what can you do to more fully engage your employees

Xây dựng chiến lược kinh doanh công ty cổ phần khoáng sản VIGACERA

Xây dựng chiến lược kinh doanh công ty cổ phần khoáng sản VIGACERA

... advantage to succeed The enterprise can automatically create a competitive advantage for themselves, if it does take reasonable steps to win the top position in attracting customers than competitors ... goods today as follows: - Thang Long Ceramic: 2000 tons/4000 tons approximately 50% of demand - Hanoi Tiles: 1000 tons/3000 tons approximately 30% of demand - Micado Ceramic: 1000 tons/4000 tons ... 1000 tons/1000 tons equal 100% of demand - VFG Glass: 1000 tons/1000 tons equal 100% of demand - VIFG Glass: 400 tons/600 tons approximately 70% of demand - Chu Lai Glass: 2000 tons/2000 tons...

Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2016, 13:44

91 439 0
Project management institute a guide to the project management body of knowledge  PMBOK project management institute (2013)

Project management institute a guide to the project management body of knowledge PMBOK project management institute (2013)

... Authority Little or None Low Low to Moderate Moderate to High High to Almost Total Resource Availability Little or None Low Low to Moderate Moderate to High High to Almost Total Who manages the project ... Stakeholder Engagement: Tools and Techniques 407 13.3.3 Manage Stakeholder Engagement: Outputs 408 13.4 Control Stakeholder Engagement 409 13.4.1 Control Stakeholder Engagement: ... Stakeholder Engagement: Inputs, Tools & Techniques, and Outputs .404 Figure 13-9 Manage Stakeholder Engagement Data Flow Diagram 405 Figure 13-10 Control Stakeholder Engagement: Inputs, Tools...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 11:00

616 899 4
Guide to the project management   body of knowledge pmbok2004

Guide to the project management body of knowledge pmbok2004

... programs For more information, please write to Bookstore Administrator, PMI Publications, Four Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA, or e-mail: booksonline@pmi.org Or contact your local ... recent years to manage more activities in more application areas using project management More organizations are using “management by project.” This is not to say that all operations can or should ... authorizes a project to create a new course in order to increase its revenues) A customer request (e.g., an electric utility authorizes a project to build a new substation to serve a new industrial...

Ngày tải lên: 22/11/2013, 14:21

403 551 0
Tài liệu Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge pdf

Tài liệu Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge pdf

... are documents (e.g., a scope statement) or documentable items (e.g., activity dependencies) Tools and techniques are the mechanisms applied to the inputs to create the outputs In addition to its ... power as “the potential ability to influence behavior, to change the course of events, to overcome resistance, and to get people to things that they would not otherwise do. ” In similar fashion, Eccles ... Internationalization As more and more organizations engage in work which spans national boundaries, more and more projects span national boundaries as well In addition to the traditional concerns...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 15:15

182 854 1
Tài liệu Final Report "Evaluation of time management skill of the 3rd year students in FFL - HUT" pptx

Tài liệu Final Report "Evaluation of time management skill of the 3rd year students in FFL - HUT" pptx

... Entertainment and Relaxation: College is more than studying You need to have a social life, yet, you need to have a balance in your life Make Sure you Have Time to Sleep and Eat Properly: Sleep is ... students to help them realize what they have done well, what were their limitations to improve and finally to help them good time managements habit to cope with coming ESP next terms This topic ... Surroundings are Conducive to Studying: This will allow you to reduce distractions which can "waste time." If there are times in the residence halls or your apartment when you know there will be...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 12:15

11 688 1
Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Part 1 ppt

Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Part 1 ppt

... recent years to manage more activities in more application areas using project management More organizations are using “management by project.” This is not to say that all operations can or should ... authorizes a project to create a new course in order to increase its revenues) • A customer request (e.g., an electric utility authorizes a project to build a new substation to serve a new industrial ... learns more about a project, the team can then manage to a greater level of detail The term “project management” is sometimes used to describe an organizational or managerial approach to the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 13:15

45 828 1


... themselves designed to exert control over the factors that can be controlled, to predict the values of uncontrollable factors and to influence the values of these uncontrollable factors 67.1.2 Mutually ... stakeholders and what is it that they seek from the project in order to continue to contribute to its success Next, strategies should be developed to meet the "inducements" necessary to satisfy the ... know which actions to repeat and which to delete in the future That is, there can be no organizational learning Erroneous feedback as to the success of various actions can lead to decision error...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 14:15

18 424 0


... ends unto themselves For each level WBS item, we proceed to elaborate means and ends until we arrive at means that are very familiar tasks, at which point we cease factoring the project into more ... tell us our total variance for the task and we, by the computation of more detailed variances, seek to trace its causes There are five potential causes for any total variance: We did more or less ... to divide the cost variance into its labor and material elements We should be able to trace the schedule variance to a scheduled plan The reporting system should also contain the capability to...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 14:15

22 416 0
Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Part 2 docx

Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Part 2 docx

... responsibilities prior to scope definition, since what can be done is dependent on who is available to it • Some process inputs are predefined as constraints For example, management can specify a target ... becomes the input to another The Monitoring and Controlling Process Group, for example, not only monitors and controls the work being done during a Process Group, but also monitors and controls ... Monitoring and Controlling Process Group must also provide feedback to implement corrective or preventive actions to bring the project into compliance with the project management plan or to appropriately...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 19:15

