... gel on your face, hands or any part of the body that is exposed before stepping out in the sun It serves as a sunscreen lotion protecting your complexion Moreover, it softens your skin and makes ... medicinal properties Massage your body with Ginseng oil to nourish and moisturize your skin Other beauty therapies may include a Ginseng facial, Ginseng body glow, body detoxifying, etc Jojoba ... Jojoba oil on your hair around half an hour before you shampoo your hair to get soft and glossy hair Jojoba oil mixed with water and sprayed onto dry hair serves as a healthy conditioner and has an...
Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 10:59
... with the hands and pull with the feet Ki Ken Tai no Ichi 'Mind and Body as One' Coordination of mind and body in movement Thought and action must become one Hei Jo Shin 'Calm mind and body' When ... 'Remaining mind' / Awareness Haragei Breathing art/'Belly art' /Body Focus Breathe, relax, and settle your body, naturally Mushin 'Mind- without-thinking'/Mental Focus Empty your mind and be fully ... through all the hype and find understanding Your hand, the human hand, is the most versatile physical tool on the planet Your mind is an even more versatile tool It is the tool of your human soul,...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 00:20
You can heal your life
... and deserving and accepting, will create organization in your mind, create more loving relationships in your life, attract a new job and a new and better place to live, and even enable your body ... know If your mother did not know how to love herself, or your father did not know how to love himself, then it would be impossible for them to teach you to love yourself YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE ... to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual wellbeing In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher...
Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2015, 18:16
Super Brain - Unleashing the Explosive Power of Your Mind to Maximize Health, Happiness, and Spiritual Well-being
... way You won’t know what your brain can until you test its limits and push beyond them No matter how ine ciently you are using your brain, one thing is certain: it is the gateway to your future Your ... YOU ARE BECOMING MORE INTEGRATED WHEN You create a safe place where you can be yourself You invite others into the same safe space so that they can be themselves You desire to know yourself You ... Once you decide with conscious awareness and unwavering intent that you are not your brain, you can be one with your emotions and reactions to the outside world Acting as the leader of your brain,...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 21:23
... your discussion of benefits: "Do you feel that would work for you? " "How you feel that would solve your problem?" Some trainers might tell you that gives the prospect an opportunity to tell you ... RECOMMENDATIONS 25 You should only talk about your product/service after knowing specifically how it will solve the problem, meet their need, etc Then you can tailor your remarks specifically and personally ... is rejection? It's not an experience-it's your definition of the experience So, ensure that you accomplish something on each call, and you can hold your head high with a sense of achievement...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 06:15
Tài liệu What Is Micromanagement? And What You Can Do To Avoid It. docx
... Your Micromanagement Tendencies If you find that you display tendencies that are harming your relations with your staff and potentially making you an inefficient member of the organization, you ... Feedback from Your Managers and Staff Once you recognize that you may be a micromanager, you will want to figure out if your actions are harmful to you and your staff or merely necessary for greater ... details and on the bigger picture Then put your new skills, knowledge, and attitudes to work! Learn More Learn more about how you can improve productivity, enhance efficiency, and sharpen your competitive...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 09:20
Reputation Why it matters and how you can manage it
... hold of you and your organisation The real image - not the one you buy, but the one your customers actually have of you Reputation: why it matters and how you can manage it | Reputation is your ... about trust Trust from your suppliers that the specifications and orders you provide are ones you ll uphold and that you ll pay your bills in a timely manner Trust from your customers that their ... reputation in view and understood for the currency it is and can be The more you hold your executive and management teams responsible and accountable for how their areas and actions impact your organisation’s...
Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2014, 18:11
CANCER AND THE ENVIRONMENT: What You Need to Know What You Can Do doc
... in, locate your height and move across the chart to your weight CANCER AND THE ENVIRONMENT ■ Alcoholic drinks Heavy drinkers (more than two drinks/day) have an increased risk of cancer, particularly ... People U.S CANCER MORTALITY BY YEAR Year Source: http://seer.cancer.gov stomach and colon cancer and cancers of the mouth and throat have also decreased over this time period On the other hand, the ... the new cancer cases and deaths are due to breast, lung, and colon/rectal cancers For men, more than half of the new cancer cases and deaths are from prostate, lung, and colon/rectal cancers...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 01:20
Measuring and Managing Project Quality - If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it pptx
... of Quality causes your projects to fail to meet the business need A failure Your failure If you cannot deliver the needed Quality, then even if your project meets time, cost and other easy-to-measure ... delegation, and a sense of ownership in the estimates for the assignment Why is it a : 10 : 100 rule? Because what costs you $1 to manage at Level costs you $10 if you wait for Level 2, and $100 if you ... project Quality Here Comes the Judge Your Sponsors and Customers, whether internal or external, are ultimately the Judges and the Jury of the Quality of your results These are the stakeholders...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20
Airplanes and ships you can draw
... Ships You Can Dr aw s, and Moto rcycles You Can Draw Cats You Ca n Draw Cool Boy Stu ff You Can Draw Cool Girl Stu ff You Can Dinosaurs a Draw nd Other P rehistoric C reatures Yo u Can Draw Dogs You ... adding details to your drawing-like a banner for your biplane or a skull and crossbones for your pirate ship So get out some paper and grab a pencil Then get ready, get set, and get drawing! Check ... Dogs You C an Draw Extinct and Endangered Animals Yo u Can Draw Horses You Can Draw Insects You Can Draw Sea Creatur es You Can Spaceships Draw , Aliens, an d Robots Yo u Can Draw Cars, Truck ...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 08:59
Leadership the Hard Way: Why Leadership Can’t Be Taught and How You Can Learn It Anyway
... open so it can be debated and addressed Doing so can help you understand the fears, concerns, and perspectives of people in the organization And in some cases, resistance and dissent can represent ... blocking your initiative If you aren’t even aware that people in the organization disagree with you, then you are in trouble Encouraging and engaging with dissent also requires that you challenge your ... tell me why it can t be done,” I said “Tell me how we can it and what the costs will be I don’t care how crazy the ideas are; just come up with something Take a month and see if you can figure it...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 21:03
Discover The Proven Exact Procedure You Can Copy To Create Your Own Product In Only 30 Days!
... product and there is just no need for it You can just searches and you can find the top forum sites within your niche or your area of expertise or your area of interest and just go in there and take ... dogs, to learn your name You wanted to brand yourself Your goal there is maybe not so much to sell products at the beginning, but you want to get your product out there You want to get your name out ... money You will turn out having no affiliates pushing it, your message probably won’t get out there in the marketplace, and not only will you not make money, but you definitely won’t brand yourself...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 12:02
japanese core words and phrases things you can''t find in a dictionary
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 12:21
Báo cáo khoa học: "You Can’t Beat Frequency (Unless You Use Linguistic Knowledge) – A Qualitative Evaluation of Association Measures for Collocation and Term Extraction" pot
... collocativity of collected candidates Among the most widespread ones, both for ATR and CE, are statistical and information-theoretic measures, such as t-test, log-likelihood, entropy, and mutual information ... occurrences of candidates in the data, employing more sophisticated statistics-based / information-theoretic or even linguistically-motivated algorithms for grading term and collocation candidates ... Several studies (e.g., Evert and Krenn (2001), Krenn and Evert (2001), Frantzi et al (2000), Wermter and Hahn (2004)), however, have already observed that ranking the candidates merely by their...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 01:20
Breaking the Slump: How Great Players Survived Their Darkest Moments in Golf—and What You Can Learn from Them pot
... you never think you re going to get it back The best thing you can in your ‘self-talk’ is to remind yourself what you ve done in the past You ve done this before.” It was an extraordinary story, ... “If you ve played well and your handicap’s going up, you probably made a bad change You have to recognize it Just because you paid more money for a set of clubs doesn’t mean they’re better for you. ” ... Maybe they will for you too Chapter PAUL AZINGER “Confidence is something that when you have it, you never think you re going to lose it, and when you lose it, you never think you re going to get...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 23:20
202 things you can buy and sell for big profits james stephenson
... information you need to describe your business, identify your customers, reveal your product’s or service’s advantages, develop your sales goals and marketing strategies, and create your Preface ... make more money than you can at your current job and to gain control of your future Your decision to operate your new business on a full-time basis will largely be determined by your current financial ... that you love, capitalizing on your current skills and knowledge, using the amount of money you have to get started, and allowing for your health as well as your short- and long-term business and...
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2014, 13:12
robot androids, and animatrons 12 incredible projects you can build
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 16:00