vocabulary for ielts writing part 2

Malik elvira vocabulary for ielts writing task 2

Malik elvira vocabulary for ielts writing task 2

... Trang 2 IELTS Vocabulary for the Topic : Education top-tier institutions MOOCs, massive open online courses MOOCs ... college degree marking criteria Trang 3 IELTS Vocabulary for the Topic: Education exams can encourage surface learning a possibility of plagiarism to perform significantly better students are ... horizons to strengthen analytic and reasoning skills Trang 4 IELTS Vocabulary for the Topic: Energy avoid ground-level ozone formation prevent acid rain the lowest impact on the environment

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2023, 10:46

16 51 0
30 Topic related vocabulary for IELTS speaking part 3 + writing task 2

30 Topic related vocabulary for IELTS speaking part 3 + writing task 2

... should be twofold; apart from protecting innocent people from criminals, it should also rehabilitate former prisoners back to the society in effective ways Research shows that former prisoners almost ... ional value; people need to look for healthier alternatives that are not chemically treated Water contamination is extremely dangerous for people’s health; it is imperative to find ... attractions that provide entertainment for all ages and reflect the local culture and history of a place attract more visitors and become a longterm investment for the whole country Questions: 

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2020, 10:04

19 108 0
vocabulary for ielts writing

vocabulary for ielts writing

... LUYỆN NGHE TIẾNG ANH BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY FOR IELTS WRITING_ Fanpage: : www.facebook.com/LUYENNGHETIENGANHPRO Content Education Crime Diet, fitness and health Work Information technology Environment ... direction, but governments need to enforce the limits on CO2 emissions for the polluting industries in their countries for these to be effective Also, individuals can play a part by making lifestyle changes ... easier and more convenient for large numbers of people and will continue to do so for decades... or pictures arranged for people to look at, or a performance or show for people to watch (=

Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2016, 14:24

37 563 0
Đề và đáp án IELTS Writing part 2 năm 2015

Đề và đáp án IELTS Writing part 2 năm 2015

... shopping to look for some special things when I reached there Unfortunately, there are a variety of products and I also not know about my teacher’s hobby Therefore, finding a suitable job for her is ... Everyone believes that my mother has an eye for fashion; therefore, they often ask her for some advice She said to me that:” Dressing well is a good form of art”, so, let’s well, live well and ... volunteering at a shelter for disadvantaged children called Mai Am 19-5 since I was a university student It was part of SJ’s effort aiming at better quality of life for young children in Hanoi

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2016, 21:45

40 436 0
Idea for IELTS writing task 2 topic food  diet hướng dẫn brainstorm, lập dàn ý

Idea for IELTS writing task 2 topic food diet hướng dẫn brainstorm, lập dàn ý

... Statista, số liệu người tiêu dùng Mỹ trì mức tăng trưởng dương từ năm 20 14 (187 tỉ USD) 20 18 (29 9.6 tỉ USD) sụt giảm vào năm 20 19 20 20 (27 2 tỉ USD) bùng nổ đại dịch COVID-19 Sự chững lại thị trường đồ ... tưởng Idea for IELTS Writing Task – Topic Food & Diet A – Một số luận điểm để đánh giá tính thiết thực giải pháp đưa dựa việc: (1) xác định mối đe dọa tới an ninh lương thực giới phân tích (2) tính ... này, thí sinh cần cân nhắc đưa thesis statement phù hợp để tránh mắc lỗi logic Ý tưởng Idea for IELTS Writing Task – Topic Food & Diet • Xét lợi ích, thức ăn nhanh ưa chuộng tiện lợi mức giá hợp

Ngày tải lên: 26/12/2021, 15:38

19 13 0
47 new topics for ielts speaking part 2 may august 2016 band

47 new topics for ielts speaking part 2 may august 2016 band

... company and its brand, particularly in the United States Fortune magazine named Apple the most admired company in the United States in 20 08, and in the world in 20 08, 20 09, and 20 10 36.Describe something ... and explain why you have this goal Band 8.5 Model Answer for IELTS SPeaking Part 2: I have a long desire to learn Chinese as a second foreign language, but even with my passion, I still have ... Answer for IELTS SPeaking Part 2: There are numerous happy events in my life that I can recall and among them, I would like to talk about the time when my family gathered to make the Chung cake for

Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2022, 07:41

56 3 0


... problems (like you can find in most big cities) 15 IELTS Speaking Part 2: Preparing vocabulary My main tip for speaking part is to prepare good vocabulary for common topics On the task card, the last ... 40 TIPS FOR IELTS SPEAKING PART – BY SIMON IELTS Speaking Part Tips Before the exam, prepare ideas for the six main topics: Describe an object (a gift, ... is forced to interrupt My tip is to give your answer then stop and smile, showing the examiner that you are ready for the next question Part 2: tell a story In the context of speaking part 2,

Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2022, 22:05

35 9 0
100 model essays for IELTS writing task 2

100 model essays for IELTS writing task 2

... ESSAYS for IELTS Writing 100 Model Essays for IELTS Writing Task By: Jadon Nguyen Contents Part 1: Argumentative/Opinion/Agree or Disagree essays Part 2: Discussion essay 24 Part ... Effects /Problems and Solutions essays 44 Part 4: Advantages / Disadvantages essays 64 Part 5: Two -part question essays 84 Part 1: Argumentative/Opinion/Agree or Disagree ... about individual privacy The Cambridge Analytica scandal, for example, highlighted the potential for exploitation of personal information for political purposes As more aspects of our lives become

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2023, 01:09

105 14 0
Vocabulary for  IELTS Writing task 1

Vocabulary for IELTS Writing task 1

... in Italy from 20 00 to 20 12, while there was a exponential improvement number in France, seven fold that of Italy 10 years ago 2. Tổng số lượng nữ nam làm tăng nhẹ năm 20 05, 18% 25 % theo thứ tự ... opposite was true for the case of ( trường hợp ngược lại) Holland and Thailand, varying from 15% to 25 % in the last century PRACTICE STRUCTURE 1.Số lượng điện tiêu thụ từ năm 20 00 đến 20 12 giảm mạnh ... end of 20 15 3.Mức khí thãi CO2 nhiều nơi giới dự đoán dao động mạnh từ đến 10 triệu tấn/ đầu người từ năm 20 30 đến 20 50 Ngược lại, tổng số xe cũ thãi nhiều khí thãi giảm mạnh trước năm 20 50, thấp

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2024, 22:45

12 7 0
english 101 series 101 model answers for ielts writing task 2 set 2

english 101 series 101 model answers for ielts writing task 2 set 2

... 3English 101 Series: 101 model answers for part 1 of the IELTS speaking moduleEnglish 101 Series: 101 model answers for part 2 of the IELTS speaking moduleEnglish 101 Series: 101 model answers for part 3 of the IELTS speaking module ... English 101 Series: 101 model answers for IELTS writing task 1English 101 Series: 101 model answers for IELTS writing task 2 Trang 4English 101 Series: 101 phrasal verbs (set 1)English 101 Series: 101 phrasal verbs (set 2) English 101 Series: 101 slang terms (set 1)English 101 Series: 101 slang terms (set 2) English 101 Series: 101 conversation phrases ... Universities alsooffer further education for people who have worked in particular fields for manyyears and who need to develop their knowledge, particularly as fresh developments have happened in their areas of expertise Trang 24 Furthermore, taking a university course provides people with the opportunity tomix with other students and academics

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2024, 23:52

152 0 0
101 model answers for ielts writing task 2 set 3

101 model answers for ielts writing task 2 set 3

... To summarise, I don’t believe that private schools automatically provide anadvantage to their students, but even if they do, they are offering a service thatparents are willing to pay for and there is no difference between this and offeringcheap food and expensive food 29 2 words 12 Some people think that the only way to learn a foreign languageperfectly is to live in a country where it is widely spoken ... However, it is clearly impossible for all families to afford this, sosuch trips generally need to be economical in order to be inclusive Trang 22 14 Children should be forced to read novels from every major genreincluding science fiction, sport, romance, horror and crime ... To summarise, in a purely business sense, it may be important for employers toknow certain personal information about potential employees However, I thinkthat this is outweighed by the need for businesses to be part of how we want oursociety to behave 27 6 words

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2024, 23:52

214 0 0
47 new topics for IELTS speaking part 2 and model answers

47 new topics for IELTS speaking part 2 and model answers

... company and its brand, particularly in the United States Fortune magazine named Apple the most admired company in the United States in 20 08, and in the world in 20 08, 20 09, and 20 10 36.Describe something ... it with why you shared it IELTS Material | HTTP://IELTSMATERIAL.COM http://ieltsmaterial.com and explain how you felt about sharing it Sample Answer for IELTS Speaking Part I shared my depression ... gave it to you how you played with it and explain why it was special for you Band 8.5 Model Answer for IELTS Speaking Part 2: I have many toys in my childhood and at different stages, I prefer

