... KFM anh mạnh mẽ bước di chuyển anh thật đáng kinh ngạc” Heath Ledger giam tháng để nhập vai The Joker The Joker - Gã đáng gờm Đối với diễn viên cố Heath Ledger, xuất sắc Brockback Moutain khiến ... gai góc The Joker “anh người can đảm”, ông nói Heath Ledger phòng khách sạn vòng tháng để định hình điệu bộ, giọng nói tâm lý nhân vật Ngoài ra, anh ghi vào nhật kí suy nghĩ cảm xúc The Joker ... Chiếc mũ Dơi thiết kế theo kiểu mũ bảo hiểm xe máy tách rời từ phần cổ để diễn viên thoải cử đầu đầu cổ Với nhiều thay đổi nên đồ Dơi nặng Christian Bale cảm thấy mát thoải mái The Joker phục trang...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 12:15
... phim Đó nhà điện ảnh Roger Deakins (No Country for Old Men, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, Fargo, O Brother, Where Art Thou?), người lần đề cử cho giải Oscar Người ... (Finding Nemo), gạo cội Pixar với kinh nghiệm đạo nghệ thuật cho Toy Story The Incredibles đạo diễn phim ngắn đoạt giải Oscar For the Birds “Một điều tuyệt vời Pixar làm,” Eggleston nói, “là làm phim ... Impossible, Twister, Saving Private Ryan, Star Wars: Episode I and II, The Perfect Storm, Pearl Harbor, Minority Report, Pirates of the Caribbean, Master and Commander, ba phần đầu Harry Potter Morris...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 18:15
Tài liệu Behind the scenes MAMMA MIA! THE MOVIE doc
... trợ lý đạo diễn để theo dõi quan sát động tác diễn viên Tim Stanley Nicola Treherne Tim chịu trách nhiệm địa điểm quay người, Nicola cầu nối Van Lasst diễn viên Van Lasst theo dõi qua hình Nicola ... “Julia”, xuất bên cạnh Jane Fonda Vanessa Redgrave Ngay vai diễn thứ hai The Deer Hunter”, mang đề cử Oscar cho Streep Năm tiếp theo, Streep thắng giải Oscar với vai diễn “Kramer vs Kramer” Kể từ ... The Devil Wears Prada”, vai diễn đem lại giải thưởng nữ diễn viên xuất sắc cho Meryl giải Golden Globe giải Oscar Năm 2004, Meryl vinh danh giải thưởng Cống hiến trọn đời AFI năm 2008, bà the...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Behind the scenes - PHIM KUNG FU PANDA pdf
... camera khắp nơi mà họ muốn, đồ hoạ máy tính hệ thống bạn phải đủ khả để đối phó với vật thể 3D theo yêu cầu Kung Fu Panda sử dụng lượng camera di chuyển lớn từ trước đến phim Dreamworks; ví dụ, ... rồng) xác 1.040.229 ! - Tổng số mũi tên bắn xuống Tai Lung trốn khỏi nhà tù 1500 - Khi Po nhóm The Five ăn mì, có 64 sợi mì bát - Số kim châm cứu lưng Po nói chuyện với hổ 133 ...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 19:20
Animated Realism A Behind The Scenes Look at the Animated Documentary Genre
... mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, ... mechanical so that the story will come through On the other extreme is CG You model something in CG and it has a mass; the eye picks up the mass The more you give the eye, the more it demands ... things fit for the story and not making the story fit for the roller-coaster ride This is one of the main problems with 90% of the CG movies In almost every CG movie they have these crazy camera...
Ngày tải lên: 10/02/2014, 18:14
Behind the Scenes or, Thirty years a slave, and Four Years in the White House pptx
... Behind the Scenes, by Elizabeth Keckley Behind the Scenes, by Elizabeth Keckley The Project Gutenberg EBook of Behind the Scenes, by Elizabeth Keckley This eBook is for the use of ... slave They were not so much responsible for the curse under which I was born, as the God of nature and the fathers who framed the Constitution for the United States The law descended to them, ... they are all the more valuable; they are the frank overflowings of the heart, the outcropping of impulse, the key to genuine motives They prove the motive to have been pure, and if they shall help...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 22:20
the greatest trade ever the behind the scenes story of how john paulson defie gregory zuckerman
... were there other reasons they ignored or continued to inflate the bubble? And why did the very bankers who created the toxic mortgages that undermined the financial system get hurt most by them? ... Southampton The couple who owned the house was in the middle of a divorce Paulson contacted the wife, who sounded eager to sell the property, and together they agreed to a $425,000 price At the closing, ... exaggerating their salaries and other financial information to qualify The real estate market became the hobby that swept the nation and extended around the globe and then back again Reflecting the speculative...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 07:34
THE ART OF INTRUSION: The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders & Deceivers
... flushes They shouldn’t happen at all So the designers want to be able to verify that they have the right statistics or they feel like they don’t have control over the game Another thing the designers ... the user’s data The team had discovered the same kind of error in the programming of the machine At the same time the boys were working on a computer program that would let them win against their ... ready for the action At this point, the computer-in -the- pocket had found the place in the algorithm that represented the cards just dealt Since its algorithm was the same as the one in the video...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 21:15
Tài liệu Project (written version):“The problems of the “Citibus” (bus operating company) and their possible solutions. Drawing a contract.” doc
... they not their best, other thing which should be mentioned is the wrong schedule of the bus routes (which doesn’t take a proper account of the interests of the passengers); and finally, its the ... legal effect) On the next stage both parties sign the contract and we think that the drivers are enough motivated, they fulfil the terms and the conditions of the contract and the problem is solved ... change the cituation for better (increase the passing capacity of the roads that doesn’t cope with the growing number of cars and other carriers, build new roads and rearrange the traffic within the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu THE ART OF INTRUSION: The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders & Deceivers ppt
... flushes They shouldn’t happen at all So the designers want to be able to verify that they have the right statistics or they feel like they don’t have control over the game Another thing the designers ... the user’s data The team had discovered the same kind of error in the programming of the machine At the same time the boys were working on a computer program that would let them win against their ... ready for the action At this point, the computer-in -the- pocket had found the place in the algorithm that represented the cards just dealt Since its algorithm was the same as the one in the video...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 16:20
