Getting started & listen and read

Một phần của tài liệu GIAO AN ANH 9 KY II (Trang 47 - 58)

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about UFOs.

II. Language contents

1. Vocabulary: Spacescraft, meteor, evidence, alien, capture, device, claim 2. Grammar: Conditional sentences: type 1,2

III. Techniques: Groupwork, gap-fill, R.O.R IV. Teaching aids: Lesson plan , textbook, poster, pictures.


Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents

warm-up (10’) + Have students guess three words.

+ Give students the number of the letters of each word and give the definitions so that students can guess the words.

--- 1. This word has 12 letters. It is the opposite

of identified.

--- 2. This word has 6 letters. It means moving

through the air as a birth does.

--- 3. This word has 7 letters. It means a thing

that can be seen or touched.

+ Feedback.


+ Show the picture on page 83 to the students and ask them some questions about UFOs

Have you ever heard about UFOs? Do you thing they really exist?

a) What can you see in the pictures?

b) Have you ever seen any films on UFOs?

What were they about?

c) What do you want to know about UFOs?

d) If you saw an UFOs, what would you do?

+ T instructs Ss to use conditional sentence: type 2.

+ Ss listen and remember.

+ Ss compare type 1 with type 2.

Answers 1. Unidentified

2. Flying  UFOs (Vật thể bay không xác định) 3. Objects

Condtional sentence: Type 2.

- Usage: Express an untrue thing in the presence - Form:

If + S + V(past simple)…, S + would …..

- Example

o If I had 10 million dollars, I would give you a half.

Presentation (10’) + T teaches words.

Listen Speak Read Write

+ Check words “R.O.R”


o Spacescraft (n) <picture>Phi thuyền o Meteor (n) <picture>Sao băng o Evidence (n) Sự kiện

o Alien (n) <picture> Người ngoài hành tinh o Capture (v) Bắt

o Device (n) Thiết bị o Claim (v) Tuyên bố Practice (15’)

+ Get students to read the text and find the words in the text that have the meanings given in 2 a on page 84:

+ Ask students to work in pair.

+ Give feedback

+ Have students to do exercise 2b on page 84 + Get students to read the text again and complete the notes. They have to work individually then compare with their partners.

+ Call on some students to read aloud their sentences.


1. proof, support = evidence

2. falling star or shooting star = meteor

3. unknown/strange people or thing = aliments 4. bringing together or gathering = collecting 5. caught as a prisoner = captured

6. because impossible to see = disappeared Answers

UFO SIGHTINGS a) An aircraft, a weather balloon or a


b) …… nine large round objects traveling at about 2.800 meters an hours.

c) …. 1.500 UFO ……

d) ….. UFO above their house.

e) ….. an egg- shaped object in one of his fields and also aliens collecting soil …...

f) ….. claimed they were captured by aliens and taken aboard a spacecraft.

g) …. and his plane disappeared after sighting an UFO …..

h) ….. that he saw a plate – like device at a treetop 30 meters away ……...

Production (9’)

+ Have the whole class discuss the topic “UFOs”

o Do you believe in Kenneth Arnold, or the woman who saw a UFO above her house?

o Have you ever seen a picture of an alien?

Can you imagine what the aliens are like?

Are they small or big? Are they intelligent?

(If yes) Why do you think so?

+ T calls some to do and comments Homework (1’) + Ss learn words by heart.

+ Prepare speak+listen

Week: 32 Date to prepare: 16/04/2011 Date to teach: 18/04/2011 Period: 61


Lesson 2: Speak & Listen

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk to one another about what they think there might be on Mars, on the moon and on other planets.

II. Language contents

1. Vocabulary: microorganism, gemstone, sparkling, creature, trace, mineral 2. Grammar: may, might

III. Techniques: Groupwork, gap-fill, R.O.R IV. Teaching aids: Lesson plan , textbook, poster, pictures.


Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents

Warm-up (5’) Chatting

+ T asks some questions

o Which planet is the nearest to the sun? (M) o Which is the biggest?

o Which is the hottest?

