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... quote characters appear correctly, you’ve discovered their encoding. Switch back to the original encoding, this time choosing the Convert option, and save the fi le. You can type these characters ... Relaunch Xcode to use the new template. USER SCRIPTS User scripts are custom actions that appear in the Xcode menu. Each script is an executable text fi le that can optionally interact with the content ... another binary executable or script. For example, a custom script could start an AppleScript using the osascript tool. Xcode preprocesses script fi les before they are executed. Scripts contain additional

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 06:20

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... the class within which the criteria class is nested. Csla.Server.CallMethodException The MethodCaller class throws a custom Csla.Server.CallMethodException in the case that an exception occurs ... _innerStackTrace = ex.StackTrace; } Then in the StackTrace property of CallMethodException, the stack trace for the CallMethod➥ Exception itself is combined with the stack trace from the original exception: ... svc.Fetch(criteria, context); } finally { if (svc != null) svc.Dispose(); } } Notice the try…catch block, which ensures... 6323 _c0 4_final.qxd 2/27/06 1:25 PM Page 189 CHAPTER 4 s DATA ACCESS

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 00:20

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Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 00:20

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... records for customers in the USA are shown: Dim myConnectionInfo = New CrystalDecisions.Shared.ConnectionInfo() CrystalReportViewer1.SelectionFormula = “{Customer.Country} = ‘USA’” With myConnectionInfo ... Applications need to first specify an import of the CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, which will allow us to create the object In the Solution Explorer, right-click your project (in our case, ... have a graph or chart inserted into your report, you can control the content by right-clicking directly on top of the chart and selecting an option from the menu The Chart Expert can be used to

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

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... Adobe Acrobat (PDF) ❑ Microsoft Excel (XLS) ❑ Microsoft Word (DOC) ❑ Rich Text Format (RTF) In compatibility testing, the export formats for Microsoft Word and Excel work well with Office 97+, ... following code: With CrystalReportViewer1 Select Case ComboBox_Zoom.SelectedIndex Case Zoom(25) Case Zoom(50) Case Zoom(100) Case Zoom(200) End Select End With You also may want to consider adding ... (web_viewer_basic) and location for your project files Because you are creating a Web application, the location will be a Web server that you have access to and the name of your project will actually

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... effect. Clicking each anchor activates the alternate style sheet whose title matches the one referenced in the activeCSS() function call. However, even though we’ve successfully built a function ... that occur when we click a link. For argument’s sake (oh, aren’t we clever), let’s assume that our user selects the third anchor, the onclick handler that contains the activeCSS(‘Gratuitous CSS’); ... (haystack) function findWord(needle, haystack) { return haystack.match(needle + “\\b”); } In this code snippet, we have two JavaScript functions, which are basically discrete chunks of functionality.

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:22

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... methods // Create a Graphics object Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics(); g.Clear(this.BackColor); // Create rectangles and regions Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(20, 20, 200, 200); Rectangle rect2 = ... a rectangle, excluding one small rectangle and a region. Listing 6.11 Using ExcludeClip to clip regions // Create a Graphics object Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics(); g.Clear(this.BackColor); ... click event handlers private void CircleMenu_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Create a rectangle Rectangle rect = new Rectangle (50 , 0, 300, 300); // Create a Shape object and call

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... 11.11 PaperSourceKind members Member Description AutomaticFeed Automatically fed paper Cassette A paper cassette Custom A printer-specific paper source Envelope... PrintDocument object handles printing ... PrintGraphicsItems_Click method is a menu click event handler that creates a PrintDocument object, sets its PrintPage event, and calls the Print method. The second method, PrintGraphicsItemsHandler, ... ViewImage_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Create a Graphics object Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics(); g.Clear(this.BackColor); // Call OpenFileDialog, which allows us to browse // images OpenFileDialog

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20

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... Chapter 18 : Tracing and Events Tracing Trace Sources Trace Switches Trace Listeners Filters Asserts Event Logging Event-Logging Architecture Event-Logging Classes Creating an Event Source 496 497 ... xix ftoc.indd xix 2 /19 /08 8:30:30 PM Contents Binary Code Reuse Code Bloat Naming Guidelines Creating Generic Classes Generic Classes’ Features 225 226 226 226 2 31 Default Values Constraints ... 19 Creating ASP NET Applications Creating Windows Forms Using the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Windows Controls Windows Services Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) The Role of C#

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... operations Vector vect1, vect2, vect3; vect1 = new Vector(1.0, 1.5, 2. 0); vect2 = new Vector(0.0, 0.0, -10.0); vect3 = vect1 + vect2; Console.WriteLine(“vect1 = Console.WriteLine(“vect2 = Console.WriteLine(“vect3 ... new Vector (2. 0, -4.0, -4.0); vect3 = vect1 + vect2; Console.WriteLine(“vect1 = “ + vect1.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(“vect2 = “ + vect2.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(“vect3... vect1, vect2, ... Console.WriteLine(“vect3... vect1, vect2, vect3; // initialize vect1 and vect2 vect3 = vect1 + vect2; vect1 = vect1 *2; Here, Vector is the struct, which is defined in the following section The compiler will see that

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... exact nature of a DOM object When we use the term DOM we are referencing the standard W3C DOM built to support an XML structured document The W3C Document Object Model Level Core Specification can ... file to create our Document object: Document doc = db.parse("c:/xml/message.xml"); As noted in the JAXP API documentation, the Document object supports the Document Object Model Level recommendations ... create a simple and logical Java Document Object Model representation of XML information The W3C DOM, which we will cover more in depth later, creates a fully accurate representation of a document

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2019, 10:38

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... Table of Contents The CompensatableTransactionScopeActivity The CompensateActivity Conditions and Rules The ConditionedActivityGroup The PolicyActivity Web Services The InvokeWebServiceActivity ... 51 execution styles 51 fault handling activities 87-89 first workflow, creating 19-24 local communication events, activities 84-87 local communication services 179 local communication services, ... activities, for compensation about 90, 91 CompensatableSequenceActivity 91 CompensatableTransactionScopeActivity 91 CompensateActivity 92 activities, for conditions and rules about 92 ConditionedActivityGroup

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... CheckBox, 73 Class, 52 Class libraries, 10 Click action, wire to button, 53 ClickOnce, 204–205 Click-once deployment, 12 Close Button, 27 CLR See Common Language Runtime (CLR) Code console application, ... 53, 72 C C# defined, 4–9 example in, object-oriented programming (OOP), See also Visual C# 2005 Express Edition C++, Call Stack, 116 Camel casing, 154 CancelButton, 93, 180 Casing, 154 CheckBox, ... (:), Column, 128–129 ComboBox, 73 Comments, 76–77 Common controls, 50, 71–74 Common Language Runtime (CLR), 3–4, 120 Community access and start page, 13 Community Technology Preview (CTP), 17 Compilers,

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Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2019, 16:22

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Ngày tải lên: 18/11/2022, 15:53

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... from C, C+ +, and Java.” Such descriptions are technically accurate but do little to convey the beauty or elegance of the lan- guage. Syntactically, C# is very similar to both C+ + and Java, to such ... Service? 1091 Windows Services Architecture 1093 Service Program 1093 Service Control Program 1095 Service Configuration Program 1095 System.ServiceProcess Namespace 1095 Creating a Windows Service ... native executable. This means that you can mix managed types and unmanaged types in your C+ + code. Thus the managed C+ + code: class MyClass { defines a plain C+ + class, whereas the code: __gc class MyClass { will...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20

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