a dictionary of neurological signs clinical neurosemiology

a dictionary of ancient near eastern architecture

a dictionary of ancient near eastern architecture

... (Ankara 1966) 10 ALTINTEPE Egyptian altar, Karnak Temple at Altintepe 11 AL-UBAID Urartian sanctuaries (Arinberd, KARMIRBLUR) which were inspired by the palatial wall-decorations of Assyria ... Yayinlarindan 24 (Ankara 1966); II (Ankara 1969) Al-Ubaid Mesopotamia, see map p xviii This site was investigated by Sir Leonard Woolley 12 Ambulatory, mamissi at Philae (GraecoRoman period) ANATOLIAN ... rectangular house plans replaced the Ala a Hỹyỹk: sphinx gate 9 ALALAKH Alalakh see TELL ATCHANA the hieroglyphic sign for offering, representing a mat with a piece of bread on it The altar

Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 22:53

282 304 0
a dictionary of law jul 2003

a dictionary of law jul 2003

... [...]... English law See also BUGGERY aggravated assault See ASSAULT aggravated burglary See BURGLARY aggravated damages *Damages that are awarded when the conduct of the defendant or the surrounding ... subjacent state As a result, apart from aircraft... annuitant) An annuity left by will is treated as a pecuniary legacy An annuity may be charged on, or directed to be paid out of, a particular ... Invasion, attack, military occupation, or annexation of the territory of any state by the armed forces of another state (2) Bombardment or the use of any weapons by a state against another

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:40

281 225 0
Oxford Paperback Reference A Dictionary of Accounting_2 doc

Oxford Paperback Reference A Dictionary of Accounting_2 doc

... software that can produce information... | Financial Accounting Standards Board | | financial adviser | | financial aid | financial analysis software | | financial assistance | | financial calendar ... such as Aus- Accounting.fm Page 74 Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:40 PM 75 draft tralia, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Bru- nei, Canada, Fiji, Hong Kong, Jamaica, New Zealand, Singapore and Zimbabwe ... undertaken, the sale of an asset, or a gift, taking into account personal allowances and scales of tax. It is the amount of money generated by the transaction divided by the additional tax payable

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

26 176 0
Oxford Paperback Reference A Dictionary of Accounting_3 pot

Oxford Paperback Reference A Dictionary of Accounting_3 pot

... [Sunday Times] flat rate flat rate /flt ret/ noun a charge which always stays the same ć a flat-rate increase of 10% ć We pay a flat rate for electricity each quarter. flat tax flat tax /flt ... IAS abbreviation International Accounting Standards IASB abbreviation International Accounting Standards Board IASC abbreviation International Accounting Standards Committee IBRD abbreviation ... idle capacity variance | idle capital idle time IFA abbreviation 1 independent financial adviser 2 Institute of Financial Accountants IFAC abbreviation International Federation of Accountants

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

26 125 0
Oxford Paperback Reference A Dictionary of Accounting_5 doc

Oxford Paperback Reference A Dictionary of Accounting_5 doc

... same as package deal paid paid-in capital paid-up shares paper paper gain paper profit ‘…the profits were tax-free and... noun an investigation into the efficiency of a particular area of ... one calendar year, balanced to show a final profit or loss | professional | professional fees | profit profitability | profitability index | profitable profitably profit after tax profit and ... fannsŋ / noun a way of raising finance through a long-term lease that does not qualify as a capital lease and therefore does not appear on the balance sheet off-balance sheet liability off-balance

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

26 168 0
Oxford Paperback Reference A Dictionary of Accounting_6 pdf

Oxford Paperback Reference A Dictionary of Accounting_6 pdf

... of sales staff salary review | salary scale sale sale and lease-back sales sales analysis | sales book sales budget sales department | sales figures sales force Accounting.fm Page 200 Tuesday, ... same as pay differensalary cut salary deductions | salary differentials | tials salary review / s ləri ri vju / noun same as pay review ć She had a salary review last April or Her salary was ... ratio of the profit made in a financial year as a percentage of an investment Abbreviation ROI return on net assets /ri t n ɒn net sets/ noun a ratio of the profit made in a financial

