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Tài Liệu Oracle Pl/Sql Language Pocket Reference
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stored : 23. Managing Code in the Database
and target labels : Target labels and PL/SQL blocks
utility :
validating :
23.3. Module Validation and Dependency Management
MONITOR tool :
25.1. Analyzing Program Performance
months : (see
12.1.3. The MONTHS_BETWEEN function
multiline comments : (see
block comments)
multiline statements, formatting :
3.1.6. Formatting Multiline Statements
MULTISET pseudo-function :
19.5.3. The MULTISET Pseudo-function
mutual recursion : (see
forward declarations)
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Index: N
NAME_RESOLVE procedure : C.16.8. The NAME_RESOLVE procedure
NAME_TOKENIZE procedure :
C.16.9. The NAME_TOKENIZE procedure
named collections : Casting a named collection
named constants
4.1. Identifiers
4.7.4. Use Named Constants to Avoid Hardcoding Values
converting variables to :
4.7.5. Convert Variables into Named Constants
named labels :
5.2.1. The GOTO Statement
named notation : Named notation
1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
9.3.2. Setting the Record's Column Names
cursor identifiers :
6.4.3. Identifier Precedence in a Cursor
cursors :
6.4.1. The Cursor Name
encrypted code files :
23.7.2. Working with Encrypted Code
8.3.1. Named System Exceptions Overlapping exception names
functions :
1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
identifiers :
2.2. Identifiers
loop indexes :
7.7.1. Naming Loop Indexes
loops :
7.6.1. Loop Labels
modules Named modules offer scoping effect of nested block
22.1.1. Make Sure the Module Name Explains the Module
qualified identifiers and : Qualifying identifier names with module names
object types :
18.6.3. Schema Evolution
packages :
22.1.3. Name Packages and Their Elements to Reflect the Packaged Structure
parameters :
22.1.2. Develop Consistent Naming Conventions for Your Formal Parameters
precedence, column/function :
17.6. Column/Function Name Precedence
savepoints :
6.1.3. The SAVEPOINT Statement
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subtypes : 4.7.2. Name Subtypes to Self-Document Code
tables :
1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
4.1. Identifiers
4.7.1. Establish Clear Variable Naming Conventions
National Language Support : (see
NLS character datatypes)
NATURAL datatype : Binary integer datatypes
natural logarithm function :
13.1.11. The LN function
NCHAR datatype : The NCHAR datatype
NCLOB datatype Large object support The NCLOB datatype
negative numbers : Binary integer datatypes
negative row index :
10.2. Characteristics of PL/SQL Tables
(see also
anonymous blocks)
15.3. The Anonymous PL/SQL Block
15.3.4. Nested Blocks
cursors and : Cursor scope
scope and : Scope and nested blocks
IF statements :
5.1.4. Nested IF Statements
modules :
2.7.3. Nested Blocks
raising exceptions in : Raising exceptions in nested blocks
scoping with :
1.6.5. Scoping with nested blocks
dot notation for : Dots in data structures
records :
9.7. Nested Records
tables : Variable arrays and nested tables
(see also
19.1. Types of Collections
19.3. Syntax for Declaring Collection Datatypes
adding/removing elements of :
19.4.3. Adding and Removing Elements
assigning values to elements :
19.4.2. Assigning Values to Elements: Index (Subscript)
defining :
19.2.1. Collections "In the Database"
initializing :
19.4.1. Initializing Collection Variables
objects for :
18.1.2. Some Simple Examples
THE pseudo-function for :
19.5.1. The THE Pseudo-function
%TYPE attributes :
4.5.3. Nesting Usages of the %TYPE Attribute
NESTED TABLE STORE AS clause : Collection as a "column" in a conventional table
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Net8 listener : 21.2.1. Step 1: Set Up the Listener
new_add_months function :
12.2.1. Customizing the Behavior of ADD_MONTHS
NEW_LINE procedure
C.9.5. The NEW_LINE procedure
C.17.1.7. The NEW_LINE procedure
NEW_TIME function
12.1.4. The NEW_TIME function
12.2.2. Using NEW_TIME in Client-Server Environments
NEXT function The NEXT function The PRIOR function
19.6.7. PRIOR(i), NEXT(i)
NEXT_DATE procedure :
C.5.5. The NEXT_DATE procedure
