virtual private network remote access in windows 2000

Virtual Private Networking in Windows 2000: An Overview

Virtual Private Networking in Windows 2000: An Overview

... public internetwork in a manner that emulates the properties of a point-to-point private link. The act of configuring and creating a virtual private network is known as virtual private networking. ... authenticating server) and all VPN client computers. • PPTP can be used by computers running Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT version 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition (ME), Windows 98, and Windows ... administrators set up a master account database at the directory server or primary domain controller, or on a RADIUS server. Support in Windows 2000 The Routing and Remote Access service in Windows...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 09:15

25 273 0
Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

... SUMMARY  VPNs do not make use of dedicated  leased lines  VPNs send data through a secure tunnel  that leads from one endpoint to another   VPNs keep critical business  communications private and secure  VPN components  VPN servers  VPN clients  Protocols 39 TUNNELING PROTOCOLS  Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)  Provides better security through IPSec  IPSec enables L2TP to perform  Authentication  Encapsulation  Encryption 18 TUNNELING PROTOCOLS  Secure Shell (SSH)  Provides authentication and encryption  Works with UNIX­based systems  Versions for Windows are also available  Uses public­key cryptography  Socks V. 5  Provides proxy services for applications   That do not usually support proxying  Socks version 5 adds encrypted authentication and  support for UDP 20 16 ENCRYPTION SCHEMES USED BY  VPNS (CONTINUED)  Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (continued)  Steps  Server uses its private key to decode pre­master code  Generates a master secret key  Client and server use it to generate session keys  Server and client exchange messages saying handshake is  completed  SSL session begins 34 SUMMARY (CONTINUED)  VPN types  Site­to­site  Client­to­site  Encapsulation encloses one packet within  another   Conceals the original information  VPN protocols  Secure Shell (SSH)  Socks version 5  Point­to­Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)  Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) 40 Virtual Private Network (VPN)  29 BIếN ĐổI ĐÓNG GÓI TRONG VPN  (ENCAPSULATION)  Các buớc trong tiến trình VPN   Đóng gói (Encapsulation)  Mã hoá (Encryption)  Xác thực (Authentication)  Encapsulation  Đóng gói dữ liệu và các thông số khác nhau  Ví dụ như IP header  Bảo vệ tính nguyên vẹn dữ liệu 15 31 27 VPN CORE ACTIVITY 2: ENCRYPTION  Encryption  Process of rendering information unreadable  by all but the intended recipient  Components  Key  Digital certificate  Certification Authority (CA)  Key exchange methods  Symmetric cryptography  Asymmetric cryptography  Internet Key Exchange  FWZ 28 12 SUMMARY (CONTINUED)  IPSec/IKE  Encryption makes the contents of the  packet unreadable  Authentication ensures participating  computers are authorized users  Kerberos: strong authentication system  VPN advantages  High level of security at low cost  VPN disadvantages  Can introduce serious security risks 41 24 10 25 5 ENCRYPTION SCHEMES USED BY  VPNS  Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES)  Used by many VPN hardware and software  3DES is a variation on Data Encryption Standard  (DES)  DES is not secure  3DES is more secure  Three separate 64­bit keys to process data  3DES requires more computer resources than DES 30 WHY ESTABLISH A VPN?  VPN combinations  Combining VPN hardware with software adds  layers of network security  One useful combination is a VPN bundled with a  firewall  VPNs do not eliminate the need for firewalls  Provide flexibility and versatility 13 FIREWALL CONFIGURATION FOR  VPNS 37 Protocol ... SUMMARY  VPNs do not make use of dedicated  leased lines  VPNs send data through a secure tunnel  that leads from one endpoint to another   VPNs keep critical business  communications private and secure  VPN components  VPN servers  VPN clients  Protocols 39 TUNNELING PROTOCOLS  Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)  Provides better security through IPSec  IPSec enables L2TP to perform  Authentication  Encapsulation  Encryption 18 TUNNELING PROTOCOLS  Secure Shell (SSH)  Provides authentication and encryption  Works with UNIX­based systems  Versions for Windows are also available  Uses public­key cryptography  Socks V. 5  Provides proxy services for applications   That do not usually support proxying  Socks version 5 adds encrypted authentication and  support for UDP 20 16 ENCRYPTION SCHEMES USED BY  VPNS (CONTINUED)  Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (continued)  Steps  Server uses its private key to decode pre­master code  Generates a master secret key  Client and server use it to generate session keys  Server and client exchange messages saying handshake is  completed  SSL session begins 34 SUMMARY (CONTINUED)  VPN types  Site­to­site  Client­to­site  Encapsulation encloses one packet within  another   Conceals the original information  VPN protocols  Secure Shell (SSH)  Socks version 5  Point­to­Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)  Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) 40 Virtual Private Network (VPN)  29 BIếN ĐổI ĐÓNG GÓI TRONG VPN  (ENCAPSULATION)  Các buớc trong tiến trình VPN   Đóng gói (Encapsulation)  Mã hoá (Encryption)  Xác thực (Authentication)  Encapsulation  Đóng gói dữ liệu và các thông số khác nhau  Ví dụ như IP header  Bảo vệ tính nguyên vẹn dữ liệu 15 31 27 VPN CORE ACTIVITY 2: ENCRYPTION  Encryption  Process of rendering information unreadable  by all but the intended recipient  Components  Key  Digital certificate  Certification Authority (CA)  Key exchange methods  Symmetric cryptography  Asymmetric cryptography  Internet Key Exchange  FWZ 28 12 SUMMARY (CONTINUED)  IPSec/IKE  Encryption makes the contents of the  packet unreadable  Authentication ensures participating  computers are authorized users  Kerberos: strong authentication system  VPN advantages  High level of security at low cost  VPN disadvantages  Can introduce serious security risks 41 24 10 25 5 ENCRYPTION SCHEMES USED BY  VPNS  Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES)  Used by many VPN hardware and software  3DES is a variation on Data Encryption Standard  (DES)  DES is not secure  3DES is more secure  Three separate 64­bit keys to process data  3DES requires more computer resources than DES 30 WHY ESTABLISH A VPN?  VPN combinations  Combining VPN hardware with software adds  layers of network security  One useful combination is a VPN bundled with a  firewall  VPNs do not eliminate the need for firewalls  Provide flexibility and versatility 13 FIREWALL CONFIGURATION FOR  VPNS 37 Protocol ... IP 51 L2TP PPTP IP 17 IP 6 UDP TCP 1701 GRE/PPTP Data IP 47 1723 TUNNELING PROTOCOLS  Point­to­Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)  Used when you need to dial in to a server with  a modem connection  On a computer using an older OS version  Encapsulates TCP/IP packets  Header contains only information needed to  route data from the VPN client to the server  Uses Microsoft Point­to­Point Encryption  (MPPE)  Encrypt data that passes between the remote computer  and the remote access server  L2TP uses IPSec encryption  More secure and widely supported 17 NỘI DUNG  Nguyên lý VPN  Các biến đổi đóng gói trong VPNs  Mã hoá trong VPNs  Xác thực trong VPNs  Ưu nhược điểm của VPNs 2 VPN CORE ACTIVITY 3:  AUTHENTICATION  Authentication  Identifying a user or computer as authorized to  access and use network resources  Types of authentication methods used in VPNs  IPSec  MS­CHAP  Both computers exchange authentication packets and  authenticate one another  VPNs use digital certificates to authenticate users 35 ...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 10:44

