One-Letter Words A Dictionary 5
... sound vibration of the vowel I means “awareness.” —Joseph E. Rael, Tracks of Dancing Light: A Native American Approach to Understanding Your Name 23. n. A grade in school indicating a student’s ... is either an I or an A. —Al Court, An Introduction to Cryptography. In fact, this claim is false, as this dictionary proves. When a schoolteacher writes “I” on a blackboard and...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
... movie. X is a power of magnification, an axis on a graph, and a female chromosome. It is a multiplication operator, a letter of the alphabet, and an arbitrary point in time. X is a kiss at the ... herring, and oysters), lean meats, poultry, cheese, and eggs are also good sources. The only known plant sources are yeast, alfalfa, and two Japanese seaweeds—wakame and kombu. —Am...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:56
One-Letter Words A Dictionary 10
... beam radar: a height- finding radar that emits a vertical beam and another at 45 degrees.” —Dr. John Burkardt 33. n. V belt: a belt with a V- shaped cross section which engages a similarly ... —Joseph E. Rael, Tracks of Dancing Light: A Native American Approach to Understanding Your Name Like his father, and Grandfather Darwin as well, he tended to stammer, having special...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
One-Letter Words A Dictionary 11
... Matt Brelje, Sheryl Burgstahler, John Burkardt, Tara Calishain, Alison Callahan, Jonathan and Hilary Caws- Elwit, Andrew Chorney, Steve Chrisomalis, Norris and Donna Clark, Ken Clinger, Allan ... 2073, Australia Canada HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. 55 Avenue Road, Suite 2900 Toronto, ON, M5R, 3L2, Canada New Zealand HarperCo...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
One-Letter Words A Dictionary 2
... vegetables, although breast milk and organ meats contain small amounts. Citrus fruits, tomatoes, pep - pers, strawberries, and cantaloupe are all excellent sources. —American Medical Association ... Aspartate, an amino acid. 30. n. A layer of the ionosphere, as in the “D layer.” [The D layer is the] lowest part of the ionosphere, which appears at an altitude of 50 –80km. This layer...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
One-Letter Words A Dictionary 3
... universal affi rmative A, the universal negative E, the par - ticular affi rmative I, and the particular negative O. 30. n. (mathematics) The natural number e, used as the base for natural logarithms ... Millikan in 1917, was later refined through the discovery of the relationship between the Avogadro’s constant N and the Faraday constant F. 35. n. (biology) Glutamate, an amino acid....
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
One-Letter Words A Dictionary 4
... posterior (dorsal) horns are gray matter areas at the rear of each side of the H. . . . The lateral horns are small projections of gray matter at the sides of H. —Phillip E. Pack, Anatomy and Physiology ... vitamin A and vitamin B. It also contains vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin F, vitamin G, vitamin I, vitamin J, vitamin K, vitamin L, vitamin M, vitamin N, vitamin O, vitami...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
One-Letter Words A Dictionary 6
... which only zeros appear above the diagonal. L is a lower triangular matrix. —Marie A. Vitulli, A Brief History of Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory” 20. n. (mechanics) L head: a gasoline engine ... 15. n. L square: a carpenter’s ruler which is L- shaped. 16. n. L sill: in carpentry, a sill used in a building frame. A plate is attached to a basement wall, and an upright...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
One-Letter Words A Dictionary 7
... O’Brien and Jim Sharman, Shock Treatment Johnny spun to face a bookcase of art criticism and wondered desperately if K came before or after N. The alphabet, a pillar, a solace and a certainty ... numeral for 1,000. 15. n. With a line above it, a Roman numeral for 1,000,000. 16. n. A computer programming language. M is a procedural, general purpose language with well-...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20