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Tài liệu Design, Lifestyles and Sustainability. Aesthetic Consumption in a World of Abundance pptx

Tài liệu Design, Lifestyles and Sustainability. Aesthetic Consumption in a World of Abundance pptx

... tourists and organizations. In the words of Barbara Czarniawska, today’s organizations are faced with the frantic production of images which are circulated; a frantic translation of incoming images ... is associated with goods consumed, but that the accumulation and proliferation of cultural capital is more becoming a matter of practice: eating at particular restaurants, staying at particular ... col- lages of ‘ideal companies’; less frantic but steady attempts to translate those images into the local practices and vice-versa; and once again a production of self-images to be sent around...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20

13 503 0
Tài liệu Executive coaching: Developing managerial wisdom in a world of chaos doc

Tài liệu Executive coaching: Developing managerial wisdom in a world of chaos doc

... change the nature of their organization and the ways in which their managers and staff interacted. They wanted an organiza- tion that valued people, encouraged innovation and creativity, and ... hard as individuals and as a class. The cost of the workshop was approximately $40,000 plus hotel, travel, and meals for each participant. The event was part of a long-term change initiative ... most often resides in models of individual and organizational behavior that are overly simplified. Let us assume that a careful analysis of a large modern organization would demonstrate that...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 16:20

228 423 2
Tài liệu The wisdom of coaching: Essential papers in consulting psychology for a world of change pot

Tài liệu The wisdom of coaching: Essential papers in consulting psychology for a world of change pot

... Science and Practice, 2(1), 1-27. Morgan, R. B. (1989). Reliability and validity of a factor analytically derived measure of leadership behavior and characteristics. Educational and Psychological ... that have been developed and applied. De- spite these approaches, the data and lore of execu- tive derailment describe the carnage of careers that end too early or never blossom at all and of ... between a client who has managerial authority and responsi- bility in an organization and a consultant who uses a wide variety of behavioral techniques and meth- ods to help the client achieve a...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 16:20

384 1,1K 0
Tài liệu UNIT 7 : THE WORLD OF WORK –   Lesson 3 :  A.4

Tài liệu UNIT 7 : THE WORLD OF WORK – Lesson 3 : A.4

... to work hard at school and at home. Take a look at a typical grade 7 student like Hoa. She has five periods a day, six days a week. That is about 20 hours a week - fewer hours than any worker. ... hours a day Because they only work a few hours a day and have long vacation and have long vacation Tuesday, November 25 th , 2010 THE WORLD OF WORK Lesson3: A student’s work ( A4 ) I.Vocabulary: ... to say goodbye now ! Thank you for your attendence. Goodbye ! See you again ! Answer keys a. Because they only work a few hours a day and have a long vacation . b.Hoa works 20 hours a week at...

Ngày tải lên: 03/12/2013, 16:11

20 1,3K 2
Gián án UNIT 7 : THE WORLD OF WORK –   Lesson 3 :  A.4

Gián án UNIT 7 : THE WORLD OF WORK – Lesson 3 : A.4

... Reading: Many people think that students have an easy life: We only work a few hours a day and have long vacations. They don’t know we have to work hard at school and at home. Take a look at a typical ... only work a few hours a day and have long vacation and have long vacation Tuesday, November 25 th , 2010 THE WORLD OF WORK Lesson3: A student’s work( A4 ) I.Vocabulary: II. Reading: 1.Prediction 2. ... week Answer keys a. Because they only work a few hours a day and have a long vacation . b.Hoa works 20 hours a week at school. It is fewer than most workers work. c. Hoa works about 45 hours a...

Ngày tải lên: 03/12/2013, 16:11

20 840 0


... Establish a position in the industry 4. Create an advantage 5. Act early to take advantage of structural changes 6. Sustain the advantage 7. Global competition Competitive advantage of companies ... regulations. Competitive advantage of companies in global industries 62 5. Act early to take advantage of structural changes " Information plays an important role. " Innovators typically ... to sustain the advantage (high tech, production scale, cheap labor costs, cheap raw materials, etc.) " Have various sources of advantage. " Constantly innovate in order to create new...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 11:37

32 514 0
Tài liệu World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and Subregional Development Banks in Latin America: Dynamics of a System of Multilateral Development Banks ppt

Tài liệu World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and Subregional Development Banks in Latin America: Dynamics of a System of Multilateral Development Banks ppt

... Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, and Venezuela); CABEI in Belize, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama; and Argentina and Colombia outside ... this, we use a great amount of quantitative data from the annual reports and financial databases of MDBs that the FORO Nacional Internacional research program has been tracking periodically. The ... subregion, and; CDB in Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St....