36 734 1
Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Part 3 doc

Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Part 3 doc

... of the project is also documented Initial defined risks Identifies the known risks Schedule milestones The customer or performing organization can identify milestones and can place imposed dates ... authorizing a project to build more fuel-efficient cars in response to gasoline shortages) • A business need (e.g., a training company authorizing a project to create a new course to increase its revenues) ... feedback as the document is refined, control changes to the project charter, and release the approved document .4 Expert Judgment Expert judgment is often used to assess the inputs needed to develop...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 19:15

52 972 1
Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Part 4 ppt

Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Part 4 ppt

... dependencies are fully documented since they can create arbitrary total float values and can limit later scheduling options Discretionary dependencies are sometimes referred to as preferred logic, ... Chapter − Project Time Management Milestone List The list of schedule milestones identifies all milestones and indicates whether the milestone is mandatory (required by the contract) or optional ... detail to ensure that project team members understand what work is required to be completed The schedule activity’s scope of work can be in physical terms, such as linear feet of pipe to be installed,...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 19:15

56 735 0
Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Part 5 ppt

Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Part 5 ppt

... structure can be used to show positions and relationships in a graphic, top-down format Work breakdown structures (WBS) that are primarily designed to show how project deliverables are broken down into ... who are candidates for the project team? What are the candidates’ job descriptions? What are their supervisor-subordinate relationships? What are their supplier-customer relationships? What cultural ... referred to as the 80/20 principle, where 80 percent of the problems are due to 20 percent of the causes Pareto diagrams also can be used to summarize all types of data for 80/20 analyses ® A Guide to...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 19:15

58 647 0
Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Part 6 pptx

Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Part 6 pptx

... matrix can be used to classify risks according to their individual significance The project manager can then use the prioritized list to focus attention on those items of high significance to the ... requiring near-term responses may be considered more urgent to address Indicators of priority can include time to effect a risk response, symptoms and warning signs, and the risk rating 11.3.3 ... possible to develop a proactive response Organizations perceive risk as it relates to threats to project success, or to opportunities to enhance chances of project success Risks that are threats to...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 19:15

61 678 0
Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Part 7 doc

Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Part 7 doc

... Robert Templeton J Tidhar Alex Walton Rebecca Winston Shakir H Zuberi Production Staff Special mention is due to the following employees of PMI Communications: Jeannette M Cabanis, Editor, Book ... applicable to most projects most of the time, and having widespread consensus about their value and usefulness.) • Add clarification to text and figures to make this document more beneficial to users ... substantial contributors to the 2000 Edition: John R Adams Alan Stretton William R Duncan R Max Wideman Matthew H Parry Production Staff Special mention is due to the following employees of PMI:...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 19:15

90 561 0


... Ž.Despotović, M.Jovanović, Z.Stojiljković, “Tiristorski pretvarač za pogon elektromagnetnih vibratora”, X simpozijum Energetska elektronika – Ee ’99, N.Sad (YU), Oktobar 1999, pp.150-156 Z.Despotovic, ... N.Barjamović,“Tiristori u sistemima za doziranje rasutih materijala”, II simpozijum Energetska elektronika – Ee ’75, Beograd (YU), Oktobar 1975, pp.334-348 [6] T.Doi, K.Yoshida, Y.Tamai, K.Kono, K.Naito, T.Ono, ... controllable mechanical oscillator, independent of the supply network frequency, which was achieved a significant improvement compared to the thyristors and triacs drives [9] Transistor Power Converter...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:15

5 323 0
Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge pptx

Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge pptx

... are documents (e.g., a scope statement) or documentable items (e.g., activity dependencies) Tools and techniques are the mechanisms applied to the inputs to create the outputs In addition to its ... power as “the potential ability to influence behavior, to change the course of events, to overcome resistance, and to get people to things that they would not otherwise do. ” In similar fashion, Eccles ... Internationalization As more and more organizations engage in work which spans national boundaries, more and more projects span national boundaries as well In addition to the traditional concerns...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 23:20

182 623 0
Tài liệu Identifying and Analyzing Knowledge Management Aspects of Practices in Open Source Software Development pdf

Tài liệu Identifying and Analyzing Knowledge Management Aspects of Practices in Open Source Software Development pdf

... (Brooking 1999) Brooking suggests that to recognize the relevant characteristics, is to helpful to try to teach someone else to what the knowledge holder does A more general approach is suggested ... knowledge map can also be used to determine how relevant some specific codified knowledge is to a task or a role For example, a knowlege map can be used to decide what resources should be monitored on ... is something far more complex which is related to beliefs and tight to action Knowledge management is devoted to the manufacture of tools Tools which are used incorrectly tend to discourage the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20

81 1,4K 0
Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Third Edition ppt

Tài liệu A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Third Edition ppt

... programs For more information, please write to Bookstore Administrator, PMI Publications, Four Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA, or e-mail: booksonline@pmi.org Or contact your local ... recent years to manage more activities in more application areas using project management More organizations are using “management by project.” This is not to say that all operations can or should ... authorizes a project to create a new course in order to increase its revenues) A customer request (e.g., an electric utility authorizes a project to build a new substation to serve a new industrial...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 01:20

405 659 0
Tài liệu Management Audit of the Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement ppt

Tài liệu Management Audit of the Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement ppt

... powers to examine all books, records, files, papers, and documents and all financial affairs of every agency The Auditor also has the authority to summon persons to produce records and to question ... wildlife; outdoor recreation; and commercial forestry Historic Preservation Division The Historic Preservation Division strives to preserve and sustain items and places of historical significance The ... Auditor as to its probable effects Health insurance analyses examine bills that propose to mandate certain health insurance benefits Such bills cannot be enacted unless they are referred to the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20

103 451 0