Volumes (Stripe Sets with Parity)

Một phần của tài liệu configuring isa server phần 3 ppsx (Trang 20 - 61)

The other “out of the box” RAID solution that you can consider using in your ISA Server solution is the RAID 5 volume. RAID 5 volumes were known in the Windows NT world as stripe sets with parity. Because parity information is stored in the RAID 5 volume, you have fault tolerance in the event of a single disk failure, regardless of how many disks are included in the RAID 5 volume. The data on the failed disk can be regenerated from the parity information stored on the other disks in the set. You must have a minimum of three physical disks (and up to 32 disks) to create a RAID 5 volume.


Unfortunately, a RAID 5 volume can tolerate the failure of only one disk. If two or more disks in a RAID 5 volume should fail either sequentially or simultaneously, the data cannot be regenerated and you must restore the information stored on the array from backup.

The major advantage of a RAID 5 volume over a mirrored volume is speed. Striped volumes have faster read/write performance than mirrored volumes. However, one

disadvantage of the RAID 5 volume is that you cannot place the system or boot files on such a volume. This is a limitation of the software implementation of RAID 5, because the operating system must be able to load and access the fault-tolerance disk driver

(ftdisk.sys) before it can mount the volume. Since you must be able to access the system files to load the disk drivers, you cannot include the system files on a RAID 5 volume.

The primary disadvantage of a RAID 5 volume compared with a RAID 1 volume is a higher cost of entry. You can create a RAID 1 volume with a single pair of disks, whereas the RAID 5 volume requires at least three physical disks. This could be a factor for very small shops that are highly cost constrained.

However, RAID 5 has a couple of advantages over RAID 1 in that the total cost of a RAID 5 solution per megabyte is lower when more disks are added to the array. The amount of “unusable” disk space on a mirror set equals 50 percent of the total disk space dedicated to the set, whereas the space required for storing parity information on a RAID 5 array equals 1 ÷ number_of_disks. So, if you have a 10-disk array, you are only

“wasting” one-tenth of your disk space for fault-tolerance information.

The second advantage of the RAID 5 array is the much larger volume size that can be created. The largest usable volume size on a RAID 1 array is equal to the size of one of the disks in the array. However, the size of a RAID 5 array is the sum of all the disks (up to 32) minus the fraction used for parity information.

Cost Factors in Choosing a Disk Fault-Tolerance Scheme

Initial hardware cost for implementing a mirrored volume is less to implement than implementing a RAID 5 volume. This is because you must buy only two disks for a mirrored volume, but you must have a minimum of three disks for RAID 5.

However, the cost per megabyte of data is less for a RAID 5 configuration, and that cost decreases as the number of disks in the RAID array increases. For example, if you have three physical disks in the RAID 5 set, the equivalent of one physical disk (or one- third of the total disk space) is used for parity information, whereas the rest (two-thirds of the disk space) is available for data. If you increase that to 10 physical disks, only one- tenth of the total disk space must be used for storing the parity information and nine- tenths is available for storing your data.

Thus, over the long term, a RAID 5 volume is usually better in terms of pure cost effectiveness. You will want to weigh other factors, such as ease of recovery and need to provide fault tolerance for system and boot partitions, when selecting the best fault- tolerance method for your situation. Figure 4.7 characterizes a RAID 5 configuration.

Figure 4.7 A RAID 5 Volume

Optimizing a Software RAID Configuration

In your ISA Server configuration, you should include log files, cache files, and reports on the RAID 5 array. Doing so will significantly speed ISA server performance and allow for fault tolerance for these important files. Keep in mind that your array is fault tolerant only when all disks are in working order.

If a single disk in a RAID 5 fails, your array is no longer fault tolerant, and you need to replace the disk as soon as possible—not only for fault tolerance reasons, but also because the process of reconstructing the data from the parity information will slow performance significantly.

If you are running the Web proxy service’s Web-caching feature, you want to be able to ensure the fastest read performance possible. This is because the Web cache is typically implemented to improve client-perceived performance. Write time to the cache isn’t quite as important, since the Web-caching feature will store URLs in RAM for a certain period of time before writing them to cache. However, you do want to be able to retrieve cached Web objects as quickly as possible.

