wordpress 24-hour trainer
... Housekeeping Chores 243 How Is Your Site Doing? 24Lesson 32: 5 Monitoring Pingbacks and Incoming Links 245 Pingbacks and Trackbacks 245 Incoming Links 246 Monitoring Site Statistics 247 Try It 248 Lesson ... PM www.it-ebooks.info Introduction While WordPress is currently the world’s number one blogging software, this is not a book about blogging. In WordPress 24- Hour Trainer, you learn how to use this ... not to be confused with the free, hosted blogs you can sign up for at WordPress. com. While much of WordPress 24- Hour Trainer applies to the hosted version (how to enter content, how to upload...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 17:11
... OVERVIEW OF WORDPRESS THEMES 241 What Is a WordPress Theme? 241 Choosing a WordPress Theme 243 Try It 245 LESSON 28: CREATING A CHILD THEME 247 What Is a Child Theme? 247 Starting a Child Theme 248 Installing ... 273 Step-by-Step 273 INTRODUCTION ALTHO UGH WORDPRESS is currently the world’s number-one blogging software, this is not a book about blogging. In WordPress 24- Hour Trainer, you learn how to use this ... Database 301 Some Database Backup Plugins 302 Backup Services 302 WordPress ® 24- Hour Trainer 4 x LESSON 1 THINKING LIKE WORDPRESS ways to use part of that content on another page as well....
Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 15:43
... 12:56:41 PM Crider rs.indd V3- 12/16/2011 Page vi SharePoint® Server 2010 Administration 24- Hour Trainer Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN ... 11:53:27 AM Crider rs.indd V3- 12/16/2011 Page v SharePoint ® Server 2010 Administration 24 HOUR TRAINER Bill Crider Martin Reid Clint Richardson ffirs.indd vffirs.indd v 1/9/2012 1:02:48 ... xvi xvi CONTENTS LESSON 4: USING CUSTOM THEMES 23 Accessing the Site Themes Page 23 Creating a Theme 24 Select a Theme 24 Customizing Themes 25 Selecting Colors 25 Preview the Theme 26 Try It 27 Lesson Requirements...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:21
Knight’s Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services 24-Hour Trainer ppt
... Knight's 24- Hour Trainer: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services, Knight's Microsoft Business Intelligence 24- Hour Trainer, and SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence 24- Hour Trainer. ... MAKING A PACKAGE DYNAMIC WITHVARIABLES 241 Try It 244 Lesson Requirements 244 Hints 244 Step-by-Step 244 LESSON 33: MAKING A PACKAGE DYNAMIC WITH PARAMETERS 249 Try It 250 Lesson Requirements 251 Hints ... 215 Step-by-Step 215 LESSON 30: HANDLING BAD DATA WITH THE FUZZY LOOKUP 221 Try It 224 Lesson Requirements 224 Hints 224 Step-by-Step 224 LESSON 31: REMOVING DUPLICATES WITH THE FUZZY GROUPING TRANSFORM 231 Try...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:20
Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer ppt
... valid: int luckyNumber= myLotteryNumber.get(23); Even though get(23) will return the value of the 24 th element (the numbering in Java collections starts with zero) as an Integer object, that ... 12; char grade = ‘A’; boolean cancelJob = false; double nationalIncome = 23863494965745.78; float hourlyRate = 12.50f; // add an f at the end of //float literals long totalCars = 4637283648392l; ... to P2P and Wrox books. To read the FAQs, click the FAQ link on any P2P page. www.it-ebooks.info 24 LESSON 3 obJEct-orIEntEd programmIng The empty parentheses after the method name mean that...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 17:20
Firewalls 24 Seven 2nd Ed
... registered trademarks or trademarks of SYBEX Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. 24seven and the 24seven logo are trademarks of SYBEX Inc. 1 Table of Contents Chapter 9: Virtual Private ... users or Trojan horses from setting up a service on a client station in the port range above 1 024 and simply listening for connection attempts from the outside. Firewalls (stateful inspection ... bought, and it goes to the highest bidder. Would someone at your company who makes ten dollars an hour think twice about selling their account name and password for a hundred thousand dollars? Money...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2012, 14:56
công tác tổ chức và quản lý lao động ở Công ty xây dựng thuỷ lợi 24.doc
... Thuỷ lợi 24 theo quyết định số 105/QĐ/TCCB - LĐ của Bộ Thuỷ lợi nay là Bộ Nông nghiệp và phát triển nông thôn. CÔNG TY XÂY DỰNG THUỶ LỢI 24. Tên giao dịch: Hydraulic Construction Company No24. Trụ ... Huy PHẦN I I - GIỚI THIỆU CHUNG VỀ CÔNG TY XÂY DỰNG THUỶ LỢI 24. 1- Quá trình hình thành và phát triển của công ty. Công ty xây dựng thuỷ lợi 24 thuộc tổng công ty cơ điện - xây dựng nông nghiệp và ... ty xây dựng thuỷ lợi 24& quot;. Chúng ta có thể khẳng định vai trò đặc biệt quan trọng của công tác tổ chức quản lý lao động nói chung và của Công ty xây dựng thuỷ lợi 24 nói riêng trọng việc...
Ngày tải lên: 01/10/2012, 16:59
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