Status of active pharmaceutical product development east of the

Một phần của tài liệu Đề án phát triển chiến lược tại công ty cổ phần traphaco (Trang 31 - 36)

2.2.1. Current situation of Marketing:

- Product Policy: High quality, differences - Pricing policy: prices high.

- Policy distribution: Distribution by the width and depth in the provinces with high income.

* Promotion Policy:

+ Join-sponsored conferences, construction facilities for hospital

+ Participate in ad, introducing products, the company specialized magazines, television and fairs.

+ Apply the discount policy stability and reasonable for intermediate distribution.

+ Apply policies for Hospital - Medical Center

* Market expansion:

+ Expanded distribution channels: Established more branches in major provinces:

Nghe An, Thanh Hoa, Nam Dinh, Hai Phong ...

+ Expand and exploit new markets through trade shows domestically and internationally.

+ Looking to expand markets to countries in the region and the world.

2.2.2.Development of herbal medicines:

Herbal medicine plays an important role in the business strategy of Traphaco. The company is currently focusing the main resources to develop this product line, take advantage of Vietnam is available divertive species of herb. products portfolio:

Table 2.3: Products portfolio:

(Source: Website of Traphaco Joint stock Company: )

Order Products Unit Standard Price(Vnd)

(including VAT) 1 Ampelop, blister of

10 soft gels

Box blister of 10 soft gels *box of 9 blisters* package of 48 boxes

72.000 8 Boganic, box of 5

blisters Box blister of 20 soft gels *box of

5 blisters* package of 60 boxes 45.000 9 Boganic, box of 5

film coated tablet Box blister of 20 soft gels *box of

5 blisters* package of 60 boxes 45,000 10 Boganic Box blister of 10 soft gels *box of 67,500

5 blisters* package of 60 boxes 11 Carmanus Box blister of 5 soft gels *box of

12 blisters 126,000

12 Celgar 420mg Box blister of 10 soft gels *box of

10 blisters* package of 27 boxes 145,000 16 Duong cot hoan Box box of 20 sachets*package of

42 boxes

45,000 21 Hoat huyet DN,

5 blisters Box blister of 20 soft gels *box of

5 blisters* package of 60 boxes 55,000 24 Hoat huyet, film

coasted tablet

Box blister of 20 soft gels *box of 5 blisters

55,000 26 Hoat huyet dd

without sugar Bott

le Bottle of 100ml * package of

48 bottles 23,500

27 Ich mau Box blister of 10 soft gels *box of

2 blisters* package of 132 boxes 12,000 29 Livbilnic, box of

2 blisters

Box blister of 20 soft gels *box of 2 blisters* package of 132 boxes


30 Ginseng and

false ginseng, 10 blisters

Box blister of 15 soft gels *box of

10 blisters* package of 46 boxes 60,000

32 Slaska 100ml Bott

le Bottle of 100 ml * package of

48 bottles 17,000

34 Vien sang mat Box blister of 10 soft gels *box of 10 blisters

45,000 42 Bat Vi Que Phu Box Blister of 10 tablet*box of 5

blisters *package of 48 boxes 107,500 48 CEBRATON Box Box of 2 blisters of 10 tablets 63,000 49 CEBRATON Box Box of 5 blisters of 10 tablets 157,500 Product category

Strategy of expanding the category: This strategy is applied by TRAPHACO regularly with the reputed brands and high profit. Application of category expanding strategy is used to diversify kinds of chemist from the initial products of those brands, as the result in the table below.

Table 2.4: Brands of expanded category (Source: Marketing of Traphaco Joint stock Company)

Order Brands Kinds of chemist

1. Hoat huyet duong nao

sugar - coated tablet, film-coated tablet, fluid

2. Boganic sugar - coated tablet, film-coated

tablet, Soft capsule

3. Ha thu o Granulated medicine, Chewing tablet,

Film coated tablet

4. Song mot Film coated tablet, Soft capsule Quality and Indications of the product:

Quality and indication of the products are good and supervised strictly according to the following system of quality management .

Table2.5: System of quality standard applied at TRAPHACO (Source: Traphaco Joint stock Company)

Order Standard Department applying

1. GMP ASEAN Hoang Liet Herbal medicine Factory 2. GLP ASEAN Department of controlling the quality 3. GSP ASEAN System of warehouse of complete

products, materials and ancillary materials 4. ISO 9001:2000 (applied

since 2006) System of managing the quality 5. GMP WHO (expected in

2006) Hoang Liet Herbal medicine Factory

6. GMP WHO (expected in

2007) Van Lam Herbal medicine Factory

TRAPHACO is currently applying the standard of GMP ASEAN for the factories manufacturing tablet, capsule, powder, atopic, liquid, for the kinds of products do not belong to the group of beta lactam. GMP ASEAN has been applied by TRAPHACO since 1997 (as the first enterprise in the North).

The company is planning and applying the ISO 9001:2000 for the system of quality management. Packaging, labels.

The design and management packages are always focused and companies willing to invest, especially the packaging, though high cost but good quality and nice design.

Use of trade names (also known as names of specific drugs) is applied to the products that companies want to develop the brand within a brand Traphaco.

Trademark protection is used to shape the overall protection of designs, styles, colors and forms of packaging with the product name. Trademark protection to combat the counterfeit design forms causes confusion to consumers. Traphaco used to expand the

brand to a group of products with the same group action. Using brand new application for new drug effects new headings.

Table 2.6: The product groups brand extension (Source: Marketing of Traphaco Joint stock Company)

No Brand Product

1. Amorvita

Amorvita soft: Tonic contains Vitamin more

Amorvita ginseng: Tonic contains Vitamin and Ginseng

Amorvita Hải sâm: containing acid amin, vitamin

2. Cagu Cagu

Cagu plus 3. Tranausea Tranausea

Tranausea plus

2.2.3. The advantages and difficulties in product development activities of large pharmaceutical companies shares Traphaco: Advantages:

- The company achieved growth at a high level is sustained for many years.

- Brand and product business reputation and consumer confidence.

- The company is financially sound, low-interest loans to.

- Production capacity of the enterprise together with a good quality management system and system manufacturing practices of the business is completed over the years to apply continuous improvement.

- The company has high credibility with its partners.

With the strength of the medicine known brand, production capacity, research and development, independent source of herbs, extensive distribution systems to customers and especially the continuous trend of using medicine use, Traphaco will have the opportunity to strong revenue growth in the coming years and become a pioneer in the medicine market in Vietnam. Difficulties:

- Be the joint impact of the economy and markets pharmaceutical products in Vietnam, making goals, strategies, planning requires coordination with the overall situation and the enterprise itself.

- As the leading enterprises of Vietnam's pharmaceutical industry, especially an Eastern brand of medicine, TRAPHACO always chasing the target of acts of unfair

competition such as counterfeit goods, which appeared under the tail edge products competition with new products, the effectiveness of TRAPHACO.

- The South is a potential market but is not interested TRAPHACO trade promotion.

- Distribution system depends on the distribution intermediary should recover debts.

2.3. Facility development strategy of herbal medicines Corporation Traphaco:

Một phần của tài liệu Đề án phát triển chiến lược tại công ty cổ phần traphaco (Trang 31 - 36)

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