water level controller circuit diagram pdf

Measurement of Color, Gloss, and Translucency of White Salted Noodles- Effects of Water Addition and Vacuum Mixing.pdf

Measurement of Color, Gloss, and Translucency of White Salted Noodles- Effects of Water Addition and Vacuum Mixing.pdf

... were not affected when water addition was increased from 35 to 38%, although b* was increased if vacuum was also applied (at levels of either –55 kPa or –90 kPa). Water addition increased ... variables of water and vacuum on the boiled noodle condition. ABNY increased with increased water addition and boiling time, but decreased with increased vacuum. Noodles made with higher water addition ... increased in raw noodles, there was no effect of water addition on b* of boiled WSN (Table III). Again, in contrast to the effect of increased water addition on raw noodle color, boiled noodle...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2012, 15:25

7 660 0
Tài liệu Gate Level Modeling part 2 pdf

Tài liệu Gate Level Modeling part 2 pdf

... described circuits without any delays (i.e., zero delay). In real circuits, logic gates have delays associated with them. Gate delays allow the Verilog user to specify delays through the logic circuits. ... of gate delays to model timing in the logic circuits. A simple module called D implements the following logic equations: out = (a b) + c The gate -level implementation is shown in Module D (Figure ... +typdelays 5.2.3 Delay Example Example 5-13 Stimulus for Module D with Delay // Stimulus (top -level module) module stimulus; // Declare variables reg A, B, C; wire OUT; // Instantiate...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 03:15

6 278 0
Tài liệu Hướng dẫn-Exchange2007-phần 3-Domain Controller-Join Domain pdf

Tài liệu Hướng dẫn-Exchange2007-phần 3-Domain Controller-Join Domain pdf

... → Tại cửa sổ Operating System Compatibility chọn Next → Tại cửa sổ Domain Controller Type đánh dấu vào ô Domain controller for a new domain → Next → Tại cửa sổ Create New Domain đánh dấu ... cần ít nhất là 2 máy: 1 máy làm Domain Controller và 1 máy làm Workstation. Mô hình của bài lab như hình vẽ Chuẩn bị: - Máy Windows Server làm Domain Controller - Máy Windows XP làm Workstation ... Mode Administrator Password chọn Next → Tại cửa sổ Summary chọn Next → quá trình nâng cấp Domain Controller bắt đầu diễn ra 16 D D o o m m a a i i n n C C o o n n t t r r o o l l l l e e r r ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 20:15

6 1,3K 4
Tài liệu Run your car on water and gas double mileage! pdf

Tài liệu Run your car on water and gas double mileage! pdf

... cators Circuit schematicisdepictedbyfigure7.Twogaugesandfour lightemittingdiodes(LED’s)comprisetheIn‐DashIndicatorsassembly.TheGeneratorpressure (GENPRESS)gaugeconnectsviaahosetoitsrespectivefittingontheGeneratoritself(referto figure13).Thecylinderheadtemperature(CHT)gaugeelectricallyconnectstoasensorplaced underanenginesparkplug. WhentheGenerator water level sensorisactivatedbylow water level, its12VDCsignalissent topin2ofdetectorLM741viaa10Kresistor.Detectoroutputfrompin6triggersthebaseof powertransistorE3055T,completingthe circuit toactivatethe water pumpandilluminatethe “PUMPON”LED.The12VDCsensorsignalalsoilluminatesthe“GEN WATER LOW”LED.When Generator water risestoitsnormal level, the level sensoropens;turningoffthepumpandboth LED’s. Whenthetank water level sensorisactivatedbylow water level (at1/3tank level) ,its12VDC outputsignalilluminatesthe WATER LOW”LED.Afterrefueling(adding water) ,the level sensoropens,turningofftheLED. ... cators Circuit schematicisdepictedbyfigure7.Twogaugesandfour lightemittingdiodes(LED’s)comprisetheIn‐DashIndicatorsassembly.TheGeneratorpressure (GENPRESS)gaugeconnectsviaahosetoitsrespectivefittingontheGeneratoritself(referto figure13).Thecylinderheadtemperature(CHT)gaugeelectricallyconnectstoasensorplaced underanenginesparkplug. WhentheGenerator water level sensorisactivatedbylow water level, its12VDCsignalissent topin2ofdetectorLM741viaa10Kresistor.Detectoroutputfrompin6triggersthebaseof powertransistorE3055T,completingthe circuit toactivatethe water pumpandilluminatethe “PUMPON”LED.The12VDCsensorsignalalsoilluminatesthe“GEN WATER LOW”LED.When Generator water risestoitsnormal level, the level sensoropens;turningoffthepumpandboth LED’s. Whenthetank water level sensorisactivatedbylow water level (at1/3tank level) ,its12VDC outputsignalilluminatesthe WATER LOW”LED.Afterrefueling(adding water) ,the level sensoropens,turningofftheLED. ... MaterialsSource: 84 9 RunaCaron Water   Canthe Water hybridsystembeusedinotherways? Yes,the Water hybridsystemcanprovidefuelfrom water forjustaboutanyhomeappliance...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 04:20

