Let us consider an example of dc motor controlling an inverted pendulum via
w x w x
a gear train 22 . Fuzzy modeling for the nonlinear system was done in 3 ,
w23 and 24 . The fuzzy model is as follows:x w x Plant Rule 1
IFx t1Ž .is M1,
xŽ .t sA xŽ .t qB u tŽ .,
˙ 1 1
THEN ẵy tŽ .sC x1 Ž .t . Ž3.78. Plant Rule 2
IFx t1Ž .is M2,
xŽ .t sA xŽ .t qB u tŽ .,
˙ 2 2
THEN ẵy tŽ .sC x2 Ž .t . Ž3.79. Here,
xŽ .t s x t1Ž . x2Ž .t x3Ž .t T,
0 1 0 0
A1s 9.8 0 1 , B1s 0 ,
0 y10 y10 10
w x
C1s 1 0 0
0 1 0 0
A2s 0 0 1 , B2s 0 ,
0 y10 y10 10
w x
C2s 1 0 0 .
Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .
The angle of the pendulum is x t1 , x t2 s˙x t1 , and x t3 is current of the motor. The M1 and M2 are fuzzy sets defined as
°sin x t1Ž .
, x t1Ž ./0,
~ x tŽ .
M x t1Ž 1Ž ..s 1
¢ 1, x tŽ .s0,
M2Žx t1Ž ..s1yM x t1Ž 1Ž ...
This fuzzy model exactly represents the dynamics of the nonlinear me- chanical system under yFx t1Ž .F. Note that the fuzzy model has a
common B matrix, that is, B1sB2. The fuzzy controller design of the common B matrix cases is simple in general. To show the effect of the LMI-based designs, we consider a more difficult case, that is, we change B2 as follows:
0 B2s 0 .
3.8.1 Design Case 1: Decay Rate
We first design a stable fuzzy controller by considering the decay rate. The design problem of the CFS is defined as follows:
maximize ␣
X,Y,M1, . . . ,Mr
Ž . Ž .
subject toX)0,YG0, 3.39 and 3.40 .
Fig. 3.3 Design examples 1 and 2.
We obtain
␣ s5.0,
w x
F1s 282.3129 62.4176 3.2238 ,
w x
F2s 110.4644 24.9381 1.2716 , 105.108 20.4393 1.05294
P sX s 20.4393 4.29985 0.23680 )0, 1.05294 0.23680 0.01567
1432.034 299.8039 16.26773
y1 y1
Q sX YX s 299.8039 63.19188 3.449801 G0.
16.26773 3.449801 0.190786
Ž . w Ž .x The dotted line in Figure 3.3 shows the responses of y t sx t1 and u tŽ ..
3.8.2 Design Case 2: Decay RateHConstraint on the Control Input 5 Ž .5
It can be seen in the design example 1 that maxt u t 2s624. In practical design, there is a limitation of control input. It is important to consider not only the decay rate but also the constraint on the control input. The design problem that considers the decay rate and the constraint on the control input
Ž . w xT
is defined as follows, where s100 and x0 s 0 10 0 : maximize ␣
X,Y,M1, . . . ,Mr
Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .
subject to X)0, YG0 3.39 , 3.40 , 3.46 , and 3.47 . The solution is obtained as
␣ s4.23,
w x
F1s 38.3637 9.9338 0.7203 ,
w x
F2s 18.2429 6.4771 0.5118 ,
0.1578 0.03847 0.002738 0.03847 0.009995 0.000742
P s )0,
0.002738 0.000742 5.831=10
0.001250 0.000281 4.275=10
Q s 0.000281 0.0001215 6.332=10 G0.
y5 y6 y6
4.275=10 6.332=10 1.976=10
Ž .Ž Ž .. Ž . The real line in Figure 3.3 shows the responses of y t sx t1 and u t . The
5 Ž .5
designed controller realizes the input constraint maxt u t 2s99.3-. 3.8.3 Design Case 3: StabilityHConstraint on the Control Input It is also possible to design a stable fuzzy controller satisfying the constraint on the control input, where s100.
Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .
Find X)0, YG0, and Mi is1, . . . ,r satisfying 3.23 , 3.24 , 3.53 ,
Ž .
and 3.54 .
The solution is obtained as
w x
F1s 13.0065 3.6948 0.1786 ,
w x
F2s 7.7309 2.7900 0.1163 , 0.0335 0.0106 0.0015 Ps 0.0106 0.0036 0.0005 )0,
0.0015 0.0005 0.0001 0.0522 0.0203 0.0040 Qs 0.0203 0.0082 0.0016 G0.
0.0040 0.0016 0.0003
Ž . w Ž .x The dotted line in Figure 3.4 shows the responses of y t sx t1 and
Ž . 5 Ž .5
u t. It can be found that maxt u t 2s38.1-.
Fig. 3.4 Design examples 3 and 4.
3.8.4 Design Case 4: StabilityHConstraint on the Control InputH Constraint on the Output
The response of the control system in the design example 3 has a large
Ž 5 Ž .5 .
output error maxt y t 2s2.16 since the constraint on the output is not considered in the fuzzy controller design. To improve the response, we can design a fuzzy controller by adding the constraint on the output.
Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .
Find X)0, YG0, and Mi is1, . . . ,r satisfying 3.23 , 3.24 , 3.46 , Ž3.47 , and 3.54 where. Ž . s100 and s2.
The solution is obtained as
w x
F1s 59.2819 9.3038 0.5580 ,
w x
F2s 33.7254 7.4115 0.4122 , 0.5478 0.0519 0.0034 P s 0.0519 0.0098 0.0006 )0,
0.0034 0.0006 0.0001 0.9936 0.0334 0.0075 Q s 0.0334 0.0118 0.0008 G0.
0.0075 0.0008 0.0001
Ž . w Ž .x Ž .
The real line in Figure 3.4 shows the responses of y t sx t1 and u t . 5 Ž .5 The response of the control system satisfies the constraints maxt u t 2s93
5 Ž .5
- and maxt y t 2s1.25-.
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Ž . Ž .
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