41 662 2


... của L2F(Layer 2 Forwarding của Cisco System) và tính kết nối nhanh Point - to Point của PPTP (Point to Point Tunnling Protocol của Microsoft). Trong môi trường Remote Access L2TP cho phép khởi ... hiện nay là VPN truy cập từ xa (Remote- Access ) và VPN điểm-nối-điểm (site-to-site). 1. VPN Remote Access - Remote Access VPNs cho phép truy cập bất cứ lúc nào bằng Remote, mobile, và các thiết ... (such as Remote Authentication Dial -In User Service [RADIUS], Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus [TACACS+]…). 1.5 PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling Protocol) - Được sử dụng trên...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 21:03

12 402 0
Configuring an IP Address and Default Gateway in Windows 2000

Configuring an IP Address and Default Gateway in Windows 2000

... Inc. Step 1: Log in Log in as Administrator. On a typical system, only the administrator can configure an IP address. Step 2: Configure TCP/IP to use a static IP address Right-click My Network ... entered in the table in the Procedures step of this lab. 7. Click OK. 8. Click OK to close the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box. 9. Minimize the Network And Dial-Up Connections window. ... 2002, Cisco Systems, Inc. Step 4: As a test of the configuration, use Internet Control Messaging Protocol (ICMP), better known as ping. 1. At the command prompt type ping

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 01:15

3 449 0
Thí nghiệm TTDL & Mạng máy tính - Bài 3: VPN (VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK)

Thí nghiệm TTDL & Mạng máy tính - Bài 3: VPN (VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK)

... Routing and Remote Access nhấn vào Remote Access Policies nhấn chuột phải vào Connections to Microsoft Routing and Remote Access server chọn Properties. Trên thẻ Setting chọn Grant remote access ... mới (Network Interface trong Routing and Remote Access) 9. Nhấn OK. Trên trang Address Range Assignment nhấn Next 10. Trên trang Managing Multiple Remote Access Servers chọn No, use Routing ... the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup nhấn Finish Tiếp theo ta cấu hình giao diện quay số yêu cầu 1. Trên Routing and Remote Access chọn SIM01 và nhấn chuột phải vào network Interface...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 09:15