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

26 242 0
Oxford Paperback Reference A Dictionary of Accounting_8 doc

Oxford Paperback Reference A Dictionary of Accounting_8 doc

... financial statements issued at the end of a company’s fiscal (tax) year... * Profit on ordinary activities after taxation * Extraordinary income * Extraordinary charges * Extraordinary profit ... write-up / rait p/ noun a deliberate overvaluation of company assets writing-down allowance / raitiŋ daυn ə laυəns/ noun a form of capital allowance giving tax relief to companies acquiring ... vacant possession. valuation valuation /vlju | eʃ(ə)n/ noun an esti- mate of how much something is worth ć to ask for a valuation of a property before mak- ing an offer for it valuation of

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

23 169 0
A Dictionary of Genetics phần 10 pptx

A Dictionary of Genetics phần 10 pptx

... of apes The analysis supports the theory that all human mtDNA molecules are derived from a woman who lived in Africa about 140,000 years ago L A Tartaglia and 18 colleagues identify a ... of these parasites... eukaryotes G Rice and eight colleagues study the tertiary and quaternary structures of the coat proteins of certain dsDNA viruses that attack species of Archaea, ... regions of the developing world M Berriman et al sequence and analyze the genome of Trypanosoma brucei, N M El-Sayed et al of Trypanosoma cruzi, and A C Ivens et al of Leishmania major

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

65 319 0
A Dictionary of Genetics phần 8 doc

A Dictionary of Genetics phần 8 doc

... in eubacteria, but archaebacteria (q.v.) contain a TBP that has amino acid sequence similarities to the eukaryotic TBP These and other data suggest that archaebacteria and eukaryotes are more ... resistant to malaria than aa/aa individuals Incomplete beta chains can be produced by... Tay-Sachs disease Both HEXA and HEXB contain 14 exons and are believed to have arisen from a single ancestral ... commerce, a disaccharide composed of. .. possible: AB, AB, ab, ab (referred to as the parental ditype); AB, Ab, aB, ab, where two chromatids are recombinant (the tetratype); and Ab, Ab, aB, aB, where

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

58 334 0
A Dictionary of Genetics phần 7 ppt

A Dictionary of Genetics phần 7 ppt

... that secretes... types of radiation, such as alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma photons radioautograph autoradiograph (q.v.) radioautographic efficiency ficiency (q.v.) radioautography ... marshes, and coastal marine, habitats and as pathogens of plants and animals Geneticists often study strains of P aeruginosa which are resistant to antibiotics and disinfectants and are responsible ... to anneal to the separated strands. Finally, the temperature is raised again, andcanal and touches one pole of each spindle. As a re- sult of this orientation, one cell of each dividing pair a

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

71 337 0
A Dictionary of Genetics phần 6 pot

A Dictionary of Genetics phần 6 pot

... less than 5% of its struc- otae, Aphragmabacteria; Appendix C, 1985, Yamao; ture codes for message. All the genes of the alpha 1995, Fraser, Venter et al.; Appendix E; bacterial cell and beta hemoglobin ... counterparts in Drosophila, Caeno- mass approximately the same as that of a hydrogen rhabditis, or humans. More than half of its genes atom and electrically neutral; its mass is 1.0087 mass have ... of of human tuberculosis, a disease with an annual an allele by mutation. death toll of three million. This human pathogen mutation rate the number of mutation events per arose from a soil bacterium

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

56 304 0
A Dictionary of Genetics phần 5 ppsx

A Dictionary of Genetics phần 5 ppsx

... continuous layer of bacteria on the surface of an agar plate law of parsimony See Occam’s razor lazy maize a maize mutant characterized by a stalk that grows flat on the ground like a vine ... invariate within a given H chain class. An Coons et al. L chain is about half as long as an H chain. Its amino end has a variable region (V L ); its carboxyl end has immunogen a substance that causes ... cia-Bellido et al.; 1975, Morata and Lawrence; com- idiotypes antigenic determinants characteristic of partmentalization, in vivo culturing of imaginal discs. a particular variable domain of a specific