+ Ss answer

Pre-speaking (10’) + Pre-teach the words.

o Listen o Speak o Read o Write

+ Check with “R.O.R”

“ Rub out the new word one at a time. Each time you rub out the word in English, point to the Vietnamese translation and ask students to repeat in English. When all the English words are rubbed out go through the Vietnamese list and get the whole class to call out the English words.”

+ T helps Ss to revise the usage of may and might.


o microorganism (n): vi sinh vật (translation) o gemstone (n): đá quý (realia)

o sparkling (adj): lấp lánh (realia) o creature (n): sinh vật (translation) o trace (n): dấu vết (visual)

o mineral (n): khoáng sản (example)

Modal verbs: may or might

o Form: May/might + bareinfinitive o Use: We use may, might to talk about

present or future possibility.

Note: Might is normally a little less sure than may.

While-speaking (10’)

+ T sets the scene: A space tourist traveled to Mars, he saw many things there and noted them down. These are drawing of things. Try to guess and match the drawings with their names.

+ Number from 1 to 7 from left and right.

+ Use the drawing to drill


1) Minerals 2) Water 3) Mountains 4) Plants

5) Little creatures 6) Gas

7) Gemstone Exchange

A: What’s this?

B: This may be water on Mars.

1. What are they?

They may be minerals on Mars 2. What are they?

They might be plants on Mars 3. What’s this?

This may be gas on Mars 4. What are they?

They may be gemstones on Mars.

5. What are they?

The may be little creatures.

Post-speaking (5’)

+ Have students practice the dialogue between Nam and Hung on page 85.


Nam: What do these drawing say, Hung?

Hung: There might be water on Mars.

Nam: And what about those back sparkling spots on the right corner?

Hung: Well, they might be traces of gemstones.

There may be a lot of precious stones on Mars.

+ Call on some pairs of students to practice the dialogue.

+ Correct their pronunciation.

+ Have students make up similar dialogue about the drawings, using the cues in 3a.

+ Call on some pairs of students to practice their dialogue before the class.

+ Give feedback


A: What do these drawing say?

B: These may be mountains on Mars.

A: And what about the red signs on the left corner?

B: Well, they might be gas on Mass

Pre-listening (2’) + T explains the task

+ T helps Ss understand the statements.

+ T asks Ss some questions:

o Is there life on the moon?

o Is there air on the moon?

o What about sounds?

+ Ss answers

While-listening (8’) + T plays tape 2 or 3 times.

+ Ss listen and do.

Tape transcript

Good evening. Welcome to our science for fun program. This week we’ve received a lot of questions asking about life on the moon. We’ve talked to some experts and this is what we’ve found out. There is no water or air on the moon. It is all silent because there is no air. Of course there will be no music or no sounds. There are no rivers and no lakes. At night it is very cold. The temperature goes down to 151oC below zero. But during the day the temperature rises t o100oC above zero. There are great round holes on the moon.

They look like big lakes. They are called craters(miệng núi lửa). There are more than 30,000 craters on the moon. There are also high mountains.

The highest monutains on the moon are about 26,000 feet or 8000 meters high.

And here is something very interesting to know: on the moon you weigh one sixth of what you weigh on earth. If you weigh 50 kilos, on the moon you will weigh only a little more than 8 kiols. You will be able to jump very high, even higher than an Olympic Champion. You can take very long steps as well. And

…maybe you won’t sleep very well because one day on the moon lasts for two weeks. So, is there life on the moon? I’ll leave the question for you to answer youselves.

Answers o a o c o d o f o i o j

Post-listening (4’) + Ss discuss about the moon.

o Is there life on the moon?

o Why or why not?

+ Ss present.

+ T comments.

Homework (1’) + Prepare next section “read”

+ Learn new words by heart.

Week: 32 Date to prepare: 16/04/2011 Date to teach: 19/04/2011 Period: 62


Lesson 3: Read

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to develop reading skills and know what they have to do if they have a trip to space.

II. Language contents

1. Vocabulary: physical, aerobic , orbit, marvelous 2. Grammar: Conditional sentence type 2

III. Techniques: Groupwork, pair work, What and Where IV. Teaching aids: Lesson plan , textbook, poster, pictures.


Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents

Warm-up (5’) + Ss discuss some questions:

o What do you do to prepare for a space trip?

