wireless lan security seminar ppt



...  While security is important for all networks, wireless LANs deserve special consideration since they are subject to an increased level of risk. First, since wireless extends beyond ... VLANs and, depending on the given wired infrastructure, can be difficult to configure and maintain. Alternately, Meraki provides an integrated LAN Isolation feature. LAN Isolation causes wireless ... false sense of security.        Companies deploying a wireless network need to take security into consideration. However, security does...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20

13 585 0
Tài liệu Aironet Wireless LAN Fundamentals ppt

Tài liệu Aironet Wireless LAN Fundamentals ppt

... Island, Clipperton Island, Cocos Island, Colombia, Cook Island, Coral Sea Islands, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Europa Island, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Glorioso Islands, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guam, ... Solomon Islands, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Spratly Islands, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tromelin Island, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uruguay, US Virgin Islands, Venezuela, Wake Island, Western ... Aironet Wireless LAN Fundamentals (AWLF) v3.1 iii Table of Contents Volume 1 Introduction1-1 Overview1-1 Agenda1-2 Cisco Wireless 1-3 Wireless Data Networks 1-4 WLAN Evolution 1-5 Cisco Wireless...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 15:15

590 1,3K 5
Tài liệu Is It the Network? Solving VoIP Problems on a Wireless LAN ppt

Tài liệu Is It the Network? Solving VoIP Problems on a Wireless LAN ppt

... 802.11i FSR. Unfortunately, if your wireless LAN features APs that are not managed by WLAN controllers, PKC is unav ailable to you. Wireless LANs built without WLAN controllers were not completely ... with the vulnerabilities in wireless LAN security can be downright dangerous. In the past, most VoIP handset vendors supported only Wired Equiv alent Priv acy (WEP) security on V oIP handsets. ... deploy wireless V oIP while k eeping the rest of the network secure . Most wireless APs support multiple SSIDs, which can be tagged to unique VLANs. Segmenting WEP-only phones onto their own VLAN...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 09:20

11 478 0
Tài liệu Wireless Network Security and Interworking pptx

Tài liệu Wireless Network Security and Interworking pptx

... problems. Index Terms— Wireless LAN, Land mobile radio cellular systems, Internetworking, Communication system security, Com- puter network security, Data security I. INTRODUCTION Wireless communication ... Maryland, College Park. His current research interests include wireless networks, the security of wireless mesh networks, and 3G/WLAN integration security. Contact him at mhshin@cs.umd.edu. Justin Ma ... common security algorithms,” 3GPP2 Techinical Specifications, Dec. 2002. [32] G. Koien and G. Rose, “Access security in CDMA2000, including a comparison with UMTS access security, ” IEEE Wireless...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 16:20

11 689 0
Tài liệu cwnaTMCertified Wireless Network AdministratorOfficial Study GuideEndorsed by the Wireless LAN AssociationIndustry Approved!TMExam PW0-100Objective-by-Objective coverage of the CWNA certification examVendor-neutral wireless network trainin pptx

Tài liệu cwnaTMCertified Wireless Network AdministratorOfficial Study GuideEndorsed by the Wireless LAN AssociationIndustry Approved!TMExam PW0-100Objective-by-Objective coverage of the CWNA certification examVendor-neutral wireless network trainin pptx

... This Chapter The Wireless LAN Market Applications of Wireless LANs CWNA Study Guide © Copyright 2002 Planet3 Wireless, Inc. Chapter 1 - Introduction to Wireless LANs 10 There are ... 2002 Planet3 Wireless, Inc. Introduction xxv Wireless LAN Security – 16% 4.1. Protection 4.1.1. Identify the strengths, weaknesses and appropriate uses of the following wireless LAN security ... 4.3. Security Solutions 4.3.1. Given a wireless LAN scenario, identify the appropriate security solution from the following available wireless LAN security solutions  WEP key solutions  Wireless...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 15:20

