45486 talking writing about a movie

45486 talking  writing about a movie

45486 talking writing about a movie

... What I liked best about this film was… I felt …… Add as much information as you want

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2016, 15:18

2 191 0
Talking and writing about school and class

Talking and writing about school and class

... you go to school? Do Nam and Thu play soccer? Do Peter and Maria have breakfast at 6? Preparing date: 8/11/2014 Teaching date: 10/11 : 6A 14/11: 6B Period 10 : Consolidation talking about activities; ... I, we, you, they + dont+ Vnd he, she, it + doesnt + Vnd b Talking about activities everyday - Let Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about activites every day - Call some pai...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 06:38

10 316 0
talking about a picture or object

talking about a picture or object

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 17:45

1 207 0
34316 writing an email about a holiday

34316 writing an email about a holiday

... to communicate ideas and feelings in a limited range of familiar situations Ideas are relevant, detailed and include examples organizes information and ideas and uses a range of basic cohesive ... detail and examples usually organizes information and ideas and uses a range of basic cohesive devices; there is a logical structure makes good use of a basic range of vocabulary, grammati...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 20:17

3 147 0
Visuals writing about graphs, tables and diagrams

Visuals writing about graphs, tables and diagrams

... 2 Writing Tables and Diagrams Visuals: about Graphs, Since most of the IELTS Academic \Writing Thsk questions deal with graphs and rables ,and since they require specific interpretation and writing ... desirablein the text rc Answer Key Visuals: Writing Tables about Graphs, and Diagrams 1.2 Writingabout Graphsand Tables In real life, the text usually comes...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02

68 1,9K 22
hơ about a game?

hơ about a game?

... at Task on page 79 , another at Task 29 page 87, and another task at Task 41 on page 92 You are going to learn about and play some word games Self Study For extra grammar, listening and vocabulary ... described ” Activity A Pair work How many games can you think of each category? Use the games from Activity and your own ideas Board games Card games Computer games Party games puzzles Tile...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2013, 01:26

13 539 1
IELTS writing  visuals writing about graphs, tables and diagrams

IELTS writing visuals writing about graphs, tables and diagrams

... 2 Writing Tables and Diagrams Visuals: about Graphs, Since most of the IELTS Academic \Writing Thsk questions deal with graphs and rables ,and since they require specific interpretation and writing ... desirablein the text rc Answer Key Visuals: Writing Tables about Graphs, and Diagrams 1.2 Writingabout Graphsand Tables In real life, the text usually com...

Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2013, 15:20

68 732 7
Unit 8 Out and About A 1 -A 3

Unit 8 Out and About A 1 -A 3

... book Ask and answer What is she doing? She is driving her car Ask and answer What are they doing? They are driving a car Ask and answer What is he doing? He is riding his motorbike Ask and answer ... What are they doing? They are ing… What are you doing? I am ing… What is he doing? He is driving his car Thur.Dec 2nd, 2 010 Lesson 1: What are you doing? (A1 -3) Team A Team B start...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 08:11

46 477 0
Writing about Graphs and Tables

Writing about Graphs and Tables

... vb partial adj 19 20 Tables and Diagrams Writing about Graphs, Visuals: 2.3.7 Phrases Note especially the use of the prepositions at, in and, uith in some of the following, and try to learn these ... numberof carsrose Tables and Diagrams Writing about Graphs, Visuals: 2.3.8 RelatedAQjectivesand Adverbs of The expressions amount should be modified with suitable adjectivesa...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 07:20

16 432 0
Visuals writing about graphs, tables and diagrams - Diagrams

Visuals writing about graphs, tables and diagrams - Diagrams

... learners dealwith the writing of of and descriptions processes you should refer to theseif you needmore practice Visuals: Writing Tables and Diagrams about Graphs, AnswerKey Part 1 c) and e) Generally,avisual ... leuel of a) and b) a) and c) GDP; unemplolment; literacy; income; expenditure a) and c) b) a) and d) 7.b) and c) and d) 4.^) Part3 'per 1000 12 a) and...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 07:20

10 394 0
Dragging a Movie Clip Instance within a Boundary

Dragging a Movie Clip Instance within a Boundary

... evaluate to true because all the conditions are true—347 is greater than 60 and less than 490, and 285 is greater than 220 and less than 390 In this scenario, dragging is allowed Let's look at ... the statement) When the if statement evaluates to true, the startDrag() action is triggered and the basketball_mc instance becomes draggable The true parameter value used in this action causes ....

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 19:15

7 221 0
Tài liệu Controlling a Movie on a Level ppt

Tài liệu Controlling a Movie on a Level ppt

... location If you wait 10 seconds, a different banner may load, also at the proper location in relation to bannerBack_mc This is the best approach for triggering an action to occur as soon as ... For example, if a movie at www.derekfranklin.com/derekMovie.swf is being played and contains an action to load a movie located at www.electrotank.com/jobeMovie.swf into Level 5, these two...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 22:15

5 306 0