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2016, 14:13

56 1,5K 0


... http://ieltsmaterial.com 55 NEW TOPICS FOR IELTS SPEAKING PART (September – December 20 16) NEW UPDATED TOPICS (These topics haven’t been appeared in the previous actual IELTS speaking ... time you missed an appointment for something You should say: When and where it happened What the appointment was for IELTS MATERIAL | HTTP://IELTSMATERIAL.COM http://ieltsmaterial.com What happened ... prepare for it Where you would have this business And explain why you would like to this business 24 Describe a wild animal You should say: IELTS MATERIAL | HTTP://IELTSMATERIAL.COM http://ieltsmaterial.com

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2017, 08:15

10 1,1K 4
Best material for ielts writing task 1 + 2 vocabulary 2023

Best material for ielts writing task 1 + 2 vocabulary 2023

... envisage…  If + (subject 1) + past participle, then (subject 2) + would + verb USEFUL NOTES FOR IELTS IN 20 23 10 USEFUL NOTES FOR IELTS IN 20 23 Structuring Part  I’m going to talk about…  I’d ... USEFUL NOTES FOR IELTS IN 20 23 IELTS VOCABULARY FOR WRITING TASK + BAND 8.0 +_NEW EDITION 20 23 The graph shows that = these data sources clearly communicate ... that… will…by  It is forecasted…/projected that… USEFUL NOTES FOR IELTS IN 20 23  Another prediction/projection/forecast/anticipation…  It is estimated that… in /for the foreseeable future 

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2023, 19:00

11 3 0
2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 9 pps

2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 9 pps

... grow 16 fade 17 rise 18.set 19.turn 20 .change 21 .erode 22 .spread 23 .meander 24 burn 25 smoulder 26 crumble 27 .expand 28 contract 29 stretch 30 crack 31.spill 32. explode 33.ring 34.sink 35 float ... error 20 a tiny car 21 a giant building 22 wide avenue 23 .ashallowpool 24 .atall man 25 A narrow alleyway Page 32 Shape & features answers A 1E 2D 3.J 4F 5A OL 7.G 8H 91 10.K 11B 12. C B 1B 2A ... A Big: 3 45 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 Small: 1 (note the pronunciation: /mal’nju:t/) 2 8 13 21 B 1 along-distance journey 2. agreatdealoftime 3.dozensoftimes 4.A minute amount

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:21

15 592 0
2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 8 pptx

2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 8 pptx

... specific vocabulary Task 2: Complete these sentences with an appropriate word or expression from A, B or C 1 19 Tonight's of ‘Hamlet’ begins at 7.30 A perform B performing C performance Camford ... disadvantages as well For a start, the 12 can be very high - renting an apartment, for example, is very expensive And as the city is expanding, there are a lot of 13 where new apartments are continually ... and offices where they work, Unfortunately, this is something that most large capital cities lack It’sa melting pot for people from all parts of the world Don’t forget to keep a record of the

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:21

12 572 0
2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 6 docx

2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 6 docx

... funding the 21 and 22 and all the other people who work for the legal system, and put the money instead into supporting deprived areas which are the breeding grounds for crime We in the ConLab Party ... in 12 packaging which decomposes easily At the same time, we should make a conscious effort to avoid foods which are 13 {at least until someone proves that they are safe both for us and for ... expressions from Tasks 1 and 2 In some cases, more than one answer may be possible You may need to change the form of some of the words A cure for the future in the past? For over fifty years, the

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:21

12 522 0
2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 5 ppsx

2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 5 ppsx

... situations Use the words in bold to help you decide 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 The company you work for is well-known for its job security © @ You were suddenly made redundant © ... computer And the fear of 20 prevents many from 21 to the Internet Many argue that the government should impose stricter 22 to prevent such things happening But others argue that 23 is the keystone ... fill in the gaps using the appropriate word from A, Bor ÁIejnqe2oA 21 JI2ds 2Ido3 He didn‘t get a good grade the first time he did his IELTS exam, so decided to it A resit B remake C repair : People

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:21

12 510 0
2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 4 pptx

2 dictionary cambridge english grammar check your vocabulary for ielts phần 4 pptx

... value of something =eter Collin Publishing © 20 01 For reference, see the English Dictionary for Students (1-901659-06 -2) Asejngesoa Trang 9 general vocabulary 40 Confusing words & false friends ... shortly before the conflict began, the army pulled down the border posts - The minister spoke about the need for political reform 9 channel /canal Á1eInqe2oA je1oue6 The television received a formal ... it 23 permission / permit I'm afraid we can’t photography in here They received to attend the sessions as long as they didn’t interrupt Trang 12 Confusing words & false friends 24 25 26

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:21

12 530 0

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