RAID 5, because it is striped, has better read performance than RAID 0; therefore,

you should consider placing the cache files on a RAID 5 array if you require fault tolerance for your cache. In a production environment that is strapped for Internet

bandwidth, you might consider this option. However, the Web cache itself is not generally a mission-critical component, and you might want to sacrifice fault tolerance for superior read performance. In this case, you should use the software-based RAID 0, or striped volumes. Although they do not provide fault tolerance, they do provide the best read performance of any RAID type.

The log files present a different set of requirements. If you plan to do extensive logging (which you would consider in a very secure environment), you need to place the log files on a volume that supports optimal write performance. Log files are read only occasionally, but they are written to constantly. Both RAID 1 and RAID 5 suffer from write latency because, in a RAID 1 configuration, the data must be written twice, and in a RAID 5 configuration, the parity information must be calculated and then written in

addition to the data.

Unlike the situation with the Web cache, the log files are mission critical and do require placement on a fault-tolerant disk set. Given the choice between RAID 1 and 5, your best option is the mirror set.

Reports are rarely written and only occasionally accessed. Therefore, read/write performance is not a primary issue. However, like the log files, you do not want to lose these or you will have to recreate them. You can place these reports on either a RAID 1 or 5 volume.

Hardware-Based RAID

Although we have discussed fault-tolerant disk arrays in the context of the software- based schemes provided with Windows 2000 out of the box, you can also implement fault tolerance via hardware RAID controllers. Almost all organizations that require the highest level of fault tolerance and performance use hardware-based RAID.

There are many advantages to using hardware RAID controllers. These controllers allow you to mirror the boot and system partitions, because they are not dependent on the operating system initializing before fault-tolerance sets can be established.

Furthermore, the hardware solutions are significantly faster on software-based RAID. A hardware implementation of RAID appears to the operating system as though the array were a single physical disk.

One type of hardware-based RAID that has gained widespread popularity is known either as RAID 10 or RAID 0+1. This RAID implementation creates a striped volume and then mirrors the striped volume to provide fault tolerance. This process gives you the best of both worlds: the performance of a striped volume and the fault tolerance of a mirror set.

For example, you could configure a three-disk set as part of a RAID 0 array. This set would be mirrored onto another three disks, so such an array would require a total of six disks. If any member of the RAID 0 array should fail, a corresponding disk from the mirror set would be brought into service. However, at this point you no longer have fault tolerance and you need to replace the disk as soon as possible.

More sophisticated (and expensive) RAID implementations allow you to keep “hot spares” online so that, in the event of a disk failure, a hot spare is introduced to the array automatically. Again, you have fault tolerance as long as you have one hot spare

available. When there are no more spares, you need to add new disks.

Network Fault Tolerance

When implementing ISA Server, you must consider the level of availability you require for both your internal and external network interfaces. Your server configurations can be designed to be fully fault tolerant, but if your single interface to the Internet becomes unavailable, all your machine fault tolerance is moot.

The type of fault-tolerant configuration you design for your external interfaces depends on the type of interface and the arrangements you have with your Internet service provider (ISP). For example, if you have a single ISDN connection via a single

account with your ISP, there’s not much you can do with such a configuration, as is, to allow for any level of fail-over.

The ideal network fault-tolerance solution for your external interface is to have multiple ISA Servers participating in an enterprise array on the edge of your network. You would then configure routing rules so that, in the event of an interface failure, the

request can first be resolved within the array and then forwarded to another server within the array if it needs to be sent to the Internet for retrieval.


The ability to configure ISA Server with routing rules in the event of an external interface failure is a powerful fault-tolerance mechanism built into ISA Server.

However, this mechanism requires you to have made provisions for multiple connections to the Internet, which require purchasing and maintaining multiple access accounts.

Large organizations can more easily absorb the costs of multiple high-speed dedicated connections. If you are working in a smaller networking environment that is more sensitive to cost, you might consider an analog backup line in the event of failure of another low-cost solution such as cable, dial-up ISDN, or DSL.

