Oxford practice grammar part 5 pdf
... Test 3 Present perfect and past simple (Units 11- 15) Test 3A Put in the past participles of the verbs in brackets. ► We've found (find) all the answers. ... for 50 0 years. It (2)…………………………… (be) famous in the old days, and Shakespeare once (3)……………………………. (stay) there, they say. I (4)………………………… (live) in Brickfield all my life. The villagers (5) ………………………………(know) ... for a long...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 11:20
Oxford practice grammar part 11 pdf
... Harriet's. They're very nice people. And after all, (5) …………… are parties (6)……………. ? To meet new people. Laura: It isn't a party, it's a barbecue. (7)…………… 's the weather ... 3………………………….bag are you carrying? ~ Judy's. 4 …………………………money do you earn? ~ About £ 250 a week. 5 ………………………hand do you write with? ~ My right hand. 6……………………….of shop do you work in...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 11:20
Oxford practice grammar part 38 pdf
... have mobile phones, don't they? 5 Contradict what Nick says. Nick: Sorry. I persuaded you to see that film and you hated it, didn't you? 152 Review of linking words A Time ... employment reach an agreement ion/tion/sion take part in a discussion increase steel production ask for permission ation/ition an invitation to a party people's opposition to the idea e...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 11:20
... OXFORD PRACTICE GRAMMAR TEST 5 PRESENT AND PAST TENSES (UNIT 21) Test 5A Complete the conversations. Put in the correct form of each ... place now. (We ) 4 It was breakfast-time when Susan rang. (I ) 5 Their game of badminton is always on Tuesday. (They ) Test 5D Write the correct answer in each space. ► This isn't my ... police that she had (10)…………………………… singing alon...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 18:15
... OXFORD PRACTICE GRAMMAR TEST 24 RELATIVE CLAUSES (UNITS 136-142) Test 24A Decide which word or phrase ... reply. Abco was the………………………. company to reply to my letter. a) last b) most c) only d) second 5 My friend Nigel,………………………. works in the City, earns much more than I do. a) that b) which c) ... because I didn't know was that no one-had told me. 4 That we should do is...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 10:15
... advice? B: Yes, I'm sorry……………………… (bother) you, but I don't know who……………………… (ask). 5 A: Do you like Scrabble? B: Well, I used …………………………… (play) it quite a lot, but I got fed up ... wasn't sure. Which way should she go? 4 The porter just stood there. He expected a tip. 5 How about it? Shall we go to the barbecue? (8)……………. attending formal dinners, and they were .....
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 17:15
... accommodation. 11 Do you eat meat/a meat? 12 The contents of the box was/were thrown away. OXFORD PRACTICE GRAMMAR TEST 14 NOUNS AND AGREEMENT (UNITS 76-82) Test 14A Some of these sentences are ... make furniture out of many different wood/woods. 20 Someone has/have kidnapped the President! 5 The police is questioning two men. 6 Can we have two coffee, please? 7 The news aren&...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 18:20
... find it pretty boring. Anna: How can you say such (8) (thing)? OXFORD PRACTICE GRAMMAR TEST 15 A/AN AND THE (UNITS 83-90) Test15A Complete the story about the theft of a river barge. Put in ... (14) river. ( 15) thief was quickly found and arrested. Test 15B Decide which word or words are correct. ► I think that's an awful ... gap for the lorry to drive out through. They...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 18:20
The Nature Of Design - Oxford University Press - Part 5 pdf
... energy of the biker. An automobile moving at 55 miles per hour for one hour will burn 2 gallons of gasoline. On a cross-Atlantic flight, a 747 flying at 55 0 miles per hour will burn 100 gallons of ... (1991), and William Cronon (19 95) . The issues they raised were, to some extent, predictable. Guha, for example, believes that the designation of wilderness in many parts of the world has led...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20