NEXT_DAY function :
12.1.5. The NEXT_DAY function
NEXT_ITEM_TYPE function :
C.10.2. The NEXT_ITEM_TYPE function
NLS character datatypes :
4.2.6. NLS Character Datatypes
NO_DATA_FOUND exception
8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
8.8. NO_DATA_FOUND: Multipurpose Exception
normalization of local variables : Normalization of local variables
not equals (<> and !=) :
2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
NOT NULL datatype :
4.4.4. NOT NULL Clause
anchoring to :
4.5.5. Anchoring to NOT NULL Datatypes
constraints :
25.4.6. Avoid NOT NULL Constraints
NOT_LOGGED_ON exception :
8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
%NOTFOUND cursor attribute
6.6.2. Fetching Past the Last Row
6.9.2. The %NOTFOUND Attribute
NOWAIT keyword :
6.1.5. The LOCK TABLE Statement
4.3. NULLs in PL/SQL
assigning to objects :
18.5.3. Approach 3: Do Everything via Methods
and default values :
4.4.4. NOT NULL Clause
in IF statements :
5.1.1. The IF-THEN Combination
NOT NULL constraints :
25.4.6. Avoid NOT NULL Constraints
NULL statements :
5.2.2. The NULL Statement
with GOTO statements : Using NULL with GOTO to avoid additional
statement execution
NVL function :
13.3.4. The NVL function
setting records to : Setting records to NULL
string :
2.3. Literals
NUMBER datatype Decimal numeric datatypes
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25.4.5. Use PLS_INTEGER for All Integer Operations
converting strings to/from
14.1.2. Number Format Models
14.2.7. The TO_CHAR function (number conversion)
14.2.9. The TO_NUMBER function
converting to words :
17.8.7. Recursive Processing in a SQL Statement
date : (see
functions for :
13. Numeric, LOB, and Miscellaneous Functions
line, finding code for :
23.6.6. Finding the Code for a Line Number
suppressing zeros :
14.3.1. FM: Suppressing Blanks and Zeros
datatypes :
4.2.1. Numeric Datatypes
FOR loops :
7.3. The Numeric FOR Loop
formatting :
3.3.2. Formatting Loops
loop index :
7.3. The Numeric FOR Loop
nontrivial increments :
7.3.3. Handling Nontrivial Increments
premature termination of : Premature FOR loop termination
range scheme :
7.3. The Numeric FOR Loop
scope of : Scope in FOR loops
unnecessary :
7.7.3. Avoiding the Phony Loop
literals :
2.3.2. Numeric Literals
NUMERIC subtype :
4.2.2. Numeric Subtypes
NVARCHAR2 datatype : The NVARCHAR2 datatype
NVL function
4.3.3. Function Results with NULL Arguments
13.3.4. The NVL function
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Index: O
object tables, object views versus : 20.4. Differences Between Object Views and Object Tables
object types
18.1.1. Terminology Classification
constructor methods
18.3.1. About Object Types Constructors
data dictionary entries :
18.6.1. Data Dictionary
defining :
18.2.2. Defining the Object Type Body
forward type definitions : Forward type definitions
instantiating objects from : PL/SQL usage
modifying :
18.6.3. Schema Evolution
renaming :
18.6.3. Schema Evolution
syntax for :
18.3. Syntax for Creating Object Types
type modifiers :
18.2.3. Adding Complex Data Structures
object views :
20. Object Views
data dictionary entries :
20.7.1. Data Dictionary
duplicate OIDs in : Duplicate OIDs in a single view
example of :
20.1. Example: Using Object Views
INSTEAD OF triggers and :
20.2. INSTEAD OF Triggers
object tables versus :
20.4. Differences Between Object Views and Object Tables
privileges :
20.7.2. Privileges
REFs and :
20.4.2. Using REFs with Object Views
schema evolution and
20. Object Views
20.6. Schema Evolution
syntax for :
20.3.1. CREATE VIEW: Creating an Object View
object-oriented programming
18. Object Types
18.1.5. Object Programming Themes
18.7. Making the Objects Option Work
object views and :
20. Object Views
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objects : 18.1. Introduction to Oracle8 Objects
assigning : Direct assignment
collections as object types : Collection as an attribute of an object type
comparing :
18.3.6. Comparing Objects
database structure for : DDL usage
dependency of :
23.6.1. Displaying Object Dependencies
desc command (SQL*Plus) :
18.6.2. SQL*Plus "Describe" Command
destroying :
18.5.3. Approach 3: Do Everything via Methods