Network load balancing, another important issue related to fault tolerance (as well as performance), is discussed in detail in Chapter 10, “Optimizing ISA Server.”

Server Fault Tolerance

There are several ways to ensure fault tolerance for ISA servers in the event of a server crash or the necessity of taking a server offline for maintenance or upgrade. The best way to provide for server fault tolerance is to take advantage of arrays of ISA servers when you deploy the Enterprise Edition. An ISA Server array is a collection of ISA servers that share the same configuration information and Web cache content. An array provides a high degree of fault tolerance; if a single server becomes unavailable, the other servers can take over to service requests for the downed ISA server.


All members of an array share the same Web cache policies and can access each other’s cached Web content. However, the contents of the cache do not mirror in any way the contents of other servers in the array. In addition, the cache location settings must be set on the individual servers. The cache location is not part of the cache configuration shared by the array. However, this setting doesn’t

happen automatically. If your clients are configured to access a certain ISA server and that server becomes unavailable, the client will not necessarily be able to access the next server in the array. In order to provide a measure of fault tolerance for client access, you must devise some scheme that will allow the clients to fail-over to another ISA server.

DNS Round Robin

One way you can accomplish server fault tolerance is to configure a DNS round robin on your network. In your DNS, you assign the same host name to the IP addresses of your respective ISA servers. That is, your ISA servers will each have the same fully qualified domain name.

If you are using Windows 2000 DNS servers, DNS round robin is enabled by default. However, you should never take it for granted that the settings on a particular server are at their defaults. To assess whether DNS round robin is available on your Windows 2000 DNS server:

1. Right-click the server name in the left pane of the DNS console.

2. Click Properties.

3. Click the Advanced tab.

You will see the screen that appears in Figure 4.8. Make sure that “Enable round robin” is checked if you want to take advantage of the DNS round-robin feature.

Figure 4.8 Configuring DNS Round Robin on a Windows 2000 DNS Server

With DNS round robin enabled, when a network client queries DNS, it receives the IP address of one of the ISA servers. If that server is not available, the network client receives an error message. When a subsequent request is made, the ISA client receives another IP address after the expiration of the time-out period of the DNS response it received earlier. Since these addresses are assigned randomly, there’s a good chance that it will receive the IP address of a different ISA server (one that is still up and running).

For example, suppose we create three DNS round-robin entries for the host name isaserver in the tacteam.net domain. The entries would look something like this:

isaserver.tacteam.net A isaserver.tacteam.net A isaserver.tacteam.net A

We also set the time-out for these records so that the DNS clients wash the entries from their DNS caches after 1 minute. If a client makes a request for

isaserver.tacteam.net and receives the IP address and that machine is down, and then the client makes another request 5 seconds later, the IP address will be retrieved from the DNS cache and the DNS server will not be queried again. However, if the request is made 90 seconds later, the entry will have timed out of the cache, and the DNS server will be queried again to resolve the name isaserver.tacteam.net.

However, DNS round robin has some notable disadvantages when it comes to fault tolerance. Because the rotation of the IP addresses sent to DNS clients is random, there’s the chance that the DNS client will receive the same IP address it got before and

therefore will have to wait for the Time to Live (TTL) on that entry to expire before attempting to get another IP address.


If you check Figure 4.8 again, you’ll notice another option, “Enable netmask ordering.” When this option is enabled, local subnet priority has precedence over random round-robin assignments. Local subnet prioritization allows the DNS server to compare address records with the source IP address of the DNS query.

If a host record in the DNS is located on the same or similar network ID as the DNS client, that record will always be delivered to the client and the client will not receive a random record. This could be an issue if you have array members on different network IDs and clients on the same networks as the array members. If all array members have the same network ID, DNS round robin will be applied to hosts on the same network as the array members.

You can help minimize this problem by configuring very short TTLs on your round- robin entries in the DNS. However, doing so reduces the efficacy of the client-side DNS cache and could have a negative impact on network performance on a loaded network.