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20

35 481 0
Tài liệu Controlling Fine Particulate Matter Under the Clean Air Act: A Menu of Options pdf

Tài liệu Controlling Fine Particulate Matter Under the Clean Air Act: A Menu of Options pdf

... Program Administrators (STAPPA) and the Association of Local Air Pollution Control Of cials (ALAPCO) are the two national associations of air quality of cials in the states, territories and ... a suitable replacement fuel available at an acceptable cost. Boiler owners must evaluate the availability, performance, and cost of the alternatives. While most industrialized areas have access ... next few years, well in advance of the second-phase CAIR caps. North Carolina law imposes similar limits, although with a later effective date. STAPPA and ALAPCO have conducted an analysis identifying...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 11:20

291 385 0
Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel

Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel

... But the atoms of a crystal are arranged in a precise lattice structure, stacked in regular rows, with regular spacing between them. Hence there are many pathways that a light beam may take through ... properties of a liquid because of the random arrangement of its atoms. Certain candies can become transparent via this method as well. Clearly, invisibility is a property that arises at the atomic ... Jones, NASA astronaut Alan Lightman, MIT, author of Einstein's Dreams Robert Zubrin, founder of Mars Society Donna Shirley, NASA Mars program John Pike, GlobalSecurity.org Paul Saffo,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:15

353 550 0


... Thus, accordingly, each soul has lived in a variety of bodies, even during the present round—having successively incarnated as a savage, a barbarian, a semi-civilized man, a native of India, Egypt, ... TEMPLE, CHICAGO, ILL. LONDON AGENTS L.N. FOWLER & CO., 7 IMPERIAL ARCADE, LUDGATE CIRCUS. E.C. (Reincarnation and the Law of Karma) In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says to Arjuna: "Know ... but hold that it is not eternal, or real-in-itself, but is practically identical with Maya, and may be regarded as a form of the Creative Energy of the Absolute, Brahman. This Maya (which while...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20

125 648 0
Forecasting UK GDP growth, inflation and interest rates under structural change: a comparison of models with time-varying parameters potx

Forecasting UK GDP growth, inflation and interest rates under structural change: a comparison of models with time-varying parameters potx

... influence of time-varying parameters and a large information set on forecast performance. The TVAR model that uses the lag of inflation as the threshold variable consistently delivers more accurate ... draw is discarded – c j−1 = c j−1 and γ j−1 = γ j−1 and proceed to STEP 1. The values of σ c and σ γ have been calibrated to deliver an appropriate acceptance rate. F.13 Calculating the marginal ... Paper No. 450 May 2012 39 Table E RMSE of each model relative to an AR(1) model for the interest rate Diebold-Mariano forecast evaluation statistic relative to an AR(1) model for interest rate 1976-2007...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 14:20

56 469 1
Audit under fire: a review of the post-financial crisis inquiries ppt

Audit under fire: a review of the post-financial crisis inquiries ppt

... regular and at an early stage in relation to each year’s audit. ACCA also encouraged trilateral meetings between the regulator, auditor and audit committees of major institutions, as the failure ... part of being an accountant and a blanket ban on the provision of non-audit services to audit clients would start to position audit as a specialist activity, rather than a central part of business ... that taxpayer funding would be available as a last resort. Their report also raised a wider issue of whether an auditor can responsibly risk a run on that bank by giving any sort of qualication...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

20 408 0
Next Generation Connectivity: A review of broadband Internet transitions and policy from around the world pdf

Next Generation Connectivity: A review of broadband Internet transitions and policy from around the world pdf

... Berkman Center staff and interns and the Harvard Law School Library staff. Catherine Bracy Ramesh Nagarajan Bruce Etling Caroline Nolan Sawyer Carter Jacobs Antwaun Wallace Colin Maclay Catherine ... Anjali Dalal Olivier Sautel Gildas de Muizon Marta Stryszowska Jan Gerlach Lara Srivastava Jock Given Andrea Von Kaenel Hank Greenberg Asa Wilks (statistics: urbanicity & poverty; actual ... States 0 40 80 120 160 Italy Greece Luxembourg Czech Portugal United Austria Germany Finland Denmark Ireland Sweden Netherlands Slovak Norway Hungary Switzerland Poland Spain Iceland New Zealand Australia Belgium South Korea France United Turkey Japan Mexico Canada Source:...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

232 669 0