... Great interest 44 21 16 28 22 140 (70.0) 88 (68 .2) 52 (73 .2) 65 (73.9) 25 (78.1) 50 ( 62. 5) Legal system Average interest 11 19 52 (26 .0) 36 (27 .9) 16 (22 .6) 20 (22 .7) (21 .9) 25 (31.3) No/ low interest ... Vietnam Completely true 28 21 12 10 27 25 123 ( 62. 4) 67 (53 .2) 56 (78.9) 49 (56.3) 22 (73.3) 52 (65.0) Partially true 23 10 22 67 (34.0) 52 (41.3) 15 (21 .1) 33 (37.9) (23 .3) 27 (33.8) Untrue 1 (3.6) ... % 26 .0 15.9 36.7 27 .1 28 .7 21 .7 14.8 30.9 Only partially Not satisfied No answer satisfied Num% Num% Num% ber ber ber 94 53.1 32 18.1 2. 8 42 60.9 12 17.4 5.8 26 43.3 12 20.0 0.0 26 54 .2 16.7 2. 1
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 06:15
... Writing Different forms of writing have been used to relay information since ancient times. People have communicated facts, lore, data, news, science, wisdom, and entertainment in writing using ... and prepare publications in many fields of technology, science, engineering, and medicine, including articles for technical and scientific journals, both in print and online. The publications may ... Electronics Engineering Entertainment Environment Film and documentaries Finance and banking Government Graphics design Information development Instructional design 6 Opportunities in Technical Writing
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:15
Lasers Applications in Science and Industry Part 2 pot
... approaching 1 022 W/cm2, depending on the particular laser system and on the achievable minimum focal spot size Aberrations prevent focusing in the diffraction limit, so minimizing... the area in ... absent in both area 1 and area 2, marked in Fig. 16(d). In area 2, even the composition of Y is absent in the EDS spectrum. Using the previous estimation with W ≧ 0. 12 mJ (fluence ≧ 320 mJ/cm 2 ... corresponding decrease... of coating design in more detail in this chapter Regarding the polishing and preparing of optics for coating, we have demonstrated in the case of an AR coating that using
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
Sustainable Growth and Applications in Renewable Energy Sources Part 2 pptx
... sold in case of non-production The 20 -20 20 Climate and Energy Package has modified the Emission Trading Scheme through the Directive 20 09 /29 /EC and it will enter into force from 20 13 to 20 20, in ... No.15, pp. 21 13 -21 22 Kemfert C., 20 04 Climate coalitions and international trade: assessment of cooperation incentives by issue linkage Energy Policy, Vol. 32, No.4, pp.455-465 20 Sustainable Growth ... highincome countries passes up the low-hanging fruit in the developing world” We think that European Member States must then take coordinated actions to reach the 20 20 -20 goals by implementing
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20
Waves in fluids and solids Part 2 pot
... sin 1 2 b 2r 2 1 r 2r sin 1 sin 2 cos 1 cos 2 2 2 1 r 2 cos 1 sin 2 sin 1 cos 2 1 r 2 1 r 2 1 r 2 1 r 2 sin 1 sin 2 ... ( 82) and 12 2 12 2 1 22 2 2 22 2 11 2sin , 111 . iiii i ere ree ir ab e rrr (83) We also compute the real and imaginary part of a (Brekhovskikh, ... 2 22 M 1 M 2 u 22 1 u21 M M ... 1 sin b sin M tD b sin cos M i Im a sin M 2 sin Im a M sin sin M sin Ce i 1 2 1C 2
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20
Electricity Infrastructures in the Global Marketplace Part 2 pptx
... approved in principle in November 20 05, with construction starting in 20 09 This will have two reactors modules, each of 25 0 MWt, using 9% enriched fuel ( 520 ,000 elements) giving 80 ... entered the EU in January 20 07 and both are interested in adding to their existing stock of reactors. 1.5.3 Nuclear Growth Since 1970 The biggest factor in the continued rise in the quantity ... started up in 1956 and was closed in 20 02. A total of 26 Magnox units were built between the 1950s and the 1970s. Eighteen were closed and the remaining 8 are scheduled to be closed by 2 011.
