oxford practice grammar with answer pdf

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 21 pdf

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 21 pdf

... to continue with his tour of the country and had gone to visit a friend in Scotland before returning to pick up the case he had left behind. A/an goes only with a singular noun. With a plural ... than the structure with dogs, but we often use a/an when explaining the meaning ol a word, e.g. a butcher. D Some Some with a plural noun means 'a number of, and some with an uncountable ... some money in his old trousers. There's a note and some coins. We use a/an with a singular noun and some with a plural or an uncountable noun (see D). A + singular noun: a note Some +

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20

10 757 2
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 42 pdf

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 42 pdf

... damage to 5 tax on 2 way of 6 difficulty with 3 answer to 7 matter with 4 cause of 3 1 with 5 with 2 of 6 for 3 of 7 of 4 for 8 between 4 1 answers to all the (quiz) questions 2 knowledge ... 4 look forward to 11 cut down on 5 keep up with 12 fall back on 6 put up with 13 get round to 7 get on with 14 make up for 3 1 1 get on (well) with Melanie./Melanie and I get on (well). ... to 3 as 7 with 4 with/ to 2 1 prefer water to wine? 2 blaming Tom for the/his accident? 3 thank you for the/her present? 4 accuse him/the head teacher of murder? 5 provide you with towels?

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20

10 535 1
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 15 pdf

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 15 pdf

... that It is said that Henry is in love with Claire. (= People say that Henry is in love with Claire.) We can use the structure it + passive verb + clause with verbs of reporting. We use this ... staff Our staff arc taught useful work skills. ? people with initiative / they are given opportunities Opportunities are given to people with initiative. 1 special training / it is given to ... fallen trees, and electricity lines (7) brought/were brought down, leaving thousands of homes without electricity. 'Everything possible (8) is doing/is being done to get things back to

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20

10 1,1K 1
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 10 docx

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 10 docx

... She's been out with him a few times, but really she's in love with Tom. Unfortunately he isn't in love with her. a) Who is Nick in love with? b) Who is in love with Tom? 2 Mark ... finish the crossword? ~ No, I didn't. We can sometimes answer a question with a simple yes or no, but we often use a short answer like No, I didn't. We usually put a comma after ... No-,-I-amn't. C Answering requests, suggestions, offers and invitations To answer a request, suggestion, etc, we normally use a phrase like Yes, of course or Yes, please rather than a short answer.

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20

10 729 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 19 doc

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 19 doc

... David has to take the pills 3 Mike: So you got the answer? Harriet: Yes, and I didn't use a calculator, (without) Harriet got the answer 4 Emma: Why the rucksack? Matthew: So I can carry ... words go with one kind of noun but not with the other. COUNTABLE A/an or one goes only with a singular noun. I need a spoon. Numbers above one go only with plural nouns. We eat three meals ... UNCOUNTABLE We do not use a/an with an uncountable noun. NOT A WATER and NOT A-music. We do not use numbers with an uncountable noun. NOT three feeds their own, without some or any. PLURAL

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20

10 379 1
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 22 docx

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 22 docx

... the in structures with of, with an adjective and with plural names. at Matilda's Restaurant With of: the Avenue of the Americas With an adjective: the White House With a plural: the ... and airports; important buildings We do not use the with most stations and airports; with religious, educational and official buildings or with palaces and houses. to Waterloo (Station) at ... and centres A possessive form ('s) is without the. St Martin's (Theatre) at Durrant's (Hotel) In the US, names with center are without the. near Lincoln Center But usually

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20

10 301 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 24 pot

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 24 pot

... We won't have any fun without you. We can also use any in a sentence with if. If you have any problems, you can discuss them with your group leaders. I can answer any questions. (= If ... lot of friends. Do you eat much fruit/a lot of fruit? C Few and little with and without a With a the meaning is positive. Without a the meaning is negative. A few customers have come into the ... of fun We use these words without a noun if it is clear what we mean. I take photos, but not as many as I used to. At one time I took a lot. Note that we say a lot without of. B A lot of, many

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20

10 354 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 17 ppsx

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 17 ppsx

... stop (see Unit 70C) E Advise, allow, encourage and recommend We can use these verbs with an ing-form or with an object + a to-infinitive. + [NG-FORM + OBJECT + TO-INFINITIVE They allow fishing ... love with Claire, but she's worried about this. She …………………………………………………………b e c a u s e s h e d o e s n ' t f i n d h i m a t t r a c t i v e . 3 Natasha may not go on holiday with ... It's difficult to know how much luggage to take with you. We can use whether but not if. We'll have to decide whether to go ahead with the project (or not). NOT We'll have to

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 14:20

10 485 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 10 pps

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 10 pps

... She's been out with him a few times, but really she's in love with Tom. Unfortunately he isn't in love with her. a) Who is Nick in love with? b) Who is in love with Tom? 2 Mark ... finish the crossword? ~ No, I didn't. We can sometimes answer a question with a simple yes or no, but we often use a short answer like No, I didn't. We usually put a comma after ... No-,-I-amn't. C Answering requests, suggestions, offers and invitations To answer a request, suggestion, etc, we normally use a phrase like Yes, of course or Yes, please rather than a short answer.

