Một phần của tài liệu Multimedia Over IP and Wireless Networks (Trang 131 - 138)

The heterogeneous and time-variant nature of today’s networks imposes a num- ber of challenges for real-time video communication. In this chapter, we have discussed alternative techniques for bandwidth adaptation and their relative mer- its. The main points made in this chapter are summarized as follows.

• We classify bandwidth adaptation architectures based on three basic de- sign decisions, namely selection of adaptation points, decision agents, and source coding techniques. Bandwidth adaptation is made based on available source and channel information. The source-related information is known more accurately at the sender, while channel information is more accurate at the client. A proxy, located in the middle of the network, can achieve a good compromise between server and client adaptation.

• When the sender acts as the adaptation point, the highest degree of flex- ibility is possible in terms of source coding, which facilitates achieving finer granularity rate adaptation, reducing the quality penalty at the receiver.

However, this may lead to a longer reaction time if network state informa- tion is provided by the receiver. Adaptation decisions may be inefficient if, instead, the sender itself has to estimate the state of the network without waiting for receiver feedback. Adaptation at the sender makes scaling to a large number of receivers more difficult, as it increases the computation load at the sender. Adaptation at the client can reduce decoding complexity, but will have no impact on the network traffic.

• If the sender is the decision agent, it will have access to more accurate source information, but may not have reliable or timely information about the network state near the receiver. This approach helps improve overall bandwidth utilization when multiple receivers are served by the sender. In contrast, if the client acts as the decision agent, there is potential for better adaptation decisions given the higher accuracy network and packet arrival information. However, when decisions made by the receiver have to be put in place by the sender, the latency involved can lead to lower adaptation efficiency.

• Rate control techniques are used during the encoding process to adjust cod- ing parameters to meet a target encoding rate. Transcoding techniques, of- ten used at either the server or the proxy, take a compressed media stream as an input and convert it to another compressed stream. Scalable coding provides flexible bandwidth adaptation over a given bit rate range rather than at a fixed bit rate. Different from the aforementioned techniques, bit

stream switching techniques encode the same media content into multiple versions at different bit rates and dynamically switch among them to ac- commodate the bandwidth variations. In this chapter we have discussed several switching techniques: multiple bit rate coding, SP/SI pictures, and stream morphing. The trade-off between coding efficiency (to reduce over- head) and switching flexibility is a main consideration on the design of various switching techniques.

Further details on many of the bandwidth adaptation techniques described in this chapter can be found in other literature, as well as in other chapters in this book. For example, Ortega and Ramchandran [53] and Sullivan and Wiegand [65]

discuss rate–distortion optimization for image and video compression; Vetro et al. [72] and Xin et al. [78] provide overviews of transcoding; and Goyal [25]

and Wang et al. [74] review state-of-the-art multiple description coding. For more details on rate–distortion-optimized streaming, the article by Chou and Miao [16]

can serve as a starting point. Although this chapter focused on the fundamentals of bandwidth adaptation on a simple client–server system, there is considerable interest in more complex systems with multiple paths used for media transport, such as content delivery networks and P2P networks. The interested reader is referred to the work of Apostolopoulos et al. [4], Padmanabhan et al. [54], and Rejaie and Ortega [57].


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5 Scalable Video Coding for Adaptive Streaming


Béatrice Pesquet-Popescu, Shipeng Li, and Mihaela van der Schaar

Một phần của tài liệu Multimedia Over IP and Wireless Networks (Trang 131 - 138)

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