonants Unit 2 The sounds ls/, lzl,and lvl Unit 3 Pronunciation of-elpast tenses Unit 4 Single vowel symbols /i:/, /r/, /al,lal,ltl, l tsl, loJ, l ñ, 1 ¡:1, lol, lel, and lel -long and short vowels Unit 5 The sound /w/ Unit ó The sounds lnl and lql, and lggl and lnd3l Unit 7 Consonant symbols 2: the less easily recognizable phonemic symbols /fl, /3/, /tJ/, /$/,l0l,ló1,l1l, and /q/ - voiced and voiceless consonants Unit 8 The sounds ll,lsl, and lf[/ The sounds /u/ and /u:/ Unit 9 The sounds li:l and ll Unit 10 'Double vowel' or diphthong symbols /er/, l al, l cl, lol, l ee/, l aal, hul, and l uel Unit ll The sounds lel,lel, and /¡l Unit 12 The sounds lel and letl Unit ll The sound /h/ Y^e\ s9z. ll.ñ ("Y'z í9 (9 Unit 14 The sounds ol,lt:l,andlaol ,,,in*¡&:: ,!ii}@:: What types of exercise are there? There are five different tlT)es ofexercise in this book: 1 Sounds and sound symbols The sounds exercises help you to practise the sounds we use in English. Some sounds exercises are very useful for speakers of specific languages. (See the table opposite.) 2 Sounds and sound symbols exercises Sound symbols exercises teach English sound symbols (phonemic symbols). The connection between English spelling and pronunciation is a problem for speakers ofall languages. Knowing English phonemic symbols helps you to learn the pronunciation of new words easily. As you learn the symbols, you write example words in the chart on page 55. This helps you to remember the phonemic symbols correctly. 3 Connected speech These exercises help you to pronounce words in phrases and sentences correctly. Intonation and sentence stress These exercises helo you lo hear and practise differenr kinds of intonation and sentence stress patterns. Word focus In these exercises you study groups of words where there are problems with sounds and word stress. What about the recordint? This book comes with one tape or CD. The symbol in the exercise shows exactly which part ofthe recording you listen to. section of recording unit number What about the key? The answers to exercises, and tapescripts which are not in full in the exercises themselves, are in the key at the back ofthe book. As in the Naw H¿a dway Student's Boo( sometimes we ask you questions to help you work out rules for yourself. The answers to these questions are in the key, too. This symbol after an exercise means look at the key. The page number with the symbol shows you exactly where to look. >> p5ó What about technical words? Here is a list oftechnical words we use in this book. Use a bilingual dictionary to translate them. You can look back at this list while you use the bool. consonant @ tt t- contractron formal impolite informal intonation linking phonemic pronunciation rhr,th rn sound spelling slress syllable symbol voiced voiceless vowel weak A"c:i _L!e+:_ dp-g ¡Sr Consonant symbols 1 Word linking lntonation in llñ- and Yes/No questions Consonant symbols l .Thesewordsconta¡n.t,'.t"*.iWinofthel"ttÉKi¡ffe,unt'nl eacn woro. ¡ t, '¡&S8&8*¡8 8 ] Write these words on the sound symbol lines below, according to the sound ofthe underlined letters, Plal - !1f,! Listen and check your answers. >> p56 /pt tb/ nt tü I tkl tgl tft /s/ lzl lht N /r/ /tnl tn/ go 9lrive yan letter room mean qan mulic gtudy teacher work hot PlaY qooK flat never ó Unit I fl!! Now listen to the sound symbols on their own. What is the difference in sound between the symbols in Picture A and those in Picture B? Match the pictures with the diaerams below. Diagram 1 Diagram 2 >> D56 lTll ¡¡ 1¡s s¡und symbols in Y match the sound of the letters underlined in the words in X? Listen and mark the symbols / if they match and I if they don,t match. Turn to the Sound