+ Ss work in groups to give what they think it is necessary for a space ship.

+ ss give ideas on the board.

+ T comments

Lead-in (2’)

+ T says: “ In the previous lesson , we have known about life in the moon. Today, we’ll study about what we’ll prepare and we can see if we have a space trip.”

+ Ss listen.

Pre-reading (12’) + T teaches some new words.

o Listen o Speak o Read o Write

+ Check with “What and Where”

+ T explains grammar.

+ Ss listen and remember.

+ Ss give some other examples


o Physical (adj) Thể chất, thuộc cơ thể o Aerobics (n) Thể dục nhịp điệu o Orbit (v) Quay theo quỹ đạo o Marvelous (adj) Kỳ diệu The conditional sentence type 2

Usage: câu điều kiện loại 2 được dùng để diển tả một hoạt động hoặc một tình huống không có khả năng xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.


If + S + V-ed/v2 + (O), S + would + V(infinitive) I don’t teach this class. If I taught this class, I wouldn’t give tests.

If I were you, I would accept their invitation.

While-reading (15’) + Having students do task a)

+ Asking students to compare the answers in pairs + Giving correct answers.

+ Work in pairs, doing task b) on page 87 + Asking sts to answer the questions , calling some Ss to perform their answers ( speaking and writing )

+ Correct


[4 1 5 2 3]


1. If you decide to take a space trip , you will have to run a lot , swim every day , and do aerobics and push – ups to have an excellent physical condition.

2. If you want to show you are in perfect health you must get a letter from a doctor .

3. You can see pictures of the Earth : your country , interesting places, the oceans , the big rivers , the tall mountains .

4. We can see those scenes 16 times a day . 5. We can walk on the walls or on the ceiling.

6. Students’ answers

Post-reading (10’)

+ Ss work in pairs , answer the questions :

o What would you do to prepare for the trip If you were able to take a space trip ? o Which planet would you like to go ? o What can you see there ?

+ Ss present.

+ T comments

Homework (1’)

+ Write the answers in the exercise notebook.

+ Prepare next period ( WRITE )

Week: 33 Date to prepare: 24/04/2011 Date to teach: 25/04/2011 Period: 63


Lesson 4: Write

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to develop writing skills and write their personal opinion about the existence of UFOs.

II. Language contents

1. Vocabulary: imagination, human being, mysterious 2. Grammar: Past and present sinple tense (Review) III. Techniques: Groupwork, individual work, what and where IV. Teaching aids: Lesson plan , textbook, poster, pictures.


Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents

Warm-up (2’)

+ Having students answer the question:

o Do you think UFOs really exist?

Pre-writing (18’)

+ Match the paragraphs in column B with the sections in column A


A/ Introduction (presents the writer’s viewpoint: I think…, I believe…,…)

B/ Body( gives reasons/ examples for persuasion:

Firstly, …; Secondly,…;……..)

C/ Conclusion (sums up the argument:



(i) Therefore, UFOs are just the imagination of some writers and they do exist only in films for entertainment.

(ii) I don’t believe there exist UFOs even though many newspapers talk a lot about them.

(iii) Firstly, flying saucers might be aircraft, balloon, clouds or tricks of light. Secondly, there are not enough photos showing clearly the shapes of the UFOs. Moreover, if there are UFOs, there will certainly be traces of their landing on the ground.

+ T explains some words in dialogue.

o Listen o Speak o Read o Write

+ Check the words with what and where

Answers o A - (ii) o B - (iii) o C - (i)


o Imagination (n) Sự tưởng tượng o Human being (n) = Mankind o Mysterious (adj) Bí mật

+ Explaining to students how to write an exposition by asking them :

o How many parts are there in an exposition?

o What are there in each part?

+ The answer is in column A.

+ Having students use expressions to write in the introduction

+ Having students pay attention to the transitions to begin their arguments:

An exposition: 3 parts 1. Introduction

o I think … / I don’t think … o I believe … / I don’t believe … 2. Body

Firstly, … Secondly, … Thirdly, …

Moreover, … Next, ….