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 21:20
Advances in Flight Control Systems Part 2 doc
... geometric binding (which typically set in on real systems for rotation angles in excess of 15°. A 11 + A 12 0 0D 11 + D 12 ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ lam ε κ { } = A 11 + A 12 0 0D 11 + D 12 ⎡ ⎣ ... A 11 + A 12 0 0D 11 + D 12 ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ s αΔT 0 {} s + 0B 11 + B 12 B 11 + B 12 0 ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ a Λ 0 {} (3) κ= E a t s t a + 2t b t a + t a 2 ( ) Λ E s t s 3 12 + E a t s + 2t ... sin μ + T ( cos α sin β sin μ + sin α cos μ ) ⎤ − cos γ ⎥ ⎢ mV ⎣ ⎦ V ⎣ ⎦ (2) cos α ⎡ ⎢ cos β ⎢ X 2 = ⎢ − cos α tan β ⎢ sin α ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ sin α ⎤ ⎡0 sin γ + cos γ sin μ tan β ⎥ cos β ⎢ ⎥ cos γ sin
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 23:20
Advances in Vehicular Networking Technologies Part 2 pot
... 2 | Hv Hh |2 + | Hv |2 N0 + | Hh |2 N0 W ∗ = E s | Hv |2 + | Hh |2 (22 ) Rearranging (22 ) we obtain, W∗ = E s | Hv |2 + | Hh |2 v h E s | Hv |4 + | Hh |4 + 2 | Hv Hh |2 + | Hv |2 ... + | Hh |2 N0 (23 ) Assuming H = | Hv |2 + | Hh |2 , (23 ) becomes, W∗ = H v h N0 2 N0 + | Hh | | H | + | Hv | Es Es 2 (24 ) 2 Taking the conjugate on both side and adding the index... ... 1.68 0 .22 26 4 0.0391 1. 72 0.1903 5 0. 025 9 1.65 0.1 528 6 0.0198 1.60 0.1 322 7 0. 0118 1.69 0.1040 Table 2 Vehicle to vehicle channel model (Matolak et al., 20 06) The increase in capacity
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20
Advances in Vibration Analysis Research Part 2 docx
... 1655. 62 16 52. 23 ? ?2 327 9. 82 2978 .23 327 2.97 324 9.60 325 0. 92 324 4 .20 329 5.53 326 3.30 325 2.30 ω3 5585.75 529 6.73 5563.57 55 02. 19 5508.34 5488.74 5580.10 5 520 .47 5499.99 ω4 824 3.54 78 72. 83 820 8 .29 8093.94 ... Ahmed, 20 -Elem 30- Elem 40-Elem 20 -Elem 40-Elem 1971 ω1 1 12 4.69 1 12 4.69 1 12 1.93 1 12 1.8 1 12 1.67 1 12 1.61 FEM; 4-DOF/node 20 -Elem 40-Elem 1 12 1.61 1 12 1.61 ? ?2 1671.33 1678.87 1671.89 1668.37 1668 .25 1665.67 ... 106.0 62 105. 625 105.559 105.858 21 5.000 21 4.795 21 3.750 21 2 .20 7 21 2.786 21 2.813 21 0.897 21 1. 643 21 0.000 20 9.815 20 9.975 355.000 354.853 350.000 348. 920 349.843 349.063 347 .23 5 348.410 345. 625 345.876
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20
Electricity Infrastructures in the Global Marketplace Part 2 ppt
... approved in principle in November 20 05, with construction starting in 20 09 This will have two reactors modules, each of 25 0 MWt, using 9% enriched fuel ( 520 ,000 elements) giving 80 ... entered the EU in January 20 07 and both are interested in adding to their existing stock of reactors. 1.5.3 Nuclear Growth Since 1970 The biggest factor in the continued rise in the quantity ... started up in 1956 and was closed in 20 02. A total of 26 Magnox units were built between the 1950s and the 1970s. Eighteen were closed and the remaining 8 are scheduled to be closed by 2 011.