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

66 347 0
A Dictionary of Genetics phần 4 pot

A Dictionary of Genetics phần 4 pot

... et al. ga/gigaannum one billion years. The age of the earth is 4.6 ga. See Appendix C, 1953, Patterson. galactosidase See alpha galactosidase, beta galac- tosidase. gain of function mutation a ... delta chains have the same number of amino acids as the beta chains, and 95% of their amino acids are in sequences... half the mass of a radioactive substance to decay into another substance ... of the four chromatids of a given tetrad can be recovered, as in the case of attached X chromosomes in Drosophila half-value layer... chains and a pair of abnormal chains, each chain

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

56 342 0
Tài liệu A Dictionary of Neurological Signs pptx

Tài liệu A Dictionary of Neurological Signs pptx

... References Alexia; Allographia; Aphasia; Apraxia; Broca’s aphasia; Fast micro- graphia; Gerstmann syndrome; Hypergraphia; Macrographia; Micrographia; Neglect; Wernicke’s aphasia Agraphognosia - see AGRAPHESTHESIA Agrypnia Agrypnia ... Astereognosis; Auditory Agnosia; Autotopagnosia; Dysmorphopsia; Finger agnosia; Phonagnosia; Prosopagnosia; Pure word deafness; Simultanagnosia; Tactile agnosia; Visual agnosia; Visual form agnosia Agrammatism Agrammatism ... 1995 Ghadiali E. Agnosia. Advances in Clinical Neuroscience & Rehabilitation 2004; 4(5): 18-20 Cross References Agraphognosia; Alexia; Amnesia; Anosognosia; Aprosodia, Aprosody; Asomatognosia; Astereognosis;...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 19:20

348 657 0
A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols:  Hidden Symbols in Chinese Life and Thought

A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols: Hidden Symbols in Chinese Life and Thought

... British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record ... specific against diseases. Badger huan The badger is not an animal that has appealed to the Chinese imagination. In Japan, on the other hand, the tanuki, the badger, plays a part equivalent ... Korea and Japan; the Chinese apple was not so tasty. Even today, apples are relatively dear, and therefore an acceptable gift, especially since the apple (ping) can stand as a symbol for ‘peace’...

Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2014, 18:07

420 548 0
A dictionary of symbols 2nd edition

A dictionary of symbols 2nd edition

... realities are material realities which have been transformed and appear in the function of their domi- nant quality, their spiritual ‘office’.) Asín Palacios, in his Escatolog a musulmana en la Divina ... affect the nature of symbol or myth, because, as we have already said, the simultaneous occurrence of an abstract and general manifes- tation with its materialization in a moment of space-time not ... something of the other—quite apart from the fact that, as far as symbolism is concerned, other phenomena of a spiritual kind play an important part. When a critic such as Caro Baroja (10) declares...

Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2014, 18:09

507 1,6K 0
A Dictionary of Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms

A Dictionary of Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms

... 2:atlantal and atlantoaxial atlantoodontoid atlo- combining form atlas : atlantal and atloaxoid atloido- combining form F atlodo-, fr. atlode : atlantal and atloidoaxoid atm- or atmo- ... bone astragalus astragalectomy b:astragalar and astragalocalcaneal -ata n pl suffix NL, fr. L, neut. pl. of -atus -ate : ones charac- terized by having such a feature  in names of zoological groups ... malacoid malacophyllous malari- or malario- combining form malaria : malaria malar- ioid malariology malariometry malayo- combining form, usu cap malay + -o- : Malayan and Malayo-Indonesian -mancy n...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 15:13

62 947 1
Medically Speaking A Dictionary of Quotations on Dentistry, Medicine and Nursing pot

Medically Speaking A Dictionary of Quotations on Dentistry, Medicine and Nursing pot

... East Louisiana University (Criminal Justice), and the University of Southwestern Louisiana (Mathematical Statistics). Alma E Cavazos-Gaither was born on 6 January 1955 in San Juan, Texas. San Juan has ... Louisiana Department of Corrections, and taught mathematics, probability, and statistics at McNeese State University and Troy State University at Dothan. Additionally he worked for ten years as an ... University of Texas at Austin. Again, we wish to thank Joe Gonzalez, Chris Braun, Ken McFarland, Kathryn Kenefick, Gabriel Alvarado, Janice Duff, Rennison Lalgee, Deidra Allen, Brian Camp, Robert...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:20

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a dictionary of basic japanese grammar

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Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 12:18

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a dictionary of intermediate japanese grammar

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