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 498 2
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 15 doc

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 15 doc

... that It is said that Henry is in love with Claire. (= People say that Henry is in love with Claire.) We can use the structure it + passive verb + clause with verbs of reporting. We use this ... staff Our staff arc taught useful work skills. ? people with initiative / they are given opportunities Opportunities are given to people with initiative. 1 special training / it is given to ... fallen trees, and electricity lines (7) brought/were brought down, leaving thousands of homes without electricity. 'Everything possible (8) is doing/is being done to get things back to

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 425 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 19 pps

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 19 pps

... David has to take the pills 3 Mike: So you got the answer? Harriet: Yes, and I didn't use a calculator, (without) Harriet got the answer 4 Emma: Why the rucksack? Matthew: So I can carry ... words go with one kind of noun but not with the other. COUNTABLE A/an or one goes only with a singular noun. I need a spoon. Numbers above one go only with plural nouns. We eat three meals ... UNCOUNTABLE We do not use a/an with an uncountable noun. NOT A WATER and NOT A-music. We do not use numbers with an uncountable noun. NOT three feeds their own, without some or any. PLURAL

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 191 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 21 ppsx

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 21 ppsx

... to continue with his tour of the country and had gone to visit a friend in Scotland before returning to pick up the case he had left behind. A/an goes only with a singular noun. With a plural ... than the structure with dogs, but we often use a/an when explaining the meaning ol a word, e.g. a butcher. D Some Some with a plural noun means 'a number of, and some with an uncountable ... some money in his old trousers. There's a note and some coins. We use a/an with a singular noun and some with a plural or an uncountable noun (see D). A + singular noun: a note Some +

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 391 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 22 ppsx

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 22 ppsx

... the in structures with of, with an adjective and with plural names. at Matilda's Restaurant With of: the Avenue of the Americas With an adjective: the White House With a plural: the ... and airports; important buildings We do not use the with most stations and airports; with religious, educational and official buildings or with palaces and houses. to Waterloo (Station) at ... and centres A possessive form ('s) is without the. St Martin's (Theatre) at Durrant's (Hotel) In the US, names with center are without the. near Lincoln Center But usually

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 352 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 31 potx

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 31 potx

... matter with you a tax on alcohol a difficulty over /with visas a new method of storing data having trouble with my teeth C Connection, difference; increase, reduction, etc One thing has a link with ... nouns can have a preposition after them, e.g. way of, answer to, interest in. The preposition often has a phrase with a noun after it. the answer to the problem their interest in drama And the ... things. a connection with another crime a connection between the two crimes Matthew's relationship with Emma the relationship between Matthew and Emma the contrast with yesterday's

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 372 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 33 ppsx

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 33 ppsx

... can't go on holiday together if your dates don't fit in with mine. (= go together with) The thief managed to get away with about £2,000 in cash. (= steal and take away) The goods are ... yet. You'd better get on with it. (= start, continue) Mark doesn't really get on with Alan. They're always arguing. (= have a good relationship with) / have lots of little jobs ... at these examples. Tom often calls in on/drops in on us without warning. (= pays short visits) You go on ahead. I'll soon catch up with you. (= reach the same place as) The police are going

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 457 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 35 docx

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 35 docx

... it NOT someone who / work with her B Leaving out the pronoun We often leave out the relative pronoun when it is the object of a preposition. WITH OBJECT PRONOUN WITHOUT OBJECT PRONOUN The ... person. Use a relative clause with who or whose. ? George Paxton, company director - he had an argument with Colin George is the company director who had an argument with Colin. ? Vera Stokes, ... plan ahead. 3 lt(C) Quiz champion Claude Jennings is answering some questions. Look at each question and answer and write a sentence with it + be + a relative clause. ► Who invented radio?

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 323 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 41 pot

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 41 pot

... to come out with his hands up. 2 1 don't want her to do a parachute jump 2 doesn't want him to fall in love with her 3 would like/'d like her to go (on holiday) with them 3 ... cup of coffee, OR Shall we have a cup of coffee? 4 I'll/I can walk home with you. OR Shall/Can I walk home with you? 5 Would you like to visit me one weekend? (Also possible: Will/Won't ... travelling 7 with doing 4 for not writing 8 of/about going Unit 71 1 1 of falling 3 to move 2 of dropping them 2 1 Nick was afraid to jump. 2 Daniel was afraid to argue with the policeman.

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 243 0
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 42 pot

Oxford practice grammar with answers part 42 pot

... damage to 5 tax on 2 way of 6 difficulty with 3 answer to 7 matter with 4 cause of 3 1 with 5 with 2 of 6 for 3 of 7 of 4 for 8 between 4 1 answers to all the (quiz) questions 2 knowledge ... 4 look forward to 11 cut down on 5 keep up with 12 fall back on 6 put up with 13 get round to 7 get on with 14 make up for 3 1 1 get on (well) with Melanie./Melanie and I get on (well). ... to 3 as 7 with 4 with/ to 2 1 prefer water to wine? 2 blaming Tom for the/his accident? 3 thank you for the/her present? 4 accuse him/the head teacher of murder? 5 provide you with towels?

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 261 1


... often use the in structures with of, with an adjective and with plural names at Matilda's Restaurant With of: the Avenue of the Americas With an adjective: the White House With a plural: the Bahamas ... OXFORD PRACTICE GRAMMAR 90 PLACE NAMES AND THE A Introduction Man: Could you tell me where the Classic Cinema ... ending with the name of a continent or country are without the Central Asia South Wales Western Australia Most other regions have the the West the Middle East the Riviera the Midlands Phrases with

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 22:20

12 191 0
Oxford pratice grammar with answers part 33 pdf

Oxford pratice grammar with answers part 33 pdf

... can't go on holiday together if your dates don't fit in with mine. (= go together with) The thief managed to get away with about £2,000 in cash. (= steal and take away) The goods are ... yet. You'd better get on with it. (= start, continue) Mark doesn't really get on with Alan. They're always arguing. (= have a good relationship with) / have lots of little jobs ... at these examples. Tom often calls in on/drops in on us without warning. (= pays short visits) You go on ahead. I'll soon catch up with you. (= reach the same place as) The police are going

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20

10 471 0

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