... avoid having some errors but it is quite good for you. In addition, you can add more words to create your own work list also. 400 Words Must Know For TOEFL Test (with Vietnamese Meaning) Source ... (with Vietnamese Meaning) Source from Arco and compiled by Trung Hieu Word Part of Speech, Meaning A ...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2013, 03:10
... (một nhóm) Library of Banking Students 400 Words Must Know For TOEFL Test (with Vietnamese Meaning) Source from Arco and compiled by Trung Hieu Word Part of Speech, Meaning A Abandon (v) từ bỏ; ... làm căn cứ đáng tin cậy B Battle (n) trận đánh; bất cứ sự tranh luận hoặc tranh đấu nào; (v)chiến đấu, tranh đấu Be inclined to c ó khuynh h ư ớng Library of Banking Students Infinitiesimal (a) ... gian, phương tiện Intervene (v) xen vào, can thiệp, ở giữa, xảy ra ở giữa Intrepid (a) gan dạ, dũng cảm Intrinsic (a) (thuộc) bản chất, thực chất; bên trong,(giải phẫu) ở bên trong Intrusively (a)...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu 400 Words Must Know For TOEFL Test (with Vietnamese Meaning) pptx
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 06:15
Tài liệu 400 Words Must Know For TOEFL Test with Vietnamese doc
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 02:20
Mcgraw Hill 400.Must-Have.Words.For.The.Toefl.
... completion in one sitting—about 25 minutes. 400 Must- Have Words is also highly effective in the TOEFL- prep classroom. Each chapter begins with a list of 10 target words. These words are defined and ... Life 29 Introduction 400 Must- Have Words for the TOEFL will help you improve your score on the TOEFL test. In particular, this book will build your TOEFL vocabulary for the new Internet-based TOEFL ... by reading, making flash cards, and writing sen- tences using new words in context. A strong vocabulary will help you not only in your reading comprehension, but also in listening, writing, and...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:51
Mcgraw Hill 400 Must Have Words For The Toefl - Money
... government. TOEFL Prep I Find the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to each word in the left-hand column. Write the letter in the blank. Note: Many words in this chapter are similar in meaning. ... well in one’s business or personal life Vargas prospered after finally patenting his new inventions. 102 Money 10. sole adj. Only Many people have wanted to invest in Harry’s publishing business, but ... speech resignation n TOEFL Prep I Find the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to each word in the left-hand column. Write the letter in the blank. 1. compensate (a) good at finding business opportunities 2....
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20
Mcgraw Hill 400 Must Have Words For The Toefl - Culture
... systems, like the Latin alphabet, use the same few characters, recombined in thousands of ways to make different words. 1. According to this reading, how did the invention of the printing press benefit ... just maintain the status quo until we can think of a better way. TOEFL Prep I Find the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to each word in the left-hand column. Write the letter in the ... matter of opinion.Art that most people consider to have no intrinsic value can contain a great treasure of ideas and invention to someone who sees something special in it. Styles in all the arts...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20
Mcgraw Hill 400 Must Have Words For The Toefl - Government and Justice
... he learned all kinds of villainy while being jailed for a minor crime. Parts of speech villain n, villainous adj TOEFL Prep I Find the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the opposite ... you have learned. Answer the question that follows. The Spanish explorer Pizarro’s abduction of the Inca King Atahualpa came in 1529. His men detained the king, coerced the Incas into paying a ... closest in meaning to each word in the left-hand column. Write the letter in the blank. 1. cartel (a) stop 2. interdict (b) remaining 3. juxtaposed (c) next to 4. residual (d) without drawing attention 5....
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20
Mcgraw Hill 400 Must Have Words For The Toefl - Relationships
... caught in a dilemma between traveling by airplane and taking a train, which is slower but more comfortable. 5. engender v. To bring into being; to cause to exist The government’s warnings about ... family living in the same community. b. Family members spreading out and living in various cities. c. Young couples living with the man’s parents. d. It is impossible to tell from this reading. 160 Relationships Billy ... Latino Student Association in their effort to get a Spanish-speaking principal. Usage tips Solidarity is usually used in political contexts. 10. willing adj. Agreeable and ready to do something Because...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20