symbol chart on p55. Write in an example word to help you remember each sound ¡ symbol you now know. Underline the lelters ¡n thl word that match the sound symbol. Erample Connected Word linking lft! Listen. How many words do you hear in each sentence? Contractions count as two words. l2 3456 a nice big place. XY I rAy lhl 2 who lhl 3 unique lW 4 ¡Eissors lskl 5 gity lsl 6 plone lpU 7 tuow lnl 8 very lv/ 9 quickly lkwl 10 advertiging /s/ 11 arehitect lkl 12 write lwrl x Correct the sound symbols that don't match. Picture A Picture B Example It's rtr ¿tr ¡I +I sI 2 ¡IL Listen to these rwo phrases. ABTAEZHOIKAM opyde(netKIP N=onP>TYOXtUO vEonPoruqXtU0) Greek:alphabet = 6 words >> p5ó From: Jack To: Bose Subject: Greetinqs Date: Tuesday- Dear Roae, Just a quick €oail to sav ,hi, .L'oVe, Jack. >> p5ó Un¡t 'l 7 . When we speak quickly, a word that begins w¡th a vo t;r: sound is linked to the consonant sound at the end of f word before it: $ Greek-alphabet modern-email s" 1 Linking also happens if a co¡sonant is usually silent a end of a word: $1, twt lrl f, new-idea computer*inform; &liThe letter y links to the follow¡ng vowel sound as a / tjt * l4th-century-En8lish F lfFl ¡¡s1s¡ .r¿ practise saying these paying attention to the linking. 4 ¡If Listen and then practise saying all the five phrases in the same way, starting from the efd. 5 Mark the links in these phrases. a message_rn_a anger and other emotions a lot of information How is it e qutcKry ano eas on a page lll[! Listen and check your answers. )) o5ó Listen again and practise saying the phrases, paying attention to the linkins. computer_i nformati on new_¡dea 1l I Unit I 14th-century English Intonation fntonation in Wá- and Yes/No questions ''yá- questions contain a question word (Who, What, ,Where,Why, How,etc.). These questions ask for information answers. yeslNo auest¡ons do not contain auest¡on words. quest¡ons ask for yes or No answers. Look at the questions below. Mark the I4li- questions with a star (* ). I Where do you live, - ? 2 When's your birthdav. ? 3 Do vou have a iob. ? 4 What sort of music do you like, ? 5 Have you got any brothers or sisters, __, ? 6 Can you speak three languages, - ? 7 How do you come to school, - ?. 8 Do vou like dancins. ? >> P5ó ffl Listen to the recording and mark these statements True or False. (The names at the end ofthe questions wilJ help you to hear the intonation more clearly.) I 2 The vo¡ce Soes up at the end of l4á- questions. The voice 8oes up at the end of yeslNo questions. >> P5ó Listen again and repeat the qu€stions and the names. (Use your memory. Don't write the names in the gaps in 1.) Make sure your intonation goes clearly up or down on the name, according to whether you are asking a Yes,/No or a tYh question. Now complete each question in I with the nanie ofa student in your class. (Put a different name in each question.) Listen again and repeat the questions. Say the names you have written instead ofthe names on the recording. Ifthere are questions you don't like, cross them out and write your own questions. Practise saying them with the correct intonation. Stand up and walk round the classroom. Ask each classmate the question you have prepared for him/her. Write down the answers you get. Unit 'l 9 [...]