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20
New Trends and Developments in Automotive System Engineering Part 2 ppt
... 71,3% 2, 2% -36,1% 46,6% -28 ,5% 63 725 ,0% 30 ,2% 2 0 22 40 43 32 41 116 140 27 5 503 8 62 1.169 1.390 1. 711 16.587 16.8 82 17. 325 18.106 19 .28 0 20 .165 21 . 422 22 .453 22 .704 23 .410 24 .071 25 .086 24 .25 2 25 .939 ... 5.809 6. 527 7.436 Ethanol 8 21 9 709 853 1.504 2. 3 32 3.103 4 .28 0 4.546 4.974 5.641 5 .20 5 TOTAL 22 .491 21 . 611 21 .014 21 .460 20 .549 21 .070 22 . 124 26 .340 26 .306 26 .817 28 .905 29 .27 6 -13,9% 3 ,2% -2, 8% ... 25 .939 25 .804 8.059 8. 023 8.436 9 .23 5 11. 057 12. 946 14.156 14.7 72 13.770 13 .26 1 12. 995 12. 426 13 .115 13.560 13.595 5 .22 5 4.784 4.931 4.974 5.069 4.987 4 .23 3 3.933 3.594 2. 774 2. 170 2. 214 1.919 2. 466
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 07:20
Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 2 docx
... 2 2 ⎝ 8A2 4 π ξ>1.3 ξ 2 b2 − a2 ( ) FI with 67.50 rotator Fig 9b p4 6a 2 A2 ⎛ 2 2 4⎞ ⎜1 + ξ + ξ ⎟ ⎠ π4 ⎝ 3 ( ) p 2 A1 2 − 2 /π 2 ξ>1.3 ( ) p 2 A1 2 − 2 ξ 2 /π 2 p 2 ... 4.5±0.5 11 405 4.8 13 18 -21 9 5.3±0.5 7.4 5; 12- 15 1.4-4 .2 16 2. 5 17 1.6 18 19 1; 2. 3 19 4 1 1 5 19 0.51 20 2. 3 19 1 82 21 6 20 0.6 21 20 1; 2. 3 19 21 20 0.74 1 1 49 9 8.7 21 0.68 ... 3.89E-03 3. 12 2.38 4.06E-03 0.89 A2 2. 19 2. 08 3.89E-03 1 .11 2. 32 4.06E-03 1.65 A3 2. 05 2. 08 3.89E-03 1.33 2. 31 4.06E-03 2. 50 A4 1.81 2 .11 3.89E-03 1.05 2. 31 4.06E-03 2. 84 A5 1.86 2. 13 3.89E-03
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20
New Developments in Biomedical Engineering 2011 Part 2 doc
... scheme represented in figure 1 to a bi-dimensional space as shown in figure 2 Gc An-1 Dn3 Hc Gr ↓1 ,2 ↓1 ,2 Dn2 Gc ↓1 ,2 Dn1 Hc ↓1 ,2 An 2, 1 Hr 2, 1 rows Fig 2 Wavelet 2D decomposition... ... Tarvainen, M. & Karjalainen, P. (20 08). Tracking single-trial evoked potential changes with Kalman filtering and smoothing, 30th Annual Inter- national Conference of the IEEE Engineering in ... data-reusing adaptive learning of a radial basis function network for tracking evoked potentials, IEEE Transanctions on Biomedical Engineering 53 (2) : 22 6? ?23 7. Quiroga, R. Q. & Garcia, H. (20 03).
