Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A semantically-derived subset of English for hardware verification" pdf
... sample of specifications in English, so as to identify linguistic constructions and usages typical of specification discourse. We currently have a corpus of around a hundred sentences, most of ... correspond directly to the CTL operator AF. However because of the domain of (3a) a handshaking protocol, evidenced by the use of the verbs acknowledge and request it is in fact more ... yields a hierarchy of subsets of English. (This hierarchy is a theoretical entity constructed for our specific purposes, of course, not a general linguistic hypothesis about English. ) Our first...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu History of English Literature Elizabethan Literature pdf
... and of pieces of different descriptions to the poetical miscellanies of the time. Of these miscellanies and of the chief translations from the classics some little notice may be taken because of ... history of curiosities of literature of tentative and imperfect efforts, scarcely resulting in any real vernacular style at all. It is, however, emphatically the Period of Origins of modern English ... the mould of his sentences the natural order of English speech rather than the conventional syntax of Latin, and to elaborate for himself a clause-architecture or order, so to speak, of word-building,...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Development and Evaluation of a Broad-Coverage Probabilistic Grammar of English-Language Computer Manuals" pdf
... consists of the following 4 elements: ã Selection of application domain. ã Development of a manually-bracketed corpus (tree- bank) of the domain. ã Creation of a grammar with a large coverage of ... broad but not unrestricted range of sentence types and the availability of large corpora of computer manuals. We amassed a corpus of 40 million words, consisting of several hundred computer manuals. ... Imperative form of Verb (attempt, proceed) -ing form of Verb (containing, powering) Table 2: Sample of Lancaster part -of- speech labels its "correct parse" and is used to judge the...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 07:20
The use of technology by the elderly pdf
... men did not use mobile phone, whereas 59.4% of women and 93.3% of men used mobile phone. (Fig: 4). In regard to the use of hearing aids, 72.93% of women and 89.76% of men did not use it, whereas ... 0,7% of women and 6,6% of men. (Fig: 3). 78.3% of the participants used mobile phones. More in detail, regarding the use of mobile phones in relation to Sex, 40.6% of the women and 6.6% of ... 49.6% of women and 11.4% reported that they never used ATM, 27.0% of women AND 48.8% of men reported that they used ATM rarely, whereas 22.5% of women and 33.1% of men reported that they used...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 19:21
Senior 9 term 3 use of english and reading
... it's really taken off. My favourite poem has been ___________ to music and sounds beautiful as a song. Page 5 of 5 End of exam Total /40 Senior 9 – Term 3 Name:__________ Use of English and Reading Class:__________ ... root B spring C font D source Page 6 of 5 Part 2 (10 marks) For questions 13-22, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits ... caused by great masses of air rising and mixing, for the atmosphere is never still. Some of the motion is (10)__________ the fact that the envelope of gases rests on a spinning globe; because...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 21:44
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