... Auxiliary verb fttezl Example Hale you got a car? Has your car got a CD player? Listen to the other groups Interview your teacher Don't askthe samequestionsl twDzl lkanl /kan/ >> P57 12 Unit 2 the ó Work with a partner Practise dialogueswith the recording In groups, prepare sevenquestions to interview your teacher.Useeachauxiliary verb once lwtl /wazl and of or 1:tbeginning in the middle a sentence,... I'm his call waiting ( 13) S Yes,sir What do you notice about the pronunciation ofthese prepositions? >> p57 16 Unit l twelve the Hotel Royal apporntment staymg afraid _ couple that days Listen and practise saying the prepositions on lff! their own and in the phrases Readthe dialoguealoud with a partner Pronouncethe prepositionsin their weak forms Single vowelsymbols Containers List intonation r -$ Underline... Pronouncethe letters tl, correctly Unit 29 7 and Simple Perfect Past Present of t thepronunciation When do you Listen to thesesentences lftf pronounce ! as/s/?When do you pronounce t as/z/? andtick Listen pairsofsentences Lookat these lfl you (/) the sentences hear a Philip bought you a lovely present b l Philip's bought you a lovely present 2 a D 3 a b I neverliked maths I've neverliked maths Sheneverinvited... lost the Battle of Waterloo in 1314 1815 .t: lt' L lftf 7 John I (ennedy became President the United of States 1504 1960 in Listenandcheck your answers >> P57 Scorelike this: +15 points for a correct date *10 pointsfor the nearestguess -5 points for lncorrect pronunciation ofthe dates Unit 15 3 _ ,/ speech Cennected of forms prepositions and Strong weak Listen to this conversationbetwccnJames | @! Bond'sboss,M,... prepositions and Strong weak Listen to this conversationbetwccnJames | @! Bond'sboss,M, and his secretar¡ Miss Moneypenny As you listen,frll in the missingprepositions B Hello Can I speak(1) lo 2 Look back at the dialogüe and complete each phrase below with a preposition Miss Monelpenny Budapest me Miss Moneypenny? S Speaking B Hello, Iri here.I'm phoning (2) Ritz I'm looking (3) had a lunch appointment (4)... in Aücante Eduardo's doctor 2 Haveyou got a new coat? E Janetwas andJanet'san Xnglishteacher Yes,I have but born in England, she can speakgood your girlfriendwork with you? f-l 3 Does Spanish They share the housework Yes, does.l- l ' she * T Edua¡dolikes cooking They'vegot two children- Artuo and Pablo 4 Weretheymarriedin Mexico?fl No, theyweremarriedin NewYork l-l 5 Hasyour fathergot greyhair? f l... and (and /49/ and/nd3/) l?fl Listen to thesewords The A words end in the sound /rV The B words end in the sound /4/' Can you hear the difference? modern think thanks pond winter sink junk friendly lnl w¡nt¿r l![ drink ankle children newsagent window bank uncle expens¡ve tr)/ sink your answers Listenandcheck >> p59 the 3 Complete rule sound the /¡/ n Theletter ispronounced when following i s/ -/ >> P59... ronery easy boring reads plays ln theevening lrene surfs Internet, the or Usually loses Ken They don't have TV a cards Ken w¡th hopes lrene living Ham¡lton Ken likes in it Gate lovesand isn't for rest but tostav lhere the ofhisl¡fe, lrene sufe li againand Work on your own Readthe passage personsingular of underline all the verbsin the third the PresentSimple exceptis, doesn't, and isn't, l0 Unit 2 Group!... 5 Jack's We lived in London for tlvo years, 6 My wife's invited her mother to stay b 7 a b 7 David's orderedsome chamPagne We'velived in London for ívo years >> p60 oPened 8 That new record shoP's >> pó0 Look back at the Present Perfect sentencesin 1 's should you pronounce as/s/? In which sentences 's should you pronotnce aslzl? In which sentences >> PóO in Readthe sentences I and 2 aloud Payattention... vt¡iththe /w/ word eachtime word beforethe I They sawwild koalasin the trees 2 There'sno wine in the shoP I Can I havesome wir¿? 3 Now wait a minutel 2 Wou?youhke anlthing tó drink? 4 Shebought him a new watch 3 He wor'l talk to his mother' with the answers 5 Matchüe questions 4 It's in the westof HtngarY 1 Where wasWendY while they were watching the whales? 6 It's the worst film I've ever seen ''

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