Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 11:21
... the minimum to per- mit adequate inferences that remain statistically sound [31]. Increasing the number of clusters is statistically pref- erable to increasing the number of households or individ- uals ... from responders. Furthermore, investigators can interview only households of which at least one surviving member remains, intro- ducing the possibility of under-estimation of mortality due to entire households dying or ... representative of the underlying population? • Did the authors use random sampling to determine households or settings sampled? • Do the investigators succeed in interviewing a large pro- portion...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:31
Báo cáo y học: "Autofluorescent Proteins as Photosensitizer in Eukaryonte"
... Lamin B1-localized KRED protein Figure 5 Physical map of the vector expressing the fusion protein KRED-Lamin B1. The Lamin B1 was inserted into the MCS. (The Lamin B1 sequence was kindly ... necrosis as a response to caspase activation as documented by the Barros Okada group 22 . With increasing duration of light exposure of HeLa cells expressing the KRED-Lamin B1 protein, the ... expressing the fused KRED-Lamin B1 protein is slightly lower but in phase with the HeLa cell num- ber’s decrease (155, 150, 138, 126, 119, and 103 meas- ured at identical time points as above)...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:48
... tin tư liệ u. - 22 - 1.3. Kinh nghiệm về chiến lược Marketing du lịch của các nước 1.3.1. Chương trình chiến lược Marketing du lịch hiện đại: Qua thời gian, quan điểm của Marketing ... 11 1.3 Kinh nghiệm về chiến lược Marketing du lịch của các nước 12 1.3.1 Chương trình chiến lược Marketing du lịch hiện đại 12 1.3.2 Kinh nghiệm thực hiện chiến lược Marketing du lịch ... lược Marketing không có yếu tố tình cảm sẽ không hiệu quả. BỘ GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC KINH TẾ THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHI MINH LÊ MẠNH HÀ ĐỊNH HƯỚNG CHIẾN LƯỢC MARKETING DU...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2013, 17:02
Using the Personal Address Book
... ] Using the Personal Address Book Outlook 2003 supports the Contacts folder as an address book service as well as the personal address book (PAB). Although Outlook supports the use of a ... instructions on using Import and Export. In past versions, the PAB was the only way you could have distribution lists in Outlook, but because Outlook 2003 supports distribution lists in the Contacts ... Contacts folders and which address book is listed first. Open the address book using Tools, Address Book, and then choose the Tools, Options menu to display the Addressing dialog (see Figure 7.8 )....
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 07:15
Configuring an IP Address and Default Gateway in Windows 2000
... Cisco Systems, Inc. Step 1: Log in Log in as Administrator. On a typical system, only the administrator can configure an IP address. Step 2: Configure TCP/IP to use a static IP address Right-click ... 2002, Cisco Systems, Inc. Step 4: As a test of the configuration, use Internet Control Messaging Protocol (ICMP), better known as ping. 1. At the command prompt type ping ... adapters in the computer. 3. Record the current TCP/IP configuration settings for your local area connection in the following table: Current IP Address Configuration IP address: Subnet mask:...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 01:15
... inflammation Decrease pain Increase collagen (base component of connective tissue) Increase bone density Increase angiogenesis (development of new blood cells) PRP Preparation and Treatment Platelet-rich plasma ... for revascularization of injured area (new blood vessels in injured area), construction of new tissue, and hemostasis (stops bleeding). According to an article in the Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal ... significantly increasing the percentage of platelets in the sample (94%). Physiological Effects of PRP Therapy Because platelets play a significant role in the healing of tissue, reintroducing a high...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 21:15
The use of hypothesis-testing statistics in clinical trials
... continuation, not maintenance, phase efficacy, which I would define as 6 months or longer (Ghaemi, 2007). In many recent maintenance relapse prevention studies of lamotrigine, lithium is included as ... if aspirin prevents heart attacks, but did it also lead to lower death rates? Did it pre- vent stroke too perhaps? What kinds of side eects did it cause? Did it cause gastrointestinal bleeding? ... with a nding in favor of aspirin. In subgroup analyses by astrological sign, the authors found that patients born under Gemini or Libra experienced “a slightly adverse eect of aspirin on mortality...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 11:20
A study on how to use some common punctuation marks in writing english
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51
Can i freeze it how to use the most versatile appliance in your kitchen
... Place a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or plastic wrap in the freezer and chill for 10 to 20 minutes. Place the food in a single layer on the lined baking sheet, leaving about 1 inch between ... thinly slice the meat into 1 ⁄ 4 -inch-wide, 2-inch- long strips. Pork: Use tenderloin. Use a paring knife to remove any fat and sinew from the tender- loin. Cut the tenderloin in half lengthwise to create ... humor—there was no air- conditioning in the studio! It was fun, but not always easy. To Frigidaire, for the loan of a smart standup, frost-free freezer that was a great help during the writing, testing,...
Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 11:01
Tài liệu Chapter 19. Mail and Address Book Email is a fast, cheap, convenient communication medium. pptx
... both incoming and outgoing servers.) Chapter 19. Mail and Address Book Email is a fast, cheap, convenient communication medium. In fact, these days, anyone who doesn't have an email address ... are the most common kind on the Internet. A POP server transfers your incoming mail to your hard drive before you read it, which works fine as long as you're only using one computer to ... servers using a Windows program like Outlook. Corporate geeks like Exchange servers because they're easy to set up and maintain, and because they offer many of the same features as IMAP servers....
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu 19.10. Address Book pdf
... old contacts safely transferred into Address Book. Tip: If you've got contacts in the online Yahoo Address Book, you can sync them up with your Mac OS X Address Book a new feature in ... the Contacts or Info tab, turn on "Synchronize Address Book Contacts. ") You can find Address Book in your Applications folder or (in a fresh installation of Mac OS X) in the Dock. 19.10.1. ... descriptive name (as shown in Figure 19-23 ). POWER USERS' CLINIC The Windows-to -Address- Book Journey Getting names and addresses out of one Mac program and into another is one thing. But what...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Computer and Internet Use by Children and Adolescents in 2001: Statistical Analysis Report pptx
... same pattern for family income: home computer use rates increase as family income increases, but use of computers at school remains relatively high across all levels of income. Similarly, figure ... income, and parent educational attainment) are also associated with differences in the ways children and adolescents use computers at home. In many cases, differences in how computers are used ... child and family/household characteristics and by location of use: 27 e-mail, and boys who use the Internet are more likely to use it for games, shopping, and finding information about...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Electrostatic contacts in the activator protein-1 coiled coil enhance stability predominantly by decreasing the unfolding rate docx
... displayed biphasic kinetics in the folding direction, indicating the existence of a folding interme- diate. In this study, it was ascertained that the first reaction phase was fast and concentration ... engineer increased protein–protein interaction stability at will; in particular, the ability to increase stability by kinetic design. For example, by achieving this predominantly by decelerating ... data point being the average of at least three kinetic transients. In the case of (A), k app has been corrected for peptide concentration according to Eqn 4b. Coiled coils and protein folding J....
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 13:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Humor as Circuits in Semantic Networks" doc
... meaningful surface form and need to be pruned. Feasible circuits are learned in a su- pervised way, where binary labels assign each can- didate circuit one of the two classes {feasible, infeasible} ... while maximiz- ing inter-script incongruity. As a measure of con- cept incongruity, we hierarchically cluster the entire ConceptNet using a Fast Community Detection al- gorithm (Clauset et al., ... searching for dual scripts that jointly maximize overlap and incongruity metrics in line with Raskin’s Semantic-Script Theory of Humor. Initial results show that a more relaxed constraint of...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The Use of Ooject-Special Knowledge in Natural Language Processing" doc
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20