writing an announcement about a sports event

34316 writing an email about a holiday

34316 writing an email about a holiday

... to communicate ideas and feelings in a limited range of familiar situations Ideas are relevant, detailed and include examples organizes information and ideas and uses a range of basic cohesive ... detail and examples usually organizes information and ideas and uses a range of basic cohesive devices; there is a logical structure makes good use of a basic range of vocabulary, grammatical ... ideas and uses a range of basic cohesive devices; there is a reasonable attempt at structure uses a basic range of vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions; some errors and inappropriate...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 20:17

3 147 0
Báo cáo y học: "Users' guides to the medical literature: how to use an article about mortality in a humanitarian emergency"

Báo cáo y học: "Users' guides to the medical literature: how to use an article about mortality in a humanitarian emergency"

... Relief-Web (a media and NGO repository maintained by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs), the Uppsala Conflict Database Program (a database that contains information on armed conflicts ... does the situation mandate humanitarian intervention beyond the medical care and public health strategies currently in place? The text below summarizes our approach to evaluating and applying the ... settings as diverse as Angola [27], Afghanistan [28], and Burma (Myanmar) [29] If a study omits children in addressing population mortality, findings may exclude a large portion of deaths Determining...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:31

9 695 0
Writing a Business Plan: An Example for a Small Premium Winery potx

Writing a Business Plan: An Example for a Small Premium Winery potx

... coordinating winery operation and Manager maintenance, sales, marketing, financial record keeping, and staffing General Manager Coordinate winery operation and maintenance, sales, marketing financial ... Management January/February 1999 Barclay, Veronica “Are You Marketing to the Affluent.” Vineyard and Winery Management January/February 2000 Bizplanit www.bizplanit.com Bureau of Labor and Statistics ... experiences and January recommendations for a lawyer (3) Send to BATF and SLA for application packets January (4) Hire a lawyer to help with the application process February (5) Have all forms and paperwork...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 21:20

49 507 1
three extensions to the inventory theoretic approach- a transportation selection model, a discrete event simulation of the inventory theoretic approach, postponement from an inventory theoretic perspective

three extensions to the inventory theoretic approach- a transportation selection model, a discrete event simulation of the inventory theoretic approach, postponement from an inventory theoretic perspective

... Speed and reliability are modeled by the mean and standard deviation of door-to-door transit time for all available transportation options, and each speed and reliability combination has a corresponding ... constraints are easily added or changed, and they guarantee the optimal answer given valid assumptions and accurate data Hence, additional constraints and other considerations can be added to the ... problematic (the matrix approach) Conversely, optimization models can handle a wide variety of variables, easily accommodate additional constraints, and guarantee the optimal answer given valid assumptions...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2014, 00:50

170 442 0
Stock price reaction to the announcement of a reverse stock split, an investigation as a function of the rationale provided

Stock price reaction to the announcement of a reverse stock split, an investigation as a function of the rationale provided

... Descriptive Statistics (includes all cases) 178 Table A6 : Summary of Descriptive Statistics for AREs and CARs 179 Table A7 : ARE and CAR Means and Standard Deviations for No Rationale and Rationale Groups ... Sample by Average Two-Year Growth Rate in Revenues 191 Table A1 9: ARE and CAR Means and Standard Deviations for Various TwoYear Average Growth Rates in Revenues 192 Table A2 0: Listing of Companies ... Final Sample by Direction Change in Net Income for Year Preceding Announcement 195 Table A2 3: ARE and CAR Means and Standard Deviations for Various Directional Changes in Net Income 196 Table A2 4:...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 16:58

217 227 0
45486 talking  writing about a movie

45486 talking writing about a movie

... What I liked best about this film was… I felt …… Add as much information as you want ...

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2016, 15:18

2 191 0
the worrld ò worrk a job interview and writing an application letter

the worrld ò worrk a job interview and writing an application letter

... Number Email Address Date Employer Contact Information (if you have it) Name Title Company Address City, State, Zip Code Salutation Dear Mr./Ms Last Name or Dear Hiring Manager: Application Letter ... Signature Applying for a job: Letter format example George Gilhooley XYZ Company 87 Delaware Road Hatfield, CA 08065 Dear Mr Gilhooley, I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised ... information on my experience I can be reached anytime via email at john.donaldson@gmail.com or my cell phone, 909-555-5555 Thank you for your time and consideration I look forward to speaking...

Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2016, 11:32

3 279 0
An investigation into the effect of content and language intergated learning on EFL learners writing motivation and writing performance at yola  a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of

An investigation into the effect of content and language intergated learning on EFL learners writing motivation and writing performance at yola a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of

... Bozdo an & Karlıdağ, 2013) and other Asian countries such as Iran, Saudi, Hong Kong and Japan (Jawhar, 2012; Pinner, 2013; Leung, 2013; Yamano, 2013) 1.5 Organization of the study The study contains ... communication and for learning which can be described as learning to use language and using language to learn (4) Culture: Studying through a different language offers a means of gaining a deeper understanding ... overall writing performance but also each writing factor (i.e., Task Achievement, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy) Meanwhile, prior studies have just...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2017, 07:56

151 823 1
An announcement effects of share repurchase based on the prior consecutive events

An announcement effects of share repurchase based on the prior consecutive events

... returns Based on Figure 3, significant positive mean and median ARs occur on the fourth, third and two days before the announcement date and highly significant and positive mean and median daily AR ... the day of the announcement and stagnate slightly after the announcement date but from the day +2 to the day +10, CARs was rise gradually From Figure 15 and Table 12, it is clear that stock announcement ... 33 Table ARs and CARs around Bond issuing 36 Table 10 ARs and CARs of Repurchase Announcement with a prior Corporate Bond issuing 41 Table 11 ARs and CARs of the Repurchase Announcement...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2018, 10:29

83 120 0
 Báo cáo y học: "Pre-hospital intubation by anaesthesiologists in patients with severe trauma: an audit of a Norwegian helicopter emergency medical service"

Báo cáo y học: "Pre-hospital intubation by anaesthesiologists in patients with severe trauma: an audit of a Norwegian helicopter emergency medical service"

... Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation Author details Department of Research and Development, Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation, Drøbak, Norway 2Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Stavanger ... safety) Materials and methods Stavanger HEMS The Stavanger HEMS is part of the national HEMS system of Norway, and its primary areas of operation are the mixed urban and rural districts of Rogaland ... statistical analysis and drafted the manuscript HML and ES helped design the study and draft and review the manuscript All authors have read and approved the final manuscript Competing interests The authors...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 09:56

6 612 0
Writing in 15 Mins a Day

Writing in 15 Mins a Day

... Organize and Outline 109 • • • • Explanation of importance of preplanning Explanation and sample of an informal outline Explanation and sample of a formal outline Explanation and samples of various ... organizational patterns (chronological, cause-and-effect, spatial, general-to-specific) Lesson 15: Additional Organizational Strategies 115 • Explanation and samples of additional organizational ... spelling mistakes and word confusions Lesson 19: At Last, Your First Paragraph 141 • Explanation and samples of topic sentences • Explanation and samples of paragraph structures, such as deductive/inductive,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2013, 01:45

240 446 9


... NỘI DUNG BÁO CÁO THỰC TẬP I/ KHÁI QUÁT TÌNH HÌNH CƠ BẢN VỀ KINH TẾ XÃ HỘI CU A UBND XÃ AN BÌNH A: 1/ Vị trí đi a lý Xã An Bình A: An Bình A là một xã thuộc Thị xã Hồng ... 2.713,1 - Phi a Đông giáp với đất nông - Phi a Tây giáp với xã Long Thuận - Phi a Nam giáp với huyện Tam Nông - Phi a Bắc giáp với xã An Bình B Xã An Bình A được bao bọc bởi ... hành quản lý ngân sách Trong quá trình tổ chức công tác quản lý ngân sách phải tiến hành giám sát, kiểm tra, tra tài chính là một những nhiệm vụ cu a quản lý ngân sách...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2013, 13:51

19 596 0
hơ about a game?

hơ about a game?

... at Task on page 79 , another at Task 29 page 87, and another task at Task 41 on page 92 You are going to learn about and play some word games Self Study For extra grammar, listening and vocabulary ... described ” Activity A Pair work How many games can you think of each category? Use the games from Activity and your own ideas Board games Card games Computer games Party games puzzles Tile games Checkers ... page 93 D join another pair Decide which sport in part A are : Completive sports indoor sports relaxing sports team sports Individual sports outdoor sports seasonal sports year-round sports Activity...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2013, 01:26

13 539 1
HSG Tỉnh Nghệ An 08-09 (A)

HSG Tỉnh Nghệ An 08-09 (A)