Another thing that complicates this scheme is that the Windows 2000 DNS clients are configured with the ability to “negatively cache” failed DNS requests. By default, the negative cache entry stays in effect for 5 minutes. This means that if an ISA client receives the IP address of the downed ISA server, it will remain a negative cache entry for 5 minutes and the client will not attempt to query the DNS server again until the negative cache entry has timed out.

You can change the time-out period for the negative cache entries by configuring the registry. The key can be located at:


The value to configure is the NegativeCacheTime, which, by default, is configured for 300 seconds.

Bastion Host Configuration

A bastion host is a computer that has an interface with an untrusted network. In the context of ISA Server, that untrusted network is typically the Internet. The bastion host can lie with an interface directly connected to the Internet, or it can be placed on a perimeter network behind a router but in front of the internal network.

All traffic that moves between the Internet and your internal network should move through a bastion host, which is your ISA Server. It is the job of the bastion host to ensure that all packets sent to and received from the Internet are evaluated and assessed for their relevance and safety.

Because of the central role the bastion host computer plays in your Internet access scheme, it is important that the operating system is hardened and made as stable as possible. System hardening can be performed via the ISA Server Security Configuration Wizard. This wizard applies security settings derived from a set of security templates that are installed with Windows 2000 Server family products.

In addition to applying strict security settings to the file system, registry, and applications, you need to review the services running on the bastion host computer. Each service running on your bastion host provides a possible target for an attacker to exploit.

Common operating system and network services that are installed by default can provide avenues of opportunity for attackers. Some of these services include:

ã The Browser Service

ã The IIS Admin Service

ã The Indexing Service

ã The Remote Registry Service

ã The SMTP Service

Many more potentially hazardous services are started by default on Windows 2000 Server family products. We cover the issues of system hardening and bastion host

configuration in more detail in Chapter 7, “Configuring the ISA Firewall.”

Planning the Appropriate Installation Mode

There are three types, or modes, of ISA Server installation. You must select one of the three modes when you install ISA. The selections are:

ã Firewall mode

ã Cache mode

ã Integrated mode

The type of installation you choose determines which feature set will be available to you. Table 4.5 lists the features available in firewall and cache modes. Integrated mode allows you to take advantages of both firewall and cache mode features.

Table 4.5 Comparing Firewall and Cache Mode Features

When we take a closer look at this table, it is relatively easy to digest. Let’s look at a few factors you’ll want to consider in deciding which mode to deploy.

Installing in Firewall Mode

Firewall mode ISA servers support virtually all ISA Server features, with the exception of the Web cache. The Web-caching feature is very memory and processor intensive;

therefore, it makes sense to exclude this feature from a server for which the primary purpose is to act as a firewall. A firewall should not run extra services in order to minimize the risk of exposure.

In addition, you want to be able to harness all the available system resources in order to process packet-filtering rules, protocol rules, and site and content rules as quickly as possible on your firewall.

Installing in Cache Mode

When you install the server in cache mode, you intend that server to work as a Web proxy server only. The Web proxy service supports the HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and Gopher protocols. If you want to support only these protocols and take advantage of the Web- caching features, but you don’t want to implement a full-fledged, policy-based firewall, the Web cache option is a good one.

Another reason that you might want to implement a caching-only server is that you already have a firewall in place. Many organizations already have powerful firewall

solutions such as Cisco PIX, Checkpoint Software’s Firewall-1, and many others. You might even want to consider this scenario when you are using a second ISA server for a firewall on the edge of your network. In this way, you can take advantage of the powerful Web-caching features included with ISA Server and have the protection of a sophisticated firewall.

ISA Server Feature Firewall Mode Cache Mode

Secure NAT client support Yes Yes

Web proxy client support Yes Yes

Reports Yes Yes

Alerts Yes Yes

Real-time service monitoring Yes Yes

Web site filtering Yes Yes

Web server publishing Yes Yes

Enterprise policy Yes Yes

Access policy—HTTP Yes Yes

Access policy—all protocols Yes No

Non-Web server publishing Yes No

Packet filtering Yes No

Application filters Yes No

Web caching No Yes

Một phần của tài liệu configuring isa server phần 3 ppsx (Trang 20 - 61)

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