LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY A Top-Down Approach - Chapter 12 (end) ppt

LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY A Top-Down Approach - Chapter 12 (end) ppt

LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY A Top-Down Approach - Chapter 12 (end) ppt

... of small mammal communities. Mammalia 58:85–92. Hansson, L. 1995. Development and application of landscape approaches in mam- malian ecology, in Landscape Approaches in Mammalian Ecology and Conservation. ... circumstances. An IBM can be applied to populations of arbitrarily small size and in highly non-uniform landscapes. The verisimilitude that IBMs display is not an accidental fa...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22

36 364 0


... sustainable develop- ment of rural areas is a major goal of the national and international politics that are related to nonurban areas. Most rural areas are dominated by agricultural land use. ... demand for spatial data or they even have a spatial design (Costanza and Maxwell, 1991) because many ecologically relevant processes do occur as spatial interactions between compartments of a...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22

21 372 0


... on the agricultural manage- ment of land as the primary means for environmental protection. As agricultural productivity expanded, natural landscapes were converted to rural landscapes com- posed ... natural and societal pro- cesses that change landscape structures and also provide opportunities for economic activities. A landscape has multifunctional characteristics that make it signifi...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22

8 326 0
ECOTOXICOLOGY: A Comprehensive Treatment - Chapter 36 (end) ppt

ECOTOXICOLOGY: A Comprehensive Treatment - Chapter 36 (end) ppt

... An example of applying Bayesian inference using natural frequen- cies. Probabilitiesareplacedalongsidearrows associated with different states. The num- bers associated with each branch are based on ... as a self-consistent science, more integration of facts and paradigms is essential along all three scales. The explanation–observation-significance concatenation described in Chapter 1 is eq...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

16 283 0
Toxicological Risk Assessment of Chemicals: A Practical Guide - Chapter 9 (end) ppt

Toxicological Risk Assessment of Chemicals: A Practical Guide - Chapter 9 (end) ppt

... man-made contaminants that may be found in drinking water. US-EPA, States, and water systems then work together to make sure that these standards are met. US-EPA sets national standards for tap ... environmental hazards as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) or air toxics. The 1970 Clean Air Act gave US-EPA authority to list air toxics for regulation and then to regulate the chemicals. The agency...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:22

16 409 0
LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY A Top-Down Approach - Chapter 1 pot

LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY A Top-Down Approach - Chapter 1 pot

... and Larry D. Harris 4. Landforms and Landscapes Jim Sanderson and Larry D. Harris Part II The Ecology of Landscapes 5. The Ecology in Landscape Ecology Jim Sanderson and Larry D. Harris 6. Landscape ... Landscape and Edge Effects on Population Dynamics: Approaches and Examples Lennart Hansson Part III Landscape Theory and Practice 7. The Re-Membered Landscape Larry D. Harris...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22

33 313 0
LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY A Top-Down Approach - Chapter 2 docx

LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY A Top-Down Approach - Chapter 2 docx

... Wisconsin. Today native prairie occurs over a much reduced areal extent in isolated fragments within a fire-suppressed landscape. Recall that fire is a landscape process that depends on the biota for ... Theory. Inductive reasoning allows generalization of a class after reasoning about a particular member of the class. For instance, if we observed that all swans in a particul...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22

15 237 0
LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY A Top-Down Approach - Chapter 4 pps

LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY A Top-Down Approach - Chapter 4 pps

... separated by an ecotone, and having a large spatial extent. Landscape ecology includes the study of landscape effects that can take place in a 1-m 2 plot. Landscape ecology requires that these ... extends across Siberia, the largest tract of forest on earth, constitute an ecosystem or a landscape? How does an elevational gradient cre - ate landscapes? What is the anal...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22

11 428 0
LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY A Top-Down Approach - Chapter 5 pdf

LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY A Top-Down Approach - Chapter 5 pdf

... Highly Fragmented Human-Dominated Landscape Exercises What is the ecology of landscapes? Why should we study landscape ecology? Landscape ecology is the study of processes and organisms that promote ... preserved. Earlier we wrote that advances in landscape ecology will come from the study of landscape effects and also the effects mobile organisms have on landscapes. Many...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22

15 379 0
LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY A Top-Down Approach - Chapter 6 pdf

LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY A Top-Down Approach - Chapter 6 pdf

... feasible last-moment actions will probably often be: save as much as possible, but always provide buffers against man-modified envi - ronments—an important landscape consideration! For managed areas, ... Effects at Various Spatial Scales Landscape Complementation or Supplementation at Short Distance Effects at the True Landscape Scale Effects at Larger Spatial Scales Some Limite...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22

16 303 0