Finally, … 3. Conclusion

o Therefore, … o In conclusion, … While-writing (15’)

+ Having students work individually, using Ba’s opinion in the dialogue to write an exposition about the existence of UFOs. Begin with: I believe UFOs exist because articles and reports in


+ Ss give results

+ T corrects if necessary.

The sample answer.

I believe UFOs exist because articles and reports in newspaper talk lots about UFO appearance.

Firstly, many people around the world say they have seen flying saucers, so they must exist.

Secondly, there plenty of photos of them. And, some of photographers said they saw man-like creatures get out of the saucers. Moreover, people are talking about the mysterious circles on the fields in Great Britain.

Therefore, UFOs are no longer human beings’

imagination. They are real. We should be ready to welcone their visits.

Post-writing (9’)

+ Choosing 2 students’ writings to correct with the class (using visual presenter).

+ Having students work in groups, discussing their own opinion about the existence of UFOs.

+ Asking some representatives to the front of the class, talking about their opinion.

Homework (1’) + Learn the vocabulary

+ Write an exposition to show your own opinion about the existence of UFOs.

Week: 33 Date to prepare: 24/04/2011 Date to teach: 26/04/2011 Period: 64


Lesson 5: Language focus

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use conditional sentence type 2 and use of may and might.

II. Language contents

1. Vocabulary: Crayon, alarm clock

2. Grammar: Conditional sentence type 2, may and might III. Techniques: Groupwork, gap-fill

IV. Teaching aids: Lesson plan , textbook, poster, pictures.


Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents

Warm-up (3’) + T shows Ss picture a,b.

+ T asks Ss the questions:

o What is there in the box?

I think it may be a book or might be a game.

o What about you?

+ T reviews how to use may be or might be.

Presentation (12’) + T revises the use of may and might.

+ Ss listen and take notes.

+ Ss give some examples.

+ T teaches conditional sentence type 2

1. Modals: may and might

May / might + V(bare-infinitive) o Use may or might to predict a thing that we

don’t know.

It may be a book It might be a game.

2. The conditional sentence type 2

a. Usage: câu điều kiện loại 2 được dùng để diển tả một hoạt động hoặc một tình huống không có khả năng xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.

b. Form:

If + S + V-ed/v2 + (O), S + would + V(infinitive) I don’t teach this class. If I taught this class, I wouldn’t give tests.

If I were you, I would accept their invitation.

Practice (20’)

+ Ss work in groups to give predictions for the rest pictures of language focus 1.

+ Ss present answers on the board.

+ Feedback

+ Ss complete language focus 2 + Ss give answers

+ Feedback

+ Ss look at pictures. And complete the language focus 3.

+ Ss give answers + Feedback


a) It may be a book, or it might be a game.

b) It may be a box of crayons, or it might be abox of paints.

c) It may be a football, or it might be a basketball.

d) It may be a boat, or it might be a train.

e) It may be a flying saucer, or it might be a meteor.

f) It may be an evening star, or it might be a spacecraft.


a) rains …won’t go out

b) will miss … does not hurry c) is not … will drop

d) will join …finishes e) writes … will not forget Answers

a) If ba were rich , he would travel around the world.

b) If Mr. Loc had a car, he would drive it to word.

c) If Lan lived in Ho Chi Minh City, she would visit Saigon Water Park.

d) If Nam had an alarm clock, he would arrive at school on time.

e) If Hoa lived in Hue, she would see her parents every day.

f) If Nga owned a piano, she would play it very well.

g) If Tuan studied harder, he would get better grades.

h) If Na had enough money, she would buy a new computer.

Prodcution (9’)

+ Ss write 3 things you want to do when you meet an alien.

+ Ss give ideas.

+ T comments.


If I met an alien from outer space, I would invite him or her to my home and talk.

Homework (1’)

+ Write : two sentenses with modals may be , might be .

+ Write : four sentenses with conditional sentense Type 1 + Type 2

Một phần của tài liệu GIAO AN ANH 9 KY II (Trang 47 - 58)

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