dot notation :
18.3.4. Dot Notation
equality of, testing : Equality comparisons
examples of
18.1.2. Some Simple Examples
18.2. Oracle Objects Example
handles for : (see
identifiers : (see
in packages :
16.1.4. Object Persistence
index-by tables of :
25.4.8. Use Index-By Tables of Records and Objects
inheritance : Inheritance
initializing :
18.4.1. The Need to Initialize
instantiating : PL/SQL usage
LOBs (large objects) : Large object support
functions for :
13.2. LOB Function Descriptions
object views : Object views
object-oriented model support : Support for an object-oriented model
OIDs (object identifiers) : Object identifiers (OIDs)
persistent, modifying :
18.5. Modifying Persistent Objects
privileges :
18.3.7. Privileges
referring to :
18.4.2. OID, VALUE, REF, and DEREF
REFs : (see
returnin value of : DEREF
self-reference : (see
SELF object)
(see also
stored objects)
23. Managing Code in the Database
managing with SQL*Plus :
23.5. Managing Stored Objects with SQL*Plus
viewing with SQL :
23.6. Using SQL to Examine Stored Objects
synonyms for :
23.2.2. Creating Synonyms for Stored Objects
OCI routines, for external procedures :
21.5. OCI Service Routines
OIDs (object identifiers) : Object identifiers (OIDs)
uniqueness of
20.4.1. OID Uniqueness
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20.4.4. REFs to Nonunique OIDs
where stored : Object identifiers (OIDs)
one-dimensionality of tables :
10.2. Characteristics of PL/SQL Tables
OODBs (object-oriented databases) :
18.1. Introduction to Oracle8 Objects
OPEN statement
(see also
6.2.2. Cursor Operations
6.5. Opening Cursors
6.10.2. Opening Cursors with Parameters
with cursor variables :
6.12.4. Opening Cursor Variables
OPEN FOR statement :
6.12.4. Opening Cursor Variables
OPEN_CURSOR function :
C.14.14. The OPEN_CURSOR function
OPEN_CURSORS parameter :
6.8.1. Maximum Number of Cursors
opening cursors
6.2.2. Cursor Operations
6.5. Opening Cursors
6.10.2. Opening Cursors with Parameters
6.12.4. Opening Cursor Variables
operating sytem files :
operators, REFs as : REFs
optimizing foreign key lookups :
10.9.5. Optimizing Foreign Key Lookups with PL/SQL Tables
OR REPLACE predicate :
18.3.2. CREATE TYPE and DROP TYPE: Creating and Dropping Types
how PL/SQL fits in :
1.1. What Is PL/SQL?
programming in : (see
Oracle/AQ : (see
advanced queuing)
Oracle Forms :
1.2. The Concept of Programming in Oracle Applications
code of :
1.2. The Concept of Programming in Oracle Applications
Oracle Lock Management (OLM) services :
Oracle Reports :
1.2. The Concept of Programming in Oracle Applications
Oracle Server
Version 7.1 : (see
Release 2.1, PL/SQL)
Version 7.2 : (see
Release 2.2, PL/SQL)
Oracle Tools, anonymous blocks in :
15.3.3. Anonymous Blocks in the Oracle Tools
Oracle*Mail :
Oracle, Trusted :
About the Contents
Oracle/AQ, administration on :
C.3.2. DBMS_AQADM (PL/SQL 8 Only)
Oracle/AQ facility :
C.3. Oracle AQ, the Advanced Queueing Facility
ORADBX tool :
25.1. Analyzing Program Performance
order, VARRAY elements : VARRAY integration
ORDER methods : The MAP and ORDER methods
OUT parameters
Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. OUT mode
22.7.3. Assign Values to All OUT and IN OUT Parameters
external procedure mappings :
21.4.1. Datatype Conversion
in functions
: Do not use OUT and IN OUT parameters
1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
outer tables :
19.1. Types of Collections
overloaded modules
1.6.6. Module overloading
15.8. Module Overloading
restrictions on :
15.8.4. Restrictions on Overloading
overloading modules : Polymorphism
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Index: P
PACK_MESSAGE procedure : C.10.3. The PACK_MESSAGE procedure
package variables, stored functions and :
17.4. Restrictions on PL/SQL Functions in SQL
packages Modular construction
1.6.8. Packages
16. Packages
Booch diagram :
16.2.4. Public and Private Package Elements
built-in Built-in packages
1.6.3. Built-in packages
built-in, reference on :
C. Built-In Packages
cursors in :
6.4.4. The Cursor RETURN Clause
data structures in :
16.5. Package Data
debugging messages in :
24.2.9. Build Debugging Messages into Your Packages
declaring cursors in :
