Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer.
3 Climate
Language development | Weather conditions; Collocations related to weather;
Sequencing words
Exam skills | Understanding classification; Pronunciation; The schwa; Ordering events;
Predicting answers
Exam practice | Section 3: Note completion; Classification; Labelling a diagram
Part 1: Language development
Weather conditions
1 Match a-f in the box to the pictures 1-6.
a a blizzard b a flood c a drought d a hurricane e lightning f a heat wave 2 Listen and write the words you hear. First you will hear the
^ word and then you will hear the word in a sentence.
1 --- 2 --- 3 ________________
4 5 ________________ 6 ________________
7 8 ________________ g
Q Watch out
In the Listening exam , you should be able to recognise and spell a variety of non-technical words.
If you spell a word incorrectly, your answer is incorrect. Spelling abstract nouns is easier if you know some common word endings, e.g.
-/ty, -tion, -merit, -ness.
Unit 3
Collocations related to weather
3 Complete sentences 1-8 with the words in the box to form common weather collocations.
clear flash heavy high
light scorching strong thick
1 There is a chance o f _______________ rain in this morning and some areas might flood.
2 There a r e _______________ winds on the coast, so be very careful if walking near the cliffs.
3 There have b e e n ____________ _ floods in the south and many people have had to leave their homes.
4 Thenorth has been affected b y _______________ snow, and many people are stuck at home.
5 Today will be sunny w ith ._______________ blue skies.
6 There i s _______________ fog in the west and driving might be dangerous.
7 There will b e _______________ temperatures today, so make sure you drink lots of water.
8 W e advise people not to take their children out in t h e --- heat.
4 Underline the odd one out in the groups of words 1-4 below and say why it is different.
e.g. cool / hot / warm / balmy / rainy
'Rainy' is different: it does not describe temperature.
1 precipitation / moisture / humidity / atmosphere
2 global warming / climate change / greenhouse effect / ozone layer
3 tidal wave / hurricane / cyclone / gale 4 fog / haze / mist / drizzle
Sequencing words
S Put the sequencing words and phrases in the correct column in th e table. Som e can go into m ore than one column.
during eventually finally former
•n the end initially moving on to next previously prior simultaneously the next phase / step ultimately when
In (hr l islenin.’ c\.im , vnu need In understand llic Neijuente ior orderằ ol ideas and / or events. ^
Climate 25
6 Complete the passage below w ith a-h.
a during e simultaneously
b initially f the next step
c next g ultimately
d prior h when
Preparing for a heat wave
Make sure you are always prepared for any kind of extreme weather
(1)____________ to it occurring. You can do this by checking the weather forecast regularly. Heat waves can often be predicted days and even weeks in advance.
Heat waves are (2 )_____________ seen as fun, a chance to get outside in the sun, and a hazard, which can cause illness. Make sure you drink plenty of water (3)_____________this time, otherwise you may become dehydrated.
W) ____________you feel hot, try to find some shade.
It is also important to watch for signs of heatstroke. A person may ( 5 )_____________ become slow and lethargic, and ( 6 ) ______________ become
confused or incoherent. If you see these second symptoms, get the person into the shade immediately and give them water. If the symptoms do not go away instantly, ( 7 ) _____________
would be to call an ambulance. If left untreated, heatstroke can ( 8 )_____________ lead to death.
7 Underline the correct words in sentences 1-6.
1 Many people do not believe that pollution has disastrous long-term effects on the environment, but eventually / finally they will have to accept the overwhelming evidence.
2 There was no form er / priorwarning of the storm; it took everyone by surprise.
3 l was the only person standing under the large tree
during / whenthe rain came so l was lucky and didn't get wet.
4 Here is the weather forecast for today. Initially / Previouslyit will be sunny, but cloud will develop later in the afternoon.
5 If a hurricane strikes, the first thing to do is get inside. Next / The windows and doors.
Q Watch out
Sequencing words are very important in flow charts and any speech about a process.
Understanding sequencing words will help you understand how the stages of a process are connected.
next stepyou should shut all the 6 The effects of global warming will be seen in the future, eventually / ultimatelyleading to a large rise in
sea levels and eventually / ultimatelyflooding vast areas of land.
Part 2: Exam skills
Understanding classification
1 In Section 3 of the Listening exam, you will hear up to four speakers and it is im portant to recogn
^ the speakers.
You are going to hear a conversation with four speakers: John, Steven, Linda and Joanne. Listen and write how many times you hear each speaker.
J o h n _______ S t e v e n _______
Linda _______ J o a n n e ---
26 Listening for I.ELTS
In the Listening exam, you may have to decide which category or group items belong to. This question type' can he?
tound in any section of the exam.
• A category is a group of people or things with shared characterislics, e.g. category: w eather examples: min, snnw, si/n.
• The categories are usually lettered (A, B, C, etc.) and the items are numbered ( 1, 2, T etc..'. Your answer is usually a letter.
Betore you listen in the exam, think how- the categories and items might be p late d , and try to think of other words that express these categories and items. >
* • Match the places 1-6 with the categories A, B or C in the box.
1 Paris ____
2 Asia ____
3 Brazil ____
4 Europe ____
5 Vietnam ____
6 Tokyo ____
A Continent
B Country
c City
Pronunciation: The sc h w a
^he schwa /a/ is a very common sound in English. It is like an 'a' sound.
Its sometimes difficult to hear in speech, so you have to listen carefully. It appears in many words, so it's important to learn to recognise this sound to help your listening.
3^ Listen to the sentences and underline the schwa sounds.
20 1 My brother is working for a company in America.
2 The doctor told me to rest at home for a w ee 3 W e can go to the beach after our lecture.
4 The book w as about a girl and her adventures.
You are going to hear a group of students talking about their Natural Earth presentation. Listen a nd match th e tasks 1-5 w ith the person w ho will do them (A-C).
Natural Earth presentation: Who is doing which tasks?
A Alice
B Karl
c Jenny
1 organise the research ---- 2 make the PowerPoint presentation ---- 3 source cloud images ----
4 write cuexards ----
5 present the conclusion ----
Ordering events J
In the Listening exam, you may have' to label a diagram which describes a process. This question type can be lound in an\ section of the exam.
• Complete the diagram b\ writing the information yourself or choosing the answe'r Irom a list of options.
• The* intormation you need in order to answer the questions is in the same order as it is on the recording.
5 Look at the diagram w hich shows how acid rain is form ed. Use the clues in the diagram and put the events A -D in th e order they occur.
A The wind carries the mixture of pollutants high into the atmosphere_____
B These fall in wet and dry forms_____
C Polluting emissions from cities enter the atmosphere_____
D The wet form runs into rivers, causing more pollution_____
Acid rain
Look at the? diagram and try to im agine how you w ould describe it before you listen in order to understand the order
of events. j
You are going to hear tw o students discussing an assignment
? 2J Listen and complete the diagram in Exercise 5. W rite NO m o r f
28 Listening for IELTS
Unit 3
In the Listening exam , you may have to complete notes. This question type can he found in am section o l ,1C C Read the instructions to check the number of words to use in your answers. Look a. tire g.ammat.cul torma. o, the note s.
This w ill tell you if you need to include words such as articles or p re p o sitio n s^ in ^ o ^
Predicting answers~u i u u i l y a n o v v c i ^
Read th e notes and w rite w h at kind o f w ord com pletes each space gram m atically: a noun, a verb or a qu an tity / am o u n t? Then th in k o f w ords related to th e topic o f lig h tn in g safety' th at could com plete th e notes.