word form for grade 7

Word form for grade 9

Word form for grade 9

... further ___________________ (inform) 25- This book is very ________________ (inform) 26- Look at the ___________________. Rain Bi looks handsome. (advertise) 27- It is an ___________________ ... ________________. (pollute) 70 - He used all his ____________ to force the door open. STRONG 71 - The police are interested in the sudden ____________ of the valuable painting. APPEAR 72 - My teacher ____________ ... ____________. SATISFY 76 - The council has promised to deal with the problem of ____________ among young people. EMPLOY 77 - Tung had eaten so much he had to ____________ his belt. LOOSE 78 - The dictionaries...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2013, 01:27

4 3,7K 146


Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 03:00

3 2K 35
Aptitude Test for grade 12

Aptitude Test for grade 12

... claimed D. emitted 35. A. pointed B. evolved C. planned D. showed 36. A. forming B. formulating C. performing D. burdening 37. A. prepare B. process C. undertake D. fit 38. A. repairs B. fixings ... the correct form of the word given. 1. Those _______________ (respect) students should be punished severely. 2. The thing I hate most about Mary is her _______________ (honest). 3. He forgave his ... _______________ (precise). 14. Unfortunately, I do not have the information because our records are _______________ (complete). 15. If the exercise causes _______________ (comfortable), stop immediately. 16....

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2013, 01:26

3 1,3K 5
Written test for grade 10 (term I)

Written test for grade 10 (term I)

... looking forward to hearing your compliments. Of course, you will thank them for the meal and for their kindness. It is also a good idea to send a (40) ______note the day after. Answer: 36) 37) ... English for April. A B C D 30). Why do you use this machine for? A B C D Question V: Rewrite these sentences beginning the words given: 26). Everyone loves her. she is kind. Because . 27) . Peter ... 2008-2009 *0* Key for first term test (grade 10) (40 X 0.25 = 10 Points) Câu I Câu IV: 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. B 11. D 12. A 13. C 14. A 15. A 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. B 20....

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2013, 01:26

14 1,8K 12
Bai tap Word form

Bai tap Word form

... the night before. 3. She was the only visitor (admission, admissible admissibility, admittance, admitted) into the sickroom. 4. She is one of the greatest (perform, performer, performance performing) ... prices, but is very ( inform, information, informative, informer )…… about everything else. 11. These qualities are ( sufficient, sufficiently, sufficiency, suffice )……… for the number of orders ... uncomfortably ) 3. Always read a label on a product, it can give you some useful ( inform, information, informer, informative ) 4. It is a nice shop and the assistants are all polite and very ( help,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/06/2013, 01:26

16 20K 574
1st English TEST for grade 10

1st English TEST for grade 10

... Exercise 5: Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.(2m) My name is Seumas McSporran and I'm a very busy man. I'm 60 years ... summer 150 tourists come by boat every day. Every weekday I get up at 6.00 and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8.00 I drive the island's children to school. At 9.00 I collect the ... d. The shop where they work 3. Tourists to the island. a. sail b. drive c. swim d. fly 4. The word "it" in paragraph 3 refers to a. Beer b. Boat c. Post d. Pub 5. According to the...

Ngày tải lên: 25/06/2013, 01:27

2 2,3K 12
word form exercise1

word form exercise1

... education ). 125) John is old enough to be ………… of his parents ( depend ). WORD FORM EXERCISE. Supply the correct form of the word in the parentheses. 1) He is a …… boy. He’s always asking questions ... achieve ). 136) ………….is often more useful than definition for giving the meaning of words ( illustrate ). 1 37) The boy was given a prize for regular …………….( attend ). 138) His discoveries has a ... finished her best ………….( perform ). 15) She ………… goes to the pictures with her younger sister ( frequency). 16) The cartoon last night was very ………….( interest). 17) Last night the singer sang...

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2013, 01:25

4 2,2K 109
Test for grade 12

Test for grade 12

... {  ­  ­  ­  07. ­  |  ­  ­  16. ­  ­  ­  ~  25. ­  |  ­  ­  34. ­  ­  }  ­  08. {  ­  ­  ­  17. ­  ­  }  ­  26. ­  ­  ­  ~  35. {  ­  ­  ­  09. {  ­  ­  ­  18. ­  ­  ­  ~  27. ­  ­  }  ­  Đáp ... {  ­  ­  ­  07. {  ­  ­  ­  16. {  ­  ­  ­  25. ­  ­  ­  ~  34. ­  ­  ­  ~  08. ­  ­  }  ­  17. ­  |  ­  ­  26. ­  |  ­  ­  35. ­  ­  }  ­  09. ­  |  ­  ­  18. {  ­  ­  ­  27. {  ­  ­  ­  ... ­  |  ­  ­  07. ­  |  ­  ­  16. ­  ­  ­  ~  25. ­  ­  }  ­  34. ­  ­  }  ­  08. {  ­  ­  ­  17. ­  |  ­  ­  26. ­  ­  }  ­  35. ­  ­  }  ­  09. ­  |  ­  ­  18. ­  ­  ­  ~  27. {  ­  ­  ­  Đáp...

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2013, 01:25

14 841 2
Word form list

Word form list

... fixture flat flower fold, folder follower, following force forest, deforestation, forestry forgetfulness forgiveness form, formation, transformation, reformer, transformer formality fortune freebie, freedom freeze, ... unfixed flat flowered/flowery, flowering folded, folding following forceful, forcible forested forgetful, unforgettable forgiving, unforgiving reformed formal, informal fortunate, unfortunate free freezing, frozen frequent, ... refill finalize finish fish fit fix flatten flower fold, unfold follow force forget forgive form, reform, transform formalize Adverbs finally firmly fishily fittingly flat, flatly forcefully, forcibly forgetfully free freeze frequent freshen,...

