what is the best definition of energy conservation

What Is the Cognitive Neuroscience of Art… and Why Should We Care? ppt

What Is the Cognitive Neuroscience of Art… and Why Should We Care? ppt

... consider the case of neuroaesthetics. This new branch of empirical aesthetics is often dened as the study of the neural processes underlying aesthetic experience. In other words, the job of neuroaestheticians ... psychologist Rolf Reber recently suggested that “art theorists… dene the criterion of what the [aesthetic] experience is expected to be; scientists… provide a test of whether this criterion is fullled.” 2 ... monthly honorarium from the Society. The editor is responsible for the content of the journal. The editor is a member of the Board of Trust- ees of the Society and serves on the Executive Committee...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

20 802 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "What is the Minimal Set of Fragments that Achieves Maximal Parse Accuracy?" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "What is the Minimal Set of Fragments that Achieves Maximal Parse Accuracy?" potx

... the product of the inside probability of the item and its prior probability. Any item with a score less than 10 −5 times of that of the best item is pruned from the chart. 4 What is the Minimal ... there may be several distinct derivations that generate the same parse tree. The probability of a parse tree T is thus the sum of the probabilities of its distinct derivations. Let t id be the ... t is converted into a context-free rule r where the lefthand side of r corresponds to the root label of t and the righthand side of r corresponds to the frontier labels of t. Indices link the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 19:20

8 303 0
What is the price of a mousetrap? The assessment of value from cloud services pptx

What is the price of a mousetrap? The assessment of value from cloud services pptx

... price of a mousetrap? Customers no longer need to know the price of servers, software and the rest of the parts making up the IT service stack. This knowledge is as useful as knowing the price of ... I discuss one functional transformation that has taken placed as a result of cloud services, namely; the impact on the assessment of value. This is a timely discourse as the vast majority of ... against their cloud services costs. This is best seen as a ‘generation one’ performance measure. This measure is no longer suitable for the assessment of value from cloud services. It is akin...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 02:20

3 508 0
The Causal Effect of Education on Health: What is the Role of Health Behaviors? pot

The Causal Effect of Education on Health: What is the Role of Health Behaviors? pot

... ε icgbt (24) where X is a vector of controls, B the vector of behaviors, ε is the error term, i denotes the individual, c the country, t the year of the interview, g gender, and b is the birth cohort. Following ... males). While the precision of the estimates of the effects of behaviors declines with respect to the micro data, we cannot reject the null hypoth- esis that these effects are jointly statistically ... the case of males the positive effect of education on the number of diseases is driven by the fact that better educated males choose more intensive screening. Turning to the decomposition of the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20

39 620 0
What is the impact of microfinance on poor people? a sysTemaTic review of evidence from sub-saharan africa pptx

What is the impact of microfinance on poor people? a sysTemaTic review of evidence from sub-saharan africa pptx

... only these kinds of studies are rigorous, as will be discussed in Section 2 of this report. 2. Synthesise what these studies tell us about: a. The impact of microfinance on the incomes of the ... brings together all these studies, and assesses the nature of the evidence of the impact of microfinance on the poor in SSA. Given this paucity, the particular nature of MFIs in SSA, and the policy ... poor b. The impact of microfinance on wider poverty/ wealth of the poor c. The impact of microfinance on other non-financial outcomes for the poor. The volume and nature of the evidence is varied...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

104 546 0
Free Movement of Goods and Their Use – What Is the Use of It? pptx

Free Movement of Goods and Their Use – What Is the Use of It? pptx

... prevented them from trading quite as they wished, the cases on the use of goods discussed in this Article signal the end of the slippery slope approach of allowing any expansion of the type of measures ... on freedom of movement, namely the criterion of access to the market.” 80 This would be “based on the effect of the measure on access to the market rather than on the object of the rules involved.” ... firm rejection of siren calls in favor of the importance of the unity of the internal market within the European Union. II. PARADISE REGAINED? The first of the cases under discussion to come...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 06:20

42 761 0


... I include a discussion of the quality of the empirical evidence base at the end of each section. TABLE 3-1 Matrix of the Quality of the Evidence and Different Components of the Professional Development System Quality ... It is at these other levels one must look to deter- mine the impact of the NSES on the science curriculum in the nation’s schools. 82 WHAT IS THE INFLUENCE OF THE NSES? Student Accountability The ... that establishes a reasonable link between the NSES and the professional development system, then the evidence of the influence of the NSES on the system of professional development is variable....