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 19:20
Recent Advances in Signal Processing 2011 Part 2 ppt
... Trans On Image Processing, Vol 16, No 9, pp 23 69 -23 78,... Proceedings of Picture Coding Symposium, April, 20 03, pp 23 -25 Babel, M.; Déforges, O & Ronsin, J (20 05) Interleaved S+P pyramidal ... and Signal Processing, Vol 153, issue 2, pp 22 4 -22 9, 6 April 20 06 Bourennane, S & Marot, J (20 06b) Optimization and interpolation for distorted... Then, the main feature of the FLAT ... Advances in Signal Processing 22 interest of the combination of DIRECT with spline interpolation comes from the elevated computational load of DIRECT. Details about DIRECT algorithm are available in
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 19:20
Class Notes in Statistics and Econometrics Part 2 pptx
... z 2 is F q (q) = 2F z ( √ q) −1 for q ≥ 0, and 0 for q < 0. [...]... 2x(E[x]) + (E[x] )2 ] (3.10.17) 2 2 = E[x ] − 2( E[x]) + (E[x]) = E[x2 ] − (E[x] )2 2 = E[x2 − 2xµ + 2 ] = E[x2 ... 2: the quantile function is 2 in (0, 1/36], 3 in (1/36,3/36], 4 in (3/36,6/36], 5 in (6/36,10/36], 6 in (10/36,15/36], 7 in (15/36 ,21 /36], 8 in (21 /36 ,26 /36], 9 in (26 ... gives him utility 48 − 0 − 16 = 32, and the uncertain one 60 − 4 − 25 ... + x2 ) 2 2x dx 1 = 1 + x2 2 d(x2 ) 1 = ln(1 + x2 ) 1 + x2 2 Rules about how to calculate with expected values (as
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 15:20
Kỹ thuật phục hồi và chỉnh sửa ảnh bằng photoshop tập 1 part 2 pdf
... hình 2. 25, người ta đang chỉnh sửa lại thông số cho bờ vai trên chiếc áo dài của người đàn bà Bằng cách click vào vùng cần phải làm cho trắng, Photoshop sẽ họa lại và xác định lại Hình 2. 22 ‘White ... ảnh chẳng hề bị ảnh - - hưởng gì trong khi Hình 2, 20 những mẫu màu lại cho bạn biết đích xác nơi những điểm trắng và đen hiện điện như hình 2. 22 8) Bây giờ bạn hãy mở thêm một lớp điểu chỉnh ... định lại Hình 2. 22 ‘White point Black point thong tin vé tong mau Trang 18 * Click que lấy mẫu màu đen, rồi click vào vùng cần thiết đặt lại màu đen Trong hình 2. 26, người ta đang cho đậm khu
Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Opportunities in technical writing careers part 11 doc
... coordinating illustration, proofreading, printing, and initial distribution. The editor may also prepare or coordinate style manuals and technical writing courses. A typical publications department ... the many types of technical writing and editing that we examined in Chapter 4. Industrial Companies Almost all government research contracts contain a clause that requires industrial companies to provide ... but you will work closely with the public relations staff in trying to place the articles in national magazines. To get a single article in shape, you may meet with a veritable barrage of management...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Toefl exam success in only 6 step part 11 ppt
... 1 12 Seoul, 121 -600 Republic of Korea Registration Phone: 82- 2-3 21 1- 123 3 Fax: 82- 2- 327 5-4 029 LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN Prometric, Inc. Latin America/Caribbean RRC 3110 Timanus Lane, Suite 20 0 Baltimore, ... EXCLUDING MOROCCO AND TUNISIA Prometric P.O. Box 21 8 Auckland Park, 20 06 South Africa Registration Phone: 27 -11- 713-0600 Fax: 27 -11- 4 82- 40 62 ASIAN COUNTRIES NOT IN OTHER CATEGORIES [SEE LISTING] Prometric, ... Box 110 9 6801 BC Arnhem The Netherlands Registration Phone: 31 -26 -3 52- 1577 Fax: 31 -26 -3 52- 127 8 INDIA Senior Plaza, 160-A, Guatam Nagar Yusuf Sarai: Behind Indian Oil Bldg. New Delhi 110 049 India Phone:...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 23:20
Lasers Applications in Science and Industry Part 11 potx
... hatching is unknown (Balaban et al., 20 02) . An increase in zona hardness has also been implicated during in vitro fertilization (Inoue & Wolf, 1975; Montag et al., 20 00; Balaban et al., 20 02) . ... determined partial hatching or thinning the zona is more effective. Implantation rates were 2. 8%, 9.1% and 8.1% in the complete hatching, partial hatching and zona thinning groups. Clinical pregnancy ... improved with 5 .2% , 18.3% and 22 .1%, respectively. Thinning in this study ablated the zona around 25 % of the embryo, leaving only the inner membrane of the zona pellucida intact in that section....
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20