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2013, 01:26

12 8,7K 272
word form

word form

... international 9. Workers demand prompt ……………… from their employers. a. pay b. payment c. paying d. paid Word form A- Xác định từ loại dựa vào cấu trúc caâu I- S/N + V + O/N + Adv Determiners + ( Adj ) + ... c. rob d. robbing 27. Japan is an ……………………country. a. industry b. industrial c. industrialize d. industrialization 28. She is so busy with …………activities that she has no time for entertainment. a. ... c. rob d. robbing 7. Japan is an ……………………country. a. industry b. industrial c. industrialize d. industrialization 8. She is so busy with …………activities that she has no time for entertainment. a....

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2013, 01:25

6 1,9K 212
Word form

Word form

... ________________. (pollute) 70 - He used all his ____________ to force the door open. STRONG 71 - The police are interested in the sudden ____________ of the valuable painting. APPEAR 72 - My teacher ____________ ... ____________. SATISFY 76 - The council has promised to deal with the problem of ____________ among young people. EMPLOY 77 - Tung had eaten so much he had to ____________ his belt. LOOSE 78 - The dictionaries ... take this examination. COURAGE 73 - Recently health foods have increased in ____________. POPULAR 74 - The old lady hid all her ____________ under the floor. SAVE 75 - Your money will be refunded...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2013, 01:25

4 1,5K 133
ôn tập word form

ôn tập word form

... ÔN TậP WORD FORM LớP 9 (UNIT 1, UNIT 2, UNIT 3) 1. many (Malaysia) friends will visit me next week 2. they ... Vietnam is (modern) everyday. 4. we are interested in comfort and (modern) 5. we were (impress) by her beauty. 6. that building is so (impress). 7. try to make a good (impress) on other people 8. as ... (friend), nobody likes her. 9. we are impressed by their (friend) 10. we hope our (friend) will last forever. 11. their job is to (beauty) women. 12. she welcomed all the (visit) to Vietnam. 13. she...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2013, 01:25

2 2,3K 178
English department to test for grade 6

English department to test for grade 6

... Listening. 66 UNIT 7 : YOUR HOUSE 67 Test 1 67 Test 2 69 Test 3 73 Reading. 75 Listening. 76 UNIT 8 : OUT AND ABOUT 79 Test 1 79 Test 2 81 Test 3 84 Listening. 87 UNIT 9 : THE BODY ... Answers: 1 87 UNIT 13 1 87 Test 1 1 87 Test 2 1 87 Test 3 1 87 Listening script 188 Answers : 188 UNIT 14 188 Test 1 189 Test 2 189 Test 3 189 Listening script 189 Test 1 57 Test 2 60 ... terrible 7. Which sentence is correct? A. How’s about going for a walk? B. What’s about going for a walk? C. What you say we go for a walk? D. Why don’t we go for a walk? 8. Which word contains...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 10:39

194 1,3K 3
30 Practice tests for grade 11(me li luon)

30 Practice tests for grade 11(me li luon)

... 114. C 69. C 70 . B 85. B 100. A 115. A 70 . C 71 . C 86. B 101. D 116. A 71 . 72 . A 87. B 102. C 1 17. D 72 . 73 . B 88. A 103. C 118. A 73 . 74 . A 89. D 104. C 119. B 74 . 75 . B 90. B ... 40. A 55. A 70 . B 26. A 41. C 56. D 71 . 27. B 42. D 57. B 72 . 28. C 43. B 58. A 73 . 29. C 44. A 59. A 74 . 30. B 45. B 60. B 75 . Keys to 4 1. A 16. B 31. C 46. D 2. D 17. B 32. A 47. A 3. A 18. ... C 39. D 54. B 69. 24. A 40. A 55. A 70 . 25. B 41. C 56. C 71 . 26. A 42. D 57. D 72 . 27. B 43. C 58. B 73 . Keys to 6 1. A 16. A 31. B 46. C 2. C 17. B 32. B 47. B 3. D 18. B 33. A 48. C 4. B 19....

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 14:10

31 1,1K 11
Bài tập word form

Bài tập word form

... explaint for his absence ( explain) 34. Graduates find it more and more difficult to find employment ( employ) 35. the team has had a appointment start to the lesson ( disappoint) Bài tập Word Forms 1. ... very happy because his application for a has been accepted ( schorlar) => schorlarship 22. In the era of developement and intergration, there is a great demand for skillful in our country ( ... Mike is very happy because his application for a has been accepted ( schorlar) 22. In the era of developement and intergration, there is a great demand for skillful in our country ( technical) 23....

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 14:47

3 22K 1,9K
exercise: pronunciation and word form

exercise: pronunciation and word form

... cabs 5.a. caps b. presents c. papers d. picks 6. a. tasks b. entertains c. conveys d. ideas 7. a. sleeps b. sets c. words d. wakes 8.a. does b. lives c. plays d. makes 9.a. thoughts b. listens c. feels ... participation b. successful c. competitor d. enthusiast 12.a. spirit b. impress c. event d. perform 13.a. initiate b. medical c. rapidly d. possible 14.a. injured b. famine c. earthquake d. result 15.a. ... speaks d. bags 15.a. dates b. kids c. speeds d. days 16.a. times b. halves c. photographs d. finds 17. a. writes b. stops c. waits d. lives 18.a. tells b. comes c. stays d. visits 19.a. caves b. hosts...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2013, 09:10

3 1,5K 177


Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2013, 11:10

2 1,2K 56

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