16.3.2. Declaring Package Cursors
developing around :
1.7.3. Center All Development Around Packages
documenting :
3.7. Documenting the Entire Package
encapsulating data structure access :
1.7.2. Synchronize Program and Data Structures
of exceptions only : A package of exceptions
formatting :
3.5. Formatting Packages
functions in, calling :
17.5. Calling Packaged Functions in SQL
granting execute authority to :
23.2.1. Execute Authority on Stored Objects
initialization section
purity level assertions in :
17.5.2. Asserting Purity Level with Package Initialization
initializing :
16.6. Package Initialization
of magic values only : A package of magic values
minimizing interdependencies :
25.2.4. Creating Packages with Minimal Interdependencies
modifying persistent objects :
18.5.4. Approach 4: Use an Object and a PL/SQL Container
naming :
22.1.3. Name Packages and Their Elements to Reflect the Packaged Structure
numbers-to-words :
17.8.7. Recursive Processing in a SQL Statement
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[...]... The PL/SQL Character Set Release 1.1, PL/SQL 1.4.8 PL/SQL Release 1.1 Features of the array package Release 2.1, PL/SQL : 1.4.4 PL/SQL Release 2.1 new_add_months function : 12.2.1 Customizing the Behavior of ADD_MONTHS overloaded modules : 15.8.4 Restrictions on Overloading Release 2.2, PL/SQL : 1.4.5 PL/SQL Release 2.2 cursor variables : 6.12 Cursor Variables Release 2.3, PL/SQL 1.4.6 PL/SQL. .. symbols != (not equals) : 2.1 The PL/SQL Character Set % (percent sign) : 2.1 The PL/SQL Character Set > (label delimeters) : 2.1 The PL/SQL Character Set >= (greater than) : 2.1 The PL/SQL Character Set (not equals) : 2.1 The PL/SQL Character Set (associational operator for positional notation) : 2.1 The PL/SQL Character Set \: (colon) : 2.1 The PL/SQL Character Set _ (underscore) : 2.1 The PL/SQL Character Set || (concatenation) operator : 2.1 The PL/SQL Character Set synchronization : 1.7.2 Synchronize Program... with PL/SQL Tables Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark outer tables : 19.1 Types of Collections as parameters : 10.5.4 Passing PL/SQL Tables as Parameters partitioned, ROWID datatype for : The ROWID datatype PL/SQL : (see index-by tables) records in : 10.8 PL/SQL Table Enhancements in PL/SQL Release 2.3 referencing rows : 10.5 Referencing and Modifying PL/SQL. .. : 10.8 PL/SQL Table Enhancements in PL/SQL Release 2.3 returned from functions : Referencing fields of record elements in PL/SQL tables row index data-smart : 10.9.2 Data-Smart Row Numbers in PL/SQL Tables negative : 10.2 Characteristics of PL/SQL Tables store tables : 19.1 Types of Collections table objects retrieving : VALUE VARRAYs : (see VARRAYs) virtual : 6.2 Cursors in PL/SQL. .. for DDL and dynamic SQL formatting statements : 3.2 Formatting SQL Statements I/O-intensive : 25.3.6 Use PL/SQL to Improve Performance of IO-Intensive SQL minimizing access to : 25.3.1 Use Package Data to Minimize SQL Access PL/SQL in : (see stored functions, PL/SQL) PL/SQL loops versus : 7.7.4 PL/SQL Loops Versus SQL Processing statements, recursive processing in : 17.8.7 Recursive Processing in a... to Examine Stored Objects procedures, PL/SQL Version 1.1 : B Calling Stored Procedures from PL/SQL Version 1.1 virtual REFs : 20.4.3 Storage of Virtual REFs stored functions, PL/SQL 17.1 Looking at the Problem 17.7 Realities: Calling PL/SQL Functions in SQL calling packaged functions : 17.5 Calling Packaged Functions in SQL examples of : 17.8 Examples of Embedded PL/SQL name precedence and : 17.6 Column/Function... Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark B.1 Using Stubs to Talk to Server-Side PL/SQL 1.4.3 PL/SQL Version 2.0 23.4 Remote Procedure Calls working with multiple : 1.4.1 Working with Multiple Versions of PL/SQL wrapper : The PL/SQL wrapper PL/SQL tables : (see index-by tables) PLS-00452 error : Pragma violation errors PLS_INTEGER data type : 25.4.5 . Blocks in the Oracle Tools
Oracle* Mail :
Oracle, Trusted :
About the Contents
Oracle/ AQ, administration on :
2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
Release 1.1, PL/SQL
1.4.8. PL/SQL Release 1.1 Features of the array package
Release 2.1, PL/SQL :
1.4.4. PL/SQL