Application of Facebook Graph Search

Một phần của tài liệu Facebook marketing english (Trang 38 - 49)

… How about finding YOUR LOVE?

Haha, such a shocking topic, isn’t it? Welcome to a very interesting part of my book! This is not my own love story, but just a way to “lead” such a hot topic that I bet many of you will be very interested in, which is:

I’m still single and I want to find my lover!

Of course you can do it by using Facebook!

I thoroughly understand your need to find a lover. In this part, I do have some very lovely tips to share with you!

(The art of finding lover on Facebook -

Now, let explore our journey to find a lover on Facebook together!

a. Who is she?

Before searching for the “target” lady (or ladies), you better set in advance some criteria to get the almost- right-ones in terms of age, location, job, interests…. Let list the features as specific as possible!

For example:

A boy, born in 1990, from Sơn La province, currently working as an IT man in Hà Nội, wants to search for a girl born in 1992-1995 in Sơn La or Hà Nội and currently living in Hà Nội.

P/s: If you are Asian, you care about Oriental traditions such as stars and age, and you don’t know who will suit you, then just pick up the phone and ask your parents, you’ll get the answer right away

Specific list of criteria

Some people do not mind the issues of birth star or the year of birth, it is more important to them the story of “fate”, then it would be much easier to search for someone. However, let set practical criteria so that our journey to find a lover on Facebook would be shorter and more feasible, say, a girl near your location will have more common topics to share with you than someone very far away!

b. How can YOU find HER?

A very simple and effective way is to use Graph Search on Facebook.

First of all, search for everyone who lives in Hà Nội …

The results will show lots of people, including my friends, and the ones not yet in my friendlist

…narrow the results with female option …

Or male (it’s up to your interest)

Some people say that it’s more exciting to “steal a girl from her boyfriend” because instead of

competing against many guys, you only have one competitor to defeat… yet, it’s just a lovely delusion

to mutually comfort each other. To stay away from troubles, I highly recommend you to target at the single only.

There are thousands of “Forever Alone” targets!

If you are in a big company with thousands of employees, you might jump at a chance with an office romance story…

This is the option of workplace

Options of current location: Hà Nội, Việt Nam; and Hometown: Sơn La.

Sau lấy nhau cũng gần…

You have a name in your mind which fits some of your criteria? Try your luck!

Besides, you may want to click on SEE MORE FILTERS for more filtering options, the more accurate the options are, the much higher rate of “success” you may cherish.

Age range: 18-22

On completion of filtering, you will have a list of potential “muses”.

Ok, there are lots of targets available! What’s next? So many options!

Visit her Timeline and review her statuses to see whether her thoughts and her expressions suit yours or not. If you are a practical person, you will feel unsteady with a dreamy girl of romantic Korean movies and music; or if you are a smart and gentle girl, you will not accept a guy of bad words and rude expressions…

Those are the first impressions we should search for. Trust me, when she/he accepts your Friend Request, they will still do it the same way to get impression about you!

Check About for her personal information: what she does, what is her belief; if she shares her birthday, then check your Horoscope matching with her!

Visit her Albums to find out whether she’s pretty or not? Is she fit? How does she feel about the pictures and life?

Finally, pick an apple of your eyes, or some “potential” apples that may become your lover (or lovers).

Send them Friend Requests, some of them will accept, some will leave it pending, others will reject it straightly.

If she ignores you, then let her go (there are plenty of fish in the sea, don’t worry! ). If she accepts your Friend Request, you are still strangers, literally Facebook friends with little meaning to a real valuable relationship.

c. Who is she?

There is a popular saying that: “girls fall in love with their ears, boys fall in love with their eyes” which is somehow reasonable, it’s sometimes a combination of subjective impression and the propriety of certain trends such as: girls tend to make hot and sexy poses, boys tend to use sweet words when flirting… Of course everything is relative only, yet if possible, let use and share nice words or notions that she may like, they will serve you very well.

And how to know her interests? It’s very simple!

You can cast a quick glance at her friendlist to find out some mutual friends. If those mutual friends are someone you know well, then you are lucky! Find a way to her heart via a mutual friend! (It’s best that she/he is of your same sex)

Check Places to learn her favourite places, then one day, all out of sudden, you may wait for her there and make it up like a fate arrangement from … the past life!

Check Groups to know her communities and join some which interest you. Whenever she raises a question or gives a comment, be prompt to join her.

Use Graph Search to search for all of her photos. Her life will be “exposed” to you completely!

When I found out that she’s studying abroad in Taiwan, I decided to shift the target!

After shifting to the first next muse in my list, I got her “insight”:

 She loves travelling (basing on her statuses & places ).

 She lives in An Sinh apartment building (places).

 She loves visiting pagodas, especially Perfume pagoda (places).

 She loves coffee, and often goes to Highlands Coffee (places).

 She is studying in the Academy of Journalism of Communications (about).

 She is fairly good at English (status).

 She is a Leo (horoscope), she is competent and confident – at least she wants to give other people this impression. For example: she loves to be praised, she never wants to take the junior role but a “star”, dominant person. She’s conceited and arrogant. Thus, only a talented guy or someone who’s confident to offer her a “gorgeous” life that she’s longing to, will be able to win her heart. If love is not as beautiful as she wishes, she will move on to strive for her new dreams at any prices (horoscope).

 …

Such an amazing lady! Yet, calm down, she’s not the one who every guy can flirt, and she’s not the one who will give an eye to everyone.

As you have learned that much about her, now you can really answer the questions: “who is she?” and

“can I win her heart?”

d. How to make her reach you?

As I mentioned, let study her deeply to know who she is, then you will be able to answer this question easily.

Sometimes, post some the statuses that you know for sure she will fancy (even when she has not seen your posts).

Make sure that you like her statuses/photos frequently, plus some interesting comments.

One day, she will notice you, decide to visit your timeline, and get impressed by your previous statuses, or photos of her type. Remember, always be polite and gentle!

Then one day again, you two may accidently meet again in Highland Coffee … as a coincidence!

That’s when she has found You!

e. Happy ending?

Well, I don’t know, it absolutely depends on you!

I want you to keep in mind that, just as when you are doing Marketing or business, try your best to understand your customers! Customers or users should be perceived as the persons you are looking for as potential lovers!

The happy ending will come true when you have her; it also applies to me in the way that I know you have reached the end of this part, regardless whether it has successfully aroused on you some new and interesting impressions!

Thank you! And, be a good “lover”!

Một phần của tài liệu Facebook marketing english (Trang 38 - 49)

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