390 2K 2
How To Set Up Wireless Network Security ppt

How To Set Up Wireless Network Security ppt

... up Workstation’s WEP Key. 2a. If you are using D-Link Wireless Utility to configure your D-Link Wireless Card: 1. Open the D-Link AirPlus wireless utility by double-clicking on the bar graph ... Start > Control Panel > Network) 2. Select your Wireless LAN Card, right click on the icon and select “Properties”. Click on Wireless Network” tab. 3. Select the Access Point which ... XP Wireless Utility as an example. 2. Right click on “My Network Places” on your desktop and select “Properties” (or go to Start > Control Panel > Network). 3. Select your Wireless LAN...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

28 410 0
Cisco Small Business - RV220W Wireless-N Network Security Firewall ppt

Cisco Small Business - RV220W Wireless-N Network Security Firewall ppt

... Configuring the Wireless Network 63 About Wireless Security 63 Wireless Security Tips 64 General Network Security Guidelines 65 Understanding the Cisco RV220W’s Wireless Networks 66 Configuring Wireless ... 39 Enabling VLANs 39 Creating a VLAN 40 Configuring Port VLANs 41 Associating the Wireless Port to VLANs 42 Configuring Multiple VLAN Subnets 43 Configuring IPv6 LAN Properties 44 Configuring IPv6 ... other VLANS. To associate a LAN port to a VLAN: STEP 1 Choose Networking > LAN > Port VLAN. STEP 2 In the Port VLANs Table, check the box in the row of the LAN port that you want to configure...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20

178 649 0


... [3] X. Du, H. Chen, " ;Security in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Wireless Communications, 2008. [4] J. Granjal, R. Silva, J. Silva, " ;Security in Wireless Sensor Networks", ... networks are diverse, we focus on security of Wireless Sensor Network in this paper. We propose some of the security goal for Wireless Sensor Network. Further, security being vital to the acceptance ... threat analysis of Wireless Sensor Network. We also propose some countermeasures against these threats in Wireless Sensor Network. K EYWORDS Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Security 1. I NTRODUCTION ...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 22:20

10 365 0
Wireless Network Security: Vulnerabilities, Threats and Countermeasures ppt

Wireless Network Security: Vulnerabilities, Threats and Countermeasures ppt

... the usual respond to wireless security threats and vulnerabilities, wireless security is primarily a management issue. Effective management of the threats associated with wireless technology ... solutions for countering those threats. Keywords : Wireless Network, Wireless Security, Wireless Threats, Signal-Hiding 1. Introduction Wireless networking presents many advantages Productivity ... As is the case with wired security, users are the key component to wireless networking security. Indeed, the importance of training and educating users about secure wireless behavior cannot...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 22:20

10 685 0
Đánh giá chất lượng dịch vụ trên mạng Wireless LAN

Đánh giá chất lượng dịch vụ trên mạng Wireless LAN

... QoS trong mạng Wireless LAN 4 Chương 2 2 Giới thiệu mạng cục bộ không dây 2.1 Khái nim mng cc b không dây WLAN Mạng cục bộ không dây Wireless Local Area Network – WLAN là một hệ thống ... Thiết bị không dây điển hình: Wireless Access Point và card mạng không dây Ngoài ra trong hệ thống WLAN chúng ta còn một số khái niệm sau: Trạm không dây – Wireless LAN Station Trạm không dây ... Đặng Quý Dương Cao học XLTT 2005-2007 QoS trong mạng Wireless LAN iv Danh Mục Hình vẽ Hình 2-1: Thiết bị không dây điển hình: Wireless Access Point và card mạng không dây 4 Hình 2-2:...

Ngày tải lên: 10/11/2012, 10:07

95 717 5
Wireless network security

Wireless network security

... các thiết bị wireless mới được chứng nhận bởi Wi-Fi Alliance Wireless VLANs Personal Wireless Security  Bảo mật wireless điển hình được chia thành 2 loại:  Personal wireless security: thiết ...  WPA2 Personal Security  Enterprise Wireless Security  IEEE 802.11i  WPA Enterprise Security  WPA2 Enterprise Security  Enterprise Wireless Security Devices Device Authentication ... một thành phần của mạng wireless. WPA Enterprise Security TKIP Encryption Personal Wireless Security Lịch sử của WIFI  Sau thời gian ngắn phát hành 2 chuẩn mạng wireless 802.11b và 802.11a,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2013, 23:02

47 702 1

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