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 12:20

223 480 0
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Research Open Access What is the relationship docx

Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Research Open Access What is the relationship docx

... test the hypothesis of homogene- ity of MID across the nine studies. If there was no statisti- cal evidence of lack of homogeneity, a 95% confidence interval for the summary estimate of the MID ... establish the interpretability of the SF- 6D, a new single summary preference-based measure of health derived from the SF-36. The SF-36 is one of the most widely used HRQoL outcome measures in the ... (global change of 1 or 2) the sign of the change in the SF-6D score was reversed (i.e. multiplied by minus one). The MID was then taken as the mean change on the SF-6D scale of the patients who...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

8 485 0
Cutting Tool Materials What is the use of a book docx

Cutting Tool Materials What is the use of a book docx

... established the current status of the tool- ing within the manufacturing facility, this allows for a tooling rationalisation campaign to be developed. Tool rationalisation (Fig. 1) consists of ... depths of cut more ef- fectively, for the desired production objectives. By op- timisation here of the machining parameters, this al- lows full utilisation of the capital equipment, with the result ... su- cient for the temperature generated at the tool’s tip, then it will degrade quickly and be useless. • Resistance to thermal shock – this is necessary in order to overcome the eects of the continuous...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20

31 456 0
What qualities and skills are needed for the managers to manage people?• What is the importance of good human resources management

What qualities and skills are needed for the managers to manage people? • What is the importance of good human resources management

...  Staff training is an integral part of the overall development strategy of the business.  Staff are not trained or not trained fit is the main cause leading to the current state enterprises are not ...  There are many kinds of conflict, a good manager is a person who can aware what are the best ways to resolve conflicts logically.  Resolving conflict may include: listen for what is felt ... performance of an individual in a large organization where the air is due to work or the work culture of the organization that brings 3. Increase work efficiency  Managers use motivation in the workplace...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 10:33

33 3,9K 10
Báo cáo y học: "What is the clinical and ethical importance of incidental abnormalities found by knee MRI" docx

Báo cáo y học: "What is the clinical and ethical importance of incidental abnormalities found by knee MRI" docx

... prevalence estimate. However, this is the first study in this area. Our findings raise issues for the planning of studies and ethi- cal issues related to the obligation of the physician-researcher to ... to the pur- pose of the imaging, are not missed. There may be a number of ways of providing this function apart from review by a mus- culoskeletal radiologist or other suitably trained specialist. Whilst ... read the MRI scans: they are not usually trained in musculoskeletal radiology or MRI beyond the measurements they perform. The researcher is obliged to put the health of the participant above the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:22

6 467 0
Báo cáo y học: "Value of anti-infective chemoprophylaxis in primary systemic vasculitis: what is the evidence" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "Value of anti-infective chemoprophylaxis in primary systemic vasculitis: what is the evidence" pdf

... a role in the aetiology of the disease itself [44]. Disease stage and phase of therapy In PSV, and especially in SVV, the therapeutic approach usually consists of an induction of remission and ... higher GC doses, are utilised. Furthermore, in SVV the selection of drugs depends on the stage of the disease: in the localised and early systemic stage - that is, disease without threatened ... Although there is an ongoing need for better definitions of risk factors, from the available data it is quite clear that prolonged high-dose GC use is of central significance. Therefore, the reduction...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22

11 452 0

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