Tài liệu Geopolitical Considerations behind the IT Consumerism Michele La Neve pot
... shareholder”[20] (The United Nations, 2001) On the other side, the report clearly shows the financial network behind the coltan trade and, similarly, the ways used by the above mentioned countries; while the ... secure the appointment of Gertrude Kitembo as Governor of Maniema[15] 3 THE CANONICAL PROSPECTIVE OF THE WAR IN THE DRC According to the official versions of the war, the conflict in the DRC ... of the financial resources needed to fight the war Without the control of this area, the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo cannot sustain the war Even if security reasons are the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 14:20
Tài liệu Disturbed Ireland Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81. doc
... dose of "the wine of the country," and then he mourns over the desolation of the land and the ravages of the so-called "crowbar brigade" as if they were things of yesterday Whether the local ... beyond the food produced on the spot Either the father went to England for the harvest, or the boys were working in a shipyard on the Clyde, or the girls were in America and sent home money On the ... force, but they vow revenge for the affront put upon the soil of the county by the Northern invaders Against the soldiers no animosity is felt, but the hatred against the cause of their presence...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20
No DREAMers Left Behind - The Economic Potential of DREAM Act Beneficiaries potx
... the U.S at a young age, and in many cases the U.S is the only country they know and the one with which they most identify They have a strong desire to contribute to it more fully Passage of the ... calculate the economic estimates published here for the first time The Estimating Economic Attainment section presents our final estimation of the economic impact of the DREAM Act over the 40-year ... legalization By examining the historical trends of these barriers’ effects on the educational attainment of immigrant groups, the report estimates the number of youths able to overcome these challenges...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20
... the Boer position and the sore strait of their foes Whether the column had come purposely towards this drift, as being the only possible ford for many miles, or whether they had been guided thereto ... must have stared them in the face The kopjes on the farther side of the stream were bristling with Boers, and away on the veldt beyond was drawn up the Staats artillery And then one realized ... followed them into the Transvaal but for the sudden discovery of the gold industry; it is equally true they had not the power or the wish to develop this for themselves, and yet without it they were...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 13:20
Gaza’s Children: FallinG Behind The eFFeCT oF The BloCkade on Child healTh in Gaza ppt
... birth They are exhausted They aren’t eating properly, they have problems with their husband, with their mother-in-law, they lost babies in the previous war, they’ve lost their home, and they are ... family unit, and therefore, the health of children But children also gain critical health support from their communities, at school and when they go to the doctor The blockade and the Hamas-Fatah ... area of life The fracturing of the support systems that are meant to protect children as they grow and develop – the home, the community, and the environment – has implications for the health of...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Principles behind the multifarious control of signal transduction ERK phosphorylation and kinase/phosphatase control potx
... how the second kinase in the cascade determines the time dependence of the activity of the third kinase, we varied the Vmax of the second kinase reaction and recalculated the concentration of the ... zero Then the above integral does not converge; the areaunder -the- curve continues to increase with time In these cases, the area-under -the- curve should be evaluated up to the point where the curve ... strength and the integral signal strength The summing is over all the processes in the system, and its results are given in the nal column of Table We present herein the principle behind the proof...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:20
Behind the Bungalow pptx
... celebrate the advent of the first gust of wind He drops the lower bolts of the doors, so that they may rake up the matting every time they are opened Then he proceeds to dust the furniture with the ... application of the saying is to the people of Goa, who, while they carry through the world patronymics which breathe of conquest and discovery, devote their energies rather to the violin and the art ... suppose the topics of the day are discussed, the chances of a Russian invasion, the dearness of rice, and the events which led to the dismissal of Mr Smith's old Mussaul Canjee Then the time for the...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 02:20
Gaza’s Children: FallinG Behind - The eFFeCT oF The BloCkade on Child health in Gaza ppt
... birth They are exhausted They aren’t eating properly, they have problems with their husband, with their mother-in-law, they lost babies in the previous war, they’ve lost their home, and they are ... family unit, and therefore, the health of children But children also gain critical health support from their communities, at school and when they go to the doctor The blockade and the Hamas-Fatah ... area of life The fracturing of the support systems that are meant to protect children as they grow and develop – the home, the community, and the environment – has implications for the health of...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20
Behind the Postmodern Facade: Architectural Change in Late Twentieth-Century America pptx
... from the avant-garde into the service of the government before the war Later, the Scandinavian, the Austrian, and the German architects followed the same path to work in town planning and in the ... architecture, they have primarily other architects in mind or across the table (even if only to curse what the "worthless rascals" are doing to the art, the profession, or the business) The common ... from even knowing that they want the public symbols of glory that the Malatesta or the Medici wanted Yet architects, either in their dutiful deception of the client or in the elaboration of autonomous...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 13:20