19 560 1
Adding Users in Windows 2000

Adding Users in Windows 2000

... following equipment is required for this exercise: • A system running Windows 2000 with Administrative Tools enabled Scenario The Air Guitar Company has just installed a new system running Windows ... Systems, Inc. Lab 8.3.1: Adding Users in Windows 2000 Estimated Time: 10 Minutes Objective • Describe the role and purpose of user accounts. • Plan and create local and domain user accounts. ... the user name, password and domain to log on as the Administrator. In this lab, the student will create two user accounts in Windows 2000. Log on as the Administrator and create the first...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 12:15

4 224 0
Tài liệu Module 1: Introduction to Active Directory in Windows 2000 pptx

Tài liệu Module 1: Introduction to Active Directory in Windows 2000 pptx

... Methods for Administering a Windows 2000 Network 19 Review 24 Module 1: Introduction to Active Directory in Windows 2000 Module 1: Introduction to Active Directory in Windows 2000 9 ... the directory service in Windows 2000. Module 1: Introduction to Active Directory in Windows 2000 19 # ## # Methods for Administering a Windows 2000 Network ! Using Active Directory ... structure. 10 Module 1: Introduction to Active Directory in Windows 2000 Domains ! A Domain Is a Security Boundary $ A domain administrator can administer only within the domain, unless explicitly...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15

30 535 0
Tài liệu Managing User Accounts in Windows 2000 docx

Tài liệu Managing User Accounts in Windows 2000 docx

... Systems, Inc. Step 2: Changing a Password 1. Right-click on the studentA1 account and click Set Password. Type in a new password and then type it again to confirm the password. Step 3: Resetting ... Type it in and then confirm it. Log in with the studentA1 account. 4. Log off as studentA1. Step 4: Deleting an Account 1. Open the Computer Management screen from administrative tools in the ... password on next login” box will display. Click OK to exit. 3. Log off as the administrator and log on with the studentA1 account. When logging back on, a message prompting will be displayed...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 15:15

2 296 0
Tài liệu Assigning Permissions in Windows 2000 pptx

Tài liệu Assigning Permissions in Windows 2000 pptx

... the chart in Step 1, begin adding user accounts and group accounts by selecting them in the name box and clicking the Add button. Again, do so according to the chart in Step 1, then click OK. ... v2.0 - Lab 8.4.3 Copyright  2002, Cisco Systems, Inc. Lab 8.4.3: Assigning Permissions in Windows 2000 Estimated Time: 30 Minutes Objective In this exercise, the student will learn how to ... on the scenario that is described in the following section. Equipment The following equipment is required for this exercise: • A computer running Windows 2000 formatted with NTFS Scenario...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 15:15

6 372 0
Tài liệu Writing a Script in Windows 2000 doc

Tài liệu Writing a Script in Windows 2000 doc

... 8.5.6: Writing a Script in Windows 2000 Estimated Time: 30 Minutes Objective The objective of this lab is to learn how to write a script in Windows 2000. Equipment The following equipment ... equipment is required for this exercise: • A computer running Windows 2000 Professional Scenario The system administrator needs to create a script in the startup folder that will display on the users ... Greeting = Greeting & " I like the name Steve." End IF End IF MsgBox Greeting 3. Save the document as “Greeting.vbs” Note: If the student needs to edit changes after saving,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 15:15

3 350 0
Tài liệu Virtual Private Network (VPN) Implementation Options pptx

Tài liệu Virtual Private Network (VPN) Implementation Options pptx

... ip access- group GeneralMining in ip access- group GeneralMining out ! router rip network ! router ospf 1 network area 3 ! ip access- list FriedFoods ... deployed? mp900725.eps 87050021 07/15/00 steve gifford Virtual Networks Virtual Private Networks Virtual Dial-up Networks Virtual LANs Overlay VPN Peer-to-Peer VPN Layer 2 VPN Layer 3 VPN X.25 F/R ATM GRE IPSec Access lists (Shared ... ip access- group FriedFoods in ip access- group FriedFoods out ! interface serial 0/1/3 description GeneralMining – Mountain View Site Service provider networkFried Foods San...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:20

32 343 0
Tài liệu Assigning Permissions in Windows 2000 ppt

Tài liệu Assigning Permissions in Windows 2000 ppt

... v2.0 - Lab 7.1.2 Copyright  2002, Cisco Systems, Inc. Lab 7.1.2: Assigning Permissions in Windows 2000 Estimated time: 30 Minutes Objective In this exercise, the student will learn how to ... manage folders and assign access rights is an important capability of operating systems. This capability helps ensure data integrity by defining the level of user access. Step 1 First, create ... assign NTFS permissions to folders. Equipment The following equipment is required for this exercise: • A computer running Windows 2000 formatted with NTFS Scenario The boss needs a folder...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:20

3 279 0