Learning Environment and Training Aids

Một phần của tài liệu operational radiation safety training (Trang 29 - 32)

For a training effort to be successful, the trainee who success- fully completes the course must become more knowledgeable about radiation safety and more effective in applying this knowledge to practical situations. Various methods for communicating informa- tion can be effective with proper planning and implementation.

There are several basic training formats: individual or personal study, large group instruction, mentoring, and on-the-job training.

If several training formats are used, it is important to ensure con- sistency in the information being presented.

6.1 Individual Study

Individual study is an effective way to acquire knowledge such as mastering the basic fundamentals in a science. Materials and processes that can be used may include: programmed learning texts and other printed material, interactive computer systems, videotape, slides, and film. A self-instruction program requires skillful design by someone with detailed knowledge and experience concerning the necessary reinforcement of the typical trainee's response. The training can be decentralized, unscheduled, self-paced, self-evaluated, and self-reinforced. Individual study can be supplemented by encouraging the exchange of ideas and ques- tions between a good trainer and a few course participants. In all cases trainees should have the opportunity to discuss the training information and to ask questions. It is also important to provide for evaluation and feedback as described in Section 5.7 when develop- ing individual study programs.

Suitable instructional material may not always be commercially available in the technical area for which instruction is desired. In such cases, if care is taken in their preparation, handout materials can be an effective substitute.


6.2 Group Instruction

Large group instruction is satisfactory if the objective is simply to acquire knowledge or to develop interactive and team building skills (e.g., teamwork for emergency responders). This is especially true when the program includes the opportunity to practice those skills in laboratories and exercises. If the objective is primarily to enhance understanding and develop skills, smaller discussion groups are better. The instructional formats for larger groups are typically lectures, films, slide presentations, symposia, field trips, group interviews, and videotape.

6.3 Mentoring

Mentoring (or coaching) can be a very effective method of train- ing in certain situations. Usually this approach places a trainee in a one-on-one situation with an individual who has significantly more experience and knowledge in the topic. The objectives and the outcome measures must be clearly understood by both the trainee and the mentor at the outset. Not every individual is capable of suc- cess as a mentor. It must be emphasized that the technique of men- toring the trainee until the desired training objectives are demonstrated requires knowledgeable supervisors and managers who are trained in good reinforcement and human interaction skills. This approach is most effective when conducted over a long period of time in the workplace.

6.4 On-the-Job Training

On-the-job instruction is most useful when high degrees of skill and constant reinforcement are required. Skill training should be moved out of the classroom and into the job site where the condi- tions are real and where opportunity for repeated practice over an extended period is available. In some situations, models or mock-ups of the job site will be required because of the potential for radiation exposure or nonradiological hazards. On-the-job training requires skillful design and evaluation with a commitment from management and the trainee.

6.6 TRAINING ENVIRONMENT / 23 6.5 Training Aids

Many trainers use visual supplements such as overhead projec- tors, computer-based projection, slides, videos, filmstrips, etc., as aids in presenting information efficiently and succinctly. With close attention to maintenance of a personal relationship between the trainer and the trainees, visual supplements can reinforce the com- munication of information. There is an abundance of commercially available software that can be used for radiation safety training.

Videotape programs are commonly used as a communications medium in technical fields. Imaginative programming can make videotape very effective, especially for self-instruction. On the other hand, when these programs are no more than a recording of a lecture, they may be only marginally effective.

Videotape or computer-based programs can be used as supple- ments to the classroom environment or as methods in which the trainee interacts with the teaching program without benefit of a personal instructor. Similarly, a number of slide and audiotape pre- sentations and self-paced instructional manuals have been devel- oped as aids to learning.

6.6 Training Environment

The training environment is quickly evolving as new technology becomes available. Students now have more flexibility in determin- ing the manner in which they may choose to learn. They may opt for a traditional training environment such as a formal classroom or one of the many new styles of learning that are rapidly evolving.

New technologies, including distance learning based on video conferences from universities or other training centers, permit a variety of options that were not previously available. These same systems can be used within an institution to disseminate informa- tion without requiring the assembly of people at one location. Addi- tionally, the Internet is a constantly expanding source for information on training resources. However, it is important to rec- ognize that many of the resources available via the Internet may not have been carefully evaluated.

No matter what style of training program or environment is selected, it is important to employ a feedback mechanism to mea- sure the competency of the individual to perform the job function for which he or she is responsible.


Một phần của tài liệu operational radiation safety training (Trang 29 - 32)

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