7.2 Operationalization of the constructs of model 2
7.2.2 Operationalization of the procurement competence
Besides the procurement strategy the procurement competence has also been assessed for characterizing the preconditions of the project organization. Similar to the procurement strategy two dimensions have been computed. The structure of the construct is displayed in the following figure.
140 7 Operationalization of the constructs
Procurement competence
Figure 7.5 Structure of the construct procurement competence
The first dimension is focusing on specific purchasing know-how, support tools and the quality of the current process.
Dimension Item-to-total Factor
Purchasing competence correlation loading
We invest in sufficient training for our procurement personnel. .69 .87
We invest in support tools and procurement systems. .70 .88
Our procurement process is best practice. .53 .76
Cronbach's Alpha .79
Explained variance 70.26%
Table 7.20 Dimension purchasing competence
All relevant validity and reliability criteria are fulfilled.
Then the IT know-how is examined. Aspects as the current ERP system or the current classification system are analyzed. Also the data transparency is included in the IT competence measure, since it is a key lever for optimizing the procurement processes.
Dimension Item-to-total Factor
IT competence correlation loadinc
We are experienced in tracking procurement pertorrnance (e.g. total purchase .58 .81 cost, logistics cost. inventory level, quality of product/service).
We have an ERP system implemented (e.g. SAP R/2, R/3, Oracle). .50 .75 Our ERP software is compatible to marlcetplace software (e.g. Ariba, .56 .81 CommerceOne).
We have one uniform classification system for all our suppliers (e.g. eCI@ss,
.33 .54
Cronbach 's Alpha .71
Explained variance 54.22%
Table 7.21 Dimension IT competence
The operationalization of the dimension IT competence can be accepted as reliable and valid.
All defined criteria are fulfilled.
Then the two dimensions have been aggregated to the construct procurement competence, supported by positive results of validity and reliability analyses.
Construct Item-to-total Factor
Procurement competence correlation loa dine
Dimension purchasing competence .44 .85
Dimension IT competence .44 .85
Cronbach 's Alpha .61
Explained variance 72.03%
Table 7.22 Construct procurement competence
7 .2.3 Operationalization of the project management
The project management is analyzed by three aspects: top management support, team competence and project planning and steering. The constructs go along with the operationalization of Lechler (1997) and Gemilnden et al. (1999). In some aspects they have been adapted to the B2B E-marketplace concept. The following figure shows the structure of this construct.
142 7 Operationalization of the constructs
Top manaacment ... _.
Project management
Figure 7.6 Structure of the construct project management
In the following table the results of the operationalization of the dimension top management support is displayed.
Dimension Item-to-total Factor
Top management support correlation loading
In difficult situations the project team was fully supported by upper management .81 .95 to secure project success.
Additional resources were granted by upper management, if needed by the
.81 .95
Cronbach 's Alpha .89
Explained variance 90.37%
Table 7.23 Dimension top management support
The dimension team competence summarizes all relevant requirements for implementing a B2B £-marketplace project. First, items as know-how and training are questioned. The project leaders competence concerning the objective decision process is also included in this measure.
Besides the individual competences of the project team and the project leader the overall team competence of using support tools for project management is measured. Additionally to the appropriate know-how and technical abilities, the right communication strategy ensures a successful project management. Therefore, several items characterizing the project communication have been included in the team competence dimension.
Dimension Item-to-total Factor
Team competence correlation loading
The project team had the appropriate qualifications. .69 .77
The project leader and his team were sufficiently trained. .72 .79
The project leader had considerable influence on the definition of project .77 .84 objectives.
Methods, procedures and tools for project control and supervision worked well. .74 .81 Everybody in the project team knew exactly where help was available when .78 .85 difficulties arose.
The communication channels in the project team were predefmed. .73 .81 All project team members were always sufficiently informed about their work .74 .82 on the project.
Many personal and informal meetings have taken place. .46 .55
Cronbach's Alpha .91
Explained variance 61.42%
Table 7.24 Dimension team competence
The results of the validity and reliability measurements are satisfying, all defined criteria are fulfilled.
Besides the top management support and the appropriate team competence the project steering and planning process is key to a successful project execution. Various aspects have been included in the project planning and steering dimension.
Dimension Item-to-total Factor
Project planning and steering correlation loa dina
All essential aspects of the project execution were monitored and controlled .65 .91 (budget, time schedule, resources, performance progress).
During the project, planning data were reviewed and adapted if necessary. .65 .91
Cronbach's Alpha .79
Explained variance 82.44%
Table 7.25 Dimension project planning and steering
For further analysis the items of the three dimensions have been aggregated to the construct project management. The following table shows the results of the quality measurements.
144 7 Operationalization of the constructs
Construct Item-to-total Factor
Project manacement correlation load inc
Dimension top management suppon .54 .79
Dimension team competence .56 .81
Dimension project planning and steering .60 .84
Cronbach's Alpha .74
Explained variance 66.05%
Table 7.26 Construct project management
The assessment of the construct project management can be seen as reliable and valid, since all criteria are met.