... Quảng đờng AB: AB = v1t1 = 48( ) = 12 km 60 60 Thay (2) ; (3) vào (1) ta đợc: t + b AC BC + 48 12 AC AB − AC AC 12 − AC → t= + + = 48 12 48 12 AC AC 3AC → 0,55 = + − = 1− 48 12 48 → AC = 7,2 km ... VÉn cho ®iĨm tèi a chØ tõ chai thứ Gọi dòng điện qua điện trë R1, R2, R3, R4 vµ qua am pe kÕ tơng ứng là: I1, I2, I3, I4 IA Học sinh vẽ lại sơ đồ tơng đơng a I1 R1 C I3 R3 A A I2 I4 R2 B R4 D ... U ; I2 = I4 = (1) R1 + R3 R2 + R Tõ h×nh vÏ ta cã UCD = UA = IARA = → UAC = UAD hay I1R1 = I2R2 Theo IA = nên I1 = I3 = 0,5 (2) 0,5 Tõ (1) vµ (2) ta cã: b U.R1 U.R R1 R2 R R R R = = → → 3= → =...

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2013, 04:10

5 267 5


... 0, 6A; C 0, 2A; D 1A; 1, 5A; Trong thÝ nghiƯm giao thoa nÕu lµm cho nguồn kết hợp lệch pha vân sáng thay đổi nh nào? Vẫn nằm ( không thay đổi ) B Không vân giao thoa n a Xê dịch nguồn sớm pha D ... nhiên Đó có phải hai nguồn kết hợp không? Vì sao? Không Vì lần phát sóng pha ban đầu lại có giá trị dẫn đến hiệu pha thay đổi Có Vì có tần số Có Vì có tần số pha ban đầu số Không Vì hai nguồn không ... tím C Quang phổ liên tục D Quang phổ vạch phát xạ Câu 41 : Một động diện có ®iƯn trë R = 20 Ω , tiªu thơ 1kWh thời giam 30phút Cờng độ dòng điện chạy qua động là: A 2A; B 4A; C 1 0A; D 2 0A; Câu...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 18:10

8 289 0
Đề thi&Đáp án môn Toán A (ĐH 2008)

Đề thi&Đáp án môn Toán A (ĐH 2008)

... − a = a 1 a3 = S.h = a. a 3 .a = 3 2 Kẻ Ax // BC K hình chiếu A xuống Ax ⇒ ta có ∆ AHK n a tam giác vuông K Vậy AK = a Góc B’C’ góc AK AA’, ta tìm cosin góc A AK ⇒ a AK · cos A 'AK = = = AA ... V .a Ta có : a + b = (1) ⇔ b = – a (Đk : b > ⇔ < a < 5) Ta có : e = c = ⇒ 9c2 = 5a2 ⇒ 9 (a2 – b2) = 5a2 ⇒ 4a2 = 9b2 a Mà : b = – a ⇒ 4a2 = 9(5 – a) 2 ⇒ 5a2 – 9 0a + 225 = ⇒ a2 – 1 8a + 45 = ⇒ a = hay ... = A/ log x +1 (2x − 1) = ⇔x=0 B H A C x K Gọi H hình chiếu A xuống mp ABC H trung điểm BC BC = a + 3a = 2a Ta có tam giác A HA vng H có cạnh AH a Vậy : A H = Vậy thể tích khối chóp A ABC 4a...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2013, 09:10

5 434 0
Đề thi và đáp án ĐH khối A năm 2006

Đề thi và đáp án ĐH khối A năm 2006

... y x y   a3 + b3 a+ b  ≤ Dễ dàng C/m :  (với a + b > 0)   1 Dấu ‘=’ xảy a = b p dụng với a = , b = y ta có : x 3 1  1  1      +   +  x y x   y  ⇔ A  ≤ A A ≤16   ...     1 dấu ‘=’ xảy x = y = Vaäy MaxA = 16 Caùch : A= S2 , suy P2 A= S 3S = P S − SP P 1− S2 − SP S – 4P ≥ ⇔ S2 − S ≥0⇔ P ≥ ≥ ⇔ 1− 3 S S Nên A = ≤ 16 Vậy MaxA = 16 (khi x = y = ) P ... Từ BĐT ta có < h ≤ h ≠ 1, ∀ S thoả (*) mà A = h ⇒ Max A = 16 x = y = Caùch : 1 (S= 1, P = ) y 3y 1 x+y  >0⇒ + = >0 (x + y)xy =  x −  + 2 x y xy  A= 1 x3 + y3  1  1 + = 3 = +  ⇒ A = +...

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2013, 16:10

4 469 4