The objects described in this section are used to contain text and other block-level and inline-level elements.
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23.2.1 block
This element is the main container for text content. The simplest block element looks like this:
Figure 23-6:
<block>this is text</block>
The block is a block-level element. The other block-level elements are table, table-and-caption, list-block, and block-container.
A block element can contain other block-level elements as well as text. A typical usage would be to insert an empty block into a paragraph of text to cause a line break, like this:
Figure 23-7:
<block>this will be line 1</block>
<block>this will be line 2</block>
Another use of nested blocks is to keep two other block-level objects together by using thekeep-togetherattribute on the previous block, like this:
Figure 23-8:
<block keep-together="always">
<block>this will be line 1</block>
<block>this will be line 2</block>
To keep a block together and prevent it being split by a page break use the keep-togetherattribute.
To keep a block with the block following it use thekeep-with-nextattribute.
To keep a block with the block before it use thekeep-with-previousattribute.
To format a block of text retaining line-feeds which were in the XML, use the linefeed-treatmentattribute.
To change the color of text use thecolorattribute.
To align a paragraph to the left, right or both margins use the text-align and text-align-lastattributes.
A block may contain a retrieve-marker only if the block is inside a static-content element.
Child element(s)
This element can contain the following elements:
basic-link (zero or more) bidi-override (zero or more)
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176 Elements and Attributes block (zero or more)
block-container (zero or more) character (zero or more) external-graphic (zero or more)
float (one or more, cannot be used inside an out-of-line element) footnote (one or more, cannot be used inside an out-of-line element) index-page-citation-last (zero or more)
index-range-begin (one or more, subject to constraints specified for this element) index-range-end (one or more, subject to constraints specified for this element) inline (zero or more)
inline-container (zero or more)
instream-foreign-object (zero or more) leader (zero or more)
list-block (zero or more) page-number (zero or more)
page-number-citation (zero or more) page-number-citation-last (zero or more) PCDATA
retrieve-marker (one or more, subject to constraints specified for this element) scaling-value-citation (zero or more)
table (zero or more)
table-and-caption (zero or more)
wrapper (one or more, subject to constraints specified for this element) Parent element(s)
This element can be contained in the following elements:
wrapper basic-link float
footnote-body static-content table-caption block
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block-container inline
inline-container bidi-override table-cell list-item-label list-item-body marker
The following attributes can be used on this element:
background-attachment background-color
background-image background-repeat
background-position-horizontal background-position-vertical
border border-before-color
border-before-style border-before-width
border-after-color border-after-style
border-after-width border-start-color
border-start-style border-start-width
border-end-color border-end-style
border-end-width border-top
border-top-color border-top-style
border-top-width border-bottom
border-bottom-color border-bottom-style
border-bottom-width border-left
border-left-color border-left-style
border-left-width border-right
border-right-color border-right-style
border-right-width padding
padding-before padding-after
padding-start padding-end
padding-top padding-bottom
padding-left padding-right
font-family font-selection-strategy
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font-size font-stretch
font-size-adjust font-style
font-variant font-weight
margin margin-top
margin-bottom margin-right
margin-left space-before
space-after start-indent
end-indent relative-position
bottom top
right left
break-after break-before
color text-depth
text-altitude id
index-class index-key
intrusion-displace keep-together
keep-with-next keep-with-previous
last-line-end-indent linefeed-treatment
line-height line-height-shift-adjustment
orphans white-space-treatment
span text-align
text-align-last text-indent
visibility white-space-collapse
widows wrap-option
For an example showing the use of the element see Figure 23-1.
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23.2.2 block-container
This element is used to create an area (a "reference area" in the specifications terms) that has a different writing direction or rotation. If you want to achieve other ends such as keeping two blocks together use a block as the container.
If you do usereference-orientationto rotate the content to be vertical on the page then you need to specify inline-progression-dimension to limit the vertical height of the content.
The block-container element can be used to position content in a location relative to the page or to another block-container by setting the absolute-position attribute. See 115 for more information.
Child element(s)
This element can contain the following elements:
block (zero or more)
block-container (zero or more)
float (one or more, cannot be used inside an out-of-line element)
index-range-begin (one or more, subject to constraints specified for this element) index-range-end (one or more, subject to constraints specified for this element) list-block (zero or more)
retrieve-marker (one or more, subject to constraints specified for this element) table (zero or more)
table-and-caption (zero or more)
wrapper (one or more, subject to constraints specified for this element) Parent element(s)
This element can be contained in the following elements:
wrapper basic-link float
footnote-body static-content table-caption block
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180 Elements and Attributes inline
inline-container bidi-override table-cell list-item-label list-item-body marker
The following attributes can be used on this element:
absolute-position bottom
top right
left background-attachment
background-color background-image
background-repeat background-position-horizontal background-position-vertical border
border-before-color border-before-style border-before-width border-after-color border-after-style border-after-width border-start-color border-start-style
border-start-width border-end-color
border-end-style border-end-width
border-top border-top-color
border-top-style border-top-width
border-bottom border-bottom-color
border-bottom-style border-bottom-width
border-left border-left-color
border-left-style border-left-width
border-right border-right-color
border-right-style border-right-width
padding padding-before
padding-after padding-start
padding-end padding-top
padding-bottom padding-left
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padding-right margin
margin-top margin-bottom
margin-right margin-left
space-before space-after
start-indent end-indent
block-progression-dimension break-after
break-before clear
clip display-align
height id
index-class index-key
inline-progression-dimension intrusion-displace
keep-together keep-with-next
keep-with-previous overflow
reference-orientation span
width writing-mode
For an example showing the use of the element see .
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