114 431 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Automatic Evaluation of Sentence-Level Fluency Andrew Mutton∗" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Automatic Evaluation of Sentence-Level Fluency Andrew Mutton∗" pdf

... 2007. c 2007 Association for Computational Linguistics GLEU: Automatic Evaluation of Sentence -Level Fluency Andrew Mutton ∗ Mark Dras ∗ Stephen Wan ∗,† Robert Dale ∗ ∗ Centre for Language Technology † Information ... foreign exchange: I think people. Context-Free Grammar The production moderated Chernomyrdin which leveled gov- ernment back near own 52 over every a current at from the said by later the other. Figure ... have shown that even if it cannot be exactly defined, or even articulated by the judges, there is a high level of agreement about what is fluent and what is not. Given this data, metrics derived from parser...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20

8 508 0
Functional Skills Qualification in English at Entry Level SAMPLE ASSESSMENT MATERIALS pdf

Functional Skills Qualification in English at Entry Level SAMPLE ASSESSMENT MATERIALS pdf

... Assessment in the Functional Skills Entry Level English Centre Handbook. 40 OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Entry Level 5.1 Entry Level 2 – Speaking, Listening and Communication ... is permitted. OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Entry Level 35 4.3 Entry Level 1 – Writing Entry Level 1 Writing Task A – Favourite music The learner is required to write ... anything else that is important OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Entry Level 13 Entry Level 1 Speaking, Listening and Communication Assessment  ASSESSOR’S OBSERVATION RECORD...

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 05:20

106 765 0
Unipolar Controller Board Data pdf

Unipolar Controller Board Data pdf

... Low X8-2 High 13 High X8-2 Low 12 Low X8-1 High 12 High X8-1 Low 12/5/2005 Unipolar Controller Board Data Introduction This is a simple unipolar stepper board that can control ... the probe input to gnd to keep the LED off. Simple Initial Checkout After build verify your circuit is working correctly prior to hooking up the stepper motor. Start by only hooking up a...

Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2014, 00:20

7 110 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Aplysia temptin ) the ‘glue’ in the water-borne attractin pheromone complex pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Aplysia temptin ) the ‘glue’ in the water-borne attractin pheromone complex pdf

... of 100 lLặmin )1 . Solvents A and B consisted of 100% water ⁄ 0.1% acetic acid ⁄ 0.02% trifluoroacetic acid (v ⁄ v) and 90% CH 3 CN ⁄ 10% water ⁄ 0.08% acetic acid ⁄ 0.014% trifluoroacetic acid ... sufficient to attract ani- mals in T-maze assays [3,4]. The first water- borne pro- tein pheromone characterized in invertebrates was the water- borne Aplysia pheromone attractin [5,6], a 58-residue ... attractins, a family of water- borne protein pheromones with interspecific attractiveness. Peptides 26, 121–129. 2 Cummins SF, Nichols AE, Schein CH & Nagle GT (2006) Newly identified water- borne protein...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 05:20

13 290 0
Báo cáo " Quaternary sedimentary cycles in relation to sea level change in Vietnam " pdf

Báo cáo " Quaternary sedimentary cycles in relation to sea level change in Vietnam " pdf

... continental shelf: at30m water depthcorrelatedwithQ 2 1-2 ; at60m water depthcorrelatedwithQ 1 3b ‐Q 2 1 ;at 100‐120 m water depth correlated with Wurm 2  glaciation Q 1 3b ; at 200‐300 m water ... (Q 1 3b )(?). In 200‐300 m water depth correlated with Wurm 1  glaciation(Q 1 3a )(?),at400‐500m water depthcorrelatedwithRissglaciation(Q 1 2b )(?),at600‐700m water depthcorrelatedwithMindelglaciation(Q 1 2a )(?),andat1000‐1500m water depthcorrelated with ... and interglacialperiodsinVietnamesecontinentalshelf:theshorelinein30m water depthiscorrelated with (Q 2 1-2 ). Up to 60 m water depth is correlated with (Q 1 3b ‐Q 2 1 ) and 100‐120 m water depth is correlated...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20

9 454 0
Lund University International Master’s Programme in Environmental Science (LUMES): Assessment of Efforts to Solve the Water Pollution Problem in Kaunas pdf

Lund University International Master’s Programme in Environmental Science (LUMES): Assessment of Efforts to Solve the Water Pollution Problem in Kaunas pdf

... municipal, industrial wastewater, stormwater and mixed wastewater. There are two kinds of wastewater norms: norms for wastewater discharged into surface water bodies and for wastewater discharged into ... household waters 2. shellfish waters 3. fishery waters: 3.1. salmonid waters 3.2. cyprinid waters 4. recreation waters The specialists analyse the need for standards for each of the surface water ... contamination of wastewater. Increase in water and wastewater prices stimulates industries to reduce water consumption and wastewater production. State subsidies for water are eliminated almost...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20

48 515 0